《Blood and Honor: Deathwalker》Chapter 4- Snake's and Ruins


Surface- Shinning Hills Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- Oakwood Forest Area

Alex looked down at the body and touched it despite the blood.


Do you wish to loot Level 7 Bandit Archer? YES/NO

You have received...

Copper X12

Silver X1

Minor Healing Potion X1

Minor Stamina Potion X2

Silver Ring (Poor)


Alex dismissed the information as he moved onto the next body, he had managed to take out three Mage's and two archers before they figured out he was there. The resulting trio of arrows had almost killed him, but his actions had bought the guards and soldiers time to mop up the Bandit Swordsmen and come to his aid. "Thanks for your aid Immortal, without it we would have been hard-pressed to beat back the bandit attack." Alex looked at the soldier who was offering his hand and shook it.

"Your welcome sir," Alex responded softly and the Sergeant studied him more closely.

"I am assuming this was your first real fight?' the man asked and Alex nodded his head in acknowledgment. 'It will get better. I assume you are staying at the fortress of Stalwart Hill? Why don't you ride with us back to it? It is not that far and you won't have to walk back alone." the man suggested and Alex shrugged as he looted the last of the Bandit bodies before following the soldier back to the caravan.

Area Quest Complete: Highway Robbery

Description: You helped slay the band of Bandits that were raiding a caravan of merchants. Congratulations!!!

Success: Slay the thieves and help save the Merchants

Failure: Do not slay the thieves or all the Merchants die

Rewards: 1,000 Experience, 1 Gold, Increased Reputation within the Shinning Hill Region, Increased Reputation with the Kingdom of Arang'more, Steel Dagger of Slaying

"Can I also recommend that you purchase some better armor, the armor you have looks to be falling apart." the Sergeant stated without managing to sound like an asshole.

"Yeah I am aware, but I have been trying to save money for traveling to the capital and training when I get too level twenty," Alex responded causing the soldier to snort.

"You have to invest in yourself, otherwise you won't make it past level ten, much less get to level twenty.' the Sergeant responded and Alex considered his words and nodded his head in agreement. 'I would also suggest once we get to the fortress you talk to the merchants you help save, they might have something that you can use, just don't forget to barter with them." the man added.

Surface- Craggy Shore Region

Kingdom of Arang'more- Crimson Cove Dungeon

1 Week Later...

Alex stalked through the run-down temple, dozens of Naga and their pets lay behind them, but they were finally nearing the end. Alex looked in the small cavern, there was two Priestess, two Warriors, and the Boss. The Warriors roamed back and forth in front of the dais and the two Priestesses were standing on either side of the throne and Boss. Alex quickly sent out a message to Bradon, the Tank of the group, about what they were facing. The Tank acknowledged the information and strode into the small cavern with three others right on his heels.


Alex continued to follow the curve of the cavern walls as he made his way towards the throne and the spell slingers there. His primary targets were the two Priestesses on either side of the throne, as long as they were alive, they would rain destruction down on the party. It took Alex a minute to get into position and he sent off a message, "Ready." Alex waited as Bradon made his way forward with another Warrior, an Archer and Mage were behind them waiting for them to attack before doing anything.

Bradon let out a shout and charged the nearest Naga causing it to reel back as his sword slammed into the Naga. The other Warrior waited two seconds and joined in the fight with the Archer and Mage following right on his heels. Alex was waiting longer for the Priestesses to fire off their first spells as he inched closer. Now he thought as he lashed out with both daggers as he triggered Backstab. The Naga let out a shrill scream that was part gurgle as blood started to fill her lungs as Alex continued to stab the Naga. Finally, once she was just below half health, she hissed and moved backward to slam Alex into the nearby wall, but he nimbly dropped off her back and threw himself aside as the Priestess slammed into the rocks and lost another chunk of health.

Alex quickly recovered and threw one off his throwing knives and imbedded it in her shoulder causing her spell to fizzle as he closed with her. The other party members were holding up well as they continued to fight the two Naga Warriors, Boss and finale Priestess. Before Alex could finish off his target a trio of arrows slammed into her and ended her life. Alex saluted the archer before disappearing back into Stealth as he made his way to the last surviving Priestess that was flinging spells at the Warriors below.

Alex checked and Backstab was still on cooldown so he would have to hopefully get a Critical Hit, so he would have to aim for a vulnerable area. Alex smiled and jumped up as he drove his off-hand dagger into the Naga's shoulder so he could swing further up and slammed his main hand into the back of her skull. The screech of pain cut off as her health dropped like a rock as she moved spastically. Alex grunted as he held the bile down and withdrew the dagger and drove it into the Naga's throat causing the Priestess to collapse as he rolled clear.

Alex quickly looked at the main fight, only the Boss was still up but both of the friendly Warriors were in the critical zone and both were downing Health Potions just too keep up with the boss's damage. Alex quickly dropped back into Stealth and slid forward as Backstab came off cooldown and the overpowered Skill was readied to use again. With a grim smile, he activated Backstab and slammed his dagger into the overgrown Naga's back eliciting a roar of pain from it. Nearly an eighth of its health dropped away in a heartbeat and blood fountained from the open wound as the Boss started to glow. "GET BACK!!" Bradon barked out and Alex immediately jumped backward but it was too late.


A wave of water picked Alex up and slammed him into the back wall and took two-thirds of his health away.

Battle Alert...

Debuff Massive Blunt Damage: Stamina Regeneration decreased by 30% (Duration 1 Minute)

Debuff Concussed: Accuracy decreased by 25% (Duration 1 Minutes)

Battle Alert...

Alex shook his head and puked as everything spun a little bit. Ok, dumb thing to do Alex thought as he pulled a Minor Health Potion from his belt and downed it and threw the empty vial at the Boss that was recovering from his attack. The Boss glared at Alex and pointed the trident in his hand at him, Alex immediately rolled out of the way as a small bright blue bolt slammed into the stairs where Alex had been. Alex quickly Analyzed the Boss as he got to his feet as Bradon and Axel got back into the fight. Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Aran'Thon (Boss)

Level: 16

Health: 2,860/4,000

Abilities: Water Shot, Wrath of the Water Lord, Hydro Cannon, Water Shield, Unknown

Note* Naga is an Ancient Race, some say as old as Ithea itself, yet they were nearly wiped out after the Celestial War. See the Wiki about more information about this species.

Bradon quickly regained the attention of the boss, who immediately went back to trying to pound the Tank into the ground while Axel and the others continued to whittle away at its health. Alex scrambled and grabbed his dropped knives and tried to activate Stealth but a Notification and glare from Ana'Thon stopped him from disappearing. Alex grimaced as he collected himself and moved forward, his daggers leading the way forward.

"Well that sucked, but at least he is finally down. Thanks for helping man, we tried to down him twice and both times we failed and almost didn't make it out." Bradon stated and Axel nodded with a smile. The archer whistled and tossed something at Alex, he caught it and looked at the belts stats.

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Belt of the Dark Stalker

Level: Uncommon

Armor Rating: +15

Quick Access Slots: 4

Properties: Decrease Chance of being detected while in Stealth by 5%

Properties: Decrease Stamina cost for Stealth by 25%

Requirement: Rogue, Level 16, Dexterity and Agility 30

Durability: 40/40

Description: The black leather belt has several Runes inscribed into it to assist enterprising Rogues in their efforts.

"That suits you more than me." the archer stated and Alex nodded his head in thanks.

"Well give me a couple of minutes to get the chest open and we can all get out of here," Alex responded as he made his way to the small chest behind the throne. It blended perfectly with the throne and the room itself and without his Keen Sight Skill, he probably would never have spotted it.

"Ok, do you know what class you are going to get?" the archer asked and Alex shrugged.

"Beyond melee, well probably melee, not really. There are a lot of choices to choose from and I honestly don't know what Primary Class to choose." Alex responded as he started to fiddle with the lock.

"Well, you might want to think about that. No established Guild will take anyone without a Primary Class. Unless you are looking for a small casual guild, then you will be perfectly fine." Axel added and Alex nodded absently as he continued to fiddle with the lock until finally, they heard a click and Alex gestured them all to move back in case it was trapped and he had missed it.

Alex pumped his fist, "We hit the big time, we got gold, uncut gems, what looks like a rusty key if anyone wants it, and a glass figurine. I think the A.I. gods are fucking with us." Alex stated as he contemplated the two odd items while the others chuckled.

"Take the Rusty Key and my old bow.' Derrik the archer stated as he put both in his hands. 'Try out the bow for a while, you still have four more Level before you can even acquire a Primary Class." the Archer reminded him. Spoiler: Spoiler Name: Old Key

Level: Unknown

Description: This key has been used in the past, for what is unknown at this time.

Name: Oak Bow of the Slayer

Level: Uncommon

Damage: 10-15

Properties: Increase Damage by 10%

Properties: Increase Critical Hit Chance by 1%

Requirement: Rogue, Level 14, Dexterity and Agility 30

Durability: 35/40

Description: This Oak bow has been infused with some magic. "Thank you Derrik," Alex told the Archer as he studied the bow before placing it in his inventory.

"No problem. At Ferror's Crossing, there is a Hunter there that will train Bow Skill and basic Bow Skills for a Silver a day. It's cheap, just takes a while to do, if you are interested." the other Rogue stated before the Mage cracked open the seal on the Portal Scroll so they could leave. It had been a long day and Alex was looking forward to a warm bath and meal.

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