《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 9- Looking beyond the Sands


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Outer City- The Prancing Rooster

Alex rolled out of bed as his alarm went off. After finishing up the Dungeon located in the Blood Forest and turning in the quest for that area, he had come back to the inn and had promptly fallen asleep after eating and taking a quick bath. Between the Quest and Dungeon, Alex had netted enough experience to gain two Levels.

Name Alex Dumass Level 24 Experience 800/12,000 Base Class Rogue Constitution 20 (+1) Health 1,110 Fame --- Primary Class Assassin Strength 20 (+1) Health Regeneration 5.25 per Second Infamy --- Advanced Class --- Dexterity 60 (+39.6) Stamina 1,110 Melee Damage +9.96 (+16.5) Utility Class --- Agility 45 (+39.6) Stamina Regeneration 5.25 (+16.5) per Second Ranged Damage +9.96 (+16.5) Gathering Profession-Herboligy 40/50 Initiate Intelligence 10 (+2) Mana 1,020 Spell Damage +1 Crafiting Profession- Alchemy 30/50 Initiate Wisdom 10 (+2) Mana Regeneration 3 (+16.5) per Second Critical Hit Chance +2% Carry Capacity 210 Stat Points 10 Skill Points 2

Alex whistled, he had two more Skill Points and ten Stat Points to spend after gaining the new Levels, but for now, he held off. He had done some research last night while eating and he had to do one thing before going anywhere. The bow he had acquired could be Soulbound and Alex wasn't going to walk around with it in his inventory or go into the Drunken Meister without it being Souldbound too him. Anthony knew it would be too tempting to the Thieves and Assassins there for them too just sit back and do nothing.

Alex cut his finger and touched the handle of the knife causing a Notification to pop up.


Do you wish to Soulbind...Shadowbite? YES/NO

This will cost...500 Health/Stamina/Mana to complete


As the glow faded, Alex brought up the weapons Stats again.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Shadowbite (Unique Set 1 of 2)

Quality: Ancient Artifact (Scalable)

Damage: 35 (Shadow)

Properties: Increase Dexterity and Agility by (Level X.3)

Properties: Increase Intelligence and Wisdom by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Melee Damage by (Level X.25)

Properties: Increase Chance to cause Bleeding Damage by 15%

Properties: Increase Critical Hit Chance by 5%

Secondary Properties: Increase Backstab Damage by 25% (per Knife wielded)

Secondary Properties: Locked (Requires both Knives)

Soulbound: Alex Dumass

Requirement: Assassin, Level 30, Dexterity 50 and Agility 40

Description: Shadowbite is a remnant from a time when the Elven people were one. This knife is an example of what they were capable of and yet still might achieve again.

Note* This Knife deals Shadow Damage primarily, those with High Resistance will recieve decreased damage

Note* This Knife is part of a pair. Shadowbite and Shadowcarress

Alex dismissed the information and put the knife into his inventory. It was an amazing find for his Level, too bad he couldn't use it, not yet anyway. He still had another Dungeon he had too clear and he had to track down the abusive teacher and find out more about her. A full day ahead of him in other words.

A person in a cloak with their hood up will be noticed almost anywhere, a beggar, on the other hand, can almost go anywhere and be ignored. So even with Alex begging near the school and keeping an eye on Miss's personality didn't draw any undue attention. At least not the normal kind. "Hey, you!! You aren't part of the Union, shove off." another beggar came up.


"Hey, no one else was here and I ain't bothering nobody. Leave me alone." Alex responded while keeping his eyes downcast.

"I don't give a fuck mate, get the hell out of here." the beggar replied and went to kick him but Alex intercepted the blow and pushed the beggar further into the ally until he slammed into the wall. Alex pulled one of his daggers and pricked the beggers cheek.

"I don't care about your guild, I am here for my own reasons and if you cause me trouble I will end you. Understand mate?" Alex grated out.

The beggar's eyes bulged as he looked at the knife and his ring. "I apologize, sir, if you were here on official business you should have said so and I would have left you alone. The Beggers Union has no feud with the Assassins, I will be on my way.' the beggar replied quickly. Alex studied him and nodded his head as he backed away and resheathed his dagger. 'I am assuming you are new sir? Next time just show your ring and you will be left alone. Good day sir." the bigger stated before leaving.

Alex tracked him for a moment before going back to his original position, their little scuffle had not drawn any unwanted attention. Miss Mills, on the other hand, could not say the same thing. A child was crying nearby and she was yelling at her, the other nearby teachers did nothing but keep the other children away. A part of Alex wanted to go over there and slit her throat right there in front of everyone, but that isn't how the Assassins worked.

They set examples by getting to people no one thinks that can be touched. Ally Mills would soon be dead and her death would set an example of how not to handle children. The question was, how he would get too her. Her home was a well-established estate with personal guards and magical wards. At his current level, there was no way Alex could infiltrate its grounds. That left the school or somewhere in between the school and her home.

Alex plotted and thought as he continued to watch and study.

"So what is the problem?" Mona asked as she sat down opposite to him. They were down in the undercity so Alex could freely talk about guild business.

"I took a contract, I am just trying to figure out how to get to my target. She works and goes home pretty much. She does not have much of social life from what I have seen and her residence is protected by physical and magical means from what I have determined." Alex told the more experienced Assassin.

"Let me guess, the infamous Ally MIlls?' Mona asked and Alex nodded his head. 'Yeah her family usually buys out whatever contract we have and pays off the families of the abused and even will relocate them if they are willing to go. Honestly, if she wasn't the only daughter, it would be far cheaper for the family just to let her die." Mona stated and shook her head in disgust.

"Wait, this isn't the first time a Termination Contract was placed on her head?" Alex asked confused as to why she was still alive.


"Nope, this is the sixth time I have seen it in five years. Every time, her family pays off those that have been abused and they withdraw the contract." Mona replied and shrugged her shoulders.

"So, how can I get to her before the contract is rescinded?" Alex asked and Mona chuckled.

"An act of a god or really good luck," Mona replied.

"How would the guild feel if we damaged a building?" Alex asked as he continued to think.

"Ahh, the Guild doesn't like collateral damage at all. To public property or lives. If we do that, it will risk bringing the King down on us across the entire kingdom. The guild won't risk that for one rich bitch." Mona responded while glaring and Alex.

Alex rolled his eyes, "It was just a thought. If it's unacceptable, I won't do it. Relax oh great and powerful Mona!!!" Alex replied quickly with a wink.

Alex was walking towards the inner city and the Haunted Mansion Dungeon when something caught his ear and immediately raised his ire. "Relax Alex, a silver piece for a reading of your future." the woman stated with a smile.

Alex rolled his eyes, "No one can see the future, people can make educated guesses based on current decisions, but the future is fluid and cannot be predicted." Alex replied causing the woman to smile and laugh.

"True, but perhaps I can help you in making the best decisions for you lad.' the woman replied with a smile as she raised her empty hand out. Alex smiled and shook his head as he pulled a single silver coin from his inventory and dropped it in her hand. 'Good, please come in and sit." the cloaked woman stated and Alex entered her small tent and sat across from her with a rueful smile on his face.

"Let me guess, my future is wrought with danger, that I will know pain and love, but in the end, it will be up to me how my future will play out?" Alex mock asked her.

The woman snarled and grasped his head as her eyes started to glow, "Do not mock me, boy, the future is very fluid with many ending and paths, I take great risks in telling of your possibilities.' She responded and shook his head. 'Now give me a moment to watch and see, then I will talk boy." she stated before she relaxed her grip somewhat and started mumbling as the glowing of her eyes intensified until it started bleeding away from her face and formed almost a mask over her face. Alex studied the energy and it almost looked like a cat when it suddenly disappeared.

"You are correct boy, you face many dangers, some you already know in the form of your family. They have not started to hunt you, not yet but they will within a month's time. They are still consolidating their holdings within the Underdark among the Duergar and Drow." Alex snarled and started to draw his knives when the woman made a simple gesture.

Battle Alert...

Debuff Sands of Holding: You have been Immobilized and cannot use Skills/Abilities (Duration Until Canceled)

Battle Alert...

"Relax boy, I am no enemy of yours." the woman quickly stated as Alex strained against what held him.

"That does not make us friends or allies." Alex snarled in reply as he tried to trigger Teleport then Shadow Step, but bright red notifications saying both Abilities had failed due to the Sands of Holding Debuff.

The woman quirked an eyebrow at him and released the spell, "I hope that proves that I am not lying and that I mean you no harm."

Alex snorted and sat back down, "It proves nothing except you can hold me against my will. What do you want?"

"Interesting necklace, may I see it?" the woman asked as she pointed to the key he was wearing around his neck.

Alex frowned at her and removed it from around his neck and reluctantly handed it over, "Its nothing special, just an old key, nothing special." Alex replied and the woman smiled.

She twisted part of it and the teeth of the key withdrew back into the shaft and she studied it before smiling and handing it back."'Now it looks like it should, be very careful who you show that too. When the time comes, you will know what to do with it and no one can decide for you. Good luck." The woman stated then ushered him out of the tent. Alex pulled the stats of the key up.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Ankh of Light and Darkness

Quality: ???

Properties: ???

Requirements: ???

Description: The Ankah of Light and Darkness is from a forgotten time and lost kingdom. It is said that that this necklace and those like it were given to the Priests and Servents of a forgotten god.

Quest Updated: Sentimental Keepsake or is it???

Description: The key you wear as a keepsake, might very well lead to some real treasure. The Assassins Guild Quarter Master Harry Longfist has suggested you go see the Loremaster Riggs in the Prahmore city library to see if the key is of any significance.

Update: A mysterious Seer has revealed some information about your key. What the Ankh of Light and Darkness is or what it is used for, is unknown to you. Maybe Loremaster Riggs will be able to reveal these truths to you.

Success: Take the key to Lore Master Riggs

Failure: Do not take the key to Lore Master Riggs

Rewards: 100 Experience, Unknown

Alex gaped at it and looked back, but the tent and woman were gon. Alex frowned and shook his head as he started walking again towards the inner city.

"You take too many risks sister," he told the robed woman.

"Chaos scratches at her prison, the Vampire bought us some time but Chaos still makes inroads within the Pantheons. We need allies among the Mortal Races and he needs to be awoken from his slumber. It goes against my nature to let evil walk freely in this world unopposed." She replied.

"You believe an Assassin will be good?" the armored man stated.

The robed woman smiled, "Horus you forget, sometimes a knife in the dark can do far more good then a sword stroke in the day." the robed women smiled and opened a portal before gesturing the armored man to go through. She looked back one last time before following him.

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