《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 32 training spells



“Yes father, what is it?”

“It has been over 3 months you played that game. Did you gain any reputation?”

“Umm. i got around 1000 fame. I guess.”

“I see. Hmm. “

“What is it father?” i said suspiciously.

“Well, to tell you the truth, our company has bought the capsule too and each of head branch got one. so i have been playing Royalroad too.”


“Yes. But not really playing. The capsule is mainly for meeting some director overseas. But we have been aiming at RR too so we created an account there.”


“well, for example. Here. look at this advertisement in newspaper.”

I look at the tablet my father handed me. in advertisement space which people 90% ignore there were written. ‘buy coca-cola now and get a moderate mana potion in RR’


“Yes. This company for example have invented in RR. Since it is such a huge company, they manage to find some painters which is very rare and alchemist which is also rare and hired them. and the result is this” My father handed me the tablet again after i returned it to him there was a picture if a mana potion with coca-cola label on it

“It is very good.” I almost want to bought coca cola immediately now after seeing this. moderate mana potion could restore 200 until 500 mana depending on its quality. It is very awesome for beginner to mid level mage or even high level knight. Ahh, and after seeing this, there are also a moderate health potion which is for Fanta and sprite.

“Moderate health potion and Moderate mana potion....”

“Ehem!” my father coughed to bring me back to reality

“Since our company is a shoe and clothing company, we decided on equipment.”

“I see. sorry but i don’t have blacksmith nor tailoring skills. Nor do i know anyone which could make a high level goods” i answered. For a product to be accepted in a market, you would need at least intermediate skill in crafting otherwise the clothing will only has looks and low stats which many player would reject. i even doubt you could made anything with a beginner skill in crafting. For example, what food could you made that didn’t require seasoning which only unlocked at beginner lvl 7. What sword blacksmith can make without steel, iron sword is only for someone less than lvl 10. And so on.

“don’t worry about that. we have access about that. the problem is harassment. As you might know, many guild own a city, village, or even a part of a country. Since we have to announce our company name we might get harassed by these dark gamers guild.”

“Harassed?” i pondered

“Well, let’s look at this coca-cola. They need to hire 5000 mercenaries. Which is of course part of them is dark gamer guild. And since they know it is from a huge company, they charge a whooping 500 gold for each person hired. Per day”

“five hundred?” i i gasped. It is enough to buy accessory or equipment for lvl 80 in a single go.

“So after hiring the blood sucker dark gamer guild, the coca cola official guild which is their branch in RR world took over a small village near Kallamore kingdom and made them their own. after the village is set, they started to produce the said potions. but, they still needed to hire another mercenaries to guard their village. Which cost them another bunch of gold. Not to mention about taxes from the count or dukes”


“Why take over the village.”

“For headquarters. If they didn’t do it, the guild owning the village usually charge them with lot of money. If the company decided to move, they kidnap or at least robbed them. while some little branch could live with this, but the headquarters can’t because this also involves a huge factory of health and mana potion. Sometimes the guild owning the village, if not charge them with money, they charge them with products.”

“I see.”

“If counted, the takeover village will cost 2.5 mil gold for troops. 300 thousand gold for siege weapon and supply and after that they need about 200 thousand gold each month to maintain the village.”

“over 3 mil gold”

“Converted to real world money, just the foundation of the plan would cost over 30.000$ if we take 1$ equal to 100 gold. Which is already cheap. Now let’s mention about their equipment which initially would cost over 1.5 mil gold and 200 thousand gold for maintenance, and the mana and health potion ingredients which cost 20 or 30 gold.the additional sum would be another 3 mil gold. And now let’s take the employee we need at least 200 people for this and thus 200 x 200$. The total amount is 100.000$ and if they didn’t take over, the need to pay 80.000$ each month because of additional taxes from guilds. If they took over they need to pay 65.000$ except the first month. All of it cost ridiculous amount of money. ”

“So... what does it have to do with my fame?”

“Well, i was just asking if you had any connections to some counts or nobles. Because if you do, the price i mention could go down by 20 or 30% because i heard that if a famous player ordered it, the taxes could get lowered”

“Umm, if it is a village, i think i could do that. if you are talking about count, maybe if i converse with Count Ignis in Trisia, something could work out. But that city is almost pretty much ruined.”

“Good job. So where is it?”

“In Trisia. To the south you will meet a small village called the village of the acolyte.” I said to him.

“Alright. we will check and made some negotiations with them. thank you. you have been a great help. I shall increase your daily allowance.” Said father smiling

“I don’t need that.” i said while puffing. Well the truth is i owned 2 credit cards. And the allowance is 500$ dollar a month. While the other, for emergency purpose has a limit of 5000$ i have no more wants except friends which is why i started that game

At that signal my father went to call someone and leave the dining table. After a while he spoke to me “Well, the scout group from our company will be visiting you. your name is Riri right?””


“It will took several days of real world time. but when they get to Trisia and Village of Acolyte, i will inform you to guide them.”

“Okay.” After finishing my dinner i then went to sleep while logging into Royalroad.


“Hello. Welcome back.!” Stella greet me.

“Hello. Let’s continue from before.” I replied

After i whined about yesterday being tanker, Stella now decided to teach me about idol performer class. she realized that my learning is incomplete.

“Okay as i said yesterday, we are going to continue your learning. I am sorry that i have become skilless. I was supposed to teach you more about idol performer class but because of several incident it can’t be realized.i am sorry. I should have properly teach you after the show in city of acolyte. Because of lack of training your class is half assed.”


“Please don’t be sad. It can’t be helped. Death manager attacked us after all. it is not your fault. After all, to us foreigners, this world is just a game.”

“Thank you.”

“So. What is the topic of study today?”

“Okay, well. it is about magic. first, take a look.” She then raised her hands

“???” i put question mark on my head

“Sorry. I can’t show you. i no longer have the skills.” She looked dejected again “Umm, i will explained to the best of my abilities. So ask me if you have questions okay.”

She then took a breath then started explaining “First, please made a fireball.”

“Fireball!” i cast the fireball then it fired to somewhere.

“Ummm. Not that, i mean. Cast the fireball and hold it.”


“Ahh, is it like this?” El showed me. she cast a lighting bolt but instead of fired of from her hands, the lightning bolt didn’t came. It seems like she was charging the lightning bolt in her hands.

“ Yeah. That’s right. the foundation is the same but yours is lightning based. I purposely teach Riri fire first since it is visible and easier to train that. she will learn other elements later”

“Huh?” i put more question mark on my head

“So, Stella is asking you to hold your spell Riri.”

“Holding spells?”

“When you cast magic, for example fireball spells which you are already familiar with it, mana from your body is converted to form a fireball then shoot it right? can you feel that” El made the explanations now

“Umm, yeah. I think i know what you mean.” Since i have been using fireballs often, that feeling was almost gone but i do feel it when the first time i cast it.

“good. All you need is to hold that spell so it won’t fire. Try t.” Stella made another explanation which i tried immediately

“Fireball” after a failure for about 5 times, i successfully cast and hold it on my hands

“So, what do i do with it?”

“Nothing.” She said bluntly

“huh?” i lost my focus as the ball then fired to some random locations

After redoing my fireball and hold it again, i asked “So, what’s the point of doing this?”

“It is to train your fre mastery.” Stella said. and after 20 minutes of hold the ball the system message came

You have learned fire mastery

Fire mastery beginner lvl 1

Enables you to manipulate fire based spells. More modifications to the spell can be made as this skills level up.

“Ahh, i got it. fire mastery.”


“So, it says that i can manipulate the spells based on fire affinity.”

“it means just that. for me i have thunder mastery. You know that i can weaken my spells or strengthened them?” El said

“I know you can weakened them. but i didn’t know you can strengthened them.” i said from a fact that i remembered

“Well, i never strengthened my spells since it was more efficient to use a higher tier spells instead. “

“I see. well i kind of figured it out.. “

“That is not the only manipulation you can do Riri.” Stella said “Manipulating the strength of the spells is only the basic of this skills.”

“You can alter their aim, speed, trajectory, and many other things. Even shape.” El said. “I kind of wonder why is your fireballs always shoot straight. So that is the problem.”

“But you need to gain levels in fire mastery first. So today we will be focusing at that. try to move your fireballs.” Stella said

With much difficulty, i tried moving the fireball it moved around 30 centimeters. After that i stopped and tried moving it without stopping this time. i made a circle in front of me with that fireballs.

“You are a bright girl. you get that explanation in 30 minutes” El said

“Your fireball already reached intermediate. I was afraid you might have difficulty with this” Stella said while breathing a sigh of relief.


“speaking from experience, if you developed the fireball skill without fire mastery, it would be harder to learn fire mastery since you will forget the feeling of mana converted to make the fireball. But it is just a needless worry. And now, since your fireball has reached intermediate, you can make more than 1 fireball right? try to make more and control them at the same time.” Stella said

“O-okay. Huh? my mana keep decreasing.” I said while glancing t my mana bar. I always had the habit of glancing it my HP bar and Mana bar whenever i am hit or before using spells. Even though it is so little, but my mana was constantly decreasing.

“Yeah. Manipulating spell has mana cost since you are continuously manipulating your spell by holding it your mana continue to decrease.” Said Stella

“Then, isn’t it better not to manipulate spells at all?” i asked

“i will show you! here i will cast lightning bolt. Then i will manipulate it. you will know what’s the difference” El showed

“Lightning bolt!” she cast 3 lightning bolt at the same time.

the lightning bolt flew out from her hands and went straight to some trees in front of us. but right before it hit the tree, the bolts circled the tree instead and went back to us.

“Kyaa!” i panicked as the lightning bolt flew fast towards me but it also stopped and went zigzagging and after that El played with her thunderbolt by drawing a circle, a triangle and a square in the air. Then the bolt flew to the ground leaving small crater

“That’s amazing.” I clapped my hands after seeing that spectacle

“as you can see, you can manipulate it such way that the bolt may homing at your enemies. That’s why the elemental masteries are important.”

“But many foreigners still didn’t know it. “

“Yeah” no wonder, royalroad manual book didn’t mentioned this. but i have seen it on some royalroad forum. But many people didn’t knew the usefulness of this skill and many mages doesn’t have the need to manipulate their spell thus i think only several high ranked magician knew about this. but manipulating the spells is indeed hard. It took a lot of me just to hold a fireball, to make it homing at enemy will be far more difficult. How can El manage to do it so easily? Is it because of her thunder mastery already reached advance?

“Well, it would be kind of hard to be like El. But keep practicing. It will be helpful one day.” Stella said.

The village was developing faster than before. With iron ores that we excavated from the mines, the village manage to fully restore my equipment and making some iron swords and spears. With new weapons, our area of hunting grew larger and the level of those recruits grew faster. Some of them have reach lvl 30 by now.

Until the scouts from my father company arrive i can focus my attention on learning this skill.

Fire mastery has now reached beginner lvl 2

“Ahh it already reached level 2”

“well. that’s good. Now for the actual practice. You might not be able to control it like El does but you should be able to use it in battle directly. For example. Try to aim at that rock. At the last moment pull the fireball up so that it didn’t hit the stone.”

“Okay. Fireball!” i cast a fireball. But it shot straight through stone.

“I can’t control it. “

“Hmm. How do i explained that part. Any suggestion El?” Stella asked

“Well, from what i see, when you cast the fireball and it leaves your hand, you treated the fireball was no longer yours and just let it go where ever it wanted right?”

“Umm. yeah. It took a toll on concentration if you keep minding about the spell. In battle i can’t afford it. and if i concentrate on the spells, the spell will be very slow”

“That’s the thing. You do not restrained the spell but at the same time you do not let it loose. It will be much more lighter in your mind if you do that.”

“Hmm, so it would be like this. i fired the fireball, then i only controlled it just about when it was about to turn...” i murmured as i fired the fireball from my hands. the ball flew fast to some random rocks and when it was about to hit the tree i quickly manipulate my mana to turn the ball to the right and the ball trun as i wanted 90 degrees to the right. so that’s the trick. It is like you are playing a car racing games. You keep pressing accelerate buttons and the only thing that you mind is how it turns.

“Wow, you are a fast learner Riri.” El said while looking at my spell works

“So, is it done?”

“Yeah. Why don’t we have a real battle then, why don’t you let El became your target?” Stella said while winking her eyes on El

“Eh, why should i?”

“You are small and you can fly. It made a perfect 3 dimensional target right?”

“Well, if you put it that way, i guess i am.” El finally surrendered to Stella persuasion

“Okay. Fired the fireball at her like you mean it Riri.” Stella encourage me

“Wait a second, what did you mean by that.”

“well, i mean, it is just a fireball, even if you have low hit points, you can’t really die from a single fireball right? so, Riri doesn’t really have to hold back right?”

“It’s true, but the way you put it is like you have a grudge against me.’

“it is just your imagination/. I was just thinking about the past when i train this kind of.. well it is not important. so get to it Riri.”

With that i fired the fireball at El. She magnificently dodge my fireball. But with that technique earlier, i turned the fireball and tried to homing her.

“Where are you aiming Riri?” El said while hovering at the exact same place as before.”

“umm, it is kind of difficult to aim.”

“Only the initial shot is accurate. The rest is a mess.” She replied. “How can you control 3 if controlling just one is a mess like this.”

“Riri, the principle is the same as before but, instead of turning it with all you got just make a slight deviation on the ball trajectory.” Stella giving me a guidance.

“Okay. “ i did as i was told. First of all, i made some distances between the ball and El. After that, i turned the ball 180 degrees. Then while it is going to El general area, i make some slight adjustments. Instead of racing car games, it is more like a test drive which a minuscule turning would fail you

“Ohh, good. you have improved “ El said while dodging the ball i aimed at her “But it is still not enough in real battle. With that distance, i can see it coming even with my eyes closed. Try to make the distance shorter.”

“hah. I am done now.” i said while exhaling a deep breath after 4 hours of training my fire mastery already reached level 5 now . My mana gauge was at rock bottom now and so is my mental gauge. it will take a while to recover it. manipulating those fireballs required more mana cost that i thought.

“Well, Stella, why don’t mwe give a little show to Riri while she rest.”

“Ehh?” Stella was dumbfounded. The menacing glare El was giving was evident. Does she want some kind of revenge?”

“I-i-i don’t think that was necessary. “

“You can’t give any shows right? after all, you lose the spell you have learned before. So there are only me who can give show while lecturing Riri about it right?” said Elkami while putting on a menacing look with sparks all over her body


“Gyaa!!!” Stella screamed while running like a headless chicken while dodging El’s thunder. she magnificently drawing a curved arc with her thunder and it really chased Stella with amazing speed and accuracy. i really don't want to get chased by that. maybe someday i would be able to do that as well

chapter 31

chapter 33


author note

- it is a long time everyone. i just lose some interest in this fanfic for awhile. but after reading lms vol 21 suddenly i got an inspiration to write again. ^_^

- so, i think the text boxes in edit section changed since my last visit. the maximize button is quite helpful.

- by the way, could anyone teach me how to use code? not the code that you need to type. there is a code tab beside unlink on the right side and the left side of PHP tab. i assumed that it could helped some coding like windows or system message. am i wrong? that tab has been on my mind since i saw it.

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