《NPC I want experience》Chapter 17 Getting better Minions and regretting it a bit
After a full night of looting somehow Thorn looked great I was about to fall over. Thorn winked at me “Time for my Race up.” Max was nearby grinning like a idiot “This is going to be awesome. But should we not buy more supplies from the church when you do rank up its going to cause mayhem.”
Thorn started to grin “What if I increase my race near where the vampires live. I bet that would cause them problems ” I nodded “I could do a change of name just before we did the ceremony to vampire Noble Tim or something. That way if we generate a quest to kill you it will be a quest to stop the orc lord vampire Noble Tim instead of stop the Orclord Thorn”
Max grinned “Thats all fiction when quests are given the quest will be stop the evil Necromancer Wrath not stop the vampire Noble Tim. Changing your name will not stop the quest being given. But we should buy a couple of hide information spells.”
Thorn nodded “Lets pick up all the supplies we need from the church and then we will stop by the mercenariness bank. Wait we do not have much gold left lets stop off at the bank then buy what we can from the church. After that I have some experts to hire and then I can finally class up.” Max grinned “We could always sell these weapons to the church in exchange for the weapons. Then rob the bank. We have to many weapons anyway. ”
We set off into the dawn. Unfortunately the Waggons were packed with weapons. So I was forced to sleep at the front of the waggon. It took us a couple of days to reach the abbey where we got down and a Massive armoured figure approached and bowed “Your welcome here Thorn your not Chaos Paladin Max. Your even more unwelcome necromancer Wrath. Jessica and Amy arrived yesterday. This way please Thorn and Shelly.”
Jessica looked upset as the Paladins arrived and started to transfer the weapons to a stone barn. She starred at me “ They say your a necromancer and possible Death mage. Your to good a person to have that horrible class right?”
I cursed an looked for Shelly. Jessica hand came up and she cast a identify scroll. It was high class because my amulet false information must have failed. Luckily the amulet would have only shown that I had a identity hiding item on me. It blocked even high level identification spells.
Jessica paled and ran off. I looked around and had Paul go talk to her. I wondered if the Paladin had not blocked me and Max from entering the Abbey to give Jessica the chance to use identify on us. I sighed and decided to let Sally handle it.
Everything was traded and we got back on our way. Sally exploded and began to scream at Jessica for making me cry. We moved out.
That night me Tom Sally and Max had a meeting to finalize plans, Thorn pulled out a map “I hired a bandit to set up a hidden base around here somewhere. We will meet with them and they will lead us to it. We hit the bank and then right after we increase my Race and then we hit the vampires. We strike at the Goblin dungeon the vampires use to supply themselves with blood.”
Tom cursed “Thats horrible the vampires will go on a rampage without a source of blood.” Max gave Thorn a thumbs up “Yeah and we get away with the loot in the confusion. The church will have to act once the vampires do something terrible” Shelly nodded “Its a good plan and workable. Do you have a better one?”
Tom stayed silent and looked at me “Your twelve a boy you should not be here.”
I thought about it “My mother said to become a mage and send back gold for my sisters. She also said survive at all costs this is that. With a orc Lord as a ally who is going to cause trouble for me. Besides why should I not do this?”
Tom looked at me “The vampires will kill hundreds. ” I shrugged “They already were killing only they hid it this just forces them into the open.” Shelly starred at me “Is one of your titles effecting your mentality?”
I looked at her and looked at my status screen. “My Steadfast Endurance +4 Strength +2 and increased will power and my slayer titles are my main ones. But I picked up a couple of hidden titles that could cause some bad effects Mass murder, Calamity and The dark one ”
Tom blanched “Wait why did I not know about these titles” Sally turned pale “There hidden titles” Max started to laugh he looked at me “Wow thats insane a single hidden title can cause people to freak out.”
Sally shuddered “With good reason they can effect your mind set. But its not like we can stop now” Tom looked at me “Do you understand whats going on here. Black titles are to be feared. We can leave and let the Paladins deal with the situation.”
I thought about it and looked at Shelly “What about me becoming a Lich. Will not running away put a stop to that plan?”
Shelly actually started to sweat “What plan?” I looked at Sally “The trait that Van told me to take negative energy adsorption its main function is to open the options to turn into a Lich.”
Sally paled even more “That can not be the plan.” I gazed at Sally “So you were not ordered to stop my using a Light affinity skill book.” Sally flopped onto the ground. I looked at everyone “What its fairly obvious when i am around Level One hundred or two hundred I can use the spell and keep going. Seriously Van told me to take that Trait he would have known its main function.”
Max gave me a Thumbs up “Thats awesome.” Thorn grinned “You will be my master.” Tom puked all over the carpet and left in a hurry a dazed Sally followed him out.
Riverside was a small village that sat on a bend in a river. It had a warehouse and that was about it. However the warehouse was used by the locals to store there goods including the Black Wind Mercenary Guild.
Over time the Black Wind Mercenary Guild had expanded and purchased a house in the village to store there records. With the amount of trade they took part in it was a natural move to stone there gold in there local base. Goods needed to be purchased and transported to the vampires. Goods from the vampire dungeons needed to be transported as well.
The Black Wind Mercenary Guild used this location as there main base to pay there guild members out of. It was to unsafe to move large quantities of gold around so the soldiers were sent here by boat to collect there pay on the way to the big city to spend it.
The house the Black Wind Mercenary Guild owned was fairly run down. Still he had thick walls and no opening where a thief could try to sneak in.
Jessica was humming as she thought this was going to be fun.
Dressed as a young farmer daughter she was having fun. I was dressed as her brother. Max Shelly and Tom walked to the treasury house dressed as a Black Wind Mercenary. We only had two items capable of hiding your status. This meant that getting troops near a bank that was on alert would be hard. Shelly Max and Toms stats were high.
The Black Wind Mercenary Guild were hiring like crazy so new faces did not cause any big issue. A mercenary looked at Max and almost fell into a puddle trying to get out of his way. I guess i had totally underestimated the fear caused by a Chaos Paladin.
Max reached out and tossed a greater fire ball twisted by his own magic into the Black Wind Mercenary Guild Bank. The entire building shook as blue flames shot out of the front door.
I waited by the only other exit to the building. The side door opened and a couple of tellers ran screaming out. I quickly tossed another greater fire ball in the door. Then I pulled out a bag of holding and pulled out two Skeleton warriors i had prepared earlier. I had raised a zombie called Jimmy and turned him into a skeleton.
Name: JimmyRace undead zombieClass Knighthp 150 Stamina NullMana 0Traitsundead immune to disease fear disease
dark vision
had turned to
Name: JimmyRace undead SkeletonClass Knighthp 188Stamina NullMana 5SkillsBash lv2Slash lv1Traitsundead immune to disease fear disease
dark vision
Well made + 50% damage reduction from sharp weapons
hates Wrath
That hates Wrath trait was a surprise. Well I had tossed a fire ball at where his balls should have been.
I starred at my status screen my recent attack on the black wind mercenaries had increased my level to 39. I was close to level 40. I pulled a couple jars of oil and tossed them into the building. The jars exploded into a fog of black smoke.
Jimmy moved forward into the fog and I stayed outside. Jessica blanched as Jimmy moved forward to secure the building. The black fog was actually toxic. Anyone who took a whiff would die. I felt my experience point hit level 40 and climb as Jimmy and the other skeleton did there job. Kill anyone else left alive inside.
Jessica cast sleep magic on the employees who had made it out of the bank on time. They dropped to the ground and i waited. The unnaturally powerful fire on the inside of the bank began to eat threw the wooden beams holding the top floor up.
Max walked around the bank casting spells on the wall weakening the support beams. A sweating Max gulped down a mana potion and i felt Jimmy and his friend suddenly disappear from my mind.
I starred at the building and turned to Jessica “Cast Sanctuary of life on the building.” Jessica nodded thinking I wanted to heal anyone left in the building. The truth was the black smoke would kill anyone who inhaled enough of it. Noone living was in the building. That left vampires.
I felt my experience points suddenly increase. And looked at Max “Vamps are inside there maybe a escape tunnel to the warehouse. Lets go.”
A unit of Black wind mercenaries ran up the single road in the village and I nodded to Jessica “Cast the wind spell ” Jessica cast a wind spell and i used a spell scroll to cast a massive fire blast spell. The wind blew the fire blast spell into the incoming Black wind Mercenaries.
I blinked at the piles of bones that were left from my spell scroll. A couple of the Black wind Mercenaries were running around screaming. Somehow they were still alive until Shelly shot hem in the head with her bow.
Jessica stared to sob and Max comforted her. Everyone ran to the warehouse and found a cart being loaded up with what looked like coffins. Tom whistled “You would think they would at least have there resting places in square boxes just to hide whats being moved.”
Tom attacked the people moving the coffins who fell to the ground without making a sound. No blood leaked from them at all. Tom grinned as he started to open the coffins by tossing them onto the street. “Free experience hear we come”
The vampires exploded in flame as they hit the ground. One of the coffins however was to heavy to be thrown carefully Tom opened the coffin which was full of gold and a lot of books. Tom grinned “Lets torch the warehouse just in case we missed any.”
I pulled my goblin staff out and fired a couple of fireballs into the Warehouse. Shelly pulled out a couple of jars of oil and doused the front of the warehouse. She looked at the coffin full of gold and and silver and grinned she patted me on the back “Summon a skeleton it does not have to be a decent one just one that will keep the locals away from here.”
We used the Waggon that the vampires had been moved onto to leave and go find Thorn and the three paladins. The Paladins had a old lady named Gina tied up in the back of there cart.
Thorn looked at me “Lets get this done I want my new class.”
i shrugged fine lets go. Max grabbed the old woman who turned pale in fright when she saw him coming. Max grinned “Ok my friend Thorn the Orc would like a kind of class up.”
I pulled out a large bag of gold and showed the Gina the contents. Then I pulled out a scroll of what I wanted done. Gina nodded and looked at the scroll. I starred at Thorn “Why her she looks like she is about to keel over from old age.” Gina cackled “I am stall able to cast a blessing lets get this done.” The old lady signed the documents i had prepared. Then the old lady issued the spoke the magic words.
"In the presence of the gods i declare you a orc chieftain”
Thorn looked at me and cast a spell scroll to show all her class up options. She grinned “You were right there are extra classes available horde leader, high shaman and night raider and trickster,” I nodded “Trickster it is then remember you want to increase your mana and gain a stealth ability if possible.”
Gina cast the class spell onto Thorn and grinned. I watched Thorns status display change.
Name ThornRace ORC(68%)age 16Level 38Class Barbarian WarriorIntelligenceStrengthEnduranceLuck5/715/1517/172Hit pointsManaStaminaWeight245/24525/25245/24534/330
Name ThornRace High ORC(68%)age 16Level 38Class Barbarian WarriorClass TricksterIntelligenceStrengthEnduranceLuck5/715/1517/174Hit pointsManaStaminaWeight245/24535/35245/24534/330
Her luck went up as did her race. She went from orc to high orc.
Thorn looked thrilled. She grinned “Next the rest old Lady. Gina cast the next race up.
Gina nodded “I now in front of the gods and men declare you a orc noble. A Queen among your own kind.”
Name ThornRace Silver ORC(68%)age 16Level 38Class Orc berserker Class TricksterIntelligenceStrengthEnduranceLuck7/1015/2017/206 Hit pointsManaStaminaWeight245/24549/49245/24534/330
A bolt of lightening exploded from the sky and I tossed a greater fire ball at it. Thorn started to cry “IT worked you were right my maximum potential was raised. My strength is at 15 now but with a couple of months work i can raise it to 20”
Another bolt of Lightening crashed down this time i pulled out my goblin staff and flung a stream of fire balls at it. Behind me Jessica whimpered “That lightening its from the gods of light.”
The gods of good are angry with you a quest has been issued to kill you and the Orc named Thorn. A level 61-79 Inquisitor has been dispatched he will be here be at your location in a month. The gods of evil and destruction are happy. They have sent you a gift of a class Class monster breeder.
The gods of the orcs are happy with they have sent you a gift.
Title gained orc friend
The gods of order do not care The gods of chaos are happy with you.
The gods of balance have decided to re-balance you
All Titles will be combined
I looked at my status screen in horror
Name WrathLevel 41Race high Human(95%)AGE NullClass Necromancer(7)Subclasses Necromancerclass death mage (2)Subclasses Death MAgeSub class Shaman Necromancer lv(8)Sub class Life Mage lv 0Sub class Spirit Necromancer lv(0)Class Monster breeder lv nullSubclasses Monster breederSub class tamer lv(0)Sub class orc breeder lv(1)Sub class animal breeder lv(1)Sub class monster plant breeder lv nullSub class dungeon herbalist lv1
My race had changed and my new class was insane. Monster breeder. I swallowed and asked a question i knew was going to come back to haunt me. “So Gina can the gods forcefully give you a class?”
Gina laughed “That old horror story. In close to a thousand years it has not happened. Its near to impossible. Only the most depraved and vicious mass murdering maniac would be at risk. You would have had to massacre a entire country before you even qualified. Then the gods of both evil and destruction would have to agree on the class and they hate each other.”
Gina laughed “They say that the first dungeon was born of such a cursed class. Of course the rumour is that the yeoman Archer class was created from such a class. Its hard to say what the effects of such a dangerous class will be. Well aside from turning the poor unfortunate person who got the class into a dark lord.”
I kept my calm and decided i would go back to the black library and look into this matter very carefully. I nodded “Last question my titles were combined and the gods of balance re balanced me?”
Gina grinned “Thats good news for you. The gods of balance will increase a trait if a god is unfairly suppressing you. Plus if you have a rare class they will give bonuses. The rarer the class the greater the bonus I can check what happened if you want for a nominal fee”
I nodded thinking of my monster breeder class and let Gina cast a spell over me. Gina shuddered her voice lowering as she explained
“ok you should have got the life affinity skill from a skill book. The gods of balance decided you still deserved it so they gave you a sub class instead of the affinity.
It looks like the fact you are a death mage allowed the gods of death to stop you gaining the battlemage, pyro mage sub classes.
You should also have got the pyro maniac title and fire affinity for roasting ten enemies to death at the same time. Theres also another fire related title for setting fire to ten orcs and having them run off a cliff in panic You gained sub classes to balance out these lost titles.”
Gina head began to sweat “Also you should have gained lesser earth affinity and some kind of increase due to the fact you turned ten people into frozen statues at the same time. I just can not see what you gained because your necklace is blocking my sight.”
I nodded “Thats fine hear is a little extra for your inconvenience and your time.” I sighed and decided to sleep on my problems.
Unfortunately i was woken during the night by Thorn and a couple of shadows. I starred at the shadows.
Name: Silence Race ???? lv63 (master thief)(shadow Assassin)(Death Paladin)(Priest of Evil)
Name:????Race???? lv 45 Class ???Class???Class???
I stared at Silence and he bowed “I am Silence a Assassin. I am here to target the Black wind Bandits few mages. I was told you are in charge. So i wanted you to know once hired i will kill my targets or die. You will not be able order me to stop. I am death and I will kill you myself if you feel that you are hesitating in your resolve.”
Silence pulled out small pile of human scalps “My Last employer and his family. He attempted to tell me killing the entire village was to much.”
Silence partner swallowed and i nodded “Do i get a bulk discount.” Silence nodded “Half price if you hire me to kill another set of targets. I will kill six targets for the price of the three Thorn wants me to kill.”
I nodded “There is one target that has not got here yet a level 61-79 Inquisitor. He should be hear within the next month. Kill him and the two most powerful of his group.”
Silence bowed again “Very well i will give you a further discount. I will charge you a third of my usual fee do you have any other targets?” I thought about it “There was a jerk of a lord and his son. Then Shelly stole from some dark traders i would feel happier if they were all dead. My father always said be steadfast. If a enemy comes for you kill them all and burn there houses to the ground and salt there fields if you can not steal there house”
Silence bowed lower this time “Any other targets?” I shrugged “Just as many Inquisitor's that come into this area in a months time. Also if you killed as many black wind officers and there family members as possible. Wait am I being a bit brutal?”
Thorn grinned at me “Its the fact your titles have merged your a little bit out of your mind at the moment.” I nodded “You ok leave the families alone if possible. Maybe just na thats to lame. Kill the officers first and let the families know there next if they stick around. So give the families a chance to leave. Now i am going to sleep”
Silence bowed “The blessing of the Evil god upon you. I will take half of my original price for the entire list. If you want ten more people killed i will charge a quarter of my original price ”
Blessing of the evil god granted Title favoured by Evil gods gained
I nodded “Fine i will give you ten more names but i get to change them in two months time. I may have people i want to kill more than the names Thorn will give you will you put them at the top of your list?.”
Silence bowed “I will give you a deal I will kill all the people on Thorns list and come back in two months for the next list. Free of charge. Remember if you do not have a list i will kill you.”
I went back to sleep wondering if he was such a psycho because of his titles. Who took less gold for doing more work.
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