In Serial

The Pursuit of Power: Grinding To LVL 100 By Just Killing Slimes

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Author: Type:Male

“I need immutable power. This world isn’t as forgiving as the last one. I won’t stop until… I’m unmatchable.” The story of a man who grinded to LV100 by killing just slimes to gain 1xp.

Maki Hibiki was a normal Japanese wage slave at an average, working long hours every day, doing unpaid overtime and appeasing everyone around him. He kept telling himself it’d be worth it in the future. That he’d save money and be free of this lifestyle where he lived to work. 

“Death by Overworking.” It had been all for nothing. He stared down at his own dead body filled with rage and regret. “Congratulations! You have won a prize! Would you like another life?”

He stared at what looked like a robot offer him another chance. One more time.

He would throw everything into the black pit of repetition one more time and then be free of it forever. He would earn his power. He would win his freedom. It would be his and his alone.

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