《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Twenty


Author Note: Just a small chapter as I have things to do this evening and I wanted to not leave you on a cliffhanger until tomorrow.

You have died while under the effect of the zombie virus. Your heart stopped beating for a few seconds but as you leveled up at the moment of your death all health is restored. You have learned the skill Death Magic due to your circumstances and your race has changed to Mutated Human. This also boosts your stats slightly and dramatically slows down your aging

Due to your rebirth you have earned the title Immortal

You are the first to chance race in the world and under an enemies racial ability. You have learned the unique skill Devour.

Death Magic

Allows you to use all forms of Death Magic including Soul and Necromancy


Allows you to take on random skills, abilities and traits of monsters you kill after eating their cores. Can take anything from one of the abilities skills or traits to all of them. Use with caution!!!

What the fuck? It all happened in an instant and I felt that one of the zombies that fell with me is still alive as it is chewing on my shoe. Wait it is a zombie so it isn't really alive so how do I address it? Recently risen? Newly risen?

Ah screw it lets give it its final death I thought as I stomped on its head crushing it and exploding brain matter everywhere.

"How fucking dare you kill me! I am going to kill every last motherfucking one of you wankers! I won't rest until I have exterminated all of you miserable wretches! I will wage a pogrom on you all! After you comes that cunt and his henchmen and I am going to enjoy that immensely" I yelled out. I was extremely pissed off.

I walked up the stairs to see some of the zombies milling around in a group. I cast Flash Freeze and turned the group to ice statues and swung my sword at them shattering them into pieces. More started coming so I unleashed Burning Hands and two Fireballs followed up by Chain Lightning spells and incinerated dozens of them but by this point the horde started coming.


"Damn they CAN move fast when they want to or at least when there is food around."

I had vented a bit now it was time to make a strategic withdrawal as staying here was not in my best interests. I needed a better way to kill them all. I saw one of the zombies that fell down with me was the caretaker and he had his bunch of keys on him which gave me an idea. As I bolted away from the horde I swiped the keys from the corpse and carried on barely slowing down for a second.

After a short while the zombies stopped chasing me and went back to milling around in their previous positions. I had got away from them and could have gone back to the others but my blood was up and I really, really wanted to kill these guys with extreme prejudice so that was my first order of business.

The keys allowed me access to the entire academy grounds and all of the facilities so I intended to make use of that to kill all the zombies in one go. Our academy has a lot of sports fields and grass and as such to gut the grass we needed one of those lawnmowers that you sit on and drive around. After making my way to the garage where it was kept I tried out the keys until I found one that fitted and turned it.

Success! Now it is time to party so I put on the song Europa by Epicon then to following that I had When The Man Comes Around and Don't Fear The Reaper as those were songs that always got me pumped while mowing in games and set a course straight for the horde.

It was rather easy as the sound attracted them so they just swarmed towards me and I ploughed into them with blood and bones spraying everywhere and I let out a maniacal laugh. I have no idea how many hundred or thousands I mowed down but it felt great. Truly liberating and refreshing. I felt like a new man born again. Eventually I ran out of zombies to kill and had to stop. I thought to make a hasty escape as the noise had probably brought attention from the ogres and golems and who knows what else.


You have exterminated the undead from this dungeon and earned the title Crusader.

You have sown the fields with the remains of your enemies and due to the implements used you have gained the title The Gardener.

Now that I had some time to think there were a number of things I wasn't happy with. For a start I would prefer my race to be an Evolved Human or High Human as mutated sounds kinda bad. As I thought that my status display changed to High human. My Crusader title gave me +10 to strength and +5 to dexterity while my Immortal title gave me +10 luck and +5 intelligence.

Time to serve John his head on a pike. I will not suffer treachery from anyone and while I have wanted to kill him for years it was just teenage rage and hormones talking, now however it's completely different. I will kill him remorselessly and all of his lackeys will join him. If anyone dares to stand in my way, well if it was before the apocalypse I would say god help them but that kinda doesn't work anymore.

With that I made my way to the other side to reunite with the group. Advertisement Previous

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