《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 21- Embracing the Shadow


Surface- Wind Swept Region

Kingdom of Rolling Sands- Oasis of Com'aron

Temple of Osiris- Heart of the Temple

Alex came too groggily, "Relax, take your time. You had a bad bump on your head but you did a good job waking me and the Temple." Alex looked up to see a pair of bright green eyes studying him.

Alex jolted and tried to scoot back but Brounom was nearby, "Relax brother, the Priestess means you no harm." Brounom calmly stated.

Alex tried to calm down as he took deep breaths he looked at the Priestess and the rest of his party that was loitering nearby. A couple of Notifications were waiting for him, but he ignored them for now as he studied the room around them. It had changed, the braziers and the torches were not lit, Shadow Guardians were standing at every column along the length of the pool, and the chamber looked better in subtle ways. The Altar itself glowed and was whole now, "So...it worked?" Alex asked looking around. The others chuckled and the previously catatonic Priestess smiled and nodded as she offered her hand to help him stand.

Alex grabbed it and the Priestess showed she was deceptively strong when she pulled Alex to his feet. "I am Ashana Sa'Arin, High Priestess of Osiris and watcher of this Temple, thank you for coming here, repairing the Altar, and awakening me. I have been asleep here for a very long time. I am glad to see a Guardian has been chosen." Ashana stated and Alex looked confused.

"Say what? Guardian, I am sorry but I am not a Guardian of anything. Hell the Ankh belongs to your people, I am just using it until I can get it back to the proper people, which is you." Alex told her causing her to smile.

"Are you sure about that? That Ankh would not have worked if it did not belong to you. Using it to restore the Altar and thus the Temple would have unlocked it for you and the advantages of becoming a Guardian. Now if you do not want to become a Guardian of Osiris, that is another thing but you have to decide. If you do not become a Guardian though, this is where your path will end and someone else will have to take up the call." Ashana told him and anther popup appeared. Alex could not ignore it this time and brought up everything.

Divine Quest Issued: Path of the Lost (Stage 2)

Description: The Temple of Osiris lays dormant but still protected by a Guardian, plumb the depths of the Temple and find the hidden Secrets of the Guardians of Osiris. Beware the secrets you seek are well guarded and those that keep them will not give them up willingly.

Update: The High-Priestess, Ashana Sa'Arin, has warned you the only way to continue the Path of the Lost quest chain is to become a Guardian of Osiris. Accept this or this Divine Quest will be given to another.

Difficulty: Legen (Wait for it) dary, Legendary

Success: Breach the Temple's heart and find the Location of Osiris's ancient Stronghold on the Mortal Plane.

Failure: Do not reach the heart of the Temple of Osiris or die in the process

Requirement: Level 30 (Current Stage), it would be recommended that you DO NOT undertake this quest alone, YOU CANNOT DIE!!!

Rewards: 10,000 Experience per Stage, 50 Gold per Stage, Unknown


The Ankh of Light and Darkness has been unlocked and Soulbound too you.


Due to acquiring an Ankh of Light and Darkness, the Class Modification (Shadow Stalker) has been unlocked and can be attained. Do you accept it? YES/NO

Know this, accepting the Class Modification Shadow Stalker, will add a Branch to your Rogue, Assassin, and Advanced Class Skill Tree when you gain one. However, your Utility Class will be Locked. Do you wish to proceed? YES/NO

Know this, accepting the Class Modification Shadow Stalker, will automatically enroll you within the Guardians of Osiris. One of the secret Orders of Ithea.


Note* If you refuse this Class Modification, you will lose the Divine Quest Chain, Path of the Lost, and the Ankh of Light and Darkness

Alex whistled as he read the Popups in front of him and considered the choices he could make. "Why must I become a Guardian?" Alex asked as he read through everything again.

"For many reasons, but first and foremost you must travel to the Stronghold of Shadows. To go there and survive, only a Guardian can get past the defenses there." Ashana stated and Alex contemplated his choices as he paced back and forth before stopping and accepting.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Class Modification: Shadow Stalker

Description: The Shadow Stalker's are an Elite group, taken from all walks of life and loyal to the core to the God Osiris. This Class Modification opens branches in a Local/Immortals Base, Primary, and Advanced Class Skill Trees. In concession, while gaining access to the Shadow Stalker Branches, you will lose the Utility Class. Shadow Stalkers are best suited for spying, stalking, and assassination when called upon. Stealth is their preeminent strength and Shadow Magic is their primary aptitude.

Effect 1: Increase Darkness/Shadow Resistance by 25%

Effect 2: Stealth Skill progression increased by 25%

Effect 3: Movement/Attack Speed increased by 10%

Effect 4: Critical Hit Chance increased by 5%

Effect 5: 10% Increased Damage from Light/Holy based Magic

Effect 6: Alignment set too Dark

Abilities Unlocked...

Name: Night/Dark Vision

Description: Shadow Stalkers are at home in any darkness.

Benefit 1: See in Low-Light or Dark areas

Range: 30 Yards

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Shadow Mask

Description: Call upon the Shadows to mask your identity and to protect your sight.

Benefit 1: Obscures Facial features so you cannot be identified

Benefit 2: Cannot be Analyzed through normal means

Benefit 3: Immune from Skills/Abilities that would blind you

Benefit 4: Cannot gain Infamy while in use.

Range: Self

Duration: 30 Minutes

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 100 Mana

Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Rogue Skill Tree- Silent Shadow Branch Unlocked

Ranger Skill Tree- Shadow Slayer Branch

Locked until an Advanced Class is Aquired- Shadow Destroyer Branch

Note* See your Skill Trees for more information on the Unlocked Branches.

Alex felt a pulse of energy from the Ankh, that was echoed by the Altar, causing Ashana to smile and bow slightly to him. "Good, you are the first Guardian of Osiris to be created in a very long time. It will also be instrumental in the coming days if we hope to survive. Before we continue, I believe you have a key to your reward and the chest is waiting in the chambers behind you. Go and gather what resides within and come back. We have some things to discuss upon your return." Ashana stated as she gestured to a corridor that had not been there before Alex had fixed the Altar. He shivered then looked at his companion that gestured for him to go on.

Divine Quest Complete: Path of the Lost (Stage 2)


Description: You have managed to navigate the depths of the Temple of Osiris and survive. You have used the Ankh of Light and Darkness to repair the Greater Altar dedicated to Osiris and awaken his High Priestess, Ashana Sa'Arin. Even more, you have accepted the Class Modification and became the first Shadow Stalker and Guardian of Osiris in over 3,000 years since they were wiped out.

Difficulty: Legen (Wait for it) dary, Legendary

Success: Breach the Temple's heart and find the Location of Osiris's ancient Stronghold on the Mortal Plane.

Failure: Do not reach the heart of the Temple of Osiris or die in the process

Requirement: Level 30 (Current Stage), it would be recommended that you DO NOT undertake this quest alone, YOU CANNOT DIE!!!

Rewards: 10,000 Experience per Stage, 50 Gold per Stage, Night Stalker Armor Set, Class Modification (Shadow Stalker), See High Priestess Ashana Sa'Arin for Stage 3

Regional Alert...

The Temple of Osiris has been restored to its former glory and awaits those travelers seeking it.

Regional Alert...


Fame increased by +500

Secret Title Unlocked: Guardian of Osiris

You are now Honored with Priests of Osiris

You are now Friendly with the Priests of Isis

You are now Friendly with the Priests of Horus

You are now Friendly with the Priests of Bastet

You are now Hated by the Priests of Set

You are now Hated by the Priests of Apophis


Note* Secret Titles do not have to be displayed but they are not hidden from all beings of Ithea no matter what you want.

Note* Fame can have a hundred different ramifications for you in Ithea. It can also lower merchant prices, unveil hidden quests, and gain favors that would otherwise be denied.

Alex quickly went into the room and saw a large ornate chest, he quickly approached it and inserted the small key and unlocked it. Inside lay a small pile of gold, silver, copper coins, more uncut gems, a few potions, and several pieces of equipment. Most of those were meant for his companions but a whole leather armor set caught his eye immediately. Alex studied the black leather with Runes that glowed with a black light and softly lit up the surrounding area. He had never seen their like, Alex quickly pulled up their Stats as he walked out of the room to hand off the other pieces of equipment to the rest of the party.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Cloak of the Night Stalker (Unique Set 1 of 4)

Quality: Ancient Artifact (Scalable)

Armor Type: Cloak

Armor Rating: +20

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Dodge Chance by 5%

Properties: Decrease Chance to draw Aggro by 5%

Properties: Decrease the chance at being struck by a Critical Hit by 5%

Secondary Properties: +5% Decreased Chance of being seen while in Stealth (Per Piece Worn)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cost of Shadow Stalker Skills by 10% (Requires 2 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cooldown of Shadow Stalker Skills by 25% (Requires 3 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Ability Unlocked Ananimity (Requires 4 Pieces)

Soulbound: ---

Requirement: Shadow Stalker, Level 30

Durability: 500/500

Description: The Night Stalker Armor Set is as Ancient as the Egyptian Pantheon itself. It is said that Osiris created it within a week of coming to the Mortal Plane. Rumor has it that Osiris crafted it himself from the skin of Apophis and dipped it into a river deep in the heart of the Duat to cleanse it of any taint and to empower the Armor Set with the very darkness and shadows of his realm.

Name: Wristguards of the Night Stalker (Unique Set 1 of 4)

Quality: Ancient Artifact (Scalable)

Armor Type: Light/Wrists

Armor Rating: +30

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Spell Damage by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Attack Speed by 5%

Properties: Increase Parry Chance by 5%

Secondary Properties: +5% Decreased Chance of being seen while in Stealth (Per Piece Worn)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cost of Shadow Stalker Skills by 10% (Requires 2 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cooldown of Shadow Stalker Skills by 25% (Requires 3 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Ability Unlocked Ananimity (Requires 4 Pieces)

Soulbound: ---

Requirement: Shadow Stalker, Level 30

Durability: 500/500

Description: The Night Stalker Armor Set is as Ancient as the Egyptian Pantheon itself. It is said that Osiris created it within a week of coming to the Mortal Plane. Rumor has it that Osiris crafted it himself from the skin of Apophis and dipped it into a river deep in the heart of the Duat to cleanse it of any taint and to empower the Armor Set with the very darkness and shadows of his realm.

Name: Gloves of the Night Stalker (Unique Set 1 of 4)

Quality: Ancient Artifact (Scalable)

Armor Type: Light/Gloves

Armor Rating: +25

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Melee Damage by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Critical Hit Chance by 5%

Properties: Ignore 5% of Targets Armor

Secondary Properties: +5% Decreased Chance of being seen while in Stealth (Per Piece Worn)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cost of Shadow Stalker Skills by 10% (Requires 2 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cooldown of Shadow Stalker Skills by 25% (Requires 3 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Ability Unlocked Ananimity (Requires 4 Pieces)

Soulbound: ---

Requirement: Shadow Stalker, Level 30

Durability: 500/500

Description: The Night Stalker Armor Set is as Ancient as the Egyptian Pantheon itself. It is said that Osiris created it within a week of coming to the Mortal Plane. Rumor has it that Osiris crafted it himself from the skin of Apophis and dipped it into a river deep in the heart of the Duat to cleanse it of any taint and to empower the Armor Set with the very darkness and shadows of his realm.

Name: Belt of the Night Stalker (Unique Set 1 of 4)

Quality: Ancient Artifact (Scalable)

Armor Type: Light/Legs

Armor Rating: +20

Quick Access Slots: 6

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.5)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.3)

Properties: +15% Chance to ignore Movement Debuffs

Properties: Increase Dodge Chance by 5%

Properties: Increase Movement Speed by 5%

Secondary Properties: +5% Decreased Chance of being seen while in Stealth (Per Piece Worn)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cost of Shadow Stalker Skills by 10% (Requires 2 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Decrease the Cooldown of Shadow Stalker Skills by 25% (Requires 3 Pieces)

Secondary Properties: Ability Unlocked Ananimity (Requires 4 Pieces)

Soulbound: ---

Requirement: Shadow Stalker, Level 30

Durability: 500/500

Description: The Night Stalker Armor Set is as Ancient as the Egyptian Pantheon itself. It is said that Osiris created it within a week of coming to the Mortal Plane. Rumor has it that Osiris crafted it himself from the skin of Apophis and dipped it into a river deep in the heart of the Duat to cleanse it of any taint and to empower the Armor Set with the very darkness and shadows of his realm.

Note* The Night Stalker Armor Set is composed of cloak, wristguards, gloves, and belt

Name: Anonymity

Description: You are a shadow, you are the night, you are...Who are you?

Benefit 1: You cannot gain Infamy

Benefit 2: People who do not know you, have the tendency to forget about you and what you look like given time

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

As Alex handed out the new equipment, he could see that they were surprised and very happy with their new acquisitions considering they probably didn't expect anything from the chest. Alex continued to study the Night Stalker Armor Set as Ashana walked up. "You have the armor of Shadow Stalker, now it is time to discuss what happened to Osiris and what lays ahead of you. Please come with me, I need to inspect the Temple and we can talk while I see to my duties. Your companions will be perfectly safe here, you have my word." Ashana stated and Alex nodded as he followed the High Priestess.

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