《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 5- Recruitment Pitch


Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- Village of Ferror's Crossing

Ferror's Crossing was a small fishing village on the coast with only about a hundred people living in it. The Drunken Fisherman was the local watering hole/Inn for any Adventurers or Immortals traveling too or from the village. "Thanks, but I just got done with the Dungeon today, I am not interested in doing it again so soon," Alex told the Warrior next too him.

"Come on, I will throw in five silver if you make the run, upfront." the Warrior pleaded.

Alex snorted, "No thanks. It's not a matter of money. Plus I am thinking about going to the city of Prahmore and its a long walk up the coast.' Alex told him as he continued to eat his food. 'Look, the group I did the Dungeon with had a Ranger wit them named Derrik, ask him if you need a Rogue type." Alex suggested before finishing his food before heading for the door.

The waterfront was mostly peaceful at this time of night, only a few people still working on various things and they were quickly wrapping everything up. He had another message from his father, but he had deleted it. The rest of his family had not reached out too him, not yet anyway. Alex quickly pulled up the messaging system and started looking for his family names, knowing his brother, he would change his name to something idiotic and what he thought would be intimidating. His father and mother had too much pride to change their names but he did not want to talk to them, that left his sister.

Anastasia Du'mass,

I have no idea why any of you would reach out too me. I have never been considered to be family by any of you. I have been treated no better than a dog to be used and abused then cast aside when not needed. Tell your father and mother I am out. Whatever plans they have made, whatever they want to do, I want no part in it. I am done with the Du'mass family and their backstabbing, bickering, and schemes. This place is a new chance at life and I have decided to take it. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Goodbye Ana.


Note* Due to the recipient being in another Nation, the message will be sent the next time you reach a city. Do you still wish to send it? YES/NO

Alex mentally approved sending it and since he would be in another city within a week or so, he would be fine with the message being sent then and not sooner.

Living with an abusive family had taught Alex more than one harsh lesson. One of the more important ones was to listen to his instincts which screamed he was being followed or in danger. The next blind turn he took he glanced down an alleyway and activated Teleport followed be Stealth. Less than ten seconds later, two figures rushed by the alley opening. Street toughs and maybe even thieves, but without Analyzing them, he couldn't be sure. Based on their body size, weapons, and armor, they were probably Warriors though.

The had a quick discussion that Alex could not hear and split up, one continuing down the street and the other started to look around the immediate area. Alex stalked forward and moved closer to the remaining thug. He was almost caught twice and without Stealth, the other man would have attacked him already. Alex stayed patient though and managed to keep cool despite wanting to throw up. Once he was in range he triggered Backstab and he jammed his knife in the base of the thug's skull.


Three-quarters of the man's health disappeared and a health bar and tag appeared. Level fourteen Thug rapidly disappeared as he drunkenly grabbed his sword and swung at Alex who rolled clear. Alex was tempted to let the man bleed to death, but if he yelled or screamed he could bring his companion back and Alex didn't want to face both head-on. Alex ducked dodged another swing and lunged forward burying both daggers into the Thugs chest. With one last gurgle, he collapsed. Alex immediately grabbed his arms and dragged the body in the nearby ally.


For Slaying a Level 14 Thug you have gained...100 Experience

Would you like to loot Level 14 Thug? YES/NO

You have recieved...

Reinforced Leather Breastplate of Unending (Uncommon)

Steel Shortsword of Wounding (Uncommon)

Silver Ring (Poor)

Gold X1

Silver X10

Copper X30


Alex would keep the loot and sell it somewhere along the way too Prahmore, he would not risk selling it to anyone within the village. Alex reactivated Stealth, he would go down to the waterfront and wash off all the blood there then head back to the inn to sleep. Before he took two steps another person dropped out of Stealth. "Well, it looks like they won't be joining the Thieves Guild after all. You, on the other hand, have potential.' Alex froze as the women smiled, 'Good, don't take anything for granted or at face value. Those two idiots wanted to become Enforcers for the guild, but they obviously failed. However, a skilled Thief is far more valuable, if you are interested in becoming a Thief look me up in the town of Breckenridge when you get to level twenty Immortal. My name is Candice and you can find me in the Smoked Eel." with a wink she disappeared back into Stealth. Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Two Weeks Later...

"No less then fifteen gold for all the armor and ten gold for the weapons, we both know you are going to mark up everything by at least fifty percent, so I will eat about ten percent of your profits. Deal or do I take it to someone else?" Alex prodded the Merchant who frowned and nodded his head and shook Alex's outstretched hand.


Barter Skill Unlocked...(See you Character Sheet or Wiki for more information)


Alex sighed, he probably could have gotten more for the gear, but he was ready to unload it all and he wanted to get rid of it before anyone tracked him down. More than one group of thieves had tried to relieve Alex of his meager wealth on the road too Prahmore. Alex had gotten the better of the exchanges for the most part. "Do you need to purchase anything sir?" the owner asked and Alex shook his head indicating he wasn't shopping to purchase anything.

"I just got in, I am going to find an Inn and get some food and a bath. I will come back later afterwords." Alex told the owner as he stepped away to leave. He didn't a Debuff yet, but he was fairly sure he was close to getting it after walking half the day to get into the city.


"May I recommend the Prancing Rooster, it's only one block over and a Silver a day and it includes food as well as a room. The Drunken Meister is where you can locate all the various Rogue Trainers but beware of any thievery in the city. The Kings Law will see you fined and imprisoned for breaking the law." the man stated as Alex's map of the city updated with the two new locations.

"Is their anyone willing to train me in Alchemy?" Alex asked before leaving.

"There are several Alchemists on Black Row or down near the Mage Quarters." the Owner responded and Alex thanked him again before leaving.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- City of Prahmore

Outer City- Harbor District

Five silver for a couple of days for a room and dinner ever night at the Prancing Rooster, breakfast and lunch were extra. Alex frowned, he couldn't log out and save money, this was his world now. A little over an hour later he was walking down Black Row towards the Drunken Meister when he noticed he was being followed, nothing new, but this time they were just pacing him. "Relax kid, we are just checking out the new potential.' Alex jerked to a stop and watched as the person dropped out of Stealth from the nearby shadows. 'I am Mona Ri'card, Assassins Guild representative and recruiter." she stated and Alex studied her. She was a hybrid Human and Elf, about five feet tall and maybe weighed a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet.

"Alex and I have no idea what Primary Class I want to persue," Alex replied as he moved closer to the nearby wall and put it to his back. It earned him a smirk and nod from Mona and a snicker from one of the nearby shadows that dissolved into a man.

"Well, I know for a fact you have an open invitation to join the Thieves Guild, you can choose to become a Thief or Enforcer. Multiple career choices, unlike the Assassins Guild." the man stated with a wink.

Mona rolled her eyes before looking back at Alex, "Yes if you want to be used as a pawn by the Thieves Guild, feel free to join them. However, there are a lot of choices for Rogues, such as Ranger, Hunter, or Assassin." she stated.

"What is the difference between a Thief and an Assassin if you do not mind me asking?" Alex prodded at Mona causing the man to groan and walk away in disgust.

"Thieves have three Skill Branches just like Assassins, but they specialize in Infiltration, disarming traps, and stealing while Assassins are more oriented to stealth, short intense fights, and poisons," Mona responded with a smirk before tossing a potion at him and Alex reflexively caught it and brought up the information on it. Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Potion of Shadows

Grade: Elixer

Dose: 1/1

Description: This potion will unlock the Rogue Skill Tree.

"Whatever Primary Class you choose, you will need that." Mona quipped as Alex considered his options.

"Will becoming a Thief or Assassin assure a position with either guild?" Alex asked and Mona frowned and shook her head.

"No, the class is just that, earning a position within either organization would require you doing jobs and quests to earn Admittance and then Rank within that guild," Mona responded quickly as her eyes continued to roam over the nearby area.

"What is expected of us if we want to apply to get in?" Alex asked as he stashed the potion into his inventory.

"Come on, let's go sit and drink while we talk." Mona motioned for Alex to follow her as she led him to the Drunken Meister. "So just like any formal Guild, you will start at the bottom doing drudge work with the least amount of gains. Guild Quests can be declined though, but do it too many times and you can face sanctions or even expulsion from the Guild." Mona explained as she sipped her drink.

"How many Guild quests are we expected to complete every week?" Alex asked as he sipped his beer and checked his Status.

Current Buffs/Debuffs...

Buff Well Rested: Skills increase 5% Faster, Professions increase 10% faster (Duration 1 Hour)

Buff Well Fed: Increase Health Regeneration by 10% (Duration 2 Hours)

Debuff Slightly Intoxicated: Accuracy decreased by 5% (Duration 1 Hour)

Alex pushed the beer away, he was never a big drinker, not with his family around. He wasn't going to start now with him being surrounded by Thieves and Assassins. "You have to complete at least one Guild Quest per month to maintain the lowest position in the Guild. However, once you are in, you gain access to Safe Houses, the Blackmarket, training, and of course Class and Guild Quests. You won't owe any dues like that Engineers Union, you just have to do a single Guild Quest every thirty days. What you do in your time is up too you, but if you go against the Guilds rules or if you kill someone they say is off-limits, the Guild will put a Death Mark on you and anyone can kill you without any repercussions." Mona explained before taking another drink.

"What would be required of me to join the Assassins Guild? Can I get out if I want too?" Alex asked as he sat back.

"You can get out whenever you want. As far as getting in, you have to take out a target on your own without any help. Once you are issued a Quest, you will have three days to track and take out the target. You cannot be caught in the act, if you do, the quest is considered a failure even if you kill your target. Understand?" Mona asked as she sat back and studied him.

"If I fail?" Alex asked.

Mona had a grim smile that was not warm or inviting, "Don't fail."

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