《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 2: Catching up


Chapter 2: Catching up.

Class finally ended, coming out of the class, Jasper was arm in arm with his new girlfriend introduced her to his friends who were waiting for him in the hall, outside his class. "Everybody, please meet Diamond."

"Hi, Diamond!" Icelyn, Amethyst, and Golden greeted the neon blue haired girl in unison.

Staring at both Icelyn and Amethyst, she glared at them before smiling. "Glad to meet you too." Proceeding to turn to Golden, she wink at him before giving Jasper a peck on the cheek. "I will see you later honey. It is nice meeting your friends, you all seem like a cool bunch!"

"See you later, darling!" Jasper shared a kiss with his girlfriend before she ran off to find her friends who were waiting for her at the school hall's entrance.

"How was class everybody?" Catching up with his classmates is now his priority. "Who wants to start sharing their experience."

"I will start! We all know you will boast about flirting with some random guy" Amethyst butt in, before Icelyn could open her mouth, with sarcasm in the former's voice. "It was terrible overall. Some worthless guy tried to flirt with me but I put him in his place. The good part, I made friends with a girl named Monday with the personality of Wednesday Addams, just not her dressing style."

"My turn!" Icelyn smirked. "I met this guy who has a weird name called Parrot!"

"What the......."Golden interjected.

"Enjoyed flirting with him, making him nervous!"

"As usual..."Amethyst scoffed. "You are always playing mind games with guys!"

"Don't be such a tom boy....Not my fault I am able to attract guys better than you"Icelyn smirked before changing the subject. "Even more funny, my teacher is Mr Buffalo! Moo! Moo!"


"Cows moo, buffaloes bellow."

"Whatever, Amethyst, I am going to the beach. See you later, I have a date with two guys."

"That is Icelyn for you. What about you Golden? How did it go?" Jasper laughed while Amethyst shook her head in disbelief.

"My teacher sucks. He may be small but he knows martial arts and knows how to keep his students in line." Golden turn his head towards a short man who appeared out of nowhere. "His name is Mr Jim."

"How unfortunate." Amethyst scoffed. "I am glad I have no teacher today. We did as we like. My new friends is sharing a dorm with me. What about you guys?"

"I have my own dorm. The headmaster gave us the option to choose either to be solo or share dorm with mates." Jasper answered. "Besides, Diamond can sneak in with me whenever she wants."

"Boys! What about you Golden?"

"I opt to stay with friends. A few of us in the class hate Mr Jim and we are going to plot our revenge on him!" Clenching his fist, the boy in yellow and red walked towards the notice board punching it.

"Careful don't break them notice board." Amethyst chided. "You might get us all expelled."

"Yeah right. The notice board is still in tact. it is Mr Jim who deserves to be punched in the face."

"I am off now guys! Diamond is expecting a date later on!" Without bothering to say goodbye to his two friends, the boy in red quickly dashed off to his dorm.

Finding the dorm was not hard as it was only a few metres outside the school building. "Wow, I am place in the red section. It is similar to my name. I might have to tell my friends to call me Miguel instead".


Using his key card to unlock the main door, he entered the building, running up the stairs to the seventh floor instead of taking the lift. "I am use to exercising back in the Black Wasteland. Not going to loose my six pack unlike the lazy bums from this land."

Reaching the seventh floor, he was greeted by his girlfriend. "Not having trouble excising are you?"

"Of course not. How did you get here? Aren't you suppose to be at the white diamond section?"

"I came to see you. We are going on a dead tonight and I am making sure you look your best."

"What do you want me to wear ?"

Looking at the boy in red from top to button, she smirked. "You have already got a six pack. This should make you stand out. My ex will probably be around too. I recommend wearing something that will reveal your muscles, I am not into pretty boys!"

"Works fine with me. I am not the type to dress in formal clothing anyway! It is not like we are going dancing aren't we?"

"No. We are going for a party and my ex will be there. He just pounded a guy in orange who tried to get close to me on the bus today."

"It is alright. If he does anything to you, I will pound him perfectly. As far as I know, you are my girlfriend and nobody will have you but me." Jasper answered his new girlfriend cockily.

"Whatever. You are cocky and funny. Tonight we shall see what you are really made off." Diamond answered with cockiness which easily matches his.

"Let's go into my room. Since you are here."

"Yes, darling. That is why I am here. Do you love me ?"


"I wonder how long you can keep this charisma up but it is working. The boys in the Land of Aurora are clearly boring at least in comparison to you."

Pretending not to listen to a word she said, Jasper grab Diamond's right hand with his left hand, leading her to his solo room.

Upon opening his door, Diamond was surprise to see everything put in place. "Must be the work of some hired cleaners. They clean my room all the time."

"They are able to be trusted with out valuables, aren't they ?"

"That is the contract they have been placed under. They get paid handsomely. Anything funny will immediately lead them to getting fired."

Ignoring the words of his girlfriend, leading the way to his closet, he showed her his clothes." Pulling her close after grabbing his wrist., using the other hand to take out his phone, to keep track of the time.

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