《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 20- Wakeup Call


Surface- Wind Swept Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Oasis of Com'aron

Temple of Osiris- Main Floor

The Temple was well guarded by Spirits and Undead, most were relatively weak, but like the beasts outside, they had numbers. "We got another bunch of Zombies coming," Alex called out as Brounom was actively fighting a half dozen Skeletal Warriors backed by a Minor Lich and a pair of Archers. Alex triggered Shadow Step and appeared behind the Lich, it let out a high pierced scream is he plunged Shadowbite into its back as he triggered Backstab causing it to crumple to the ground. Two of the Skeletal Archers targeted him immiedietly in retaliation.

Alex dodged and weaved as he danced around to get closer to the Skeletal Archers while the Minor Lich struggled to get up, but then Brounom blasted it with something downing it for the count. "Try to slow them down!" the Dwarf called back as he began laying into the Skeletal Warriors.

Alex wheeled around and targeted the Zombies and triggered Distract causing the four Zombies to slow and stop. Alex smiled and dashed forewards as he activated Fan of Blades, then Flurry. Two of the Zombies went down before the other two broke free of Alex's distration and closed with him. He danced around the Undead, but they could do little to slow him and they didn't have the numbers to corral him. Alex absently checked his Stamina and Mana, both were just under fifty percent and slowly rising.

Alex reversed his course and activated Ambush, boosting his damage and speed for a short duration. He was wreathed in a blue and red energy as the Skill took effect.

"Ready to scout ahead?" Rol asked and Alex looked around at all the corpses before dropping into Stealth. They were steadily moving forewards despite the multiple ambushes and waves of Undead that came at them as they continued to push deeper into the temple.

Less then ten minutes later they were back, "Ok, we reached the main chamber for this floor, there is a big assed Zombie in there called Rochaac the Devourer, Level thirty-five with twelve thousand health. I assume he can take a hit and has some ability to regenerate his health based on the name. The room is large with stairs leading downwards in the middle, and two hallways leading off from the room on either side. We have to take Rochaac out to progress further into the Temple." Alex informed them.

"Let's go check out this room and meet this beastie," Brounom replied as he shouldered his hammer and shield before striding forward.

"Hopefully it has better loot then what the Undead have been dropping." Mozil lamented. The Undead had been dropping a few silver, regents for crafting, and trash gear that would fetch a few more silver. Nothing of note. Alex shrugged as he followed the Dwarf tank, he had no idea what lay beyond or what they would face. He just wanted to survive and succeed in completing the Quest.


Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Rochaac the Devourer

Level: 35 (Elite)

Health: 12,000

Stamina: 8,000

Mana: 5,000

Alex kept one eye on the Undead and another on the surrounding area as he moved along the wall and keeping as far away as he could from the Elite monster. Alex did not think he could take out the Elite creature without taking a serious pounding, maybe even death. However, according to the Quest, they could not die otherwise they would fail the quest. Alex finally came to one of the hallways leading out of the room and it had a few Skeletons and Zombies. Nothing special like Rochaac.

He continued around the room and checked the opposite hallway before moving back behind the Elite Undead and trying to figure out what he wanted too do. After a minute of consideration, Alex pulled out a small vial and apllied the Deathroot Poison to his daggers. It would boost his damage and impead the Zombies ability to regenerate its health. Hopefully at least was Alex's thought. After he finished, Alex quickly shot off a message to Brounom indicating he was ready and prepared to fight the oversized Zombie.

Rochaac stood nearly eight feet tall, with leather britches and chains wrapped around its arms that dragged along the ground as it paced around the room. As soon as the Dwarf entered the room its attention snapped up and it glared at him before roaring in anger. Alex quickly glanced at the Undead in the hallway, but they were none the wiser as Brounom charged Rochaac.

Alex counted down from ten, he was patient and would wait for the oppurtune moment to strike. Alex took a calming breath and stepped foreward as the Zombie and Dwarf continued to pummel eachother while Taeral continued to lob balls of fire and Mozil's ax flashed out cutting deeper into its leg with every swing.

After downing Rochaac and clearing the last two short hallways, they pressed onwards. Each of them had gotten some gold, more regents had dropped from the named monster, and a key. To what, they had no idea, but it had not matched up to any of the chests they had found so far. Alex was annoyed he had not been able to pick the locks on the chests they had found, but they were all protected by powerful magic and their locks were very high grade. Too high for him to pick currently.

"Don't be down on yourself, those chests belong to the Temple anyways and should belong to the Priests and Priestesses of Osiris." Rol added causing Alex to eyeball the Priestess.

"How long has this temple lay in ruins? They have had a long time to reclaim and recover anything within and they have done nothing." Alex told the Priestess before he moved ahead of the party to scout. So far they had found no more Undead or traps, but Alex felt like they were being watched.


Alex gestured for the group to stop when they approached and informing them of lack of monsters and traps but of the feeling they were being watched. After a short discussion Alex took a gold coin out of his inventory and flipped it and pointed down one hallway and started walking as he dropped back into Stealth. The others would follow close behind, but not close enough to get caught if he tripped over any traps.

The bottom floor had a large pool of water with stone columns built around it every ten feet that ran the length of the room. Each column had a torch and braziers, but they were dark and cold. Alex studied the room but he could see no movements or Undead of any kind. On the far side of the room was an Altar with a figure laying on it. "Who wants to make a bet as soon as we step onto the floor or get near the Altar, something is going to pop up?" Alex asked the group and nervous laughter was the only response he received.

'Come, Human, let us finish this.' Brounom commented and Alex took a deep breath and dropped into Stealth once more before ghosting foreward. The others gave him a slow ten count before following him.

The walk was intense but no traps or defenders jumped out at Alex they silently crossed the room. The woman lay flat on the Altar and did not stir at their approach or even when Alex dropped out of Stealth. She was about six feet tall, dark hair, and tanned complexion but pale as if she was very sick. Alex quickly Analyzed both the woman and the Altar to try and gain some more information.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: ???

Level: ???

Base Class: Mage

Primary Class: Priestess of Osiris

Advanced Class: ???

Utility Class: ???

Health: 1/???

Stamina: 1/???

Mana: 1/???

Name: Greater Altar

Quality: Legendary Ancient Artifact

Diety: Osiris

Current Status: Damaged

Durability: Unknown

Description: Altars are locations that you can go to pray to Deities for favors and give donations. Due to the current status of this Altar, you cannot make any donation or commune with the God claiming this Altar.

The Altar was cracked in several places, not enough to destroy it, just to damage it. It was made of stone, precious metals, jewels, and either ivory or bone. Even damaged as it was, it still thrummed with power. Alex studied the Altar and woman using his Rogue's Eye Skill but nothing popped out at him. On the other hand, the Alter glowed subtly gold under his Keen Sight Skill, but even a blind man could see the Altar was important. Alex looked at Brounom and the Dwarf shrugged as he moved closer.

"I am a follower of Moradin, I know nothing of the Egyptian Pantheon." the Dwarf told him as Rol strolled up and began studying both the Altar and the woman upon it.

"Based on her clothing, she is high ranking within the followers of Osiris. The Altar is obviously damaged but intact and we know Osiris is alive because it's still working." Rol added and Alex nodded and he saw a shadow shift behind the Priestess and Alex moved as he triggered Dash. After a few tense moments he returned to the others shaking his head and finding nothing. Alex went back to studying the Altar but did not touch it or the woman laying upon it for fear of triggering some defenses of the Temple. Alex started going over the Altar inch by inch and for the next ten minutes, he found nothing but what should be there.

Alex activated his Rogue's Eye Skill as he studied the Altar, he was convinced it was key to finishing the second stage of the quest and moving on. Alex stepped back exasperated and pulled the Ankh of Light and Darkness off and touched it to the Altar. Nothing appeared to happen, aside from the symbol vibrating. Why Alex had no idea though. "Breath lad, things like this are not always apparent. Priests and secret Orders guard their secrets very carefully. I do think you are right, that the Altar and that necklace are key to figuring it out." Brounom stated and Alex smiled as he started looking for a keyhole.

Alex started using Rogue's Eye again and feeling the Altar with his hands as he studied the thing closer. It took him ten minutes of groping around but he finally found a small socket and hole. Alex used the key that had dropped from Rochaac first, but it didn't fit. With a deep breath and crossing his fingers, Alex slid the Ankh of Light and Darkness into the slot and he heard a slight 'click' as it seated into the slot perfectly. The others stopped looking around and studied what was going on as Alex gently grabbed and turned the Ankh causing a prompt to appear in front of him.


Do you wish to use the Ankh of Light and Darkness to restore the Altar of Osiris? YES/NO

Be aware to use the Ankh for this process you will have to sacrifice 1,000 Life, Stamina, and Mana to restore the Altar. Do you wish to continue? YES/NO


Alex accepted the price and he felt a surge of energy go from him and travel into the key then Altar causing the Temple to rumble slightly. The Altar started to vibrate more and Alex could feel something going on and he tried to pull away but the next pulse of energy from the Altar picked him up and threw him across the room and slammed him into the wall. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the Priestess floating above the glowing Altar.

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