《Fighting Back The Tide》Chapter Three


Author Note: This is a temporary table which will probably be updated later when the MC starts getting resistances and the like but for now this will do.

The hell?! I was left completely dumbstruck at that announcement. I had just heard how the world was created which has caused controversy between religious groups and scientists since the dawn of time and how the apocalypse is now upon us and the world will be destroyed in one statement. Figures human nature had something to do with it and how our god in not omnipotent and benevolent as we would like to believe.

World merging in process.

As a result of the changes to the world and your resulting actions various changes have come into effect and new information has been revealed.

New Dungeon Discovered

You are among the first to discover the new dungeon [Benedict Falcon Academy].

Experience gained doubled for one week.

Monster drop rate 25% higher

You have entered Benedict Falcon Academy

This is a training dungeon so players must complete the dungeon to be able to leave. Attempting to leave before completion will result in a 50% chance to die a horrifying and agonizing death or 50% chance to turn into a monster registered to the dungeon and will be confined here.

Well that is more then a little ominous. A dungeon is usually where a group of players have to go through and kill the boss at the end. Usually dealing with traps and having tougher monsters then non dungeon areas. I think we can disregard the traps unless they are man made as this is our school but even then it is going to be very difficult. A dungeon with an unknown amount of monsters and no idea of their level strengths or weaknesses. That is a lethal combination any time and any where and this is our training dungeon?


Due to your actions you have achieved numerous feats and titles

Survival Of The Fittest title achieved.

This title was granted by being one of the first to adapt to the new world and killing the new inhabitants.

+5 Leadership

Berserker title achieved.

Grants +5 strength and +1 health regeneration.


This title was granted for single handedly wiping a race out or wiping out a race in a certain area like a dungeon.

Monster aggro +10% and bonus damage to monsters 10%

Congratulations for defeating the leader of the Kobolds in this dungeon. As a result no more Kobolds will spawn here. Reward 1500 exp and skill: Identify

Level up to levl 9

Level up to level 10

Congratulations of reaching level 10 you gain one Feat point

With the world merge you can now access your status among other things


Allows items to be identified and the affects and stats revealed. Can also be used on monsters and players to determine status. Effect dependant on difference of power between the user and target.

I was shocked at the rapid messages appearing one after another. Must say I rather like the sound of the title but I am ticked off that after all my killing I never received the double experience! Or did I as it might be retroactive? So how do I check my status? I thought of all of the messages that flashed in front of my eyes previously and decided I would concentrate on the status in my head and see if that would work.

Status Window

NameRobert Bottom




Survival Of The Fittest


Health120/120Health Regen.1.025 / SecMana

60/60Mana Regen.0.25 / SecStamina110Stamina Regen.0.25 / Sec-Strength14Agility12Vitality12Dexterity10Intelligence12Wisdom11Leadership5Luck5

-SkillsIdentify (Active)[tdsUnallocated Points50[tdsFeats[tr]-

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