《Rise Of The Dark Queen》Chapter: 6 - Dark Side Of Larwick


The Innkeeper spoke to me, I only titled my head...the old man was trembling and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"What is so terrifying that I need to be afraid of?" I asked the old man.

"I can see you aren't from around here young lady...it's best if I start from the beginning" he took a chair from a nearby table and placed it close to us and sat down.

The old Innkeeper who gave us his name Lorens told us about this town called Larwick.

He told us that this town and the people living here, the people are all hiding their real thoughts, no one dares say anything about what is really happening in this town.

To be honest, when I heard the story grampa Lorens told us I was disgusted....disgusted by the deeds the ruler of this town has done and is still doing.

Grampa Lorens began his story, he said that around two years ago when this town was governed and ruled by a lord called Cliff Wetherby the town was a happy place...children were running around the streets laughing happy...it was such a happy time for all the people in this town.

But the good lord Cliff has gotten a strange disease...all the castle healers were called immediately to help the lord...but all of them were powerless...no one knew what kind of a disease it was, all they knew that the lord's life was going to end soon.

The lord's wife and his only son desperately sought help from all the nearby cities and town's but in the end, they said the same things the other healers said.

His wife stayed by his side day and night never leaving his side...she barely ate anything...his only son and heir to the Wetherby house continued to search for a cure...but in the end, he returned empty handed.


"And from this point on everything turned for the worse" grampa Lorens's expression turned grim.

He told us that a black robbed man came to town...he told the lord's wife and his son that he came to heal the lord from his illness, and to everyone's surprise, he did he cured the lord...it was such a happy time for all the citizens and the lord's family.

But that happiness didn't last for long, the lord that was once known for his honor and valor and his kindness towards the common people changed...he became twisted...greedy...madness took his mind...he became something close to a monster.

The first thing the lord did was kill his own wife...when his son saw the horror that happened in front of his eyes he tried to kill his father in rage and sorrow but he was quickly put down by the lord's guard and executed in front of the crowd of people that watched in horror as the heir to Whetherby was beheaded.

Grampa Lorens continued his story with an even more grim face than before.

He told us that it was not long after the murder of the lord's wife and his son that the lord turned his sight on his own citizens...children started missing from their homes...the soldiers that once protected the people of Larwick also became twisted...they took women for their own even in broad daylight, like what happened today at the Inn.

"The people of this town are scared....they are scared to talk about the things that are happening...and no one even knows why" he spoke with a heavy voice.

"Now that you heard the story young lady....you should run away as far as you can from this place....and if possible I would like you to take these two girls with you...I beg of you." grampa Lorens lowered his head and begged us.


After hearing grampa Loren's story I feel....sour....diquasted by the lord for all the things he had done to his own people...but from grampa's story something doesn't add up...the lord was a kind and honorable man..what changed...could it be...the black robbed man?

Ah...grampa Lorens is still bowing down...I should say something...

"Sure old man your story is sad...but your human realms and you humans, in general, do not concern us...you should be happy that the mistress even listened to your story...worm." Oh dam....Iris has such a sharp tongue...she even let out a little blood lust...look grampa Loren's is shaking now!

"Iris restrain yourself" Kain spoke to Iris who seemed to have calmed herself....nice going, Kain!

"Even if you are right it is up to our queen to decide and whatever she decides we will follow" those are some grand words...and once again I have to decide everything....can someone take my place please!

"Tch....getting lectured by Kain....I want to puke" Iris whispered but I heard it clearly...she hates everyone....well except me I guess.

Okay, then what to do, what to do....should I get involved with this town...it smells like big trouble....but then again I am curies about what happened to the lord and why has he gone mad...oh well I am on an adventure so why not.

"Ehm...well gram....I mean mister Lorens...instead of running away why don't I help your town instead." I stood up and Iris and Kain followed right after me.

Grampa Lorens lifted his head and looked at me "h...help what are you saying you should run!? What can one little girl and two people do you are just going to die!!" he yelled at me.Kain and Iris were really close to beheading him but they restrained them self...good seems they are learning.

"Don't worry...I am not so weak as you think I am gramps." I walked towards the door Iris and Kain followed me outside.

"Now let's see what is truly happening to this town...shall we?"

"By your command!" Iris and Kain said in unison.

Wait for me lord you are about to be greeted by the queen of the Night Kingdom....still sounds so lame when I say it in my own head.


An: Enjoy! ^^

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