《The Land of Aurora》Chapter 1: Separate classes.


Chapter 1: Separate classes.

Driving the four youth in an indigo car, the unexpected person wearing blue turned to Jasper who was sitting in the front seat smiling. "I am the headmaster of the school of Aurora. you must be the leader of the four. Today will be the beginning of your new life."

"Where are you taking us ?" The girl in blue interrupted.

"Patience Icelyn, I am not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry? You are already thinking about having a husband at your age aren't you?"

Icelyn kept her mouth shut, clearly embarrass, not realizing the headmaster can see her through the mirror in his car.

Finally arriving at school, the four youth were led out of the car by the driver. "You four will be going to separate classes. Use that time to make new friends and learn the ways of Aurora, not everything of course."


Jasper was the first one to be placed in his class.

"See you later, I guess". Walking into his class without looking back at his friends, he was about to sit at the back but was stop by his new teacher, wearing a grey business jacket, and a knee length skirt, Mandy was petite and attractive with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Today we have a new student. Everybody, say good morning to Jasper!" Calling his name loudly and introducing to the rest of the class, she called him over before directing him to his seat. "My name is Mis Grande. You are free to call me by my name. In other words, just call me Mandy".

"Are we done yet?! If we are, I would like to sit down, please." Changing his tone before saying please, it felt so unnatural for him to say that word.


"Go ahead."Mandy replied calmly and politely, contrary to the way Mr Z spoke to him if he shows any hints of rebellion.

Heading to the backseat, Jasper took a sit beside an attractive girl in neon blue hair.

Smiling at him, she tap her left hand on the chair on her left, an invitation to sit beside her. "My name is Diamond".


Icelyn was next to be placed in her class.

The teacher was absent. Taking her seat beside a boy in green sitting by the back window, she calmly observed him as he looked at her at the corner of his eyes and blushed.

Deciding to have a little fun flirting, she stroke her hair with her right hand, turning to the boy who making it obvious he had a crush on her. "Do I make your nervous. My name is Icelyn. I guess you have never seen a girl with blue hair before".

Smirking at the boy whose face turn twice as red, she decided to tease him a bit more. Reaching out with her left hand, she touch his left shoulder.

"Say something."She smirked. "Do you have a girlfriend or am I the first girl talking to you?"

"Class is starting!" A middle age man with blond hair and grey eyes looking like Johnny Lawrence both physically and in dressing style walked in. "Quite!"

Taken by surprise, she stopped flirting with the boy in green.

"Sorry.." Putting on a cutesy pout, causing the middle age man scoffed in return.

"You will address me as Mr.Buffalo!"

"We are not done". Looking at him with the corner of her eyes, she smirked.


Amertyst was third to be placed in her class.

"Look, there is a girl in purple!"Several boys gathered together around a relatively tall boy, sitting down on the right end of the second row, near the entrance, clearly attempting to get her attention by whistling at her.


Walking up to the boy, actually standing a few inches away from him, looking into his brown eyes with her green ones. "Do that again..........."

Believing that she is paying attention to him, attempting to whistle at her a second time, Amertyst suddenly grab his four fingers on his right hand, giving them a squeeze. "Whistle like that at me one more time and I will break them fingers!"

Feeling the pain from her surprisingly strong grip, the boy conceded defeat.

"Doubt you are good enough to date me!"

Not bothering to look around, she took her place in the middle seat which was not taken.

"How powerful. My name is Monday and I would like to be your friend". A girl in pink on her right greeted her warmly by offering a handshake.

"You don't look anything like the Addam's family". She chuckled, returning the handshake. "My name is Amertyst".

"I guess you are talking about Wednesday Addams."


Golden was the final one to be placed in his class.

"Great just what I need. A place away from my friends. Everyone is so well behave here." Looking around everyone who seems well prepared except himself.

"Good morning, young man. We are going to have a quiz today, please find a group." A short man who looks almost exactly from Mr Gladys from Worm walked up to him. "You are new here. Please introduce yourself to the rest off class."

"Do I have to?" Putting his feet up the desk, Golden attempted to show defiance. "Who are you to tell me what to do ?"

"I will ask you nicely only this once."

"Whatever..........."Shutting his eyes, he felt a sharp pain on his chest.

Opening his eyes, slowly, the 'Mr Glady' look alike had press the tip of his car key in his chest.

"Do not look down on me young man. I may be smaller in size and shorter in height than you. However, I do know how to keep my class in line especially from punks like you." Slowly withdrawing the key, from his chest, the short man smiled briefly before turning it into a stern frown. "Do not ever be rude in my class again. The headmaster place you here as he knows I am the only one who can keep you in line."

Starring at the teacher with a horrified look on his face, he was drag out of his chair and placed in front of the class for all to see.

"This new boy will need sometime to learn our ways. In the meantime, treat him as a friend."

"Yes, Mr Jim!" The students stood up and responded in unison.

"Good. Now sit down!"

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