《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 31 end of mining


“Whew. That was hard” i pant as i sat on the floor

“I thought i was going to die.” Stella returned to her human form and sat with me.

After resting for over 30 minutes and looted the salamander, Riri stand and walk toward the long katana sword.

“May i see your stat?”

“Hooo. So you are interested after all” say the sword that put emphasis on ‘interested’ word

“Well. i will not change sword since my companion is there. you see that fairy? I am just curious for your power that need to be guarded by a salamander.”

“No need to be modest. I acknowledge your strength. even if you want to, i will gladly form a contract.”


“Well. you need a drop of your blood and i will be bound by you. don’t worry. You can still change sword but i can only be used by you.”

“What happened to your previous master?”

“Of course i have the ability to dismantle the contract. Don’t bother with it. i can choose and abandon my master as i will.”

‘What an egoistic selfish sword!’ i thought

“show stat” the sword said then a window appeared in front of me

TensaigaType:two handed swordDurability:290/300Quality:AA sword made not by blacksmith but a loving healer that yearn to heal every sickness and pain. A strong wielder might even able to use it to revive the death

Attack 0

Durability 290/300

Wisdom +100

Intelect +100

Health +700

Mana +300

Vitality +150

Faith +100


- Slash of healing.

- Healing wave

- Water revival

- Blessing of water

Level restriction 100

I widened my eyes. 0 attack damage!!!

“Hey. is this even a sword?” Stella asked

“you should become a staff.” Said El

I just dumbfound stare at the blade. In the attack column it really showed 0 attack damage. Even the lowest of the lowest weapon has about 3 or 4 attack damage. 0 attack damage mean that no matter how high my stat is, this weapon will never hurt anybody.

“Well, i was cursed by a healer. “

“I don’t really know if a healer can curse somebody even after 200 years of my life.” El said

“well, a long time ago, i was owned and made by a ruthless samurai and have killed many humans, demon, animals and other living being. After a great war, this warrior hurt badly and fell in battle then a fair maiden dressed in white gown found and took care of him. The man fell in love with her instantly and they married. But then, the girl found out that this man was her father’s murderer. She then tried to kill the man. The man instinctively defend himself by slashing at the woman. He intended to block the attack but my sharpness greatly exceed some measly kitchen knives and killed her. after that he sowre never to drew me again and to make sure i didn’t kill anyone anymore, he placed some advanced soul enchantment on me. so that i will never kill again but heal and save someone as atonement for our sin”

“I see. that explained it. “ i said “ okay. I let’s return Stella, El. May you found a master soon.”

“Are you sure you won’t bring me? after seeing you. i feel we could be a good match. I see kindness in you just like the samurai’s wife before she went mad with revenge.”


:Well, if you can stand being a secondary weapon, i guess you can bring her Riri.” El made a suggestion.

The sword seemed to ponder for awhile. “Hmm. Well, okay. But promise me one thing. If i found another compatible user and i am still your second sword at that time, will you let me go willingly?”

“Willingly?” i asked

“Even though i can divulge our contract myself, it is not like i can just get out from your inventory by myself.”

“Deal.” I answered

“Okay. Let’s get back. we have left the miners for too long.” Stella finalized the debate and thus, i obtained the longsword Tensaiga along with many drop loot from salamander.

The group then came back toward the mine site only to find the miners were trapped on the spider web and hung on the wall

“What happened?” i said to the miners as Stella and i freed them


‘ I can see that. they are literally wrapped in a spider’s web, duh’ i ridiculed my earlier question

“So what spider? “ Stella asked after reading my face

“T-That one.” said Paul as his hand pointed upwards

In front of me was a horrifying scene. A spider literally made of skeletons were wrapping Hendrick in her webs while sinking her fangs at him.

“Riri. Heads up.” Stella warned as the spider drop Hendrick and shot her web on me.

After retreating from the spider web, Stella changed to her wolf form in an instant and howled.there are no skills about it but it looks intimidating alright. i also drew my Sword of Elkami and taking a stance.

“Healing hand.” I chanted a healing spell on the spider. it has no effect. So it is not an undead or dark affinities eventhough her shape clearly represents darkness.

“It is not an undead. Healing didn’t affect it.” i said to others.

“it is high. We have to depend on spells on this one. Thunder strike!” sail El. The spell hit the mark and the spider seemed to be stunned for a bit but its place is so high that even if she was stunned, my sword nor Stella’s fangs could reach it.

“Fireball!” i decided to rely on my only offensive spells. I really need to add my spell list.

“Drop it from the ceiling! Aim for its legs” Stella shouted as she dodged another spider strings

The battle lasted for another fifteen minutes like this. the spider tried to use its strings to grab me or stella into the ceiling while we counter it with fireballs and lighting strike. El can’t use her AOE Spells as it might hit the miners and thus the battle of attrition began. The spider sometimes spit some poisonous substances but it didn’t do any damage toward me or Stella. El was always safely chant from afar the spider had trouble to aim at her

Soon the spiders lost its patience as her HP was down by a quarter. She descended to ground level and the real fight began. Stella ferociously clawed and bit her abdomen while i parried her front legs and fangs with my sword

‘am i a tanker again?’ i unconciously thought about the setting

The battle sped up on the ground as Stella came into the play. her poison damage was reduced by a huge margin against the spiders since the monster was quite resistance to poison damage but even if her poison damage was reduced, her physical attack still dealt quite a bit of damage.


The spider being a bug type was quite weak against lightning and fire which happened to be El and my main spells. Soon enough the spider’s HP hit the 30% mark and close to turning red. the spiders were going rampage now that its HP was turning red. its moves were faster and it was more reckless as it now directly charged its body toward us. this made dodging and blocking more difficult as its attack pattern was now illogical and scrambled. When it run at the ceiling, instead of shooting spider webs it jump and ram at us instead. When it was close to us, instead of attacking with her claws it spit spider webs everywhere on the ground making the ground sticky.

But with persistence, El and Stella managed to deliver the final blow together.the spider was turned into another loot leaving several loot behind accompanied with a tingling bell

You have leveled up 2x

“whew. At last it died.” I said while puffing

“That was a troublesome enemy. We should be able to win easily if the terrain was not inside caves like this.” Stella said still standing. She seemed to use less stamina than with salamander as she pant less than before.

“My mana was almost gone..”

“You didn’t fully recover after that salamander so it is only natural. It is a wonder itself that we managed to fire that many spells” El said

“we only use low level spells so our mana last.” I said while lookin at my mana bar.

“Hendrik!” Paul screamed at hendrik that was lying there motionlessly

“Oh no! Riri, how long that battle last?” Stella asked in a hurry while all of us gather at Hendrik place.

I was suddenly taken a back. a poisoned status especially to someone without immunity againsts poison related skill will usually last long or even eternal. If the poison deal 3HP/sec then in this 30 minutes of us battling the spiders, he would suffer over 5400 damage. Even i only had 7500 HP and i was over lvl 100

“ cure poison, healing hand!” i immediately cast my healing based spells

“It is not working.” I said to Stella.

“He is already dead.” Stella answered.

“NO. Hendrik!!” Paul wailed

“Riri, do i just heard someone dying?” some voice started to speak from my inventory

“Who are you?”

“We just meet less than an hour ago and you already forgot about me?” the voice sounded strangely irritated

“Tensaiga? What is it?” i said while taking out the item from my bag

“If they died in less than an hour i miht be able to revive them?”


“If it is a foreigner it is 100% but if it is natives then there are chances of failures. Let’s try it.”

“Ok. Sorry El but please hold on for a bit.”

I then switched my equipped sword and prepared a stance.

“Water revival.”

After i slashed at Hendriks body, his body was engulfed in a sphere of water and then a few seconds later the sphere disappeared. The NPC Hendrick then slowly opening his eyes.he came back to life

“Hendrik!” Paul screamed and hugged him.

After a teary reunion we decided to go back to our acolyte village. The miners already had enough of this place and they already reached the quota for iron ores. So they decided to go back.

“Hi. Is everyone okay?” Rebecca the village chief asked.

“Mom!”Dorus yelled while hugging her mom.

“Is he such a character to begin with?”

“Well, i guess he was frightened. He and the others went to a life death experience there.” Stella answered

“Thank you as always miss Riri. We will always be in your debt. If anyway taht we could do a favor to you don’t hesitate to ask.” Rebecca said back as the other miners returned with the ores which will be processed by hendrick

chapter 30

chapter 32


author note:

-Hello did anyone miss me? i am not literally back yet. please wait for another 2 week. i just got a breather from my exam which will start in 3 days and end in 2 weeks.

-special thank to sieghard and sensitiveness and his usefull code guide

- any comments and critic and questions are welcomed in discussion thread or this one

- by the way, when i wrote last time (3 months ago) i was at rank 20 and now my FF was nowhere to be seen. please help me reclaim my rightful throne by giving my FF a rating and reviews.

- here is our char status

Spoiler : Status WindowName:RiriAlignment:GoodLevel:127Class:idol performerRace:humanGender:femaleTitlesManager, White RiderFame:1150Infamy:0-MaxHealth:6675 (+800)Health Regen:26.5 / SecMaxMana:10900(+800)Mana Regen:43.4 / SecStamina:309Vitality:127 (+150)Strenght:147 (+142)Dexterity:350(+55)Intelect:311(+125)Wisdom:332(+102)Leadership:165(+30)Luck:0charisma:182(+140)Charm:110(+125)Fighting Spirit:190Faith:140(+105)Art:74Elemental ResistancesFire:1%Water:0Wind:0Earth:0Light:45%Darkness:45%

here is our char equipment (this code is killing me)

Spoiler :

EarringSpoiler : Earring of Faith and Wisdom

Type: Earrings

Faith: +40

Wisdom +20

Earring that can enhance your Faith to gods and Wisdom.HeadSpoiler : Circlet Of Purity

Type: Headgear

Durability: ?? / ??

Charm +30

Charisma +30

Intelect +10

Wis +10

Faith +20

Healing spell increased by +10%

Light ressistance +10%

Dark Resistance +10%

A circlet blessed by a holy priest to purify Evil.NeckSpoiler : Necklace Of Vitality

Type: Necklace

Vit +30

Strength +20

A necklace that enhance your Vitality.ChestSpoiler : White Dress Of Purity

Type: Dress

Durability: 50 / 50

Defense +30

Charm +20

Faith +20

Healing spell +20%%

Light spell +20%

A pure white dress with blessings of the gods.left weaponSpoiler : None

Item Description Here.Right WeaponSpoiler : Sword Of Elkami

Type: One Handed Sword

Durability: 20 / 150

Attack 75

Faith +50

Str +20

Dex +50

Int +50

Wis +20

Summon Elkami

Summon cost 200 mana + 5 mana/second

Level restriction 50

Sword imbued with fairy soul.FootSpoiler : White High Heel Shoes

Type: High Heel

Durability: 20 / 20

Defense +20

Charm +30

Charisma +10

Faith +20

movement speed -30%

healing spell +10%

light spell +10%

dark ressistance +10%

light ressistance +10%

Level restriction 20

IHigh Heels blessed with holy light but hard to wear.Ring-1Spoiler : Stella's Ring

Type: Ring

Dex +25

Strength +20

Intelect +30

Wisdom +20

Charm +25

Charisma +30

Class gained Idol Performer

Ring were once worn by Stella.Ring-2Spoiler : Ring of intelligence

Type: Ring

Mana +200

Intellect +30

Wisdom +20

Ring made to increase your brain.Ring-3Spoiler : Ring of intelligence

Type: Ring

Mana +200

Intellect +30

Wisdom +20

Ring made to increase your brain.Ring-4Spoiler : Ring of intelligence

Type: Ring

Mana +200

Intellect +30

Wisdom +20

Ring made to increase your brain.Ring-5Spoiler : Ring Of Vitality

Type: Ring

Health +200

Vitality +30

Strength +30

Ring made to enhance your bodyRing-6Spoiler : Ring Of Vitality

Type: Ring

Health +200

Vitality +30

Strength +30

Ring made to enhance your body.Ring-7Spoiler : Ring Of Vitality

Type: Ring

Health +200

Vitality +30

Strength +30

Ring made to enhance your body.Ring-8Spoiler : Ring Of Vitality

Type: Ring

Health +200

Vitality +30

Strength +30

Ring made to enhance your body.

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