《NPC I want experience》Chapter 19 Give me your gold or I will give your ass this Sword.
I cast my raise dead spell again and another goblin corpse came to life. The spell would only last a few days but that was all it needed to last. The Goblin dungeon supplied 50-100 goblins corpses 4 times a year for 100 years.
Thats right 20,000 to 40,000 bodies just tossed into a massive trench. Ready to be called forth by a enterprising young necromancer. I was using a totem to make the spell easier. But i was drinking mana potions every few minutes and still the army in front of me got bigger.
I almost collapsed as a hundred skeleton goblins stood in front of me. I gave one of the goblins a standard and told him to march down the dirt track that lead to the black wind mercenary local outpost. The rest of the rag tag group followed.
Your Goblin Skeleton horde has been destroyed 103/103 skeletons are dead Reduced Experience will be given to you due to the distance of your horde from you.
I pulled out a checklist and ticked off a number the horde with 103 skeletons was gone. But the other hordes still seemed to on there way. I checked I had increased my Necromancer level by 2.
Your Goblin Skeleton horde has been destroyed 102/102 skeletons are dead As the goblin horde is more than half a mile from your location no experience will be given.
I saw Jessica and a couple of pale looking bandits and i waved. Then i got back to doing what i was told. Put my main dark shrine into the ground and had a couple of skeletons cover it up. The dark shrine collected dark energy and automatically created skeletons. I had it set to collect the maximum amount and start creating. Given the size of this mass grave there was plenty to go around
The skeletons would just stay in the ground more and more being summoned until they were disturbed. If the vampires came to say bury more bodies the skeletons would attack.
I sat down and started to mediate. Even given the amount of mana potion i was swilling down this was a big job. I was feeling different Class Monster breeder lv null seemed to changing to Class Monster breeder lv 0. Why this was i had no idea. Still once it hit level 0 i might get a nice bonus.
sub class spirit necromancer has reached level 1
Spell awarded summon lesser spirit
Control of undead will now be easier
I would have grinned but i was to tired. I checked my levels again and sat there to tired to move. Max ran out of the goblin dungeon with Amy behind him. He looked decent level 49. I would have wondered how many vampires he had to kill to level up like that but I was tired.
Max ran over “Where is Jessica” i nodded to the forest “She lead some bandits into the forest.” I heard max cursing and went to sleep. I woke up and looked around i was in a tent near where i had fallen asleep. It was day time at least and i raced to find Thorn. I pointed “Why are we here we were suppose to have hight tailed it out of here to a cave or you know somewhere else we could hide.
Thorn grinned as Shelly approached me with a bowel of stew. Shelly looked at me “Morning sleepy head took you long enough you have been asleep for five days.” Shelly pointed at 106 skeletons who were still standing in formation. “So you said that the skeletons would be gone after a few days there not.” I looked and then grabbed the stew and began to devour it.
I reached out with my power and discovered there was some kind of feed back loop. The dark shrine was feeding off the skeletons energy. But the shrine was also repairing the skeletons. I shrugged “The dark shrine is helping them I did not give them there commands like the others
I can give about four simple commands at the time of creation. I gave the others four commands
Do not attack other goblin skeletons
Follow the standard.
Attack anyone in your path
Do not do anything else”
Tom came over. Tom was looking pale most likely thinking about what my skeletons would do to any locals who were unlucky to be in the hords way but Shelly was glowing. Shelly looked at me “The Vampires attacked some of there own men who deserted them. When there men deserted them we decided to camp here.”Thorn nodded “We need a army to attack the Vampires main stronghold. Luckily we have a necromancer and a lot of dead bodies. Relax you have a month or so most likely”
I sighed “Fine i need to level up my necromancer spells and this is the perfect place to do it but I am going to need those skill books. I can go threw the goblin bones and look for shaman bones. Thorn you look for warrior bones they should be slightly bigger than regular bones. We need to sort the bones out or rather you need to. I will also need a bear skeleton if possible. The bigger the better.”
Tom raised his hand “Why?” I shrugged “Practise i need to build a skeleton abomination at a minimum. Its creation will cause the ground to become cursed. It will make it easier to pump out skeletons. OF course since we have a month I can also build a dark altar.” Even Shelly looked concerned “A WHAT?” I shrugged “It forms a pool of negative energy and death energy. Lets just start with the abomination If i can build that i will then decide how to proceed.”
I check my status my intelligence had increased to 8 and my mana had gone from 72 to 120. I chucked and used summon undead to pull the skeletons of the shaman goblins from the pit. A wave of my hand ordered the one hundred skeletons already raised to move toward me.
I looked at our small band the 4 paladins and Amy would be useful in organizing the bones. There was a animal tamer and his dogs and a couple of who looked like woodsmen and scouts.
I looked at max “What happened to the mercenaries?” Max looked at his feet “Well we did not need them after the attack on the dungeon so we kind of killed them all” I gave it some thought “Is that why Jessica ran for it she was helping them escape?” Max turned red in shame “Sorry boss i never imagined she would wuss out like that.”
I shrugged “Whats done is done where are the Mercenaries bodies?” Max pointed at the dungeon and we entered it to have a look around. I gleeful ran to the corpse of a vampire. I had forgotten there were a bunch of vampire bodies. I gave Max the job of moving them to near main chamber and began to look around.
The dungeon was a treasure trove. All the mercenaries were not of a low class. I turned a couple into zombies and had them collect the mushrooms the goblins ate. Then i took a look in the goblins store house. The goblins had a few barrels of what looked like beer. I looked at the horrible stuff goblin beer was called blind beer. Mostly because if you drank a mug you tended to go blind. I looked around the dungeon cave.
I called max over. Max was looking disgusted at having to wrap the vampire corpse carefully and move it. I pointed to a now dead Goblins hut “That huts mine have everyone else move down here and hide the waggons as best they can. ” Max paled “You want to live in a dungeon?” I looked around “Herbs grow better in a dungeon and we are hidden in here. What you want to leave a couple of thousand skeletons out in the open to be seen and be weakened by the sun. Besides it will be at least three months before the dungeon resets.”
We got to work collecting the bandit bodies and piling them in a pile. Max wanted to use a barrel to collect the Vampire bodies and I agreed. Mostly because i did not what the vampire parts mixed in with the other corpses.
Thorn came back a few hours later with a massive dead bear. She was dragging the entire bear all by herself. She grunted and tossed the bear near to where i was using i chisel to carve a rune onto a goblins skull. I starred at the massive Black bear and then at Thorn. Thorn smirked “I got my strength up to maximum. Now all i need is for my intelligence to increase to maximum and I can increase my race again.”
I shrugged “Great well first skin the bear i would love a bear rug. Oh i will need a lot of the bears internal organs process them as well.” thorn cursed me. I chuckled happily “it might raise your intelligence stat so off you go.” Two hours later i was finished. A ring of skulls on poles surrounded a giant circle i had burnt into the ground. In the middle of the circle was the bears skeleton. I checked the status of the skeleton
Bear skeleton
Status fully intact.
Then I brought the shaman skulls i had carved runes into and fused them to the bear skeleton belly. Max, Amy, Thorn and Tom wondered over to stare. I pulled out a couple of skill books and put them in the skeleton goblin shaman mouths. I checked the bear again.
Bear abomination Skeleton
Skeleton warped by black magic
I looked over the bear skeleton there were a couple of weak points. I pulled out the partial remains of a particularly powerful vampire and ripped out his teeth. I fused the two main canine teeth into the bears main teeth. The rest of the teeth were fused into the bears claws. I nodded and looked at the bear again. I turned to Max “I need a backbone and rib cage from the strongest human Mercenary from the pile. Melt the flesh off one and bring me the parts i need.” Max gave me a thumbs up and rushed over to ger me what i needed. I looked at the bears rip cage. I fused the human
spine to the hole in the rip cage. Then i used human bones to join up the bear ribs. I nodded this was going well. I looked at the bears status again
Giant abomination skeleton.
I nodded “Ok everyone this is it stand back.” I drank a mana regeneration potion and began to cast my spell. The skeleton abomination came to life and the skill books vanished as the goblin shaman skulls used them. I checked the status of the skeleton abomination.
Name Null Race Undead Undead type Bone Golem Hit points 650/650 Stamina Null Skills Power Blow lv 6/6 lv 6/6 Claw Slash lv 3/3 Bite lv 8/8 Special skills Toxic Claw lv 1/1 Toxic Bite 1/1 Traits Magic resistance 2/2 Physical Resistance lv 4/4 Dark Vision
I starred the description. The it had magic resistance 2/2 that meant it could never get higher than than but still. I looked at the power blow and claw slash skills. The skeleton would be able to use both at the same time. The bone Golem claws were covered in a bright shine.
I reached out and gave a order the bone golem raised its claw and took a swipe at the air. Its claw glowed with a dark blue flame. I got up “Right i need to sleep.”
I trudged off to sleep and the nightmares came. A ocean of goblin ghosts screamed at me for vengeance on the Vampires. A screaming shaman stood out form the rest “I was a shaman necromancer. Eat my soul grow stronger kill those that stole my life. ” The other goblins screamed “Eat us and grow stronger.”
I woke in a bog of sweat. There was a notification.
The spirits of the dead are calling for vengeance do you wish to block them from speaking to you. YES No
As you are asleep and have not selected a decision the dead will be allowed speak to you
The spirits of the dead have invaded your dream. Do you wish to use your power to stop them YES No the spirits of the dead are trying to drive you insane and talk possession of your body.
Your necromantic powers block 20% of the possession
Warning you are about to be driven insane
Steadfast title blocks 252 % of the effect of the possession.
The spirits of the dead are being eaten by you.
Warning effects of this are unpredictable
Warning steadfast title evolving
Forced class conversion Necromancer class changed to arch necromancer class + 2 intelligence boost
I got up and looked at the warning. Well i would worry about things that made me more powerful later. For now i just needed to create a skeleton army. After i created a totem to block any more unfriendly visitors.
A arch necromancer was a rarely seen being. The class change altered my magic it was much easier to use create undead. There were thousands of skeletons in the pits and i pulled the standard skeletons out to experiment on. Three days and nights later i was still summoning skeletons and writing in my spell book. I looked at my latest creation.
Name Skeleton 36 Race undead Class slinger Type Goblin skeleton hp 25 Mana Null Skills slinger lv 2/2 Accuracy 1/1 Traits Night Vision Tireless Brittle Easily damaged
Basically the skeleton could hit a barn door from twenty five feet away. But i was making progress. This was a standard skeleton i was using. Once i moved to the 4000 or so rare class of skeleton i could improve there slinger and accuracy skills.
I was kicked awake by Thorn she grimaced “Trouble the Vampires army has collapsed if we want to rob them we need to act before the church. How many undead can you summon in a day.”
I winced “A couple of hundred good to superior class. Or if i use the skill books i can summon 50 skeleton shaman. I can also summon a couple of Commanders with that or one more Bone skeleton. If i summon a bone skeleton it will be much more powerful than the last one.”
Thorn looked at the rows of skeleton slinger's i had summoned. “What about them?” “They can hit a bard door at about twenty feet. There weak a ten year old could break one by hitting it a couple of times with a plank. Still there are a lot of them and they can all be controlled to shoot at a single target. If that target is a bunch of troops in a formation. They will start to do some damage.”
Thorn nodded “i will take twenty five shaman goblins and one commander to control that lot. I will also need a bone golem. I will go get you the skeleton now.”
I rushed off and began to create the needed Skeletons. There had been about 1200 lesser skill books and 380 skill books. I burned threw them trying to create the best army i could in the time available.
I managed to channel 4 skill books into each skeleton shaman. When i was finished. I grabbed a quick meal as Thorn was back with another massive bear.I got ready and began the creation process.
Name Null Race Undead Quality Superior Undead type Bone Golem Hit points 1100/1100 Energy 4/4500 Skills Blow lv 8/8 Claw Slash lv 6/6 Bite lv 8/8 Special skills Toxic Claw lv 1/1 Toxic Bite 1/1 Power Blow lv 8/8 Stampede lv 10/10 fire breath lv 3/3 regeneration Lv 1/1 Traits Magic resistance 6/6 Physical Resistance lv 5/5 Dark Vision Piercing Immunity lesser
Thorn had Amy cast a identify on the skeleton and starred in awe at it. Thorn looked at me “This thing could kill all of us in a straight fight unless we got real lucky. How does it have regeneration ”
I grinned “Its the goblin shaman skulls i put in its stomach. They adsorb dark energy and store it. We can fill it to the top 4500 and it will naturally heal itself over time until it runs out of energy. Now i need to drink a mana potion and sleep. Max rub the Golem in that black water we have on it.” Thorn winced “Sorry we move out now we attack at dawn.”
I found myself tied to Shelly for the rest of the night. I had to drink three stamina potions to stay awake. We finally reached the local mansion the Vampires had been hiding out in. It was huge hidden in between two hills so direct sun never shone on it.
Thorn starred “They do not even have any walls arrogant. Ok there entire treasury is in the horse stables.” I had my main bone golem rip at the main house. It raised a claw and ripped out part of the wall. Then we tossed a pouch of garlic into the house and moved around the house smashing holes in the wall.
A sweet sounding voice called out “Sir we are but pure innocent young maidens. Please stop and come in we will reward as best we can. Come in and we will show you the delights of the night.”
The main door of the mansion opened and I fired a fire ball from my staff into the house. Shelly looked at me. “What did you do that for. Should we not go in we can sleep” I looked a red faced Thorn. I guess Thorn was hearing something from the house as well. Thorn winced “Mind control.”
I nodded and threw a second massive fire ball into the house. I turned to Max “Your three friends are paladins bless the house and do something to Shelly and Tom to block mind control." Thorn nodded “We need time to look threw the horse stables. We are also going to need time to move the loot if its truly in the stables. Can anybody do something about that mind control please?”
I nodded and had a Skeleton slinger put the totem i used to keep my dreams safe against the mansion wall. A posh sounding mans voice sounded from the house “Theres no need to rush around you must be tired sleep sleep and let your worries slip away.” I pulled out some bone dust and had my skeletons put it in a ring around the house. Then i ordered the skeleton shaman to start to toss fire balls at the holes in the wall. Tom started to yell from the horse stables. There was a massive room in the stables. It took up half the stables it was what looked like the magical items taken from all of the vampires dungeons were stored in bundles. There were four huge chests near a table
Shelly smashed a chest open to reveal gold and jewellery. The second chests had scrolls titles to property houses and farms. The third chests held account books and silver and amber. The fourth held personal memorabilia of lord Farnsworth. We loaded up and a voice came from the house “Vermin take your goods and go” I looked at the piles of goblin staffs and grinned. I smirked and turned to Thorn “lets leave the lesser bone golem here with five or six skeleton shaman. These staffs will at least triple there attack rate. And double the damage they do.”
A voice called out from the now burning house “Wait your leaving anyway is there a need to leave those things destroy my beautiful mansion” Max grinned and pulled out a magic blast scroll. Max began to chant merging his magic with the scrolls. A massive wave of flames reached out from max and went threw the mansions front door. Max collapsed and thorn feed him a potion.
Shelly grinned “Well I can not stick around to jam my sword up your ass because those thieving priests will steal my gold. But this is almost as good. Lets go”
We moved off to our base at the goblin dungeon. A cart blocked our way and Max rushed forward and pulled out his sword. Max starred at the old man who was driving the cart. Max grinned “Give me your gold or I will give your ass this Sword.”
Max's sword exploded with a blue flame and the old man gulped. “Sir I but a poor farmer.” Max grinned “Yeah a poor farmer bringing something from the vampires house with a cart that seems a bit to heavy.”
Max sword reached out and the old man head flew threw the air. Thorn jumped into the cart and rifled threw the goods inside. Thorn came out of the cart wearing a new suit of armour. She grinned “The Vampires must have decided to move the heavier goods earlier. This cart has the superior goods from the spider and slime dungeons. Shelly lets take the cart with us.”
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