《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 5 - Trouble At The Inn


"Kain,Iris are you hungry?" I asked the two of them, they looked at each other then they turned their gazes to me.

"Mistress if you are hungry it would be my honour to search this filthy town for a good quality blood" Iris spoke and Kain just nodded at her words.

Seems they misunderstood me...and yes as everyone knows the vampires drink blood, but in this world we the vampires don't really need blood to survive....the blood is something like a delicacy after a meal for us...also, the sun doesn't have any effect on us..so everything I saw in a movie or heard is a lie.

Anyway I should clear the misunderstanding or Kain and Iris will go on a killing spree for blood...that would be bad...in so many ways.

"No no what I meant was....I want to go to that Inn and have a meal...please don't kill anyone...or dry their blood." I spoke and pointed at the Inn in front of us.

"Oh my...so that's what you meant...excuse my rudeness...you are right these low life forms are not worthy to provide the blood for our queen." Kain started speaking....there is something seriously wrong with their way of thinking.

"Okay....let's just go" what else could I say...I don't even get their way of thinking.

"Creak!" Kain pushed the wooden door and they opened with a creak...we entered the Inn.

What can I say....the Inn is just as I imagined it would be... the old man with a large white beard behind the large wooden conter...there were two maids...yes maids with their maid outfits...the wooden tables and chairs....awesome.

"Welcome dear customers please come this way" we were greeted by one of the maids she had short black hair not even to her shoulders..she was rather cute in that maid outfit...in my opinion.

The maid guided us to one of the free tables I sat in the middle, Kain on my right Iris on my left and the maid just kept staring....but not at me nor Iris..this time, it was Kain's turn...she stared at him for a whole minute, until Kain couldn't stand it anymore.


He turned around and faced the girl "excuse me is there anything you need?" Kain flashed a smile at her which made the girl blush...but I could sense the blood lust from Kain's words...she really pissed him off.

"Umm...no...please tell me your order" she managed to compose herself and spoke.

Kain and Iris looked at me..."hmm would you give me today's speciality please" I don't really know about the food in this world yet...but it shouldn't be that much different...I think.

"Okay...today's specialty is gravgar's meat with freshly picked silenim leaves as a salad"

What a hell is a gravgar and silenim leaves and damar juice....I never heard of those before...of course, this is different world fool!

As I yelled inside my mind the girl asked Iris and Kain about their orders, they just ordered the same thing as me...they are no fun...they should have tried something else so I would know what it tastes like.

"Mistress do you really want to eat here....it's polluted.." Iris spoke as she looked at the other customers in the Inn.

"Yes" I said only one word but it seems it was enough to stop Iris from talking about that matter any further....she was the one who was most opposed to coming to human kingdom...she really hates them.

"Here is your order" the maid came back and brought us our meal.I looked at my plate and to be honest, I was surprised it looked great...the meat was juicy and it was easy to cut it and the silenim leaves salad was very good combination with the meat...by the way the meat has similar taste as chicken, the damar juice was also great it tasted like orange juice.

Iris and Kain were reluctant to eat at first but after seeing me eat they decided to dig in themselves....and they had a rather pleasant expression I guess they liked it as well.


While we were enjoying our meal's the Inn door slammed open...I looked at the entrance...a group of armoured people entered the Inn, they were lead by a middle-aged man with short brown hair...he had a nasty scar across his eye...one-eyed.

"M.....sir Holden what brings you to my humble establishment.." the Innkeeper spoke with a scared voice...all the maids hid and didn't even show their faces.

"Nothing much just patrolling around...now bring me your best vine...and your pretty maids hehe" the Innkeeper was pale as a ghost...he really is scared of this man called Holden huh...

"But....but sir...I...can bring you wine...but.." the Innkeeper was lost for words at Holden's demands.

"Huh?" Holden looked at the Innkeeper...he grabbed him by the collar "do as I say or I will kill you and your whole family..." he treated him and dropped him on the floor.

The Innkeeper didn't say anything....it was clear he didn't want to hand over the girls to this kind of man...what a brave gramps.

"Fine than...cut of his head" Holden ordered one of the soldiers...but as the soldier moved a yell was heard "Stop please!" the one who was yelling was the young girl that served us our food earlier.

"Hehe not bad, not bad at all" Holden looked at the girl from head to toe and smacked his lips as he stared.

He moved closer to the girl and reached out his hand towards her...this man is disgusting.

Just as he was about to take a hold of her I spoke "Okay that's enough...you better stop right now" I spoke coldly towards the man called Holden.

He stopped and turned around...once again his lewd smile returned when he saw Iris and then he looked at me..he started walking towards our table.

"My, my what a beautiful ladies you two are...how about I take you home with me I promise you an unimaginable night of pleasure...heheh" every word he spoke made my blood boil.

"You young lady look especially pretty" he stared at me and moved his hand towards me...seems he wanted to grab me but that was the worst mistake he made in his entire life...seriously.

In an instant his right hand that was extended towards me was.....well gone...

"You dare....."Kain stood up, in his hand was an arm...Holden's ripped out arm.

"Huh...." it all happened so fast that Holden didn't even realise it...but now he did "Guahahhaha!?!?" he yelled like a pig being slaughtered he fell down on the floor and started rolling down...the blood gushed out of the wound.

"You bastard !" the other knights that accompanied this fool yelled and took out their swords...but they did nothing why? Well, Iris let out a bloodlust so strong that made the knights tremble in their armours...one of them even made a mess of himself.

"Iris,Kain don't kill" I told Iris and Kain while I took another sip of the delicious damar juice.

"By your command" they both replied.

"Take this filth out of my sight and take this with you" Kain spoke to the trembling knight's and threw the arm at them...they picked up passed out Holden and took his ripped arm with them and left the Inn so fast that it seemed like they teleported out.

The Innkeeper walked over to our table and spoke with a grim voice "young lady...do you know what you have done...".

"Huh?"somehow I have a feeling this whole thing is gonna be....troublesome.


An: Enjoy! ^^

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