《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 10- Atonement


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Undercity- Assassins Stronghold

"Listen, I understand you are pissed off, you put a couple of days of surveillance on her and she really is a piece of shit, but the Termination Contract was rescinded. That's it." Mona stated as Alex fumed.

"How did they find out?" Alex asked as he sipped his drink.

"Who found out what?" Mona asked in response.

"How did her family know that someone had placed a contract out on her life? I didn't discuss it with anyone outside the Guild. So who spilled the beans? They keep finding out, so either the Assassins Guild has a leak or they have someone watching over her. Which is it?" Alex explained as he considered the last couple of days he had been observing her.

The only time he felt like he had been watched was from the bum that had tried to get him to go away from the school. "The Assassins Guild does not leak. Anyone who would betray us like that would face worse than death. Even an Immortal member would face harsh punishment." Mona replied at the implied accusation.

"Is their a Beggars Union?" Alex asked as his fingers drummed on the table.

"Yes, they are used as informants and spies by the Smugglers, Thieves, and Assassins. The Beggers Union can go almost anywhere and not be observed. Why?' Mona replied as she studied Alex. Alex ground his teeth in frustration as he rose and stomped off with a curse. 'Don't start anything Alex, that bitch isn't worth it." Mona called after him as Alex disappeared into the gloom of the Undercity.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Middle City

Alex tracked his new target, he lived better then Alex did even though he was a beggar. He lived alone in an apartment above a bakery and Alex easily picked the lock that led into the attic. Alex took his time to scoop out everything for any traps or hidden items but found nothing in the attic. So Alex pressed on too the second floor under Stealth, taking it slow and sure.

The bedroom door was more difficult, but eventually, it yielded to his lockpicks. Alex silently made his way over to the bed as he checked the room for any traps or triggers but found nothing. He did spot a small compartment but it could wait until after he was done with talking to his old friend. Alex jumped on top of him and pressed one of his daggers to his throat while his other hand clapped over his mouth. "Scream or yell and you die. Did you do it?" Alex asked and moved his hand enough the older man could respond.

"I don't know what you are talking about." he gasped out and Alex pressed his knife harder against the man's throat...

"I won't ask again. Did you do it." Alex asked as he pressed the knife harder against the man's throat and blood welled up under the blade and the beggar tried to move back but Alex kneed him int the ribs.

"YES, DAMMIT!! I told the Mills family an Assassin was snooping around the precious twisted flower. They pay really well and put me up here in return for keeping an eye out and my ears to the ground concerning anything with their family. Its just business." the man stated and Alex nodded his head and drove his dagged up into the beggar's brain as he triggered Shank. The beggar spasmed once as his health bad dropped and emptied.


Secret Quest Complete: Bloody Vengence

Description: You were betrayed and tracked down the one that had betrayed you for money. You have exacted vengeance and made the betrayer pay the ultimate price for his choices.

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, 5 Gold

Note* Beware in persuing Vengence, it might draw the attention and ire of those who prefer Justice.

Alex quickly looted the body and went to the hidden spot and pulled it open. Within it was several letters between the beggar and the Lord Mills concerning his daughter. Alex shook his head in disgust as he pulled out a small bag that had over a dozen gold coins in it and several precious stones. Finally, he pulled a dagger at the bottom of the little cubby and pulled its stats up.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Gutter

Quality: Epic (Scalable)

Damage: 25-30

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increases Backstab damage by 50%

Properties: Increases Chance to cause Bleeding by 10%

Properties: Increases Critical Hit Chance by 5%

Requirments: Rogue, Minimum Level 20, Dexterity 45 and Agility 40

Durability: 300/300

Description: Gutter, although a beautiful weapon, hides a brutal gift. It is capable of dealing massive damage to your foes. Originally commissioned for the Royal Hand of the Ara'Dorn Kingdom, sadly it fell just like most kingdoms during the Celestial War.

Alex wanted to whistle as he read the stats and immediately equipped it before moving back to the body and got to work. How the hell did this beggar get the damned weapon Alex wondered as he moved back to the body. Sometimes the only lesson was the brutal one. Time for the Mills family to learn their lesson.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Outer City- The Prancing Rooster

The heavy knocking on his door woke Alex up. "Open up Alex, we need to talk," Mona called through the door. Alex rolled out of bed and made his way over too the door as he palmed a knife and held it behind his back.

"What do you want?" Alex asked as he yanked the door open.

Mona pushed in and looked around the room, she was alone at least, but then again he wouldn't be much of a challenge for her anyway. "Did you do it?" Mona asked.

"Did I do what? If something happened to Ally Mills, it wasn't me." Alex replied as he pulled a shirt from his inventory and threw it on.

"No, nothing happened to her but, a head was sent to her and eye and a tongue were sent to her father. Their family is up in arms and wanting the city guard to do something about it and they have already assigned a Constable to the case. Did you have anything to do with it?" Mona asked as she glared at him.

"Did I kill someone that was interfering with guild business consistently. What's it matter anyway?" Alex replied as he leaned back against the door as he considered his options if this turned violent. His respawn location wasn't here, so if she killed him, he could disappear. No one could loot the wardrobe while he was paid up with the inn, and he had another four days until the room was no longer his.

"All the underworld Guilds in a very precarious balance, if we push that balance too far one way or another, it can start a war between the Guilds. The Beggers Union wants to know who killed one of their own that was in good standing. So, did you do it?" Mona asked.


"Yeah, I did. The bastard was getting paid by the Mills family to watch over that abusive bitch of a daughter. I just took out their eyes and ears. Yes, I know they can hire someone else, but maybe next time their spy will think twice about protecting a piece of shit like that." Alex replied causing Mona to frown and shake her head in frustration.

"You cannot go around and kill people like this. We have rules in place. If you wanted to file a complaint, you should have talked to me. We could have done this the proper way." Mona told Alex as she started to pace.

Alex frowned, "How was he a member in good standing when he wasn't paying the Beggers Union a portion of his profits for spying for the Mills family. I also have correspondence between the Lord Mills and their rat confirming that multiple contracts have been taken out against Ally Mills and that her father paid for them to go away. That information should get both the Beggers Union and the authorities off our backs." Alex replied causing Mona to stop and reconsider.

"Give me the letters, I will get them to the proper people and you will be there for the meeting with the Beggers Union in the Undercity. I will message you when I know when and where it will be. Do not be late." Mona stated as Alex handed over the letters. Mona quickly left and Alex went back to sleep.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore


Alex stared at the three representatives of the Beggers Union, they didn't look like any beggars. They all wore fine clothing and had deadly looking weapons on them. "He murdered a Begger and damaged his corpse. Is this how we can expect the Assassins to act?" the lead man of the Beggers Union asked. Alex was pretty sure his name was Jerome, but they were reluctant to give up names.

"No, but your man was dealing on the side and not paying his dues to your Guild. That work got him killed." Mona replied calmly as she laid out some of the letters Alex had acquired.

Jerome picked them up and quickly scanned them before muttering a curse. "Roach, Freddy answered too you. Did you know about any of this?" Jerome asked the man on his right.

"No, but Freddy was always guarded about where he worked and always paid his dues on time so I never asked," Roach replied as he read the letters before handing them back to Mona.

"Either way, it was our problem. It should have been reported to us to deal with. I think your boy there should owe us a gold debt and a favor.' Jerome added and Alex snorted. 'Got something to say, boy?" Jerome glared at him and Mona tried to wave Alex off but he decided to respond.

"Your boy, Freddy, interfered with six contracts. Three people were murdered and three kids were permanently damaged because our contract kept being interfered with by your Guild member. Is your Guild going to offer recompense for that to us and those families hurt by Freddy's actions?' Alex asked as he pointed out everything that had happened since the first Termination Contract had been rescinded. 'From what I understand, members in good standing with their Guilds, are held to a certain standard. If I am being held accountable for my actions, your Guild must be held responsible for Freddy's actions and the consequences of those actions. How much Gold would that be to the Assassins Guild Mona?" Alex responded as he looked at the more experienced Assassin.

Mona smiled and he saw a certain gleam in her eyes now, "Six hundred Gold to us, one hundred for every Termination Contract interfered with. To the families who lost someone, fifty Gold minimum and those with crippled family members one gold a month for the remainder of their lives and they have to backpay for all the missed payments." Mona replied with a smile and wink to him but all the emotions went away as she turned back to the Beggers Union representatives.

Jerome, Roach, and the third man frowned and Jerome pulled the others closer and started talking to them in a low voice the grew louder as the discussion went on until he finally yelled out "ENOUGH!!! You are right Assassin Alex Dumass, the Beggers Union will be held responsible for what happened. We will repay this debt by first withdrawing our complaint against you. We also wish to take a Termination Contract out on Ally Mills for the amount of five hundred Gold with no time limit. Half will be paid upfront and the other half upon completion of the contract. We will also pay the Gold Debt to the families starting tomorrow. Is this acceptable compromise Dagger Mona Ri'card?" Jerome asked with a slight bow.

Mona smiled, "That is acceptable compromise Spinster Jerome Tre'thal. Go in peace cousin and may the Shadows ever guide your path.' Jerome bowed slightly and hustled the other beggers out of the room leaving Mona and Alex alone. 'Smooth move newbie. You stumbled onto that solution but don't expect that luck to hold forever." Mona told him and Alex looked confused.

Mona saw Alex's confusion so she explained. "If the Beggers Union had refused to pay the Gold Debt to the Assassins Guild and the families, we would have been within our rights to inform the families and authorities about what happened. The Constables and Guards of this city would have come down on the Beggers Union like a ton of bricks. The Beggers Union work would have been disrupted for six months to a year at least. The higher-ups within the Beggers Union would have had all the mid-level management on up within the city killed and new leadership appointed as well for disruption of their business." Mona explained to Alex.

"Oh, I was just trying to balance the scales, not threaten anyone," Alex replied and Mona laughed.

"Yes I am aware of that and Jerome probably knows that too, but I would have made sure the proper authorities knew what happened within this city and within the Beggers Union. Jerome knew that that's why he capitulated and withdrew his complaint." Mona replied with a wink as she gestured to the door and Alex nodded as he continued to frown and consider the ramifications of one member of a guild and what his greed had caused.

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