《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 8- Undead Dance


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- Blood Forest

Ruins of Dera'gon Keep Dungeon

The Dungeon was full of more than just Vampires, it had Undead and Gargoyles too. What made it worse was, the Undead being dead, meant his Poison damage and knives did less damage, which caused Alex more frustration then he let on. However they continued to push on and the Experience and money flowed in, despite Alex's handicap.

"Ok, the first boss is an Elder Vampire, Level 23 Mini-Boss. He is a Necromancer, summoner type, and can throw out some physical damage due to being a Vampire. Alex you Stealth and setup behind the boss and as soon as I get his attention, jump in. Whenever he summons adds, burn them down quickly. Got it Mandy?" the Shield Warden laid out. Alex nodded as he activated Stealth as they opened the door and started moving slowly around the room, skirting all the furniture and anything that might delay him.

The tank, Ajax, was not subtle at all. He just walked in and drew aggro immediately, but it gave Alex his opening and a moment to Analyze the mini-boss.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Aaron Deathspeaker (Mini-Boss)

Level: 23

Health: 10,000

Stamina: 6,000

Mana: 12,000

Alex dismissed the information as the Vampire threw a bolt of magic at Ajex that enveloped the tank in black and yellow energy. The Cleric shouted and spit out a word of power as golden energy surrounded the Ajax as he charged the boss. Alex shook his head, he was glad he had not followed his father's instructions. Alex quickly coated his daggers with poison before approaching the boss who was reeling from Ajax's assault. Alex pushed forward and moved as quickly as he could behind the Vampire

Alex's Backstab took nearly five percent of the Bosses' health as he dropped out of Stealth. The boss roared in rage and pain as it shifted to attack Alex immediately and threw a hand forewards casting a spell. Alex quickly jumped away to avoid the magical blast. Ajax rumbled something and activated a Skill that immediately drew the Bosses' attention back towards him. Alex took a deep breath and waited a few moments before attacking again.

"Good job." Ajax offered as Alex checked the room for hidden compartments, chests, nooks, and crannies.

"Yeah, except I drew Aggro with my first attack," Alex responded as he found another small bag of gold and tossed it to the Cleric who was dividing everything. The boss had dropped twelve gold, some silver, copper, a ring for a Mage and a dagger for a Necromancer. The dagger had been the best of the loot, but none of them could use it and Alex passed on it. He could sell it, but it would be useless to him.

"Yeah, well...live and learn. I am not going to complain, it helped put a dent into the bosses' health pool and it meant I took less damage overall." the Tank replied.


"Which saves me from having to heal his ass soo much." the Cleric added.

Alex smiled at their banter as he finished scanning the room, "Ok, from what I can tell, that is it." the Rogue informed them and the prepared to move out. Alex dropped into Stealth as the others got ready and he silently moved deeper into the Dungeon to scout ahead to look for patrol and traps.

Alex dived to the side as the Fireball sailed overhead and slammed into the far wall. "WHEN THE FUCK DID ZOMBIES GET MAGIC?!?!" Alex called out as he rolled to his feet and activated Shadow Step. He appeared behind the Zombie Mage and immediately activated Backstab and Shank taking it down to critical levels as Mandy continued to pepper it with spells. Ajax was busy dealing with three Skeletal Warriors and could not help.

"They are a rare type, but they exist." the Cleric called back as he hit the Zombie with a Smite finishing it.

"Crazy assed world!!' Alex called out as he tried to drop into Stealth and failed. Then two arrows slammed into his back and took Alex to half health, as another patrol approached. 'They are coming from behind!!" Alex called out as he used Teleport to get behind Ajex and beyond the range of the new patrol. Alex quickly downed a Minor Healing Potion and noticed that Ajex and the Cleric were having a difficult time as is with all the current enemies. Alex quickly triggered Distract and the new patrol stopped to stare and the strobing ball of energy.

"That bought us ten seconds," Alex called out as started slashing at the Skeletal Warriors engaged with Ajax.

"I am Summoning some help, buy me thirty seconds," Mandy called out as she stopped flinging spells around and downed a Mana Potion before she started casting a spell. Alex shook his head as two of the Skeletal Warrior finally went down, but Alex's Distract finally ran out and the whole patrol charged them. Alex triggered Shadow Step and appeared behind the Skeletal Archer and slammed both daggers into it as he activated Gauge. A quarter of the Skeletons' health vanished as Alex went to work.

Alex grumbled as he continued to search for hidden loot, the second Boss had been downed and the Death Knight dropped a couple of pieces of equipment for Warriors. The Rogue was beginning to think this place had nothing for him equipment-wise. He had received plenty of coins though and he had acquired enough potions to replace the ones he had used so far, but anything equipment-wise, he found this Dungeon lacking.

Alex had finally looked up the information on the Dungeon in the Forums and found that the finale Boss was the only one that dropped any Rogue gear and it was rare that he did. He was tempted to be mad at Mandy, but it was his own fault for not doing his own research before coming. It had taught him a lesson though, he would never jump into a Dungeon he had not researched beforehand.


"She really isn't that bad," Ajax stated as he drummed his fingers on his sword hilt.

"She played me, but it's my own fault. I should have done my research before agreeing to come here. You guys are fine, but I won't help her out again." Alex told the Shield Warden who frowned but nodded his head.

"You aren't going to do anything, are you?" Ajax asked.

Alex laughed, "I didn't take it personally, otherwise I would already be gone. However, I won't let it happen again. That was on me. It also tells me what type of person she is.' Alex explained. 'She puts out a spoiled rich bitch and entitled like an aura. Her actions to get me to come, prove she is exactly that." Alex told the Warrior.

Mandy stomped up, "You don't know me. Don't judge me."

Alex snorted in amusement and smirked but continued to work, "I grew up with a sister exactly the same way and a whole family of self-entitled assholes. I know the type very well." Alex responded as Ajax moved between Alex and Mandy to try and diffuse the situation.

"Listen, Mandy, we both know you stretched the truth. You made promises that he would earn some upgrades here, and this place hardly ever drops Rogue gear. You should have told him up front and been honest. Despite deceiving him, he has decided to stay and finish the run. So give him a break." Ajax told the Druid who sniffed and stomped off. Alex looked at the Tank and nodded his thanks before continuing the search.

Duke Renold Gaspard was a nasty looky bastard in chainmail with a large bastard sword, he had a couple of Necromancers and Skeletal Warriors with him all waiting for them. "Let me guess, Stealth and take out the Necro's?" Alex asked Ajax who smiled and nodded his head as Mandy was muttering out a spell to summon her pets.

Alex downed a potion that would boost his agility for the next ten minutes then tossed a Potion of Stone Skin towards the tank who read the stats and shrugged before downing at as Alex disappeared. Unlike armor, Stoneskin could not be bypassed by attacks, but it didn't provide much boost to one's defenses.

As soon as the crossed the threshold to the room, the Skeletal Warriors charged and the Boss stood from his throne and quickly moved to join them. Alex Analyzed the Boss as he made his way around the room towards the Necromancers.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Renold Gaspard (Boss)

Level: 25

Health: 18,000

Stamina: 10,000

Mana: 10,000

Alex dismissed the information as he silently stalked the Necromancers. He was only going to get one shot at this, and if he screwed it up, his surprise attack would be blown. While Alex was concentrating on the Necromancers, Ajax, the Wood Wolves, and Mandy concentrated on the Boss and Skeletal Warriors.

Alex crept quietly through the room until he was behind the closest Necromancer. He quickly made sure both of his blades were covered in Sloth Poison before he triggered Backstab. Flanking, Critical Hit quickly flashed across his eyes as the Necromancer stumbled from the brutal attack. Alex quickly capitalized upon his advantage as he launched a series of attacks at the reeling Mage. Suddenly dozens of skeletal hands burst from the grounds and grabbed onto his legs and arms.


Debuff Grasping Hands: Movement/Attack Speed decreased by 60% (Duration 30 Seconds)


Alex cursed and threw himself forward and buried his knives into the Necromancer as he triggered Shank. His offhand knife glowed softly as it slammed into the Necromancer eliciting a scream and causing the Mage's health to plummet like a rock as he died. Alex quickly looked at the other Necromancer that what chanting.

Not good Alex thought as he triggered Shadow Step and appeared behind the Necromancer as he activated Gauge. No critical hit this time, but an eighth of the Mages' health disappeared in an eyeblink and the Necromancer also received both poison and Bleeding Debuffs for Alex's efforts. It also interrupted the Necromancer's chanting and caused some backlash damage. The Mage snarled and spit out a word enveloping Alex in yellow and black energy.


Debuff Pestilence: 50 DPS (Duration 10 Seconds)


Alex cursed and coughed as he moved forward, his daggers lashing out as he continued to whittle down the Necromancer's health as the disease continued to eat at his health. The Mage tried to defend himself using his staff, but he just couldn't match Alex's speed or nimbleness despite having two Levels on him. The Necromancer quickly crumpled to the ground bleeding out. Alex quickly pulled a Minor Health Potion and a Minor Stamina Potion and downed both before disappearing back into Stealth.

Alex inspected the dagger, it was a mix of steel, bone, and other odd materials Aled had no name for. "I can't believe you are agreeing to give that away. We could easily get a couple thousand Gold for that, easily." Mandy fumed.

"We had an agreement, Mandy, I get any Rogue gear. That knife fall under that line, plus you all got at least two pieces during this run, so stop bitching." Alex replied quickly as he placed it into his inventory.

Mandy looked like she was going to say something else but Ajax stepped forward, "Enough, we all know you dicked him over. If you want it so bad, buy it from him. Otherwise, stop whining. We all have things too do outside this Dungeon, let's get out of here." Ajax headed for the exit, the Cleric quickly following the Shield Warden Mandy glared at Alex who simply smiled and winked at her before following the other party members out of the dungeon and back into the forest.

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