《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 19- Knocking on Temple's Door


Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Outside the City of Sholand

1 Week Later...

A week of Dungeon dives and Quests, but he was finally ready to take the next step in the Divine Quest. The Quest description itself gave very little information on what to expect beyond it being dangerous getting into the temple of Osiris. Beyond that, it gave very little information about what to expect once they got there. 'Do I trust them?' was what Alex kept asking himself as he considered his options...

"Ahh, finally. I have been looking for you everywhere. You are Alex Dumass, correct?" a robed man asked as he walked up too him.

Alex studied the man, he had no apparent weapons, but that meant little and he was weary with the impending next step in his Quest not to mention his family was probably devising a new method to get too him. "If I am?" Alex asked back.

The man smiled and pulled out a packet and dropped it next to Alex. "Mona sends a message. You are still one of us. Ignore the assholes and come back whenever you want.' I assume you know what it means?" the man prodded.

Alex opened the small sack and could see the Assassins gear and the small ring inside. "Yes, I do. How did you track me down?" Alex asked the man, honestly curious.

The man let out a great laugh in response. "Boy, you engaged the services of the Adventurers Guild and I am VERY good at finding people.' After a moment the man sat down next too him. 'I don't know what you are running from lad, but the Guild is not your enemy. They protect their own and do not betray their ranks lightly. From what I have heard, you have done nothing to earn their ire. You have been rash, but nothing that would warrant betrayal or a kill order. You are safe among the Assassins." the man patted his shoulder before standing and striding off whistling.

Alex considered his options and pulled the leather armor from the sack and studied it. It was better then what he had, and he would need every edge that he could get in the coming days. He quickly threw it all into his inventory and put the ring back on his finger after inspecting it for any traps. With a sigh he stood as he looked at the waves of the ocean and strode back towards the small village, tommorow was another day.

After an early breakfast and making sure everyone was roused and prepared for another long day, Alex was finally ready to make his decision. He would trust them, they had earned that much at least. Alex would not tell them everything, but he would tell them enough to allow them to back out if they wanted to, they could. "So lad, why are we out here burning daylight? We are ready to go Dungeon diving or are we breaking up our group?" Brounom asked as his fingers drummed on his shield. Mozil, Taeril, and Rol were standing behind the stout Dwarf. Alex was standing in front of them and they were outside the city and well away from any traveled routes.


Alex bit his lip and drummed his fingers on the Portal Scroll, it had cost him ten gold to get it made, but it would dump him and his party in a safe area outside the Oasis of Com'aron. "Not too long ago, I was given a very dangerous quest. It required me to attain Level thirty-two and it was indicated my chances at succeeding were a hell of a lot better if I had a party accompany me. So, if you guys are willing to assist me, your help is more then welcome, but you should be aware, this might be a one-way trip.' Alex started as he started pacing, 'This Quest has multiple stages and the first one is to fight our way into a place. Will, there be loot, I am certain of it, but there will be a lot of enemies as well and people will probably try to stop us once we get this going." Alex finished and stopped pacing.

Rol looked at the others and shrugged, "What is the Quest Difficulty?"

Alex winced and he could feel the amusement from his companions, "Legendary." Rol winced but shrugged in response before looking at Brounom.

The Dwarf kept drumming his fingers on his shield before shrugging, "You are not giving us much lad? I can understand that, but eventually, you will have to trust us otherwise this Quest you have, might fail. Where we going?" the Dwarf prodded and Alex broke the seal on the Portal Scroll and activated the magic within it.

"Take a short hop and see, or don't," Alex replied before darting through.

Surface- Wind Swept Sands Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Oasis of Com'aron

Outside the Temple of Osiris

Alex rolled to the side as the Hippo slammed its jaws shut on where he had been. Alex threw his hand forewards as he triggered Fan of Blades, the four conjured daggers slammed into the Hippo's eyes causing it to below and bought him time to dart foreward raking the beasts sides with his daggers. The Bleeding Debuffs started to stack up while the Sloth Poison went too work.

Brounom roared in challenge as he fought some nearby Gator's but their tough hides turned their blades while the Paladins hammer seemed more effective then bladed weapons. However the nearby temple had somehow increased the animals natural strength and numbers, in addition it caused them all to have Enraged Buffs as well. A large Fireball slammed into their packed ranks killing two of them as Taeril cursed. "I hate this place!!!" she shouted as she flung more Firebolts at the remaining Alligators.

"JUST KILL THEM!!" Brounom bellowed back as he charged the Hippo to pick up its aggro. Alex triggered Shank as both daggers sunk into the large beast causing its health to take a large drop again. Mozil bellowed and burried his two headed ax into the hippos flank.


'Enjoying yourself?' Alex asked Mozil as he launched another barrage of conjured daggers at the hippo.

The Berserker laughed as he withdrew his ax, spun and burried it into the skull of an alligator. "Very much so. Plenty of prey and food to feast on around here." Mozil replied before spinning away and launching himself at another enraged beast.

"WE GOT TO KEEP PUSHING TOWARDS THE TEMPLE!!!" Alex called out over the ongoing battle as he saw another group of Hyenas was coming closer. The constant fighting was good for the experience gain, but it was slowly wearing them down and they were only halfway to the temple.

"WE ARE TRYING!!" Rol cried out as she cast a heal over time spell on Brounom.

"What would you suggest?" Taeril asked as the Hippo died.

"We push through and put out backs to the Temple and fight whatever follows us once we get there," Alex replied as he watched the group of Hyenas drew closer and spot them.

Brounom let out a curse before raising his shield and bellowed, "FOLLOW ME!! WE ARE PUSHING THROUGH!!!"

"Push through he said, it is the best plan he said, well that plan sucked!!!" Mozil grated out, they were all bloody and exhausted but they had survived the onslaught of mad beasts that had chased them.

"We lived through it and everyone is alive. I would like to point that fact out. We have also reached the Temple despite my bad plan." Alex told the Berserker.

Rol cackled as she rolled on the floor exhausted, "You are right Alex, we are alive, insane plan, but alive. Congratulations, what are we doing next because my brethren have warned me to never come here." Alex winced and hesitated but in the end, brought up his quests prompts and started reading before he loudly started cursing and kicking the nearby stones of the dormant Temple.

Divine Quest Complete: Path of the Lost (Stage 1)

Description: You have found the Temple of Osiris and fought your way past the mad beasts around it. You survived the easiest step on this path, congratulations.

Difficulty: Legen (Wait for it) dary, Legendary

Success: Travel to the main Temple of Osiris at the Oasis of Com'aron

Failure: Do not travel to the main Temple of Osiris at the Oasis of Com'aron, or if the Ankh of Light and Darkness is lost or destroyed.

Requirement: Level 30 (Current Stage), it would be recommended that you DO NOT undertake this quest alone.

Rewards: 10,000 Experience per Stage, 50 Gold per Stage, Path of the Lost (Stage 2)

Divine Quest Issued: Path of the Lost (Stage 2)

Description: The Temple of Osiris lays dormant but still protected by a Guardian, plumb the depths of the Temple and find the hidden Secrets of the Guardians of Osiris. Beware the secrets you seek are well guarded and those that keep them will not give them up willingly.

Difficulty: Legen (Wait for it) dary, Legendary

Success: Breach the Temple's heart and find the Location of Osiris's ancient Stronghold on the Mortal Plane.

Failure: Do not reach the heart of the Temple of Osiris or die in the process

Requirement: Level 30 (Current Stage), it would be recommended that you DO NOT undertake this quest alone, YOU CANNOT DIE!!!

Rewards: 10,000 Experience per Stage, 50 Gold per Stage, Unknown

Alex took a deep breath, then another, then another before responding. "We have to get to the heart of the Temple and we cannot die in the process," Alex told the Priestess who started laughing again.

"This place is well known to have Undead protecting it. Even if we get past them, what then?" Rol asked and Alex shrugged.

"I don't know Rol. I am hoping for some guidence from the System itself or we will have to investigate the temple itself. That means we will be here longer then we thought, but it needs to be done. We are in a safe area, if you want too leave, I won't blame you." Alex told the Priestess.

"I am a Priestess of Isis. If you can do anything to restore this temple, I will help. You have my word." Rol replied and the others nodded.

Brounom quickly barged into the conversation, "We are not going anywhere lad. Lets break out some camping gear and cook up an early lunch, then we will press on inside, agreed?" the Dwarf asked the others and everyone agreed and started to get too work immiedietly.

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