《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 6- First Kill, but not the Last


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Outer City- Market District

Alex looked at the window and saw his target still fucking the whore, so far he worked all day, then spent time at a whore house, then went home. Nothing original, just like a hundred other people, but he was skimming from the warehouse owners and they wanted him dead.

Alex brought up his Rogue Skill Tree and reviewed the Skills he had unlocked. Spoiler: Spoiler Name: Grace under Pressure

Tier: Initiate

Description: I have nerves of Steel!!!

Benefit 1: Increase Dexerity and Agility by (Level X.25)

Benefit 2: Increase Stamina/Mana Regeneration by (Level X.25)

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Stalker Branch...

Name: Cats Paw

Tier: Initiate

Description: Twinkle Toes!!!

Benefit 1: 10% Decreased chance of being seen while Stealth is active

Benefit 2: 5% Decreased chance that people will hear you while Stealth is active

Requires: Stealth

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Dirty Fighter

Tier: Initiate

Description: In the end, I won!!!

Benefit 1: +5% Chance to Dodge attacks

Benefit 2: +5% Chance to cause Bleeding Damage

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Shank

Tier: Initiate

Description: He shouldn't have looked at me like that! He has a lazy eye...idiot.

Damage: Physical Damage X 2

Benefit 1: +10% Chance to cause Bleeding/Open Wounds

Benefit 2: +5% Critical Hit Chance

Range: 3 Feet

Cast Time: Instant

Cost: 100 Stamina

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Scrappy Fighter Branch...

Name: Dagger Mastery

Tier: Initiate

Description: The pointy end goes in the other guy, right?

Benefit 1: +10 to Base Damage of Knives

Benefit 2: +5% Chance to cause Bleeding Damage

Cost: Passive, N/A

Cooldown: N/A

Name: Gauge

Tier: Initiate

Description: Yes!! I did it. I stabbed him in the eye, throat, ear, guts, all over!! He farted and it stunk!!!

Damage: Physical Damage X 3

Benefit 1: +25% Chance to cause Bleeding/Open Wounds

Benefit 2: +10% Critical Hit Chance

Range: 3 Feet

Cast Time: Instant

Requires: Duel Wielding

Cost: 150 Stamina

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Note* Bleeding= Physical Damage X.25 per Second (Duration 10 Seconds), Can stack up too 3 Times

Note* Open Wound= Physical Damage X.5 per Second (Duration 10 Seconds), Can stack up too 3 Times Alex was beginning to think that playing as a melee Rogue was all about surprise attacks and stacking up Bleeding Effects to kill people. Alex looked back at the window, yeah he was getting dressed, time to go home. If he followed the same route he did last night, there were two places he could ambush this dipshit. Honestly, if this guy was using the stolen money for a sick kid or family member, Alex would feel bad, but he was using the money to fuel his binges at a whorehouse. So Alex didn't feel too bad. Alex quickly brought up the quest again as he waited for the idiot to emerge from the whore house.

Quest: Way of the Knife

Description: The Warehouse Manager, Dave Thomas, has been skimming money from the profits of the warehouse and the owners want an example made of him. Kill him then return to Mona at the Drunken Meister.


Dave Thomas: Alive

Restriction: Kill the one Marked for Death alone, Do not get caught

Success: Kill Dave Thomas and return to the Drunken Meister to report his death

Failure: Do not kill Dave Thomas or get caught killing him

Immediate Rewards: Rogue Skill Tree Unlocked

Rewards: 500 Experience, 10 Silver, Primary Class Assassin, Assassin Skill Tree Unlocked, Admittance to the Assassins Guild

Note* If you fail this quest, the Assassin Class will be locked too you and you will not be able to join the Assassins Guild

Alex dismissed the information, he only had to kill him, no special way to requests about how he had to do it. Alex looked up as he heard thunder, he could smell the water on the air, it was going to start raining soon. It would provide him more cover but it might drive his target to hide somewhere or even change his route. Dave emerged from the squat building and looked around before starting down the road. Alex shadowed him across the roofs for now, once he got to a more isolated part of the city, he would Teleport down and take his shot. Ten minutes later, Dave cam stumbling by while Alex waited near a small trash heap. It was smelly, but it should keep anyone from looking to closely at him and Dave would ignore this spot. Alex grunted as his daggers sunk into the Dockmaster and just over an eighth of his health disappeared. Before he could scream Alex stabbed him in the throat as he triggered Shank, a fountain of blood burst from the wound as a Bleeding Debuff took effect and another fourth of his health disappeared. Then Dave's elbow smashed into Alex's ribs and he was sent reeling backward.

Battle Alert...

Debuff Blunt Trauma: Stamina Regeneration decreased by 25% (Duration 1 Minute)

Battle Alert...

Alex cursed, his abysmal Stamina Regeneration dropped even lower, at least he didn't break any ribs Alex thought as he breathed and sprinted towards Dave. He ducked under the man's wild swing and sliced him along the ribs causing him to grunt and jump away from him. Alex rolled forward and under his widespread arms before jumping to his feet and activating Gauge.

Both his knives glowed slightly as they slammed into the man's back and zeroed out his health bar as he collapsed. Alex stumbled back withdrawing his knives and cleaning them quickly before resheathing them and looting the body. He quickly moved off and let the rain wash the blood off his hands and arms.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Outer City- the Drunken Miester

Mona snorted as she saw Alex walk up and sit down across from her, "Well from what I heard, it wasn't pretty but you got the job done. Congratulations Initiate.' Mona stated as she pulled a ring from her inventory and placed it in front of Alex. Before he could pull the stats of it up Mona continued. 'Follow me please." Mona stated as she stood and walked deeper into the inn.


Quest Complete: Way of the Knife

Description: Despite almost getting your ribs smashed, you managed to kill Dave Thomas despite underestimating him. Remember this lesson Assassin.

Dave Thomas: Dead

Restriction: Kill the one Marke for Death Alone, Do not get caught

Success: Kill Dave Thomas and return to the Drunken Meister to report his death

Failure: Do not kill Dave Thomas or get caught killing him

Immediate Rewards: Rogue Skill Tree Unlocked

Rewards: 500 Experience, 10 Silver, Primary Class Assassin, Assassin Skill Tree Unlocked, Admittance to the Assassins Guild

Note* If you fail this quest, the Assassin Class will be locked too you and you will not be able to join the Assassins Guild


Your Reputation with the...Assassins Guild...has improved from Unfriendly to Neutral.

You have been invited to join the Assassins Guild, do you wish to join? YES/NO

Congratulations on joining the Assassins Guild and attaining the rank of...Initiate

As an Assassins Guild Member, you have access to Safe Houses, Guild Trainers, the Black Market, Guild Quests, Class Quests, and many more features that will be revealed in time.


Note* to remain in good standing, you must complete one Guild Contract per month. If you fail to do so, you can face fees, sanctions, or even expulsion from the Assassins Guild

Several patrons nodded towards Mona and acknowledged her, but were also differential towards her. Alex quickly followed after her as she wound her way deeper into the Inn until they went into a room and she moved to a bookcase and manipulated several of the books until the bookcase slid aside revealing a staircase leading downwards.

"Most cities across the surface and Underdark have a subterranean component that the Thieves Guild, Smugglers Union, and Assassins Guild use to do business. Its considered neutral territory to all the guilds and spilling blood here is a death sentence to those who do it. However, if someone starts a fight, you better finish it!!" Mona stated as they walked deeper below the city. 'Now some of these facilities we share with the Thieves Guild, like the Agility Course and the Black Market, and other things." Mona stated as they started passing such facilities.

"Now before you ask, yes the sewers below the city count as neutral ground, unless its quest related, no fighting.' Mona added as they approached a small storefront. 'This is our Factor and where you can purchase equipment from the Guild Quartermaster, the Job Board is here where you can pick up Guild Quests and Contracts. Harry, meet our newest member Alex Dumass." Mona introduced him to the man behind the counter.

The Dwarf looked him up and down and grunted in disgust, "You look like a piss poor Assassin with that gear. You gave him the rin at least, right Mona?" Harry asked the recruiter.

Mona rolled her eyes, "Yes I did, so why don't you hook him up with the Initiate Gear. Every time you gain a new rank within the Guild, we issue you some new armor. Being an Initiate, it's not the best but it's better then what you have on." Mona said amused at Alex's gear. Harry laughed loud and hard as he brought together several pieces of equipment and placed them on the counter in front of Alex.

"Well this equipment is definitely an upgrade for you," Harry stated as he plopped a pair of leather boots on top of the other leather armor pieces. As Alex started to grab up everything and threw it in his inventory Harry's hand shot out and grabbed the makeshift necklace around Ale's neck. 'Where did you get this?" the Dwarf asked as he studied the old key.

"Found it on my first Dungeon run. I am keeping it as a reminder of where I started out and how far I have come. Yes, I know everything has a purpose and I am sure it unlocks something, somewhere, but it has a different meaning too me." Alex told the Dwarf who studied it before letting it go.

"Well if you ever want to find out anything about it, go so Loremaster Riggs in the city library, we have an agreement with him to help us with any obscure loot. That key falls under that category." Harry stated.

Quest Issued: Sentimental Keepsake or is it???

Description: The key you wear as a keepsake, might very well lead to some real treasure. The Assassins Guild Quartermaster Harry Longfist has suggested you go see the Loremaster Riggs in the Prahmore city library to see if the key is of any significance.

Success: Take the key to Lore Master Riggs

Failure: Do not take the key to Lore Master Riggs

Rewards: 100 Experience, Unknown

"Well that is something you can think about later Alex. Now I will be your contact with the guild while you are here in Prahmore. I am assuming while you are staying in the city you will keep your lodging at the Prancing Rooster?" Mona asked and Alex nodded his head in agreement. 'Well good luck Assassin, we will be in contact if we need your services. Stay out of trouble please, I know these are trying time for you Immortals with your world dying, but you have a second chance here." Mona stated before turning and leaving.

"Lad one more thing, touch this map, it will update your map with a layout of the Undercity and access points above ground," Harry stated indicating the old map in front of him. Alex moved over and touched it.


Do you wish to update your map of the city of Prahmore? YES/NO

Congratulation, your map has been updated with information on the Safe Houses, Sewers, and Undercity of Prahmore.


"Now every city has an Assassins Guild House like this, they will include Quartermasters like me. Make sure you visit them and update your maps each time you go to new places to help you find safe houses and entrances to the more secret areas of any city." Harry stated with a wink before walking away.

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