《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Fifteen


Author Note: Owing to several suggestions I will be changing the skills slightly so some will have levels and some will not as they will be mastered or have no improvement available. It will go from 1-10 for one level say basic the 1-10 for the next say intermediate and so forth

"Well Robert we are waiting for an answer." Yuki prompted me again with a voice that could freeze helium.

Damn my back was really against the wall here. While I acknowledge the need to change and adapt there are certain things I just will not compromise on. If I am dropped into hell with no ladder to climb back out with then the only way is to plow through and keep going until I come out the other side.

"Yes well you see I feel that it would be enlightening reading and help me build bridges by connecting with people better. I am seen as a leader of sorts so I need to better understand people and how to motivate them. These books have various erm, techniques and ideas of dealing with groups of people and some elements of psychology which will make it an interesting read and condense down the essentials and save time and me from getting bored." Even to my ears that sounded like complete bullshit but it was the best I could do on the spot.

At this pointed Annabeth spoke up with a smile on her face that looked like it belonged to the most benign and compassionate saint.

"Well if they are such great and useful books then we could all benefit from them. Why don't you read them out loud for all of us. That way we will all gain the knowledge and say time as well."

I felt my left eye twitch at this. She really wasn't making it easy for me! Had I killed her relatives in a past like or something?

"Well you see I-" I was cut off before I finished.

"Yeah that sounds like a great idea! Also I understand the books have some pictures in and go into extensive detail so maybe you can lay the book flat while reading it so we can all see." Fran also commented in support of Annabeth.

At this point I was practically spitting blood and looking at the last remaining girls Vi was showing a difficult to read expression and Yuki had gone completely expressionless but for some reason I felt danger radiant from her and the feeling of a thunderstorm about to erupt at any moment.

"Just so we are clear here this was strictly for informational purposes and not to form a harem here. I would still like to get married and have a child the normal way."

"Robert have you really been thinking clearly? Marriage is meant to be a holy vow sworn in front of God yet how has he repaid us for the thousands of years of faith? He has turned thins world into a complete hell hole and told us to hurry up and get exterminated and how we were a colossal mistake. The idea of having one wife and morals and the like came from religion. Religion that was spread through the world by murder and war and slaughtering other people and suppressing other religions. There are countries out there with polygamy completely legal and in fact it is strange if you do not have more then one wife. You have wonderful ideas and integrity but they are outdated. With monsters roaming the world and who knows what other catastrophes in store for us all humanity has found itself in danger of becoming extinct and no longer at the top of the food chain but near the very bottom. You realise what this means right?" Annabeth inquired of me with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer striking glass.


"You are saying we will need to procreate to keep the numbers up and to aid in the fight for survival right?"

"Yep that is right and this is the best way to do it. Ever since caveman times the women have always been drawn to the stronger male in the hopes for better genetics and stronger offspring and for protection."

"Oh well in that case going by your analogy then I will draw a lot of females to me so if that happens then you lot can't complain if I have even more women then you all join me? I could have tens or heck even hundreds of women and you are telling me that you would all be completely fine with that?" I shot back. There lets see you overcome that one.

Annabeth looked around restlessly and made eye contact with the others before speaking again. "Hundreds might be a bit excessive as we need to have different DNA and not all from the same father or that could cause lots of problems but I would be fine with more so long as I am one of the favourites."

"I would also me fine with it so long as we can be together. I don't mind submitting to you and trying to make you submit to me at night. With all the other loves you will have I will need to step my game up so be prepared for some kinky stuff and some S&M sessions involving handcuffs, whips and paddles." Fran fired me a lustful gaze at me full of yearning and looked like she was going to jump me right there and devour me.

"I was here first dammit so I am first in line. Plus if you do get a harem then you need a manager so everyone has equal time. Of course it will be slightly less equal then me as I will have the most time with you but that is my prerogative. I will be your legal wife and these can be your concubines and everyone else lovers. It is necessary to set up a hierarchy for these things." Virginnia blurted out while moving closer to be and grabbing my arm in both of hers as if to say I was hers and hers alone which directly countered what she just said. Still I could tell the depts. of her feelings her and the not wanting to be left behind.

"Hold on a second I refuse! You can only do shameless things with me and me alone. I will do any dirt and lewd thing you want but it must be to only me. I don't want to catch diseases. We can even do it ten times a day!"

Never so long as I lived would I ever have thought Yuki would say something like that. Fran and Virginnia both looked as her and were as render speechless as I was but Annabeth had a proud smile on her face as if she just earned a gold medal in the Olympics.

"Finally I have been waiting for you to speak your true feeling for ages now. I kept urging you on in those library sessions but you kept making excuses and procrastinating. Now it is finally out in the open we can move forward."

Poor Yuki looked so pitiful at that moment. So lost, embarrassed, relieved and many other emotions came and went on her face like a kaleidoscope of ever changing colours and emotions never staying for even a second. In an effort to bring some normalcy back to the proceeding she spoke up and her voice was all business once more.


"Cough.. Let us return to Robert reading the books shall we. Go ahead Robert we are all eagerly waiting with baited breath."

No escape huh? I thought I could throw them off and distract them so they would forget about it. at least until tomorrow when the book would have turned up 'lost' or 'misplaced'. With nothing else for it I read the book to them and showed them all the picture which they wanted to talk over in excruciating detail. More then once I wanted to be hit my a meteor and end it all. At length we finished ad moved on to Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus.

"So did you receive any skills? I learned a great deal from that and am eager to try somethings out like the T-square position as well as the cowgirl, spooning and wheelbarrow position so when can we? You can even do anal if you like but not for my first time." Fran asked my sending a teasing coquettish look at me.

"Well I did gain some skills..." I began hesitantly and very reluctant to say more.

"What skills were they Robert? Come on tell us already? I will show you mine if you show me yours so to speak not that we can see each others window but we can explain them." Annabeth nagged at me.

Seriously saying things like that which could be misconstrued so easily especially after the book we just read....

"Well I gained these skills and a feat:"

Feat Window

Feat NameGuidanceLevel1

You are able to learn and teach things with greater ease, and your art of discipline techniques will be enhances. The fundamentals behind basic knowledge and techniques are much comprehend.

+10 Wisdom and Leadership.

+2 Strength and Dexterity

Skill Window

Skill NameIntercourse/Sex MasteryLevel1

This skill expresses the accumulation of learnt knowledge and experience in that ways of lust, desire, and intimacy. At the current level, both Vitality and Dexterity are increased by +5 and you are capable of conserving stamina slightly better and restoring libido slightly faster.

Due to being the first to learn the skill Sex Mastery from a book, you will be awarded with the skill Charm.

Skill Window

Skill NameCharmLevel1

A skill normally favored by females, this skill involves the use of the art of wooing and persuasion in order to excite certain emotions and attract attention to oneself. At the current level, you are able to generate a better impression unto others, though more effectively on the opposite sex.

Due to being the first to acquire the skill set of Charm and Sex Master and doing so in unique circumstances, both skills will gain become 3x easier to level than normal.

There was a stunned silence that was broken by Annabeth and Fran's rambunctious laughter. I will never be able to put into works how awkward I felt at this moment in time.

"So what did you get then Annabeth?" I asked with a wooden expression.

"I got a new skill."

Skill WindowSkill NameClairvoyanceLevel1By using mana, the ability to gather visual information beyond the usage of the eyes can be obtain while also granting superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capturing performance to one's second sight. Your current limit of range is 2 meters.

"Urgh lets call it a night as I don't think my mental faculties can take anymore."

As we slip up for the night with them taking some of the books to read I asked Annabeth to stay behind so as I could have a private word with her.

"Earlier you went on about have Vi told how great and loyal I was etc but how did she find out as I haven't really interested much with her here?"

"Well don't blame her for this as it wasn't her fault and she is ashamed of it but when you went on the culture exchange trip to Japan her father was trying to set up a marriage with one of his work colleagues who is twenty years older then her. She told him that she had found someone that she was interested in and liked very much and that someone was you. Her father is an operations director at MI5 and abused his authority to do an intensive background search on you then interviewed some of your friends and their families and had them sign the official secrets act so they couldn't talk to you or anyone about it. The excuse was that someone you are affiliated with was a terrorist and they wanted to get a character reference about you without bugging you. Vi walked into her fathers study and found the report and after reading it they had a massive falling out. They don't talk unless they absolutely have to and even then it is usually through her mother so things aren't exactly peachy at home for her so as you can imagine she is under a great deal of stress even if she doesn't show it. She never made up with her father and if he is dead because of all of this then..."

"I see well that wasn't her fault but if I ever find her father they will be a harsh conversation waiting for him. Now scratch that it will be a monologue where he will listen to everything I say and I promise there will be lots of profanity and raised voices probably coupled with a few punches. That aside looks like your plan worked then eh? I know I put that book back on the shelf so when did you manage to put it back on the cart?"

"There were several editions of that book so I put one at the bottom and that one at the top for you to find. Thing is the edition we just read wasn't put on there by me as mine is over in that pile of books there. That means that someone else picked up the books for the same reason I did and put it on the other cart most likely."

After that Annabeth got up and walked off to join Yuki with some books in hand and I thought on her words. When I tried to picture who else would do something like that the first person that came to mind was a smiling faced Fran. I felt a headache coming on and a sense of foreboding as things were going to get tougher and more complicated from here on out.

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