《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Fourteen


Author Note

In the morning we made our way cautiously to the library which proved to be uninhabited. It was a massive library filled with books as well as some computers. Everyone split up as they were assigned to get books of different categories while I tested the computer out. I couldn't access the internet same as from my phone which left me a bit dispirited. Did the new changes to the world affect certain types of electronics or was it because of mana in the air that satellites and the like didn't work as I had read in a certain manga?

As I logged the computer off Annabeth collared me to help her out.

"Come on Robert let's go round together. Do you think we should use a push cart to store books on or just keep them in our bags?"

"Well if we use a push cart they do tend to make noise so that could attract unwanted attention but on the other hand it depends on how many books we end up on taking back as we many not be able to carry them all" I replied to her.

To be honest I wanted to take back as little as possible because if it did work and we could learn skills from books then I wanted to limit it as much as possible. True more people learning things like sword fighting and the like from studying is better as they can defend the group but I have to wonder about the people learning the skills. If thugs and bullies like John learn then that could open up a whole can of worms that I am not ready or equipped to deal with. That is why I told them to limit it to things like construction and making things. It if works then we can pick and choose who gets the combat skills, after we do of course.

"Let's take a cart as there are tons of books and it is easier to push one cart and have everyone else prepared for a fight then all of us lumbered with books."

"Ok" she bounded off happily. Honestly this girl was in her element like a kid in a candy shop. I sighed in resignation and followed her.

As I was tidying the piles books of woodworking and science on the cart a book that was mixed in cause my eye.


"Erm Annabeth I think you made a mistake. There is no way we need this book as it has no skill or chemicals that we can use."

"Ah you noticed that huh? You weren't supposed to notice that later" she went instantly red and fidgeted a bit.

"Well I am not entirely sure why you would want this book but I feel it isn't necessary so let's put it back." I reached to put the book titled Karma Sutra back on the self and she put her hand on my arm stopping me.

"It is totally, completely necessary. Your reactions with us are a bit lacking and if you read this then you might get a harem skill to use." She gazed right into my eyes as she said this and I could tell without a shadow of a doubt she was completely serious.

"Huh? What sort of skill is that and why would I need it? Women are a lot of hassle and most more trouble then they are worth. One woman is more then enough for me thanks very much."

"You need it for group harmony! I realise that I lack charm compared to Fran, Vi and Yuki so a harem is the only way I can get anywhere!" Annabeth almost shouted those line and she was filled with a passion I had rarely seen before.

"Fran and Vi aside why did you include Yuki? Also what do you mean in lacking charm? Could it be that you think only talk and busty women have charm?" I asked her.

"I included Yuki as it is painfully obvious that she is interested in you. You are her pillar of support and if you were not her I don't know how she would be. Also I am aware that atmosphere and personality are important but when I stand with Fran and Vi everyone looks at them. Don't deny it either as we have all seen you looking at us out the corner of your eye when you think nobody is paying attention. Women whom are taller and have a fuller figure will always have an advantage as they instantly attract more attention."

Wow I thought I was being discreet and got away with it. Looks like women's powers of observation and intuition are really frightening.


"Well I won't deny that as a healthy young male I have an interest in the female body and from an artistic point of view curvy is better. However that doesn't explain your need for this book."

"It is really rather simple. Yuki and the others are my friends and if you pick one of us then that will cause hard feeling with the rest of us. That being the case the only path forward is to share you and for us to love equally." Annabeth was so red at this point I thought smoke would start coming out of her ears. She was getting very animated at this and gesticulating wildly. "It isn't like I am completely comfortable with this either as I would like to monopolize all to myself but the world has changed and me need to adapt or die."

I stared at her slack jawed for a good few seconds before pulling myself together. This girl honestly... Usually so quiet and shy but when she wants something she sinks her teeth in and never lets go.

"Well I admit that in history men have generally had more then one women to themselves it is frowned upon in modern day society. Nobles in the middle ages usually had a chubby wife as the hips were better for childbearing and a beautiful mistress or more on the side but commoners only had the one wife. Are you saying we should regress socially? Have you even bothered to discuss this with the others and if so what did they say? It sounds to me like you are trying to turn me into a slag or player here." I said to her angrily with my temper rising a great deal at the end. I was close to exploding.

"No I haven't spoke to any of them but I am confident that they will be open to the idea with a little work. The choice of having you and being happy or not having you and being miserable which do you think they will go for? As for turning you into a slag or player or something you are no don't be ridiculous! It is totally different as you are the kind of person who will care about those people that you open your heart to and wouldn't use or abuse us then throw us away. I spoke to Vi and she told us that you don't have many friends because you hardly open up to anyone but the friends you do have you are utterly loyal and willing to do anything for. Same thing here."

I growled a bit just how did that woman know so much about me? I had clearly rebuffed her a lot and kept to myself as much as possible so how? I nodded and pretended to give in but as soon as she had turned around for more books I quickly shoved it back on the shelf and moved on to follow her.

Eventually after filling the cart up and meeting up with the others who also had a full cart we went back to the cafeteria. Quiet a few people surrounded us as they saw we had books to read and wanted to relief their boredom but when they say the type of books they lost interest. Seems people only like non educational book and I have to agree with them. Reading a technical manual or things one is not interested in and my eyes quickly glaze over and the words become jargon in my head.

We pulled into a quiet corner and started to sort out the books when one of the girls held up two books in the middle of all of us.

"Robert what exactly are you doing with these?" Yuki asked with a somewhat frosty voice.

I looked at the titles of the book and read: Men Are From Mar, Women Are From Venus and the other one was Karma Sutra.

Shit I thought I got rid of that book! Did she pick it up again or did one of the other girls put it in? I felt a great deal of pressure right then and started to sweat. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Annabeth moving and saw she was holding something under the table that looked suspiciously like a flag. If I have proof and I find out it was you I will have my revenge I thought furiously!

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