《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 17- Temple Aquisition


Unknown Location...

Alex's eyes snapped open and he looked around at his surroundings. He was in a dense forest with trees and brush all around and the sounds of the local wildlife as his only companions. Alex brought up his map and cursed silently as it showed just a black screen. "Welcome back." Alex whirled as he drew his daggers and glared at Elaine.

"I don't have time for this, I have to get back and get some sleep. So please open a Portal and take me back." Alex told her.

"Sorry Alex, but you have to learn your lesson here and you need some help. I think you will also be happier if you do this in the end and it will help you overall. There is a temple nearby, get there and you are free of this place. Oh and Tully knows the way and you have to escort him there. Good luck." Elaine winked and disappeared leaving Tully and Alex alone in the middle of the forest.

Alex wanted to scream in frustration but considering where they were it wouldn't be the smartest move. Then a Quest screen appeared in front of him.

Class Quest Issued: Walk on the Wild Side

Description: Elaine, a Being of the System that rules over Ithea, has charged you with getting to a nearby Temple. Why you have no idea, but the one contention is that Tully cannot die.

Success: Reach the nearby Temple

Failure: Do not reach the Temple or Die in the process or Tully dies

Restriction: Tully Cannot Die

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, Unknown

Alex cursed under his breath and called Elaine several choice words before turning to the tiger, "Well where are we going? Take it slow I don't want to stumble into any traps." Alex told Tully who nodded who turned and slowly walked off. Alex activated Stealth and scuttled after him.

Alex cursed as he threw himself backward and away from the Goblin. The little buggers had ambushed them within ten minutes of appearing in this odd land. None of them were above Level ten, but they had numbers. Alex launched a wave of conjured daggers at the Forest Goblins and bought Tully time to destroy the three he had been fighting. Alex activated Shank as his dagger slammed into the eye of one of their opponets before Alex whirled around and deflected a spear thrust and stabbed another Goblin in the throat.

Tully snarled and pounced on the disoriented remains of the Goblin ambush leaving Alex gasping for breath from the short but intense fight. Alex quickly moved among the corpses and looted them giving a meager return and little Experience from the fight. "Hey, once you finish your snack, we need to get going," Alex told the tiger who was eating one of the Goblins.

Tully looked up and licked its muzzle before continuing to eat its meal. Alex rolled his eyes and continued to retrieve any reusable arrows and loot from the Goblins.

Alex studied what was going on while keeping an eye on the huge tiger as well to make sure it wouldn't runoff. So far, Tully was doing what he asked, but it was still an independent creature and Alex was certain if he didn't do what it wanted, it would go off on its own. If it did that in the current situation, Alex was certain the tiger would die. The temple in front of them was under siege by Goblins, several dozen of them were currently attacking the temple and the outnumbered defenders were fighting back but were outnumbered. "Let me guess, that is where we need to go?" Alex asked the tiger who nodded.


Quest Issued: Tempting Temple

Description: A mysterious Temple that you have been charged with getting too, is currently under attack by Goblins. Assist the defenders in beating back the Goblin attack and they might assist you with your Class Quest. As with your Class Quest, Tully cannot die.

Success: Break the siege of the unknown Temple and drive the Goblins off

Failure: Do not break the SIege of the unknown Temple or Tully dies or you die

Restriction: Tully Cannot Die

Rewards: 2,000 Experience, Unknown

"Ok, this is what we are going to do, you stick with me ok and we are going to carve these guys up one at a time.' Alex told the tiger as his hands went to his empty sheaths and cursed. Alex glared at the tiger, 'Don't say anything. If I had a knife we could slowly whittle their numbers down. Ok, you stick with me until the shit hits the fan. Stealth is going to keep us alive and surprise is our only advantage right now." Alex told the tiger who kept studying the ongoing fight and Alex dropped into Stealth and moved forward, Tully silently following him.

Alex silently moved through the forest and approached the back of the Goblins line of fighters. The spell slingers would be his primary targets, then he would move on to their ranged fighters. "If this turns into a shit show, hit the Goblin spell slingers first," Alex told Tully who nodded and moved off giving Alex as he slunk through the forest slowly moving foreward. His daggers were ready and he coated them with the Sloth Poison five feet out from the Goblin line.

The first Goblin died without making a sound, the second and third Goblins gave up the ghost quickly as well. Alex didn't even have to use Backstab, the level difference and damage he could deal out with suprise attacks made it unneeded for the moment. Then they started to notice their magical support was lagging behind their archers and crossbowmen. Tully joind the fight then as several of the Forest Goblins turned to face the new threat.

Facing enemies on two fronts, some of the Goblins started running away. Alex kept killing them as they started to swarm his position. Tully quickly moved to support him despite doing better with his hit-and-run tactics, he refused to leave his side, but it was only a matter of time until either the Goblins broke or Tully was hurt too bad to fight.

Alex was looting the corpses when four of them dropped out of Stealth, "Who are you interloper and why are you here?" the lead man asked. All of them had drawn bows pointed at him but had not fired at him, yet.

"I am Alex and why I am here is a great question. I have no idea. A being, she said her name was Elaine, opened a Portal and pushed me through. Told me I had to make it to the Temple with Tully over there without him or me dying." Alex responded before going back to looting.


The four archers studied him and relaxed somewhat. One went over to Tully, who was busy snacking again, "You keep eating Goblins, you are going to get fat not to mention who knows what you will catch from eating them." Alex told the tiger with disgust. Tully looked up from his meal and snarled at him before going back to eating.

The Rangers snickered, "Midnight Ligers are hardier than most. It can feast safely on the bodies of the Goblins. I am Ithial, please come with us. The Mistress will wish to talk to you." Ithial stated before turning and walking towards the Temple.

Alex quickly followed, "Who is your Mistress?"

Ithial glanced back as he responded, "Eilistraee." the man stated before continuing. Alex looked closer and noticed their midnight colored skin and pointed ears, Drow.

Temple of Eilistraee

Alex nervously walked into the Temple he assumed that belonged to the Drow Goddess. As soon as he set foot within a sense of peace and tranquility filled him.


Buff Received Grove of Tranquility: A sense of calm and purpose fills you. Increase Health/Stamina/Mana Regeneration by 100%, Debbuffs negated (Duration while within the Temple of Eilistraee)


Alex continued to follow what he assumed were Rangers deeper into the Temple and studied everything around him. The building was built from marble and braziers lit everything up and dispelled any shadows. The inhabitants of the Temple were made up of Sword Dancers, Druids, and Rangers for the most part. Who and what they were doing here, Alex had no idea. "Who have you brought in Ithial?" a large Drow asked. Alex studied her, she stood about eight feet tall wearing a mix of leather and chainmail with twin swords strapped to her sides and a quiver on her back, a bow lay within easy reach but from her stance, she was completely relaxed.

"This is the man that attacked the raiders and distracted them long enough to push them back, Mistress.' Ithial quickly replied. 'He was sent here by a being called Elaine with a quest to reach this temple. He was accompanied by a Midnight Liger called Tully." Ithial reported as he gestured towards Alex and Tully.

The Goddess frowned and studied him before making a gesture opening a Portal and Elaine walked through. "What is your game with bringing this Immortal here. He is unclaimed by any God or Goddess. He is an Assassin, he does not belong here." Eilistraee told Elaine.

"He made a mistake and others think he would be far better suited with another Class, preferably the Ranger Class. As far as being claimed by a God or Goddess, you are wrong." Elaine stated and Eilistraee looked at her incredulously before moving her gaze back too Alex who fidgeted nervously.

Eilistraee's eyebrows climbed steadily before she moved and grabbed the Ankh of Light and Darkness around his neck and was about to speak when all the lights nearby dimmed and the Shadow Guardian exploded from the necklace nocking the Goddess backwords. All the nearby Sword Dancers, Druids, and Rangers started to move and Alex blanched, "EVERYONE HOLD UP AND STAND DOWN." Elaine roared as she moved in front of Alex, Tully covered his other half snarling at anyone who came too near him.

Slowly the nearby guards relaxed and the Shadow Guardian slowly dissipated as Eilistraee rose from a crouch and slid her twin blades back in their sheaths. "Well that was interesting, you brought something of another Pantheon onto our Plane. You understand we could use this as an excuse to declare war on the Egyptian Pantheon." Eilistraee stated as she glared at the pendant around Alex's neck.

Elaine laughed, "You and I both know you cannot due it, bluster to someone else if you are trying to live up to your mother's name.' More than one guard shifted uncomfortably at that comment. 'Now Alex, I am giving you a one time offer at becoming a Ranger." Elaine stated and Eilistraee stepped forward.

"That falls within my purview Elaine, not yours.' Eilistraee stated as she walked closer studying Alex and Tully the whole way. 'Does he even want the Class, he had the chance and choose to become a glorified murderer." Eilistraee told her.

"Look at his Life Line, tell me what you think Eilistraee," Elain replied as she stepped back and the Goddess studied Alex's fidgeting form.

Eilistraee cocked her head to the side and frowned, "Your point is made, but he still..." Elaine interrupted her again.

"Go back further," Elaine told her and the Goddess frowned and did as Elaine told her.

Disgust and anger flickered across Eilistraee's face and she shook her head, "How can someone treat family like that?' the Goddess absently asked and Alex froze, no longer in fear but anger. Before he could say anything Tully bumped him with his shoulder and Alex glared at the Liger before reigning in his temper. 'I have reconsidered, I think you would make a very good Ranger. The question is do you want to become a Ranger?" Eilistraee asked him.

Tully shoulder bumped him again and Alex looked at him exasperated, "IF you had chosen correctly, he wouldn't be so annoyed with you." Elaine smirked at Alex.

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