《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chpater 11- Questions and...more Questions


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Alex moved across the rooftops as he watched his target walk below. The guy was an idiot that worked as a clerk, but he had pissed someone off enough to earn a contract. Alex quickly pulled it up and reviewed it again.

Termination Contract: Damien Ithal

Description: Damien is a Clerk for the city planning office. According to his coworkers, he is known for taking bribes and going back on deals. Eliminate him.

Required Rank: Initiate

Time Frame: 5 Days (Three days left)

Rewards: 500 Experience, 5 Gold, Increased Reputation with the Assassins Guild

Damien would not be a problem from what he could see. Alex had tracked him over the last two days and he drank a lot after work before heading home. He lived alone and had no close family. The only ones that would miss him would be his coworkers and Damien had the next two days off. Then Mr. Ithal stepped into an ally and started puking, Alex grimaced in disgust but he wasn't going to miss the opportunity either. He quickly activated Shadow Step and appeared behind the puking drunk. Alex immediately activated Backstab and Shank as both his blades plunged into his target. Damien moaned a little bit but gave no yell as he died almost instantly from the overwhelming attack.

Alex quickly moved the man deeper into the alleyway and looted his body before using Teleport to get back on top of a nearby roof and moving away.

"So...he was puking when you killed him.' Harry had a smirk on his face and Alex rolled his eyes. The Dwarf roared with laughter. 'Lad, we got to work on your arrogance and storytelling. Assassins are supposed to be arrogant pricks, your throwing the whole persona off." Harry told him before laughing again.

"Yeah well, if he was going to leave himself in such a vulnerable state, I was going to take advantage of it. As far as the Assassin persona, I would rather stay alive then become a dead arrogant Assassin." Alex told the Dwarf that slid the five Gold coin over for completing the Termination Contract on Damien Ithal.

"Now are you going to take some time off or are you going to continue to work? If you keep working so hard, I am going to start wondering why you didn't become a Dwarf.' Harry stated and Alex shrugged his shoulders in response. 'Lad, you have completed four different contracts in the last four days. Take some time off. Go get drunk and get laid. Go gamble and have some fun." the Dwarf suggested but considering the fact he was senior to Alex within the Guild, he would take it as an order.

"I will go work on my Alchemy which has fallen way behind and maybe go get my necklace looked at, ok?" Alex replied and Harry Longfist nodded and shooed him out of the little shop.


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Middle City- City Library

"So how can I help you today sir?" Loremaster Riggs asked as he entered the room.

Alex looked at the man, he was five and a half feet tall and not very imposing figure, but neither were Mages. "Yes sir, I was told by an associate of mine to come to see you. A Dwarf by the name, Harry Longfist. He said that you might be able to assist me in finding out more information about an item I acquired in a Dungeon. I would also require discretion on your part and I want anything we discuss to be kept confidential from anyone." Alex told him as he placed five gold pieces in front of the Loremaster.

The Loremaster smiled as he looked at the gold coins then back to Alex, "Of course Sir, how can I be of service to you?"

Alex studied the man then took the Ankh of Light and Darkness off from around his neck and placed it on the table next to the gold. Loremaster Riggs moved forward and placed his hand over it as he started to mutter as his hand glowed with silver and blue energy. After a minute he frowned and stepped back. "Will you please come with me and bring the necklace with you. I am going to have to use a more powerful Divinng on the item and I need the assistance of a Ritualistic Circle." Loremaster Riggs stated as he pocketed the money.

Alex nodded his head and recovered the Ankh of Light and Darkness and put it back on as he followed the man deeper into the library and through one of the employee only doors. Less then five minutes later they were in the room and Loremaster Riggs sat down in the middle of the circle and the necklace was placed in another portion of the circle. "This will take a few minutes, feel free to sit down but please do not disturb me otherwise I will have to start all over again." the Librarian stated before closing his eyes and started to chant.

Ten minutes later Alex saw the first shadow move. At first, he thought he was seeing things, but it continued on and on until Alex started to get worried as the shadows started to coalesce into an actual being. Alex slowly moved until his hands rested on his dagger hilts and ready to draw at the first sign of hostility. Finally, the shadows stopped moving and it was studying the Loremaster who continued to chant as the Runes and Sigils making up the RItual Circle continued to blaze with energy.

Suddenly the Shadow threw its hand forward and a wave of darkness slammed into a shield around Loremaster Riggs. The librarian smirked a little bit and Alex got an uneasy feeling so he quickly Analyzed the Loremaster.


Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Riggs Duskhallow

Level: 30

Base Class: Scholar/Chaos Acolyte

Primary Class: Loremaster/Chaos Master

Advanced Class: ???

Health: 2,000

Stamina: 2,000

Mana: 3,600/6,000

Alex didn't even think about it, his hand whipped forward and flung the throwing knife at the Loremaster. It clanged off the shield around him earning a smirk from Loremaster Riggs. The shadow being threw another blast of darkness at the shield and once again the attack was nullified. Alex drew his daggers and triggered Shadow Step and appeared behind the Loremaster in Stealth, Alex immediately triggered Backstab and slammed Gutter deep into the Chaos Master's back.

The Loremaster arched his back and screamed in pain as his health dropped by a quarter and the Ritual stopped. Riggs turned and wobbled as he threw a wave of energy at Alex who deftly jumped aside and rolled to his feet as he moved to reengage the Loremaster. However, the shadow being was quicker and grabbed the Loremaster and quickly ripped his head off before looking at Alex who froze in fear. He quickly Analyzed it to see if he could figure out what it was.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Shadow Guardian

Level: ???

Health: ???

Stamina: ???

Mana: ???

Alex dismissed the information, it revealed nothing other then the creature's name but didn't tell him if it was a threat to Alex or not. The Shadow Guardian continued to study him then grabbed the necklace and threw it at Alex who caught it reflexively and when he looked up the Shadow Guardian had disappeared. Alex quickly looted the body of the former Loremaster as a notification popped up but he minimized it. He would check it out later after he got out of the Library and back into the Undercity.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore


Alex stormed in the Assassins Guild little factor shop and grabbed Harry Longfist by his collar and dragged the Dwarf into his storeroom and slammed the door shut and before drawing one of his daggers and pointed it at the Dwarfs eye. "Boy, you best relax and think about this," Harry growled out as he balled up his fists.

"Did you know he was a fucking Chaos Acolyte? Did you send me there to die Harry?" Alex growled right back.

"Who? Riggs? I had no idea, take it slow and tell me what happened lad.' Harry replied trying to get Alex to calm down. Alex took a deep breath and resheathed the dagger but kept his grip on it as he told the Dwarf everything from the Seer on the street to his encounter with the Loremaster and the Shadow Guardian. In the end, Harry leaned back against the door and whistled. 'Well shit. I am sorry lad, I had no idea he had joined Chaos. Why he would try and destroy your necklace, I have no idea. I would suggest we talk to Mona and tell her everything. At the least, we will receive some blowback for the Loremaster's death. You stay here in the Undercity and don't go far. Go next door and get some food and drink lad, I will be over in a minute." Harry told him as he opened the door and left as he started messaging the senior Assassin.

Alex sipped the juice while eating chicken and dumplings with some bread when Mona and Harry joined him. "You just can't seem to stay out of trouble Initiate." Mona quipped as she sat down.

"Yes, it seems I have a giant 'come kick me' sign on my back for bad luck. Now, what can we do?" Alex asked before he continued to eat.

"More than one person remembered you and another remembered you asking about Loremaster Riggs, so you are linked to his death although the Constables are unsure how. They have figured out that you were present and wounded him, but did not kill him. The fact he was a Chaos Acolyte is something in your favor though.' Mona informed him. 'Now you can stay or you can leave the city. If you choose to leave though, you will have to travel far away for now. I would suggest the capitol for now." Mona stated and Alex shrugged his shoulders. All he had was in his inventory currently so he wouldn't have to go out and get anything.

"That's fine with me. How can I get outside the city?" Alex asked in response.

"The Smugglers Union will get you outside the city walls, once there you can use a Portal Scroll to get to the city of Arkburn. The Guild front there is the Shattered Shield in Low Town. Go there and you can get access to the Undercity there." Mona stated as she placed the scroll in front of Alex.

Quest Issued: Flight to Freedom

Description: After the events in the city library, Mona has advised that you flee the city of Prahmore and go to the city of Arkburn. If you agree, a Smuggler will assist you in fleeing. Once you reach Arkburn report too the Assassins Guild representative at the Shattered Shield in Low Town.

Success: Flee the city of Prahmore and get too Arkburn

Failure: Do not flee the city or get caught by the Constables or Guards before you are outside the cities borders

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, Unknown

Will you accept? YES/NO

"Yeah, might as well start over somewhere fresh. Thanks, Mona." Alex told that senior Assassin who smiled and winked at him.

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