《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Nineteen


Author Note: Well that was an unexpected and interesting result from the poll. I logged on and saw option two win. Quite surprising when it was over 30 votes behind and in a few hours stormed to the lead. I will integrate both options by allowing the MC to gain skill/abilities from monsters but try and keep it low key like for bosses or really tough enemies unless I want to add a quirky trait. On another note I am mostly recovered from being ill so I have tried to start writing again and with that here goes.

"Ok Fran and Annabeth come here and let me know what goodies you have recovered" I asked in a cheerful voice trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well good news is that we got a rather respectable haul as there were a lot of kills. There are several bottles of this vile smelling stuff that Mr Burnden says could be alcohol but I wouldn't want to try drinking it as it might not be safe for human consumption. There are loads of pelts and meat from the wolves so we can turn those into numerous things we need like new clothes or light armour and blankets sluff like that. We also have twenty one healing potions and thirteen stamina potions so not sure how you want to deal them out. Also as you can see we got a crap ton of swords that most people have decided to keep and replace their clubs with so we are better armed overall," Fran reals off to me.

"Hmm well I already have three healing potions myself and haven't really used them so I will take two of those and keep them and you guys take however many you feel is appropriate and had the rest over for the others. I will also take three stamina potions as well. Now that may seem a lot but when you consider that we are the main fighting force and we did most of the work then I think that is fair don't you?"

"Yup but let's keep it on the quiet side as the others might kick up a stink"

Annabeth must have been tired and dispirited but it didn't show as she, at least on the exterior anyway seemed to be her cheerful self and asked what the plan was now.

"I think now that the bodies have been separated and everything is cleared up we need to step our game up# There are still places on the other side that we haven't checked and a lot of the martial arts clubs were in the gymnasium and dojo# We need to boost our fighting power dramatically now and really start to cull those monsters or we may be overrun# If those guys are still alive then we need them regardless of anything else so I will take a small group and go scout then come back as was the plan before the attack" I responded


"Well count Fran and I in as well when you do decide to go I think Vi is too exhausted from all the first aid and Yuki is in the same boat and up to her ears in it now"

Can't do that as I can't have all of us doing the work. I have to go as I know I can get the job done. I know that sounds incredibly arrogant but I want you girls to take a break as you have more then earned it while I take some of the others with me. We need to train a group that can do many things while we are not there and we may as well get started. The ones who have learnt skills from the books will need to stay here to defend everyone in case we are attacked again. The people I will take will be two or three volunteers from the unskilled group and who knows, maybe they will learn a skill or at least get some hands on experience out there."

After half an hour of resting and having some food and drink I called for some volunteers and surprising enough I got three people wanting to join up. I thought I would have to conscript some people to come so I was pleasantly surprised.

I recognized their faces from seeing them around the academy but I hadn't spoke to them before.

"Ok guys I will make this as succinct as possible. We are only going on a little scouting jaunt to gather the info on the monsters over there and the numbers and positions. We do this right then their should be no combat and we can formulate a plan and come back and wipe them out with as many of us as possible. Should be a cake walk."

They nodded their understanding and we set out. To be honest something was bugging me and I wasn't sure what. I had a nagging sensatjon in my head like the feeling when you have forgotten something and the more you try to recall it the further it slips away. Bah no matter I will speak to the girls later to see if I forgot anything, I thought and shook my head to clear it and focus on the task at hand.

We set off to the other side and the three with me were looking nervous. Understandable really considering they had little to no fighting experience I thought. Then again they are all armed with the goblins swords so they must have either fought and acquired them or just picked up the spoils. I didn't remember seeing them fighting but that didn't mean much as I was at the very front so they could have been at the rear defensive lines protecting the other students.


As we got to the other side I noticed there were a lot more zombies then before. It looked like a scene from a movie or a game as some where shambling around aimlessly and others just standing there. The number had increased a lot and I saw hundreds of them with the uniform of our academy on. Obviously they were they unlucky or slowest ones that were not able to make it with us as we left. I wasn't happy with the amount of them there were, not happy in the slightest.

We managed to skirt round the group by moving silently and tried to come up to the gymnasium and dojo. Unfortunately outside of them stood several moving boulders. These boulders were golems and just one of them would be enough to kill all of those students as they had no weapons that could harm them.

I was a bit puzzled as I saw no signs of humans but also no signs of damage that one would expect of a rampaging golem smashing through buildings to kill the feeble humans inside. I climbed up a nearby tree to see how many golems there where and if I could sneak past them if they left any gaps. I saw that there were more of them then I had anticipated but I also saw human shapes laying on the ground in both buildings. That could mean they were all dead or hiding and waiting for rescue. I thought it was the former as there was no damage to the buildings and as I watched for a while I saw someone stealthily sneak up to the water fountain in the gym to get a drink before laying back down again.

With confirmed survivors it was clear we needed to come up with a plan to rescue them so I took some pictures on my mobile of the numbers and positions of the golems and then did the same for the surrounding areas as well n case we missed anything. Once that was done I did the same with the zombies as well.

As we were trying to sneak back past the zombies I felt a sudden chill and sharp movement so I whirled around to see what it was and found myself of the business end of a goblin sword. If I had not moved around it would have taken me straight through the guts but as it was it went through my side and out the back fortunately missing my internal organs. Hurt like a bitch though.

"Ow you cunt what the fuck are you doing and why?" I screamed at the one holding the sword.

"John sends his regards. He didn't like you being so close with the three most beautiful girls in the academy so he wants you out of the way so he can have them to himself. He promised his followers that once we rule here we can have as many of the beauties as we like whenever we like. It's like Adam and Eve they will be used to breed more of the human race under our control. Now fuck off and die, pity we can't watch you but those zombies are hungering for their next meal and we ain't sticking around for it."

Unfortunately what he said was correct there were zombies swarming towards us. As they ran off I stumbled towards the underpass connecting the two sides of the academy. I figured that I would have a little more chance of fighting them on the steps and possibly hide in the darkness then going straight across the road which would be quicker but was open ground.

In my mad rush to get there I will admit I panicked somewhat and forgot about the healing potions I had as my fight or flight reflex was in full swing. My only thought was to get away. The closest ones caught up to me and fortunately it wasn't the whole horde after me but the nearest ones who had heard and seen us.

With one hand clutching my side to stem the blood flow I put my back against the wall and readied my sword to fight. I was on the ramp for wheelchairs as it would be easier for me to retreat backwards without worrying about missing my footing and stumbling down the stairs and because I could always throw them over the side which probably wouldn't kill them but would slow them down and hopefully break some bones.

I cut two down with a slash to one of their heads cleaving it in twain and the other I swung at its neck beheading it. After that I was bitten in several places and they just kept coming. The weight of numbers pushed me back and as I couldn't use my sword at conditions I switched to my dagger and kept stabbing at them. Eventually the weight of numbers pushed me backwards over the wall and I fell with three of them still clung to me. After that everything went black.

P.S I tried writing it yesterday and then the sight went down for a short while when I tried to post it and I lost half the stuff. I really should save my work more often.

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