《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 18- The Power of Choice


Plane- Unknown

Temple of Eilistraee

Alex studied the forest around the Temple as he considered Eilistraee's words and price. "Well Immortal, what is your choice? You can become a Ranger, but it will cost you the current Experience you have accumulated to the next level." Eilistraee stated. Alex winced, after the fight outside the Temple, he was two-thirds of the way to Level twenty-eight. Most of a days work with a Dungeon thrown in too the mix. Tully shoulder bumped him again and he knew where the Ligers vote stood.

"No, I am sorry, but I am not interested in becoming a Ranger." Alex said as he turned to face Elaine and Eilistraee.

Both women studied him and nodded in acceptance. Eilistraee grimaced shook her head and Alex could see contempt and disgust on her face.

"I never asked to come here. I have asked for this oppurtunity. Do not judge me based on the fact I will not do what you want.' Alex told the Goddess. 'For too long, I have done one thing or another based on what other people wanted. So, me destiny is now my own. My choices are mine to make, that includes the mistakes. Now, I would appreciate if you would send me back Elaine." Alex told the being of the System who was frowning.


Your Reputation with the Priests and Priestesses of Eilistraee has risen to...Friendly

Your Reputation with the Guardians of the Moon has risen to...Friendly


"No matter what choice you make, I owe you a favor for keeping this place safe. I thank you for that even if I do not agree with your choice Immortal." Eilistraee told him as she extended her hand and placed a ring in Alex's hand. Alex quickly pulled up the rings stats and nodded in thanks too the Goddes.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Favor of Eilistraee

Quality: Legendary

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.5)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Melee Damage by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Experience gain by +150 per Kill

Properties: Increase Gold/Silver/Copper drop from Monsters by 10%

Soulbound: Alex Dumass

Requirement: Ranger, Level 20, Dexterity and Agility 40

Description: Eilistraee is one of the great Guardians of the Forests of Ithea, but her favor falls on a few of her Guardians and even fewer of those outside the Order.

Alex whistled and hastily equipped the ring. "Elaine, I want to go home now please. Thank you both for this oppurtunity, but this should never have happened. I am sure everything will be fine, and the world will not fall apart if I am an Assassin." Alex absently told them. He missed the small look between the two women, Elain shrugged and shook her head at whatever the Goddes was asking with her look. Elaine ignored her and opened a Portal, Alex assumed it was back too where he had come from. That is what he hoped anyway.

Quest Complete: Tempting Temple

Description: You defended the Temple of Ellistraee from invaders that would have despoiled it. Congratulations on defending one of the Guardians of Ithea.


Success: Break the siege of the unknown Temple and drive the Goblins off

Failure: Do not break the SIege of the unknown Temple or Tully dies or you die

Restriction: Tully Cannot Die, Assassin Skills/Abilities are Locked for the Duration of this Quest

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, Favor of Eilistraee, Increased Reputation with the followers of Ellistraee, Increased Reputation with Guardians of the Moon

Class Quest Completed: Walk on the Wild Side

Description: Despite the offer, you have declined the offer to become a Ranger. How this will effect your future, only time will tell.

Success: Reach the nearby Temple

Failure: Do not reach the Temple or Die in the process or Tully dies

Restriction: Tully Cannot Die

Rewards: 2,000 Experience

"If you will excuse me, ladies, I am exhausted and need some sleep. I have a long week ahead of me." Alex told them and touched the Portal and moved through it, Tully disappeared with him.

"You play a dangerous game," Ellistraee commented as she dismissed her followers.

Elaine snorted, "Chaos is coming and we need all the allies we can get. If he succeeds we will have one more on our side. If he fails, we lose nothing." She told the Goddess before opening a Portal and stepping through.

Surface- Jagged Coast Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Village of Happy Harbor

The Portal disgorged them almost exactly where they had disappeared, Alex looked at the time and saw only an hour had passed since they had left confusing Alex, "Do you know how the hell we were gone only an hour. It felt so much longer?" He asked Tully.

The Liger snorted before scanning the forest, "Ok, well good luck with your life Tully. Thanks for saving my ass and watching my back." Tully trotted off without a backwards glance.

The sounds of the Beached Whale Inn rolled over him as he entered the lively place as Alex entered. More than one person looked up but then disregarded him. Alex quickly made his way to the bar and ordered food before moving to a table and sitting down and putting his back to the wall. Alex quickly pulled up his Skill Trees as he waited for his food arrived and reviewed the choices in front of him. The days ahead were not going to get any easier, and he needed to be prepared. The Assassins Skill Tree was oriented towards cousing damage over time, and sustaining it. Alex had purchased only a few basic Skills, but without knowing what Advanced Class he wanted to get, he was hesitent to invest his precious Skill Points.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Primary Class: Assassin

Description: Assassins are common throughout the world of Ithea. Since the Mortal Races have walked the planet, someone has always paid someone else to kill someone.

Effect 1: Increase Poison Resistance by 5%

Effect 2: Increase Dodge Chance by 5%

Effect 3: Increase Critical Hit Chance by 3%

Note* Only one Poison can be applied to one target at a time.


Abilities Unlocked...

Name: Killer Intuition

Description: Your a killer, you have accepted this. Show them what you are capable of!!

Benefit 1: Vulnerable areas of Hostiles are highlighted

Benefit 2: Increase Chance to cause Bleeding damage when striking Vulnerable areas by 10%

Benefit 3: Increase Critical Hit Chance when striking Vulnerable areas by 3%

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Shadow Step

Description: That was kinda creepy. Stalker much.

Benefit 1: Break Movement Impairing Debuffs/Effects

Benefit 2: When you appear, Stealth will be active

Range: 20 Feet

Cast Time: Instant

Requires: Have to be able to see Target

Cost: 100 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Assassins Skill Tree...

Name: Night Stalker

Tier: Initiate

Description: I am the...darknes, night, shadow, something scary in the darkness.

Benefit 1: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Benefit 2: Increase Critical Hit Chance by 1%

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Slayer Branch...

Name: Serrated Edge

Tier: Initiate

Description: OUCH!!! I told you to be careful.

Benefit 1: Increase Bleeding Damage by (Melee X.25) per Second

Benefit 2: Increase Duration of Bleeding Damage by 5 Seconds

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Flurry

Tier: Initiate

Description: Did he just slap me? Yeah, a couple of times.

Damage: 100 + (Melee Damage X.5) per Strike

Benefit 1: Increase Attack Speed by 10%

Benefit 2: Increase Chance to cause Bleeding by 5%

Range: Melee

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 250 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Name: Death Mark (Requires Level 25)

Tier: Initiate

Description: Is that a tramp stamp? No, I have no idea what that is.

Benefit 1: Target recieved 10% more damage from you

Benefit 2: Target is 5% more likely to be struck by a Critical Hit

Range: 10 Feet

Duration: 1 Minute

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 250 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Name: Garrot (Requires Level 30)

Tier: Initiate

Description: I was just making him smile.

Damage: 300 + (Melee Damage X2) per Second

Benefit 1: +50% Chance to cause Bleeding Damage

Benefit 2: 25% Chance to Interrupt/Silence Target (Duration 30 Seconds)

Range: Melee

Duration: 5 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Restriction: Have to be behind the target

Cost: 500 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Name: Sloth Poison

Tier: Initiate

Description: You are looking kinda old and tired...I am going home meanie!!

Damage: 15 + (Melee Damage X.25) per Second

Benefit 1: Decreases Stamina Regeneration by 10% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Benefit 2: Targets Movement/Attack Speed will decrease by 5% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Restriction: Can only be used on Personal Weapons

Maximum Doses: 3

Dose Duration: 1 Minute

Cost: 100 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: N/A

Poisoner Branch...

Name: Deathroot Poison

Tier: Initiate

Description: Why is his tongue blue? He ate blueberries before he died...Do you think he believed that?? SHHH

Damage: 30 + (Melee Damage X.3) per Second

Benefit 1: Decreases Health Regeneration by 10% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Benefit 2: 5% Chance Target will be effected by Wracking Pain*

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Restriction: Can only be used on Personal Weapons

Maximum Doses: 3

Dose Duration: 5 Minutes

Cost: 200 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Name: Mind Hunter Poison

Tier: Initiate

Description: BRAIN FREEZE!!!

Damage: 45 + (Melee Damage X.5) per Second

Benefit 1: Decrease Mana Regeneration by 10% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Benefit 2: Increase Casting Time by 5% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Restriction: Can only be used on Personal Weapons

Duration: 30 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Maximum Doses: 3

Dose Duration: 5 Minutes

Cost: 300 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Name: Poison Mastery (Requires Level 25)

Tier: Initiate

Description: Doesn't that symbol mean you are not supposed to drink it? Yeah, but I made it, it's good.

Benefit 1: Increase Poison Effects by 5%

Benefit 2: Increase Poison Duration by 5 Seconds

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Manticore Poison (Requires Level 30)

Tier: Initiate

Description: I don't feel so good. Dude, you are turning hot pink.

Damage: 100 + (Melee Damage X1) per Second

Benefit 1: Decrease Health/Stamina/Mana Regeneration by 5% (Can Stack 3 Times)

Benefit 2: 5% Chance to Interrupt Skills/Abilities

Duration 1 Minute

Cast Time: Instant

Restriction: Can only be used on Personal Weapons

Maximum Doses: 1

Dose Duration: 10 Minutes

Cost: 400 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 1 Hour

Name: Distract

Tier: Initiate

Description: Wait for it...RUN FAT ASS, RUN!!!

Benefit 1: Everyone loses Aggro

Benefit 2: Hostiles will be disoriented

Active Effect: Does not break Stealth if active

AoE: 10 Feet

Range: 10 Feet

Duration 10 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 250 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Subterfuge Branch...

Name: Battle Instincts

Tier: Initiate

Description: STOP LOOKING AT ME!!! Dude, she was checking you out.

Benefit 1: Increase Dodge Chance by 5%

Benefit 2: Increase Parry Chance by 1%

Benefit 3: Decrease Chance to be struck by a Critical Hit by 1%

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Ambush

Tier: Initiate

Description: Hey how you doing (Smack)? Did you just slap me? No why would I slap you (Smack)?

Benefit 1: Increase Attack/Movement Speed by 10%

Benefit 2: Increase Melee Damage by 10%

Duration: 30 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Requirement: Suprise Attack

Cost: 300 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

Name: Cool under Pressure (Requires Level 25)

Tier: Initiate

Description: She was as cool as Ice.

Benefit 1: Decrease Stealth costs by 10%

Benefit 2: Decrease the chance to draw Aggro by 5%

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Combat Edge (Requires Level 30)

Tier: Initiate

Description: Do you ever have the itch you cannot reach? That's why I carry a back scratcher.

Benefit 1: +10% Chance to detect Stealthed beings

Benefit 2: Decrease Chance to be struck by a Critical Hit by 1%

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: One with the Blade (Requires Level 30)

Tier: Initiate

Description: Your weapons better be closer too you, then your mother.

Benefit 1: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.5)

Benefit 2: Increase Stamina/Mana Regeneration by (Level X.3)

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Deaths Dance (Requires Level 35)

Tier: Initiate

Description: We all have to die sometime.

Benefit 1: Increase Movement/Attack Speed by 50%

Benefit 2: Increase Dodge Chance by 25%

Benefit 3: Increase Melee/Poison Damage by 10%

Range: Self

Duration: 30 Seconds

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 1,000 Stamina and Mana

Cooldown: 1 Hour

"What have you been up to lad?" Brounom asked as he studied his new ring with a raised eyebrow. Alex sighed as the plate of food and drink were placed in front of him. He quickly thanked the server and tore into it as he thought of what to tell the Dwarf.

"I got pulled into something that I did not ask for. After some consideration I declined the offer and asked that I not be bothered by its like again. I am sure it will cause me some grief eventually, but for now it does not matter." Alex told the Dwarf who shrugged and accepted the excuse.

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