《Idol By Laulau20》chapter 33 New Trisia


“Miss Riri.” Rebecca called me while Stella and El is still playing with some lightning balls. Stella is in her wolf form dodging lightning balls here and there while i was watching the whole thing, how El moves the lightning balls. By the way, The way Stella dodge them is cool too.

“Yes miss Rebecca, is there anything wrong?” even though she is the village elder and her son is the village chief, they still came to ask my opinion about various things like i was their village leader and they accept whatever opinion i give. Do i really have that much of charisma?

“Some people are looking for you.”

“Who is it?”

“Dunno. Some warriors or mercenaries from Rosenhelm and some random people. Never met them actually. Miss Riri, you sure have a broad connections for such a young age.”

“Random looking warriors? Ahh, it must be the scout my father was talking about.” I quickly make a deduction and went to meeting this mysterious man with Stella and El tailing me

They still glared at each other for a while by the way

“So, is this miss Riri?” asked some royal knight in the village hall. Whoa, his equipment is top notch. His uniform that are shiningly purple gives a gentleman looking unlike a certain mercenary and her girlfriend that i know a few days back

“Umm, yes?” i answered confusedly


“Father?” i look at the newbie warrior beside the royal knight his face is somewhat resembled him just his hairstyle that looked different. Judging from looks in his equipment, he is no better than lvl 30 i guess he really just started this game and forcing his way to come here by hiring someone. But it was a just a hunch. Even i sometimes still using my lvl 20 gears as it comes in a set. But lately i have been using this village leather armor which is tailored for lvl 100. The defense was a little bit better but it lacks the amazing spell bonus my cleric set gave me. the differences between epic equipment and common items are really huge. Lvl 20 equipment can match lvl 100 equipment. No wonder someone is willing to use a real world money to buy some rare weapons and armor

“So, i am the scout. Surprised?”

“Umm, why are you the scout?”

“It is better this way right? and this royal knight here is one of investor’s son. He in game name is Goliath. And i am Ivan. Since we don’t really have a blood relationship in this world, you may call me by name.” Ivan said while smiling

Still dumbfounded i just looked at the two of them. ahh, there is 3 more person behind them.”Are they also with you?”

“Yup. So, Riri right? i heard you are quite an influential person here. so i came with a proposal.” My father talked in a business like voice “So, which one is the village chief, may i meet with him?”

“Ohh, Dorus, come here.” Rebecca asked


After some pleasantries in the village hall, we were taken into the village elder house and served some tea by Rebecca.the topic of the conversation is just like i thought it would be just a bit more detailed. In short, my father asked for a house with a certain minimum area plus a permission to hunt around this area for gathering materials for their tailoring. The company’s soldier will be no more than 20 person and will be occupying some hunting area. In some region especially crowded area, this kind of things were usually banned by the local leaders or guilds because it was disrupting newbies that want to start there and thus a huge sum of hush money was needed. But Rebecca and Dorus accepted the request with a smile even without some hush money. The rent money and protection from bandits is enough. if possible, Rebecca and Dorus also asked the mine that we cleared the other day to be cleared several times a month as they want to mine for precious ores there again. my father also agreed on giving unrelated materials to the village. Thus the contract was agreed easily.


“Okay. Thank you for your cooperation. For now i need to borrow Miss Li....,i mean miss Riri to Trisia to meet the count there. we were planning on selling the things we made here to there. don’t worry, we have our own merchant and will pay taxes accordingly.”

“Thank you very much Riri. And Mister Ivan. Your contract has made this village more prosperous than before. Once again i thank you Riri” Dorus said his praise to us

“Umm, okay. Then i will see you after a while. “ i said while leaving the village. The royal knight which were beside my father stayed behind to protect the village. So it was left with me, Stella, El, my father, and 2 others. One might be a thief from his equipment, and the other is an archers also from his appearances

“Hey, Fa, i mean Ivan. Is it really necessary for me to be there?”

“Yes. Your presence is crucial.”

“I don’t really understand.”

“Even if the contract itself were very beneficial for them, do you honestly think, they will be so graciously accept it without your presence?”

“I don’t understand it.”

“Ahh, i see. i understand what you mean.” Stella and El nodded.

“Speaking from my experience here, in every place there will be always a symbolic ruler or you might call it public figure. Do you understand so far?”

“I understand about public figure at the least.”

“It is crucial to know who is the public figure in your social system. Even if they are unrelated to your business contract. Especially in a less cultured places such as villages”

“Huh?” i put a question mark on my head. do we really need to know them?”

“Your father is right. every time we held a performance, we always familiarize ourselves with the local ruler no?’ Stella added.

“Come to think about it. it is quite right except when the first show.”

“You are not on our team yet at that time. but we speak to the leaders all the same.”

“Ahh, your friend there is quite clever. Is she a native? Foreigner?”

“I am a natives sir.”

“A beast man. It is quite rare to see one in places ruled by human. It must be tough.” Ivan said “And a fairy. I hear fairies never left their forest or pond. How did you get so friendly with them Riri?”

“Umm, killing some bad guys i think?”

“Well, Riri fought a war with some enemy from our god and thus, i was assigned as her summon from now on.”

“Summon?” my father raised a question mark. “Never heard about it.”

“It is on the royalroad manual. After the pet system.”

“i knew about pets. but never knew about summon. All my Royalroad friend never had any either. Some had a snake pet and that Royal knight earlier has a humanoid pet. But i have never heard about summon.” Ivan said. It is useless. he certainly never read the book but i was quite surprised that he actually knew anything about RR. Even knew about pet system while still in low level. I guess our learning method must be different. But comparing the summon in RR manual and Stella and El is too different. Let’s not nitpick about it

“By the way i am also a summon too. But our contract was a little lax so we came out often.” Stella said while smiling.

“Boss, Summons and pets do not differ that much. the differences is only that summon cost mana while pets don’t. That is all that is. even the game itself might mistake summon for pets. don’t think about it too much” the archer explained to my father. Ahh, so that is the source of his information that archer is quite resourceful. it is good to have many connections


“Hmm, i heard Trisia is nearly destroyed by some boss monsters. could it be you participate in that defensive battle miss Riri?” The archer asked while looking at me. his face says that he is totally interested. “ That event is too sudden. The big guilds can’t really come up with much reinforcements so only some random players able to participate in it. you sure are lucky miss Riri. I heard that every player that got into that event suddenly became famous.”

“Ahh, i see.” Is that soo? I never knew. Is my name known to the world now?”

“And have you seen this white rider Riri?” She was talked a lot even in haven throughout Rosenhelm “If you knew that man could you please share his contact address with me? i would like to party with him sometimes. I heard he rode some winged unicorns and lead the charge against dark army

Suddenly my face went red. ohh my god. That was so embarrassing. Does he knew who the white rider is. wait, he said ‘he’ right? does that mean he doesn’t knew who the white rider is. wait a second, i was wearing a dress, how can someone mistook me for a man? Something is wrong here

“Hehehe.” Stella and El giggled beside me. their big grin really mock me “Is he handsome?”

“Dunno. Never actually saw it. there are no video about it either. We only heard from taverns and such about the white rider.”

“Hihihihi” their giggling became louder.

“Be quiet you two!” i shouted at the two rude pets. the archer explaining can only raise a question mark on his head for our weird behavior

“So, i acknowledged that you have some influence in that village. But an influence in a big city like trisia?” the thief spoke

“If she is one of the players that participate in that siege, she might have an influence or two. even if she is below 200” said the archer. “And i heard, that you can easily gain fame or something if you helped rebuild Trisia in early times

“Afterall, we do not really need that big of an influence right? only enough to get rid some annoyance and hush money right? it is not like we are asking my daughter to take over the city just for our company. All of you played games too much. goals and dreams are different okay. Goal must be within reach while dreams maybe as high as possible” said Ivan. It seems like my father didn’t really need that big of an influence or is he just do not trust me that much? well truth to be told, before playing Royalroad, let alone a city, i would never even dream to be influential inside my own class. just reading books and abstaining every decision that were asked from me so his lack of trust is quite understandable

“Umm, Are we walking?”

“Well? should we use the whistle?”

“As long as it is not seen by other people that is fine.” Archer and thief said. they took some whistle out from their bag and whistle it to call some horses. After that my father went on the thief’s horse while i was on the archer’s back. Stella and El were unsummoned

“Do we really need to move so far away?”

“This whistle cost 500k gold” the archer said “We can’t be to careful with it.”

“F-F-Five hundred thousand?!”

“If everyone has this whistle, every stable that rent horses will go bankrupt. Do you think such a rare items will be easy to get?” the thief spoke

“I see.”

“These are the unlimited use ones. The limited uses whistles would be a lot cheaper.” Said the archer

“Let’s not talk about it gentleman. Off to Trisia we go.” Said Ivan while raising his fist on the air passionately

With horses the time for travel has greatly reduced.we arrived Trisia several days later. After re-summoning my two pets again, we look at Trisia once again. it has changed dramatically.the wall on the first level was being rebuild and still half complete. But not only it was thicker, but it seems to cover more area than before. The second level wall also changed with some new towers and balistas on it. if only we had that one during the siege. We do had one, but balista on the wall and balista on the tower has a difference in their line of sight. The third level also changed from the way i remember it. it also had some tower which has some catapults on them. their defenses is pretty sturdy this time. Count Ignis must be traumatized from the last battle to put these efforts into the city defenses

“So, Riri, do you know any noble or person that has some influence in this city?” So, he didn’t want to meet with the count but the nobles instead. Come to think about it, i do not know any noble beside count Ignis in this town

“Umm, i think most are dead during the siege.”i said “Umm, Let me ask the count if he knew any noble you could speak of”

The archer and the thief then tilted their head with a surprised look“You knew the count?”

“Yes. I think. why?” it is my turn to tilt my head

The archer and the thief look at each other and laugh “Hahahah. Your daughter can make some good jokes!” which i can only reply by silence while still maintaining my tilting head

“Is it really that difficult to meet the count?” my father asked

“Well, is it hard. You need some recognition. Let’s see. if you were a royal knight like Lucas back there, you might know some count but only in Rosenhelm area. Well, if you are not someone with high power, you can still meet them but there are special condition such are events and special items. Just imagine how hard it is to meet the president of united states”. Hahaha. You can’t really knock their front doors and asked for an audience do you?”

My father sighed “well, my daughter hasn’t know such a thing. So Lilika, if you were to request an audience to someone with high power, you will need and appointment first right?”

“I guess.”

“Do you have an appointment with this count?”

“Umm, no. “

“I guess we are waiting then. Let me accompany you to make an appointment with this count. We should meet with his secretary or something.” Said my father. Let’s see, the leader usually used the highest place right? so, is that means he is at the third level?” my father asked the archer.

“Yes boss. “ the two mercenaries erased their laugh and answered with a firm tone. The rank on the other side matter the most huh?

And so we came inside Trisia. After paying the tax of 1 gold coin, we came inside.

‘The taxes increased than the last time i remembered it. must be for building those defenses’ i pondered while paying the taxes. The city has recovered most of their population. It is a remarkable works considering that the remnants of those tragedy are only a couple thousands residents. In such a short time, Trisia could regain more than 80% of what it was once before.

“Welcome. Buy some groceries here!”

“Weapon for beginners!”

“Weapon for intermediate levels. A low level artifact also present!”

The screaming merchants trying to sell or buy things could be heard from every corner of this city. the first level is kind of different than what i remembered. It is more dirty and unchecked. Shacks are built here and there, some beggars could be seen begging adventurer for money. The criminal activity seems high too, whoa, someone just pickpocket a lady there. right in front of my eyes. where are the soldiers? Ahh, that kid stole some carrots and fish meat from that groceries stalls!

We can’t really do anything about it. if we make a ruckus, we might get kicked out. There are no guards here either to report. I can only watch as those crimes were comitted in front of my eyes. seeing the unusual look, some beggar came to us asking for some alms in which i gave a gold coins to. But i was immediately stopped by my father and he gave 3 copper instead.

“ don’t raise any attraction now Riri. I know how you feel. But what you are about to do will get us into trouble.” Said Ivan


“I will explain it along the way. when we reach a more safer or better place. The second level must be different than this.”

“Stop. State your business.” Said the two guards that were guarding the gate from the first to the second level. Ahh the gate here have doors now. and a really tough looking metal doors at that. it was opened though

“Umm, i came to meet Count Ignis.”

“And your name? Do you have any appointment?”

“My name is Riri. I don’t have any appointment. Do you know where i can make an appointment with him?”

“Ghu,hihhihi” some giggles could be heard from archer and thief in the back. are they laughing at me? i feel so embarrassed now that i said those lines. Even Stella and El can only look away while holding their laugh. Sorry for being anti social you guys. If you knew about my circumstances aren’t you the ones that should step in? You are usually good at this Stella!

on the other hands, the guards do not laugh. They look at each other for a while then spoke” Hold on for a moment. We will get someone that can clarify your identity.” And one of the guard ran toward the third level.The laughing atmosphere then stopped.

“Hey. are you actually really influential here Riri?” the thief asked

“Umm, i am unsure.”i can only answered confusedly

Not even 5 minutes passed the soldier went back while panting with with a woman and a man. The man and woman looked closely at me then whispered at both soldiers .the first one that picked this pair then went running back with a clanking sound of their armor. He must ran with all of his might to the third level. Unless someone has a dexterity above 150, the distance between this gate and the third level can’t be covered that fast

“I am very sorry Miss Riri. Please go directly to the third level. The count has awaited your arrival.” The other soldier bowed their head while guiding us the third level while the man and women left somewhere else. On the way to the third level, the soldier that went running earlier went back but stopped his running while bowing his head with the biggest smile he can mustered until we pass by him and went running again to his gate. It was a funny spectacle.

“that guard was so funny.” Stella murmured while smiling.

“why does he seemed so polite towards me?” i asked Stella

“If you don’t know, how should i know. We were always together right?”

And after a while, we finally reached the third level of Trisia

chapter 32.

chapter 34


Author note.

- some surge of inspiration just came in so i manage to finish this chapter n a day.

- well, it won't be like the first time i made this fanfic. i do not think i can keep up such an updates anymore. but i will try

- discussion, critics, and suggestions are welcomed here or in the discussion topic.

- now, there seemed some kind of bugs. all extra spaces between lines are gone. anyone can fix this? or do i have to manually fixed it each time i edited my post?

- thank you for reading and enjoy

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