《NPC I want experience》Chapter 14 i did not kill a team mate I just let him die
Back in my hovel i thought about it. The blessing of the dark gods. I received a blessing of the dark gods. Having a paladin dispatched was a problem. But i had done something to deserve to get the blessing of the dark gods. I decided what the hell i could wait for Thorn to level up and then we could run for it.
After all if i helped her get the orc lord title i would possible get another blessing from the gods of magic and knowledge. Plus the good Gods were just going to send a inquisitor after me how bad could they be?
A soft laugh came from one of the shrines I used to light my little hovel. As the shrines were made of bones and a troll skulls this was not a good sign.
Well I could either worry about it or just set the bear trap i used just inside the door. There was a hole dug just behind the door. It anyone say a vampire opened the door they would hopefully stand on the rug and the bear trap would pin them in place while i used my spells to vaporise them.
I got ready for bed and the shrine began to laugh more. I used identify on it but all i got was the usual notification
Shrine to DeathDurability 5/5A poorly made shrine that collects dark energy.
I sighed as the shrine was still laughing. I decided to cast light orb and do some more research. I had the trolls research notes and I was interested to see if I could research ice trolls with the notes i had taken from the Library.
I finally nodded off to sleep after realizing there was just not information in the books to be able to get another dark scholar achievement. I woke up to a notification
Achievement: you went to sleep next to a creepy shrine
Reward Steadfast title will be improved.
Reward Shrine will be upgraded.
I stared at the shrine
Shrine to DeathDurability 5/5Dark Energy0/1000A poorly made shrine that collects dark energy.
Next i checked my title steadfast
Steadfast Endurance +4 Strength +2
had gone to
Steadfast Endurance +4 Strength +2 increased willpower
I got up and carefully opened my front door. I was betting this was a underhanded gift from the dark gods. They could not help me directly but were giving me something that could be very useful to me.
I checked the Bear trap was ready under the rug. Then i spat on it with bile Breath and used my stench ability to cover up the smell of the poison that I applied every day to the bear trap.
I left my hovel and moved toward Thorns house. Thorn was up and about skinning something that must have set off her bear trap. Thorn nodded to me and we left the bear trap in plain sight to scare off would be thieves.
We found Tom and Shelly were practising with there swords I looked at them and called Shelly over to explain about the weird shrine and blessing i had gotten. Shelly laughed “Seriously your pulling a prank right? Right?”
Shelly looked at me and screamed to Tom “I have got to check out a few things. Stop watering down the stamina potions and do not let this one go to the Library he needs to increase his strength as soon as possible. Stop babying him he needs that strength increase yesterday.”
Toms eyes seemed to glow as he pulled out a wooden sword and threw it toward me. He picked up two more and attacked me duel wielding his swords in a blur of speed and power.
A hour later Shelly finally got back just as i was being forced onto my feet by Tom. Shelly moved closer and smelled the water we were using instead of stamina potion. Shelly shook her head “Time is up I want him with 10 strength by next week. We are accelerating your training schedule. From now on you craft stamina potions in the morning and train all day. When you hit level 10 and your about to level up to level 11 we start increasing your level again.”
Tom grinned “Alright boy time for some real training.”
Tom pulled out a stamina potion and added it our drinking water. The drinking water already had stamina potion in it. This just increased the effect. He had put in a entire potion usually we just used a tenth of a potion. Tom grinned “Use the potion on your muscles and take some food your going to need it Wrath”
Tom pulled out his sword and attacked me again. His swords moved like snakes. I blocked and blocked again. There was no way to attack Tom speed was insane. I stopped moving backwards and began to spin my sword trying to stop my reversal.
Tom stopped using the fancy moves he had been using and relied on pure speed and strength. I gripped my sword tight and responded with the best defence I could.
Shelly and a man entered Shelly and the man stopped to watch as Tom smashed his sword into mine again and again. Finally Tom stepped backwards sweat pouring down his face.
Shelly stared at the collapsed me “What was that?” “Steadfast its a inherited title remember.”
Tom tried to laugh “Yeah but you could not do that yesterday. You held out for far longer that you should have been able to.” I kept silent after all steadfast had been upgraded with a addition willpower there might have been something else added as well.
Shelly pulled the man she had brought forward this is James he is a porter and knows body enhancement just like you. Learn his skill and then you go back to train with Tom.
It took a hour for James to teach me the basics of magic body enhancement. It was basically a way to channel mana to increase body strength. So i was told to fight Tom while using Body enhancement. Two hours later we were both sweating and Tom looked impressed in spite of himself.
Shelly ordered us to stop and i dropped my sword. And tried to walk it was to painful without using body enhancement. Shelly pulled out the water mixed with the stamina potion and applied it to me and for the first time Tom.
It took three days of hell for my strength to reach 10 my endurance reached 12/12 in other words it was as high as it was going. Took a week after that before strength finally reached 11/11
The day it did Shelly brought me down and we used my create undead rats to raise my level to 30 and give Tom the undead slayer title.
When i hit level 30 my hit points went from 77 to 88 and the weight i could carry went up from 55 to 77. I looked at status increase and i could have cried so what if the weight i could carry went up a bit. It was not worth the pounding i had taken to get hear.
Shelly Had me level up thorn and when we reached the final level she could lv 24 we headed for our first mission. I starred at Thorn again. She winked at me taking a leaf from “Yes i have 211 hp and 245 stamina get over it. Why can i not get my next class?”
Shelly sighed “We have been over this you need a couple of bonuses you do not have yet. Now lets move out you have the bag of holding for the rats?” Tom came over looking trilled. “Lets go and level up.”
I looked at Sally as her level was so high she could not level with us and the rats. In fact level 35 was as high as I could go with killing undead rats. We headed off to the clearance team.
A fat man was explaining what we were going to be doing. “Its simple head out and kill rats. Anyone under level 15 can get at least one experience point from a rat and five for a plague rat. Some of the weirder ones give ten points of experience. The numbers of plague rats has been increasing so bring the bodies back here and we will pay for them. Remember this is a respectable cemetery so do try not to damage the place to much. ”
I heard a older man chuckle “Come on son I told you this was the place to get some easy coin. With the numbers of plague rats increasing right next to the rich section bounty's are threw the roof. ”
Silently I wondered if Thorn did something so the rats would breed. Still i did not care much. We moved forward Shelly moved in front she would still get a point of experience for a plague Rat and two from a Diseased plague rat. I would resurrect them and we would kill them again and sell the dead corpses to the collectors.
We moved threw the massive graveyard slowly killing the rats. We came to a supply station a priestess was casting light heal and cure disease on those who had let the rats bite them. Seriously use a bow. One of the men was covered in rat bites. It looked like he let the rats bite him and then killed them. There were a couple of paladins also healing people and i cursed internally. Paladins did not like necromancers time to get out of here.
A female voice echoed out “do not go we were just about to eat come join us” I looked up at a young giggling woman wearing a very revealing blouse
Claire age 101 lv 16 Class hunter
I tensed up and looked at Thorn and gave her some holy water. “Clean your weapon. Shelly get your ass over here now.”
I starred at Claire stammering “Why do we not let my friend join us your very pretty.” I starred hard at Claire chest and activated my life and death vision.
Claire Race Vampire age 101 lv 56 class Hunter, Rogue, Assassin
Claire gave me a mocking laugh “Why sir i could just eat you up yes I could.” I nodded “Yup thats a nice jumper you have.”
When I heard Shelly catch up with us i released a flare from my amulet of light. I altered it to emit sunlight instead of standard light. A blue streak hit Claire and she turned into a pillar of flame.
I jumped behind a tomb stone releasing a light orb that had the same effect sunlight it creating a small pocket of blue light.
The paladins screamed murderer “he killed Claire get him. Luckily the priestess was smarter she screamed out Sanctuary. A massive blast of light surrounded her and Claire's sisters turned into smoking monsters. I cast another sunlight flare aiming to block off the vampires retreat.
Claire's three sisters did not retreat. One jumped on top of a Paladins back one tried to run at the priestess and got a blast of pure light in the face for her trouble. The last one came right for me.
She was a blur she was moving so fast. Shelly shot a arrow which turned into three in the air. It did not even slow the vampire down. Thorns warcry did somehow Toms sword shot out and cut right threw the vampires leg. The vampire slammed into Thorn and they went down in a tangle of limbs. Tom pulled out a three litre bottle of holy water and smashed it into the vampires head.
The vampire screamed and let go of Thorn and tried to crawl away. Tom slammed his sword down straight into the Vampire chest pining it to the ground. Then he pulled a five litre bottle of holy water and broke that over the vampire as well.
Just for good measure i hit the vampire with a sun flare. The vampire turned into a burning screaming mess. I looked up both paladins were dead and the priestess was a sobbing wreck. We ran forward because the priestess Sanctuary spell was still working.
The priestess was silently sobbing as Tom and Thorn grabbed the food cart the priestess was using to feed the hungry rat hunters.
Tom tossed the cart down against a large grave stone to make a make shift barrier.
Shelly hand blurred and she fired a arrow that glowed as it broke into three a scream came from the darkness. Shelly grabbed the priestess and we all huddled together.
Claires voice now very raspy came out of the darkness “Sanctuary is a spell that will only last a bit more. Come out and your death will be so pleasant Come out and die in realms of pleasure such as you have never felt before.” I pulled out a full master level mana potion and gulped it down.
Vampire mind control attempt detected
75 percent resisted by Steadfast trait.
I blinked wow that was some increase i got to my trait. I threw holy water over everyone. Then I tossed two bottles of holy water at where i though the paladins bodies were.
Claires voice called out “How much holy water can you possible have. You burnt me and i will not allow you to live.” Tom answered by tossing another five litre bottle at the location of the sound of the voice. Then we all hunkered down waiting.
A scream echoed out of the darkness “help me” Claire voice called out “Its sir Thomas come out and save him.” I peaked out a crack in the barricade we had created. There was that fat man who had given us our orders.
A womans voice echoed out again “come out or he dies.” Tom shuddered “We need to put him out of his misery” I pulled out a bag of garlic and mashed it into a paste. I tossed it to Shelly who nodded. Shelly put it onto a dagger and tossed the dagger straight at Sir Thomas.
Sir Thomas screamed in panic “Agghee Rescue me I am rich.” I moved away from the hole i was peaking threw and cast sun light orb. The sanctuary spell spluttered out and i heard a scream as they finished off Thomas.
The voice of the sobbing priestess was all we heard for the next few minutes until a flare illuminated the whole place. A head popped over the cart “We are here this cemetery will be cleansed. You can come out now. ”
Shelly looked at me “Vampires have good night vision right what happens if one has a crossbow and a grudge?” The man looked at us huddled together “They know we are hear they will have run off.” Shelly shook her head “Forget it we killed one of them and hit another with a sun flare she is most likely still out there. Can you just cast a lesser sanctuary on us one that will last until morning and we will leave during the morning.”
The man shook his head “The vampires might be getting away as we speak. Reinforcements are already on the way.” I looked at my light orb “Ok so leave us here and cast a light orb on us it will last a hour we will leave on our own after that.”
The man sighed “Fair enough but bring the priestess out with you.” the man cast a calm mind spell on the priestess and we all waited for the half hour to be up.
A head popped over the barrel we were in it was the paladin from before he did not look happy “We found a Vampire corpse nearby it looks like someone feed her tainted blood. There was Sir Thomas corpse nearby it looks like someone stuck him with a dagger laced with holy water and garlic paste. You would not know anything about that?”
I looked at the paladin “There were two remaining vampires. And i would never kill a team mate.” The paladin cursed and ran off. Tom grinned “So do we make a dash for it or answer the paladins questions?” Shelly looked at me “Can you get a fix on the last vampires” I shook my head. Shelly looked at the stars above. “We stay put and refuse to answer any queries they might have. After all we did not kill Thomas but we poisoned him. When the sun comes up we make for home asap”
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I will be editing the earlier chapters a bit if you have any comments or spot any flaws
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