《NPC I want experience》Chapter 13 I am not stealing spells i have a libary card
Shelly was glowing she looked at me and Thorn “Does anyone want dinner i am buying” I shuddered “Theres a dead rat in the corner lets go somewhere else. ” Shelly looked at the dead rat “I have eaten worse” Thorn nodded “I think the rat stew they are selling smells nice.”
Shelly looked at Thorn “Wait what i just though they were a little filthy there actually selling rat stew?” Thorn nodded “A lot of places sell it. Its not that bad i prefer grubs and lice but Rat not bad”
I starred at Shelly to see if she was going to order the stew or not. Shelly looked Thorn but she looked at the dead rat in the corner and got up “Lets go my treat I know a nice chicken place.”
Thorn whispered to me “Its not chicken i work for the rat catcher guild we do deliveries.” I swallowed “I do not want to know lets go.”
The restaurant we went to at least had no dead rats on the floor. We went to the order and i ordered the potatoes. Shelly ordered the roll which looked great rat meat or no rat meat. I guess I would have to try it next time.
Shelly started to babble “I have a boyfriend he is great. So we have a meeting with him soon he will get a mage to give you tips on increasing your level. I have sent a letter to Van and will hear back soon. There have been no wanted posters that have gone up yet but we should still be careful. I have a bed ready for you both. When we are finished we can go and find the places you will be staying.”
Where i was staying was in a small shack. It was made of of a part of a old Boat for the roof and half cut barrels for the walls. It was leaning against a small house. Reeds tar and mud had been added to stop any wind getting in.
I sighed and looked at the damp roof. Shelly looked at it “I am going to get you some hay to sleep on.” Thorn looked around “Get him a hammock that way the rats can not eat his fingers during the night.”
A hammock i felt myself get cheerful i always wanted one of those. I looked around again and made a mental note. “Can you get me enough bones for a shrine Shelly. Shrines glow a bit it will be handy for night time. Plus we can put up a couple of shrines at night i can just cover them with a blanket.”
Shelly grinned at me “Ok so you live out hear and Thorn can have the house. It will just look like Thorn is renting you a place to stay.” I looked at Shelly “Its my house right you used my gold to buy a house?” Shelly winked at me “Yup its a great base of operations. Plus you got it cheap because of the location and rats and possible ghost.”
I looked at the house and decided i needed to know “What happened to the previous owner?” Shelly looked sheepish “Vampires got them we think. But they were old and Tom said there grandchildren needed the gold”
Thorn looked at the house and nodded “So do we need to put down some bear traps?” I shook my head “I will put up a couple of totems the vampires will avoid this place once they know there is a necromancer in residence. Although a bit of glass on the roof top would not be a bad thing. Maybe a couple of wards i am a mage now.”
Thorn nodded “Can you do a flesh peeling one?” Shelly looked embarrassed “Your going to have to ask Tom about that before you set it up. We do not want to kill the local dogs or cats. In the mean time I am having the locks replaced”
Shelly looked pleased “Ok thorn go and buy some bear traps and glass and anything else you need to stop casual thieves. I will get Tom to buy you the skulls and bones you need lets go see the mage ”
Jenny the mage was a older woman who looked about fifty of course some mages aged slower than normal humans she could have been much older. She nodded at me and asked i take off my ring of concealment.
She pulled out a sheet of paper and began to write. She looked over my sheet and nodded “Your doing well so far. Your multiplier for magic is certainly high enough for you to enter Mage school.”
I looked at Jenny “I know i am suppose to know what that is but i do not.” Jenny starred at me ok lets start with hp and mana and stamina. Jenny drew on her piece of paper
Jim before class intelligence 10 endurance 10
hp = endurance * multiplier hp = 10 *5 = 50mana = intelligence * multipliermana =10*5 = 50stamina = endurance * multiplierstamina =10*5 = 50
jim chooses mage class int 10 +1 =11 endurance 10
hp = endurance * multiplier hp = 10 *5 = 50mana = intelligence * multipliermana =11*10 = 110stamina = endurance * multiplierstamina =10*5 = 50
jim chooses warrior class int 10 endurance 10 + 1 =11
hp = endurance * multiplier hp = 11 *10 = 110mana = intelligence * multipliermana =10*5 = 50stamina = endurance * multiplierstamina =11*7 = 77
The multiplier is important as is your intelligence. Jenny snorted “Look you have the title necromancer. I am betting it raised your intelligence from 7 to eight. Your just not seeing on your chart. Once you see mage on your sheet your intelligence potential will increase to 9.”
Jenny looked at my chart again “I can not do much for but point out that Necromancers generally only have two sub classes. Blood Necromancer and Spirit Necromancer. You have shaman as well for some reason. If you can gain either of the other sub classes and level it to level five you can class up. Change from necromancer to arch necromancer or high Necromancer.”
Jenny looked at me “Mage school opens soon you are qualified to go now but before it opens try to raise your endurance to 11. Right now your Endurance is 10/12 10 is the amount of endurance you have and 12 is your top potential. When you raise a level to above ten you get a bonus trait. You get another bonus trait when you hit level 30 and your endurance is above 10 ”
Jenny pulled out a card “Its a library card with it you can go to the library and read books there for a small fee. I suggest you buy yourself a gromoire and start learning new spells. Also you can copy the books so do so. Your necromancer level spells are of a decent level but you need heal spells and a attack spell like even lesser lightening bolt. You have been using a staff or wand so far right?” I nodded.
Jenny looked at me sternly “You need to be able to cast a long range spell without relying on a staff its a basic requirement. Is there anything else?” I pulled out the troll necklace
Jenny looked at in surprise “Now thats valuable there has been no enchantments put on it yet. To bad its so ugly or you could get double for it. I know someone and can get you a good deal on it. Say a ring of Life it allows you to cast light heal. It will speed your learning of healing spell up by a lot”
I looked at my other ring “What about the ring of death?” Jenny looked at my other ring. “That thing is for melee fighters not mages I will get you a ring of life and get that upgraded in exchange for that necklace.”
I looked at the massive and ugly necklace. “I also want a cloak or something. The necklace is ugly but its also massive and can take a lot of enchanting.” Jenny looked at the necklace “Fine i will throw in another enchanted item but clothing would be a waste. Your still growing and while magic items tend to grow with there owners there are limits. How about i get you access to the back of the library. You can gain access to forbidden level spells a lot faster that way. “ I nodded “Fine i alrealy have a half way decent necklace but I get to take a look at the library and then decide.”
Jenny nodded “Lets go” We walked to a fairly small but very beautiful building. Jenny brought me to the back of the building and talked to a old man there. I was given a token and looked at a bookcase of books. Jenny starred at the books “There are one hundred and fifteen spell books here. This section deals with everything. There all spell books with several cheat sheet books on various classes.”
I found a cheat sheet book on knights and looked over the requirements to level up the class. I put the book back and found a book on monsters. It was a bit more general than most but it had a section orc lords.
I nodded “How long does the pass to this place last?” Jenny shrugged “Its only suppose to last a month but if you butter up the librarian who knows.” I nodded “Deal”
I went to meet Tom Shelly's new boyfriend. Shelly was actually wearing a dress and looked embarrassed. Tom was a level 25 Mercenary lv 8 Knight Squire lv 6.
He looked excited to meet me. Tom shook my hand and grinned “Your really level 29? Thats great Shelly says you need some more help.” I nodded “I have a lot of untapped potential I need to gain another level in endurance and maybe strength before the Mage school opens up.”
Tom nodded “ I can help with that i have a sub class swordsman you can upgrade your swordmanship and increase your endurance and strength at the same time.” I grinned “Thats great how do you feel about Thorn?”
Tom laughed “If i did not have this one I would have asked her to be my girlfriend.” Shelly punched Tom and i grinned “Thats good because Jenny gave me a month pass to the black library. There were a couple of good ones on orc classes. I am going to be spending most of the time the library is opened copying books. I am going to take the time to get Thorn a cheat sheet.”
Tom looked serious “The black library there are forbidden spells in there. Even lords are not allowed bring the books out of the library.” I grinned “thats true but i have a library card i will bring the copied manuscript out of the Library one page at a time if i have to.” Tom blinked “You can do that? Thats insane i know people who would pay three or four gold for a stolen copy of some of the more forbidden spell books.”
I looked at Tom “Do you know anyone who can make copies. I want to keep a copy and my handwriting is bad to say the least.”
Three weeks passes in a blur as you spend time with Tom Shelly and Thorn practising the sword in the morning. The black library was only open for four hours a day. So i had plenty of time to get beaten up by Tom. Even Shelly with her massive level gap was trounced by Tom. He was a real master of the blade moving swiftly from stance to stance.
Thorn growth was staggering especially that war cry she had. I finally got my endurance to go to up a level but my strength went up a level to 9. As i had the potential for strength 11 I was told by Shelly to wait before reaching level 30.
Jenny had my new life rings delivered and i gave Thorn my old one which had been undated. It had gone from adsorb mana to
Namering of the vampire Effects on Hit
Adsorbs hp Adsorbs stamina Adsorbs manaPassive Effects
+ 5% physical damage + 5% chance of daze upon sussessful strike
The biggest gain was from the black library. I learnt how to create spell scrolls and how to change the effects of spells. I spent hours practising with the flare spell from my necklace of light. I could use the necklace to create different colour flares at no extra cost. I also began to be able to shoot flares that were extra bright and went out faster or duller and lasted longer.
Then I got a achievement.
Achievement Scholar you have gone threw the black library and read and understood enough about the world to have a fairly basic grasp of reality.
Reward observation skill lv1
You have knowledge of poisons basic, alchemical potions very basic undead life greater, farming greater, weapons and armour and Orc lord evolution normal
Observation skill level set to 8
Achievement Dark scholar you have understood a researched a method to evolve a orc to a orc lord. If anyone knew about your research you might be killed.
Observation skill level 8 evolves to identify level 1
The gods of evil are pleased Effects ???? Well it will most likely not be that bad
The god of chaos is very pleased Effect luck +1
The god of chaos is very pleased Effect ???
The god of Goodness are Watching you very very closely Effect You only have a theory you have not actually put it to the test yet. So the gods of good can not dispatch a inquisitor yet.Effect Paladins have been notified of the existence of a threat to humanity somewhere near your location.
The Orc God is happy Effect if you actually help a Orc reach orc lord you will be granted a gift. Effect if you help the orcs develop addition blessing are availible
The gods of magic and knowledge are happyEffect identify will be upgraded when it reaches level 7Effect increase in intelligence Effect mana multiplier increase two levels
my base intelligence raced up as did my mana increased from 72 to 98
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