《NPC I want experience》Chapter 18 No one owned those skill books i know because i killed there last owners
I woke to an almighty headache. Jessica starred at me and gave me some porridge. Jessica face turned red “Shelly explained it to me you have to many bad titles and there causing you to make mistakes. That was the reason you did what you did in the village.” I winced in pain “I am starving i think i need meat.” Jessica cast a healing spell over me. She took my temperature and looked upset “Your evolving whatever you did to thorn the dark gods took advantage to curse you. Even your eyes will start to change over time. We have to stop the changes”
I looked at my status again “Whats a high human anyway? Because i am one now apparently.” Jessica shook “They were humankind distant forefathers before the great sin.” I winced at the amount of light in the waggon. I sighed “Wait they used to live for a couple of hundred years right?” Jessica paled “But they were of chaos.” I nodded my head and went back to sleep.
I woke up chained to a post with Thorn. There were two chains and attached to one stake in the ground. Tom approached and pushed a bowl between me and thorn. We hissed at each other but thorn was stronger and she devoured the food. Tom got another bowl of something nasty smelling and gave it to me. Thorn seemed to be trying to do something was it laughing.
I woke up thorn was eating bugs and I looked around they did not look tasty. I ate the nasty stuff and went back to sleep. When i woke up i was in the waggon and Thorn wearing armour was looking at me.
I starred at Thorn “Ok you increased your race twice why did you recover before me?” Thorn grinned “Troll regeneration i am 10 percent Troll you know. Boosting my race increased all the attributes of all the races I am made up of. After all i am more than just a orc i am a silver orc race 68 % troll 10 % goblin 6% dark elf 3% and 13% dark elf werewolf . Now shake it off its time to do some looting. I am going to need a lot of poison the slow acting kind”
Inquisition report
The vampires main base is proving hard to locate. Given that the older vampires can fly locating there main base will be difficult. However after interrogation several members of the black wind Mercenary guild revealed some distributing information.
The vampires are in control of at least three dungeons. One slime one spider and a goblin dungeon. While the Slime and spider dungeon can be ignored. The Goblin dungeon can not be ignored.
The goblin dungeon presents us with a tough choice. The vampires have been using the goblin dungeon to feed. Only for the fact the goblin blood tastes bad. The vampires would not have strayed from there current strongholds.
Two options are available one we secretly contact the Vampires. We can then offer them a secret treaty. If they remain in there strongholds and feed only upon Goblins and not hunt in the cities we will not attack them.
The second option is to attack the Goblin dungeon. We know when the dungeon resets. The vampires have to be there at that stage. To gather new food. If we capture the dungeon and hold if for that one day and slaughter the goblins then the vampires will be forced to attack the nearby villages for food.
It should be noted that the vampires must have a very large treasury. They have operated the three dungeons for at least 80 years. The goblin dungeon is rumoured to have a massive selection of shaman skill books. However because you would have to be a monster race to use these books they are of no use to the vampires as of yet.
A worst case scenario would be the Vampires hiring a horde of Orcs or Trolls using the skill books to pay them. Very quickly the horde would become very powerful.
Another fairly scary scenario would occur if any of the Vampires were high level beast tamers. The Spider dungeon could supply them with a almost limitless supply of Spiders. Luckily the vampires seem to have been rather lazy in there plans to defend there dungeons believing in there innate superiority.
It was dark and I was attacking a Dungeon controlled by vampires just when they were at there strongest at night. The vampires had not even constructed a wall around there blood bottling barn. I guess if your a vampire catching a run away goblin is easy.
The sky lit up with magic flares as we moved forward as fast as we could. The bandits ran screaming Thorn was at there head. She reached the entrance to the goblin dungeon and opened her bag of holding. A small barrel of garlic rolled out and exploded into a mist.
Dungeons are tricky things when you move between them and the real world there is a slight barrier. Enough to keep the smell of garlic out of the dungeon. However the noise of what we were doing would cause the vampires inside to investigate.
The bandits moved out and began to toss pouches of garlic into the nearby barn. A screaming figure exited the building and was turned into a hedgehog by a stream of arrows and crossbow bolts.
Overhead a owl whose talons had a nasty mixture of garlic paste and holy water on them screeched as it attacked a vampire bat. Some of the owls had sunlight scrolls attached to there legs instead. Overhead one of these owls launched its attack and the sky exploded in light. A screaming figure appeared falling from the sky.
I guess if your on fire you can not keep your shapeshift ability active. Thorn nodded to a animal handler “Release the hounds” i watched massive tracking dog be released.
NameDavids DogRaceAnimalHit points150/150Stamina75/75Skillsviciouslv1Smelllv3Trackinglv2StatusAngry at being force feed raw garlic
The status was new I guess I could see it because of my new class monster tamer. I waited for the waggons with the barrels of garlic to get here.
Max came over with a huge grin on his face he starred at “What to trade a sword for some skill books and some shaman notes?” Thorn grinned and ran off to see what kind of haul there was. There was a old shed with all the skill books and shaman spells books gathered from about a hundred years tossed in a pile.
Thorn looked at me “A goblin dungeon will reset maybe four times a year. It each clearance gives two to three skill books with a 25 percent chance of rare skill book. Thats 1200 normal skill books and 400 rare. I nodded “There should be 4 or five good skill books to. Plus 4 good magic items.”
I began to rummage and picked out 11 lesser earth affinity sand 11 lesser water fire and wind Affinity skill books. I grinned “One lesser affinity spell book will grant you the lesser affinity. Do that first then use the other ten which will increase the lesser affinity to affinity. Then you can use ten affinity to increase the level to greater affinity.”
Max turned pale turned pale “thats twenty one books to gain the greater affinity.” I nodded “Yeah but with greater affinity in all elements it does wonders for a mage. It unlocks the elemental sub class lets do it.” I picked out all the books we need as did Thorn. Once i was finished i got a couple of pop ups.
Title elemental Mage gained no effect yet. Mage title + elemental Mage + (death mage + sub class life mage)= Arch mage
Death mage 100 percent increased learning of magic that deals with death 50 increase in learning of magic that deals with life
changed to
Arch mage 100 percent increased learning of magic
I checked my status it was still Name WRATH Class Necromancer(7) class death mage (2)Class Monster breeder lv null. But at some point i could get a class change from Death mage to arch mage.
There were five good quality skill books
Black mage skill book
Great Warrior skill book
Wolf rider skill book
Dark Vision skill book
Salvager skill book
I stared at the skill books and gave the black mage skill book to Thorn i took the rest. Thorn looked at me “Why do i get this? I want the great Warrior Title” I starred at the other four skill books “Simple it is the hardest Title for you to earn. The great Warrior title should be easier for you to learn”
Thorn nodded and used the Skill book she gained a title orc black witch. And her mana went up as did her intelligence. I adsorbed my skill books but nothing changed. I growled“I guess it will take time for the skills to come threw. Grab all the books and notes Amy will have a field day the goblins have some decent recipes”
Max pushed out his hand “You owe me a swords please” I tossed him a skill book. “This book is better for you.” Max stared at the skill book spellslinger. Max read the book which vanished and went off cursing.
Thorn grinned at me “Ok lets do this stay hear and raise the goblin skeletons. Send as many as you can down the road. The vampires will know something is wrong and summon there human troops soon. Having them running into roving parties of goblin skeletons just makes sense”
Inquisition record of confession of bandit
Inquisitor 1: you were a bandit. You were a member of one of the bandit groups that helped attack the vampire held dungeon.
Bandit 3: Yes your honour sir i was
Inquisitor 1: we are mostly interested in what happened inside the dungeon. Please describe the assault and the aftermath.
Bandit 3: It was a glorious attack. We caught them napping and tossed a lot of garlic on the entrance to the dungeon. Then we took our time wiping out the local forces. A thing of beauty it was sir.
I have ambushed a lot of folk but to attack a vampire stronghold at night. That I have never heard of. I was not one of the ones that brought in the waggons but they were organized. Professional not like me and the rest of my mates.
Inquisitor 2: Organized in what way?
Bandit 3: They had three waggons for a start one small with only a
few barrels of garlic dust and two massive ones slower moving. The larger ones could not make it all the way to the goblin blood bottling farm the Vampires had going. But the small one made it fast enough. They had axes and planks to widened the dirt track and planks of wood in case they needed to transfer there equipment from the big Waggons to the little ones.
Inquisitor 1: you would say they were disciplined then?
Bandit 3: Well as much as they were a lot more disciplined than us the bandit dregs of the earth.
Inquisitor 1: What happened once you arrived at the dungeon
Bandit 3: i was one of the late comers they had secured the dungeon entrance by the time i got there. Then this priestess real looker came around Amy. Everyone got a bit of garlic paste smeared on there weapons. Amy gave us all pouches of Garlic powder and a couple of doses of potions. A couple of us got a bottle of holy water and some kind of weird incense holder.
Then we got ready A massive barrel of garlic was rolled into the dungeon. It rolled down the entrance into the dungeon and we followed behind. We were told by Thorn to kick the barrel along which we did. Clouds of garlic dust came out of that barrel threw holes on its side. Horrible smelly stuff it was.
Inquisitor 1: And then what happened did you lose any men attacking the vampires?
Bandit 3: No one from my band died well almost noone we almost lost a lot of my band at the start. See me and the boys had a accident. Marco slipped and the barrel took off down the passage way. The passage was just to steep. Then that chaos paladin Max did something because that barrel exploded just as it came to the end of the cave.
That barrel turned into a cloud and i heard screams. Them vamps they were waiting in ambush. I guess young Marco saved my life by falling.
The vamps were screaming something fierce running around straight into walls. That Thorn had Jessica blast them all with a light spell and me and a couple of the boys put a couple of good crossbow bolts into them. The boys were all rearing to get into the central chamber but Thorn stopped them. We had to wait while another barrel of garlic was brought down.
Pretty Ben and five men was told to bring the next barrel to the entrance to the next level. Me and the boys waited with our crossbows aimed but those vamps were scared something fierce.
Then Pretty Ben reaches into the barrel and starts to throw out that garlic powder. When he is finished i get the order to grab a smaller barrel and do the same to a smaller side entrance.
Of course by the time i am finished there are a lot of us doing the same and a couple of light orbs up cast by Jessica. We sealed the main chamber up and then searched the whole area. Real professional we were about it to. Course that was because Thorn threatened to stick her hand up the arse and rip out the tongue of the first person to slack off. Jessica searched the whole area when we were finished with a spell.
Thats when things started to go wrong. We were split into groups I asked to guard Jessica on account of my bad back and she being a cute thing. Thorn told me to get moving or else. Thorn had that Max follow us. Just to make sure we did not get lost.
Me and the boys moved up a small tunnel to the Goblins larder. It was not tunnel going down so we could not roll a large barrel down. So we just used a bag of holding moving forward tossing out hand fulls of the garlic. We were laughing and joking and got jumped my those sneaky vamps. There were a couple on the ceiling and they jumped down on young Marco.
Only when they did they got a surprise. Max tossed a light flare forward. Marco was already dead but the vamps were like a bonfire. They ran around screaming until Max hit them with a couple of thunderbolts to the head.
Thats when things went real bad. A lot of those vamps came running down the tunnel and attacked. The last thing i remember is a lot of screaming blurs and what i thought was the sun.
I woke up with a lot of others slobs in a straw pile. There was my angel Jessica whispering it would be alright and that i needed to get up. She told me not to trust Amy and not drink anything else Amy gave me.
I knew right then what had happened Thorn had beaten us to the punch and betrayed us before we could betray her. Real good head on her shoulders that one.
Inquisitor DO YOU FEEL the need for revenge on your betrayers?
Bandit 3: No i am was a bandit comes with the Job robbing and killing. Betraying your friends. Just warn that girl Jessica i wanted to guard her so I could be the first one to well tell her not to trust bandits like me.
Interview of Jessica Lightstar
Inquisitor 1: At what stage did you know that Amy had poisoned the bandits?
Jessica: When I saw the potions she was using to treat the bandits. They were all wrong. She was giving them diseases and weakening them. The potions she was giving the others were stimulants. They work great for a few hours but then have a huge side effect.
Inquisitor 1: Did you bring your fear to Thorn?
Jessica: Crying No because i knew she must have ordered the poisoning. Sobbing I healed who i could and we escaped from the dungeon and slipped into the forest.
Interview with Amy
Inquisitor 1: You are a priestess of the light yet you forsake your vows and poisoned your fellow team mates.
Amy: All i have to say i did nothing illegal. They were all bandits and therefore had no legal rights.
Inquisitor 2: You have reached level 43. It might be inferred that you greatly increased your level and possible gained a substantial gold reward from your actions. Which i might point out were helping a Necromancer.
Amy: Take it up with my lawyer and my contract. After all i was employed with the others under a contract the church offered Wrath. I simply fulfilled my task as directed by this very church.
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