《Fighting Back The Tide》Clearing Things Up


Ok so I am incredibly ticked off right about now so I am going to post this to clear things up. Someone and yes I mean you Cruxio and others has been making snarky comments about how this is a rip off and how things aren't explained blah blah.

Firstly this is not a rip off of anyone and I know it starts similar to Change: New World but it diverges relatively quickly. I wrote this story well over a year ago on my PC which I then caught a virus which caused my PC to have a melt down. I ended up without a job so I had to put everything I could save aside for a year to buy a new one which naturally put my story writing back quite a bit.

Secondly I have had to butcher my story as there are things that happened in Change: New world that I wanted to incorporate into my story like dissecting enemies and capturing them alive to experiment on to find weaknesses but had to drop because everyone would say I was copying even though it makes sense to experiment and learn new things about things you have no knowledge of in order to increase the chance of survival. The story is relatively fast paced so I can get through the training dungeon which they are in and surpass where SlimeLv1 is. Once that is done then what I write from then on will not be considered copying and I can at my leisure go back and rewrite and add more detail.

Thirdly it has been written that I haven't explained about the stats and skills etc but if people had read what I have written then you will see that the MC does explain the stats and all of the skills have descriptions that go with them so not sure where that comes from. Also I haven't forgot about any skills that I have given the Mc or others even if they haven't been implemented yet that is because I haven't wanted to use them yet.


Fourthly several people have asked me how can my character be able to kill monsters at much higher level then him and it is relatively simple. Level is what gives you stats and boosts you overall but if someone swings a sword and cuts your head open then you are going to die. Level is a guide and to show an increase in power my real world physics still apply they have just added magic into the equation and altered a few things.

Fifthly People say that my battles are too fast and that is true. I hate reading novels where it takes them five paragraphs to explain one move and drag the battle on. Especially when combat is generally brutal and quick and over in a few moves.

Sixthly and last but not least grammar. I have repeatedly stated that this is my first time writing and sharing a book with people and am looking for constructive input. I generally use the automatic error checking that comes up when I write something and I know that sometimes I use American and sometimes I use English spellings. It is also true I need to use better punctuation and commas and the like. This isn't a masterpiece like Shakespeare but an amateur writer trying to share a story with others and hoping they will also enjoy it like I do. I am doing this to gain experience and once I have done so I will probably at some point rewrite everything so it reads better and is much more detailed.

As I have said if you don't like it then I am sorry for that but nobody is perfect and nothing can please everyone. If my story isn't to anyone's taste then don't read it instead of writing derogatory comments on all the chapters. If you do like the story then please rate it and even if you don't then please rate it fairly unlike some have. My story isn't a masterpiece and it is a work in progress but to rate it as half a star is insulting and not a very amusing joke when I compare it to others on this site. I am always looking for new ideas and ways to improve both my writing and the story. If you have anything that might help then great, let me hear them and I am willing to listen to constructive criticism if however you just want to insult people then take a hike as I don't have the time to waste on those types of people.


I am going to do a few more chapters and at least resolve the bully part and possibly press on and finish the training dungeon itself. Once that is done I will see how things are and how I feel about continuing. I have read some nice comments and a lot of people seem to like what I have written and I am thankful for that but it is the trolls and parasites that bring me down.

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