《Hiro's Journey》Chapter 21: Battle in the mines


Hey guys welcome to chapter 21. I have been home for a few days as work was closed due to the snow. I'm glad because it gave a lot of time to write some more chapters. Guys please leave your comments and review my work. I will reply to any comments good or bad. If you see any errors please let me know so I can fix them. Thank you in advance. Enjoy chapter 21


Chapter 21

“So that our escape route is secure I want you 5 soldiers to stay here and make sure nothing blocks our exit”, said Snow.

“Yes sir!” replied the soldiers who all saluted.

“Begin building the mining campsite here. You should have the walls constructed before so that we can be safe from anything that comes out at night.”

“You heard the commander. Let’s get to it!” said one of the more grizzled veteran soldiers.

“We shall return after we have cleared out any dangerous creatures inside of the mine. Protect the villagers. Not one hair on any of their heads should be harmed!” said Korin.

“Yes sir!” the soldiers said in unison.

With the perimeter secure, the group entered the mine.

The mine was very dark but there were torches left by the Kobolds to light the way. A few of the torches had gone out and Hiro.

“Fire”, Hiro said. Leo quickly used his pyrokinesis ability to breathe fire and light the torches.

Your beast taming skill has improved to intermediate level 1. You can now communicate telepathically with your pet.

“Wow! That is awesome. Now I can talk to him just by thinking. I wonder what his voice will sound like.”

Hiro could sense numerous mineral deposits. He made a mental map of where they were so he could collect them on his return. The party traveled into the mine deeper and deeper. They battled some stray kobolds but with their superior numbers it was not much of a fight. The quickly slayed the kobolds and continued farther down into the depths of the mine. Eventually they came to a large chamber that seemed like it was the deepest part of the mine. There they found 5 dwarves locked in a cage. Their bodies were bruised up pretty bad.

New Quest AvailableSet the dwaraves freeDo you Accept?YesNoRewards????

Sitting on a throne was half-man half snake looking creature surrounded by what appeared to be 3 kobold warriors that wore heavy armor. The snake man had a dark cloak with some shiny golden bracelets on his wrists. He also had a purple colored chest piece and earrings in his ears. In addition he had a long silver spear with some ornate designs and a purple colored jewel encrusted inside of the handle.

The kobold warrior looking ones were extremely muscular and covered with scarred. They wore durable silver colored armor plated breast plates along with armored legs, and gauntlets for both arms. The thing that worried Hiro the most was the large round shield that they all had. The shield looked very strong. "How are we going to get through that thing?" he thought to himself. Hiro inspected them.

Cobra ManType: Snake HumanoidHP: ??/??Mana: ??/??Description:?

Kobold ChampionType: Dog HumanoidHP: 1,750/1,750Mana: 0/0A kobold warrior that has undergone severe training causing it to gain the immense strength and vitality needed to wear heavy armor and wield a heavy two-handed sword.

Korin said, “Be careful the snake looking guy appears to be a magic user.”

“Korin, you and Foria handle him. Snow, Ora, Leo, Foria and I will take care of the kobold champions” said Hiro.


“Ok let’s do this!” said Snow

“Snow you and Ora take one. Foria you take Leo and take on one of them and I will take the last one.”

“You are one cocky bastard Hiro.” Said Snow.

“I just want to see how strong your training has made me.”

“You think you can take it one on one. Go ahead. Just don’t come crying when he it kicks your but.” Laughed Foria.

“You just be safe.” Replied Hiro.

Hiro took out his sword as these enemies appeared to be a lot tougher than his previous encounters today.

“The blade feels light as a feather! I haven’t used the sword since I began all of my strength training. Is this the fruits of all of that training? This is crazy. Now maybe I can fight like him.”

He decided to try to wield it like the beast master simply using one hand. It was a success. The blade was no longer too heavy to wield.

Hiro activated his ki and imbued his weapon with ki. The weapon glowed with a golden aura along with Hiro’s body. Hiro charged one of the kobold champions. The champion raised his shield to block Hiro’s attack. Hiro’s sword banged against the shield but did not penetrate. The champion then swung down his sword Hiro’s prediction showed the path of the attack but it was so fast that he could not move back unscathed. The blade cut Hiro down the side of his face leaving a large gash that blood began to flow from. Fortunately his regenerate ability began working and the wound started to heal.

The Kobold warrior followed his blade attack with a shield bash. Hiro used his gauntlet covered in ki to block the attack. He then countered by striking the kobold champion with the hilt of his blade across its temple. The kobold champion sank back. Hiro charged in again and the kobold champion raised he shield. This time Hiro had a plan for when the attack was blocked. While his blade smashed into the shield he used his free hand to cast his fireball spell. The flames quickly engulfed the kobold champion. Once on fire the kobold champion dropped his sword.

This was all the chance that Hiro needed. He quickly used his dashing slash ability to charge in close to the kobold champion. It quickly raised its powerful shield and Hiro’s sword once again banged against it. The shock of his sword hitting the shield sent pain down Hiro’s hand. The fire that was engulfing the kobold champion had now extinguished. It grabbed its sword as it growled at Hiro and stood up.

“I’ve got to find a way to get past that shield. This guy uses his shield just like Snow. They are like an impenetrable fortress behind that thing. How can I get past it?”

“Snap out of it Hiro and watch out!” yelled Snow. HIro immediately looked up and the kobold champion was rushing towards him. Hiro grabbed his sword with two hands and placed an equal amount of ki in his legs and his sword. “This should let me attack with greater strength and move at top speed to get in the best position to attack.

Hiro charged forward at top speed. When he and the kobold champion clashed the sound of metal on metal was deafening. The two pushed on each other. Hiro could feel himself loosing out in a battle of raw strength.

“I’ve got to go all out!” Hiro pushed his ki to its max.


By increasing your ki to its maximum you have gained a 300% increase to all of your physical stats, strength, agility and vitality.

WARNING!You will only be able to maintain this state for 3 mins

Hiro’s muscles in his arms bulged followed by those in his legs and finally his chest. His muscles were pumped up so much that his chainmail began to stretch.

Hiro pushed back against the kobold champion and began to overpower him.

“This is incredible!”

The kobold champion tried to swing his shield to attack Hiro but with his new strength Hiro stopped the shield with the palm of his hand and then landed a crushing elbow strike to the kobold champion’s temple.

The attack dazed his enemy. Looking at the beast blinking its eyes, Hiro quickly followed up with a vicious knee strike that caused its teeth to crack and fall to the ground. With a quick slash Hiro severed the outstretched arm holding the shield. With its head blown upwards and its defenses crushed Hiro went in for the kill. He grabbed his blade with both hands and swung with all of his might at its neck. The resulting slash severed the head from the kobold champion’s body.

He looked over the dead kobold champion and took the shield. It was very strong but it seemed light. It was round and large enough to block most attacks but light enough to be used as a weapon if need be.

“I don’t have much time left with this new power. I’ve got to help the others quickly.”

Hiro looked up and saw the other’s slowly but surely winning their battles against the kobold champions except Leo and Foria. They were having great difficulty dealing with the shield.

Suddenly Hiro heard a voice say “help me Hiro.” Hiro looked around but the voice definitely was not Snow, Korin, or Foria and how could the dwarves know his name.

“Help me Hiro, it’s Leo”. He and Leo were able to communicate telepathically. He could now hear Leo’s thoughts.

Hiro told him, “I’m coming.”

“These guys are tough but they aren't that tough that that the two of you couldn’t take him down. Why are struggling with him?”

Leo replied, “I ate too much on the way so my movements have been slowed. I also expended a lot of my energy breathing fire so I am not fighting at full strength”.

“Foria, I thought I was going to be the one crying.” Hiro said smugly.

“Oh shut up and help us. The kobold champion is able to counter my arrows and Leo’s claws with that damn shield. We can't get through his defense.”

Hiro understood and went to the aid his friend.

“Alright I’ve only got about 1 minute left of this strength so listen. I’m going to charge him and both of you attack from the sides. We want to make this a all or nothing attack.”

“What do you mean 1 minute left? What’s wrong!”

“Just do what I say for now. I will explain later Foria.” She saw the seriousness in his eyes and nodded.

Hiro rushed in at the kobold champion. It quickly raised its shield. Hiro smashed into it with his sword. The kobold champion readied his sword to swing but it was too late Foria was on his right and Leo was on his left. It tried to jump back but Foria shot two arrows one threw each of his legs. The kobold champion fell to his knees. Hiro pressed the attack again and smashed his sword into the shield.


From excessive use with out repair your sword has been damaged and can no longer be used.

Hiro saw a large crack run down the center of his claymore.

“Not now.”

“Look out Hiro! The blade is coming!” Hiro saw it but there was no time to react.

“CHHHOOOOOMPPP!” Leo bit down on the kobold champion’s arm ripping it off. The kobold champions screamed in pain as it rolled on the ground holding the bloody stump that used to be its arm. Leo walked up and finished it by biting down on its head killing it instantly.

“Thanks buddy!” said Hiro

“You are welcome. What are friends for?” replied Leo.

You gained 2 weapon skill points.

At the same time Ora and Snow were facing off against another kobold champion. The champion stood there behind his shield like a a fortress. Snow and Ora moved up slowly trying to out flank the champion.

"Now! Ora fire!" Snow yelled.

Immediately Ora breathed fire at the kobold champion. It raised its shield and a large smile came over Snow's face. The kobold champion was fixed in place while Ora was breathing fire. Snow enhanced his body with ki and quickly flanked the kobold champion. Once in position Snow thrust his sword towards the monster but to his surprise the champion rolled underneath of the slash and out of the way of Ora's flame.

"Clever move for a monster!" said Snow.

The damage had been done. The kobold champion's arm was badly burned due to hold the shield under Ora's intense flames. His shield was probably useless at this point. Snow immediately pushed his attack and rammed his shield into the beast. It stayed on its feet but its defense were blown away. Its injured arm could not take the shock from Snow's shield ram and it dropped the shield.

With the injured arm revealed Snow and Ora could clearly see that the arm was burned so badly the part of its bone was showing.

"How hot are you flames Ora?" asked Snow. She only growled in response.

Snow ran quickly and engaged the kobold champion while Ora began to maneuver herself behind their opponent. The kobold champion began to strike feverishly at Snow. His attacks were very precise and Snow had no room to counter. He could only defend with his shield. As the kobold champion readied his sword for another swing he felt a huge weight suddenly around his arms. It was Ora. Her power paws had wrapped around his body.

Ora began to squeeze her paws together with her monstrous strength. The kobold champion tried to take his sword and stab her but it was to no avail as Snow quickly severed the arm. Ora continued to crush the monster. It was a sickening sound the armor began to bend and Snow could hear the bone in its rib cage along with the discs in it spine began to snap one by one. It was like listening to someone crack their knuckles.

The kobold champion screamed and wriggled trying to escape her clutches but it was of no use. She squeezed even more and eventually she crushed him to death. Snow and Ora had finished off the kobold warrior they were facing. Then they looked over to Korin who was engaged in a fierce battle with the Cobraman.

"Pitiful human you think you can defeat me with you low level of magic" said the Cobraman.

"My level of magic is far beyond yours. I will crush you in the blink of an eye." Korin retorted.

The 2 mages squared off in a battle of magic. They both used lightning spells but they were negated by each other.

"Is that all you've got snakey?" laughed Korin

"Sssssnakey!? You dare talk to me like that!? You ssssicken me. You disssssgusssssting human", the Cobraman said as he flicked his black, forked tongue in and out of his mouth.

They engaged in shooting various elemental magic at each other but their powers were equally matched and neither could do any damage to the other. They were at a stalemate Foria ran over to help her brother and began to shoot some of arrows. None of them hit their intended target. They all deflected off of something.

“What is that?” said Foria

“It must be some kind of magical shield the cobraman is using.” Said Snow.

“If I keep firing then his magic will be expended by maintaining the shield. Then he won’t have any power left to deal with Korin’s attacks” thought Foria.

"The sounds reasonable. Mages have to use mana in order to keep a shield like that up. Ora, fire!"

Foria continued to fire arrows and Ora breathed her flames. The shield began to crack with the damage that it received from the two attacks.

“A little more hits should do the trick.” said Foria

Just then the magician casts bind on Foria and Ora. As the spell was manifesting she shot 3 arrows out. Each hit the mark on the cobraman’s shield. The last arrow caused the shield to shatter.

Korin seeing his sister in trouble cast a light spell that temporarily blinded the cobraman. In his confusion Korin used his lighting spell. The bolt came from his staff and electrocuted the cobraman. It immediately fell to its knees. As it lost momentarily lost consciousness, Foria was freed from the bind spell.

She walked over face to face with the cobra man. Then she readied her bow and shot an arrow right through the cobraman’s face. With all of the enemies killed Hiro went over and broke the door holding the dwarves hostage down freeing the dwarves.

Your 3 minutes are now up. You will now experience the side effects of pushing your body to its breaking point.

“AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!” Hiro screamed. “My body is in pain all over. It feels like every muscle in my body was ripped apart.”He fell down on the ground. “The pain…. The pain…. It is….. ahhhhh.”

“Hiro! Hiro!”, said Leo. Hiro could hear his voice but the pain was so great that he could not respond. Snow, Foria, Korin, Ora, and Leo rushed over to their fallen comrade. Hiro was rolling on the ground screaming out in pain.

“Heal!” Korin quickly cast his spell. Hiro’s body was bathed in a warm golden light but he continued to scream. “Heal!” Korin cast his spell again and again and again. After 4 times Hiro stopped screaming and was able to communicate with Leo.

“I used my ki to its max and my body couldn’t take it.” Hiro said to Leo. “I guess my ki is stronger than I thought.” Hiro’s eyes began to glaze over and his consciousness began to fade.

Before he could pass out Foria slapped him across the face.

“You better not scare me like that ever again. Do you hear me?”

The slapped woke Hiro up and he smiled weakly.

“I’m sorry to worry you.” Leo lowered his head and Hiro wrapped his arms around the big cat. As Leo lifted his head, Hiro slowly stood up. His legs were still shaky and looked like a light breeze could blow him over.

Quest CompleteRewards New Title Earned: Dwarven saviorWith this title you will have great influence on the dwarves.

Quest completedMine secured now you can harvest materials from within the mine

Level up

Leadership increased by 5

All of the dwarves came out of the cage except one who had died a few hours before they got there. They looked up at Hiro and smiled. They began to speak but Hiro was unable to understand their words.

Sword Mastery Increase to intermediate.

All sword based attacks will do 15% more damage and you will gain 5 points of agility for each level.

You will now be able to listen to the soul of a sword. When you practice with a sword, it may deem you worthy and teach you secret sword skills.

“The soul of a sword…. I wonder what that means” Hiro thought to himself.

“Does anyone speak the dwarven language?” Everyone shook their heads, no.

“Well since we can’t talk to them we should at least get them out of here safely.” Hiro gestured to the dwarves that they will be leaving now. The dwarves nodded in response.

“Let’s take them out of the mine and lead them to the town. Maybe someone in the town could understand the dwarves.”

Leo asked, “Could he and Ora eat the enemies?”

“Wait until we removed the equipment.” Snow removed the armor from the Kobold champions and the cobraman. Hiro inspected the armor and weapons.

Silver Armor SetA set of armor made from silver contains a breastplate, gauntlets, greaves, and bootsWearing the entire set gives you a +10 bonus to strength and agilityBreastplate:Defense +50Gauntlets:Defense +20Greaves:Defense +30

Silver LongswordA basic weapon that has a long blade.Durability:35/125Attack:45-60

Snake Leather armor setA set of leather made from the scales of a powerful snake.The set includes pants, chest plate, and a cloak.The wearer gains improved ability to wield lightning magic Lightning based attacks increase in damage by 20%.Chestplate:Defense +20 mana +75Cloak:Defense +10 Wisdom + 5Pants:Defense +17 Agility + 5

Silver SpearA spear made of silver. The spear has a lightning gem placed inside.Durability:0/175Attack:85-110

Golden bracersA pair of golden bracers enhanced with magical properties. Durability:150/175Defense +10Wisdom+10

Golden EarringsA pair of golden earrings enhanced with magical properties. Durability:100/100Mana + 75Intelligence +10

Hiro decided to give the armor and weapons out to the group.

Foria refused saying, “I cannot move in heavy armor like that and the Cobraman set would be better suited to Korin than me.”

Hiro nodded and agreed.

“Thank s sis” Korin grabbed the Cobraman’s armor and equipped it. “This feels pretty good.”

“Korin you also take the bracers and earrings they are for a mage.”

“They are? What do they do?”

“Well the bracers increase your wisdom and the earrings increase your intelligence.”

“Young man, how do you know that?” asked one of the dwarves

“You can speak the human language?"

"Of course we can. We are blacksmiths but we are also merchants we have to know how to communicate with our customers."

"Well why didn't you say that earlier."

"We just wanted to feel you out a bit first. You seem like good people so we decided to speak a little."

"Dwarves aren't very trusting but I guess under the circumstances I wouldn't be either" said Snow.

"Now how did you know about the bracers and earrings?"

"It’s a skill I picked up out in the wilderness.” Hiro replied with a smile.

Hiro equipped the silver armor set and so did Snow.

Snow was able to move around immediately but Hiro had some difficulty as he was still recovering.

“Yes! I really like this. It reminds me of the armor I once wore at home. This armor is strong, durable, and heavy just the way I like it. The weapon cannot be used right now though. It is in need of some serious repair.”

“Did somene say repair?” asked one of the dwarves.

“Yes” replied Snow

“We can fix anything if we had a forge.”

“Well then we will have to get one built for you when we return” Said Korin.

He thought to himself, “Wearing this armor will be good for my training.” Hiro looked over at Leo and Ora and saw them looking very hungry.

“Eat until your hearts are content. Be sure that you eat the cobraman.He may possess the ability for using magic that may help us.”

Leo began by eating the Cobraman. He quickly devoured it from head to toe.

You and Leo can now use the spell bolt.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:BoltBeginner0100%This spell allows you to send a single bolt of lightning at an enemy causing minor lightning damage. As you improve in this spell you will be able to inflict more damage and possibly paralyze the target.

You and Leo have gained the passive ability elemental lighting resistance. You and Leo now take 20% less damage from lightning based attacks.

“Damn, I thought I would learn that magic shield ability but anyway that bolt spell is pretty good.”

Leo continued on to the Kobold champion. Ora had already eaten 2 of them. He quickly scarfed down one and they shared the the fourth one.

The group rested for a while and ate some food that Hiro had stored in his bag. During the time they had rested, Hiro’s regeneration ability had completely healed him from the side effects of using his ki to the max. Then they got ready to leave.

Leo asked Hiro, “should I eat the dead dwarf? If it is like the lizard man you may learn to communicate in their language in case we run into other dwarves in our travels.”

Reluctantly Hiro agreed but said, wait for us to go ahead of you out of the mine.”

Hiro and the others left. Leo quickly scarfed down the body of the dead dwarf.

You have learned the dwarven language. You are now able to communicate with dwarves.

You have gained the skill of black smith.

You possess skills in this trade already so weapon making, armor making, as well as sharpening will be absorbed and your blacksmithing skill will begin at intermediate level 2.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:BlacksmithingIntermediate0200%You are able to forge and repair weapons made of stronger metal like silver, gold, iron, and bronze. You are also able to sharpen weapons to have a +5 damage rating and can create your own whetstones using common stones and iron ore. You will gain +5 strength for each level gained.

You have learned the skill enchanting.

Skill Name:Skill Rank:Skill Level:Skill Experience:EnchantingBeginner0100%You are now able to imbue weapons with magic gems items to give them magical properties. Now when you mine minerals there is a 10% chance that you will find magical stones. You will gain +5 wisdom for every level gained.

Hiro felt sick to his stomach but he knew Leo did the right thing because now he could speak to his new comrades the dwarves. Soon they reached the light and were out of the mine.

“Hiro asked the dwarves what happened to them.”

The dwarves looked puzzled along with everyone else.

“How did you learn to speak the dwarven tongue human?”

“I’d rather not say.”

“I guess we will not press the issue as you have saved us from our captors” said one of the dwarves. "When we are alone we will speak in dwarvish but for the sake of your companions we will speak in the human language." Hiro nodded in agreement.

They began telling a tale of bloodshed. The mine was originally a place built by dwarves. The dwarven town of Offenheim was about 2 week’s journey away. He and his friends had set out to get some materials to practice blacksmithing and enchanting. The mine was known for having spirit stones and good raw minerals such as iron, gold, and very rare metal known as mithril. When they got close they fell into a trap set by the kobolds and were taken hostage.

They had been forced to make the silver armor pieces that they were wearing as well as the falcon swords and longswords that the kobolds used.

“You made these weapons and armor?”

“You betcha youngster. Dwarves are the best at making weapons and armor.”

They continued with the story. The cobraman wanted more and more weapons to supply his growing army of kobolds. We tried to resist but when we did he had us beaten and whipped. We tried to resist by slowing down the process hoping that help would come but when the weapons took too long to be constructed. He beat us even worse. This went on for weeks. A few hours before you showed up the cobraman decided to make an example. He electrocuted my friend so badly that his heart stopped. Finally, and your friends showed up and killed those monsters and now we are free. We are forever in your debt.

Hiro said, “I am truly sorry for what happened to you and for the loss of your friend. If you would like you could come with us back to our town? We could use some skilled blacksmiths like you to help our town.”

The dwarves agreed. “Is there was a blacksmith shop in town that we could work in?”

“No but that one could be built for them. We could always use skilled craftsman in our town” Replied Foria.

The dwarves huddled together and then turned and agreed to go.

“Our first order of business would be to build Hiro a weapon, shield, and armor made for him and not one that he had to take from another in battle.”

Hiro smiled and said, “I don’t really use a shield but if you can make these weapons, I’m sure it will be worth it. I would also like to see if you can repair this spear as it is a very powerful weapon.”

"We will give it our best try." replied the dwarves.

“Everyone please go back to the town I would like to stay and supervise the completion of the mining camp. Our original objective was to finish this so that our town would have a supply of raw materials and I don’t want to leave until the job is done.”

“We will make it back safely. Just come back when everything here is finished.” Said Foria as she walked closely and whispered in his ear “Don’t take too long. The bed will start to get cold without you.”

Hiro smiled and said, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I will be hurrying back as fast as I can so keep the bed warm for me.” She kissed him passionately and they waved goodbye as the Snow, Korin, Foria, Ora, and the dwarves left to return towards the village.

The villagers and the 5 soldiers had already completed the outer portion of the mining camp. There was a wall already up around the area along with a tower for the guards to be posted. “What else needs to be done?” Hiro asked.

“We need to make a forge and begin to build mining carts to carry the raw ore out of the mine” Replied one of the villagers.

“How do we build the forge?” We will need some stone to build the edges of it so that the heat will not melt them. Then we will need leather to make the bellows to heat the forge. Finally we we will need some coal.”

“Soldiers, you will get the stones and help the villagers build the forge itself. Leo and I will go out and hunt for food and for any leather we can find.”

“Yes sir!”

Hiro and Leo quickly ran off towards the south. Hiro could

sense numerous energies but none of them were things that he recognized.

“Leo can you tell what is ahead?”

“No. I haven’t picked up the scent of anything yet.”

They continued running and eventually they stumbled upon a group of what appeared to be wildboars. They were larger than a normal boar but still only about 1 meter tall. Instead of having tusks that protruded from their mouths they had a horn that protruded from their skull similar to a rhinocerous. Hiro used his inspect ability.

RhinoboarType: BeastHP: 1,000/1,000Mana: 0/0This animal is highly aggressive and has a very thick protective layer of fur. Its short legs hinder its lateral movement but it is very fast when it charges.

Well I don’t have my sword now so I’ve got to kill them with my own hands. “We need to kill as many as we can” Hiro said to Leo.

“Ok. Let’s go” Leo replied.

They both dashed in and attacked. The rhinoboars saw them and charged directly at Hiro and Leo. They had no fear of the intruders. Hiro cast his bind spell and 3 of the boars fell down immobilized. Leo avoided the first rhinoboar and tackled the next one to the ground. Before he could bite down one of the boars gored him through his side with its horn. Leo fell down in a heap. He was bleeding heavily.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, the wound is not fatal but it will be difficult to move now.”

Hiro ran over and use his ki strike on the rhinoboar that was trying to gore Leo again. The blow crushed its head completely. Hiro quickly pulled out one of his strong healing potions and poured it into Leo’s mouth. Leo was bathed in the same glow that came out when Korin cast his healing spell.

“It’s closing up! That thing you just gave me is working wonders already.”

“Be careful their are a lot of these things and we already know that their horn is dangerous. Alright get up and help me kill these things!”

Leo roared as he stood up.

“Shadow Clone” Hiro cast his spell and his clone appeared.

“You use magic while I fight hand to hand.” The clone nodded in agreement. Hiro charged along with Leo. Behind them the clone began casting the bolt spell. Hiro and Leo both dodged incoming rhinoboars. As they dodged the rhinoboars were both hit with the bolt spell from the clone. The both fell to the ground. Hiro and Leo quickly pounced on them, Hiro with his ki strike and Leo with his massive jaws. They both were instant kills.

“Not bad for a clone!”

“Just get out there and kill those things you cocky bastard!” replied the clone with a smile on his face.

Hiro and Leo continued to battle with the rhinoboars while the clone fired off spells one by one. They killed about 8 rhinoboars before Hiro’s mana had emptied out. The clone fizzled away.

Your bolt spell increased to level 2

Fireball increased to level 9

Shadow clone increased to level 6

Ok we need to take these two out without using any ki. Leo roared and jumped towards one of rhinoboars. It moved back to avoid the slash from his claws but this was Leo’s seismic attack. The rhinoboar lost its footing and stumbled. Leo slashed its face with his claws poisoning the boar. Then Leo walked closer and closwer to it. Now it began to show a look of fear on its face.

Leo charged in after it and the rhinoboar turned to run. It was of no use. All of the practice Leo had in chasing Hiro the rhinorboar didn’t have a chance. Leo swiped at its back legs and it fell into a heap. As Leo opened his jaws to finish off his prey the other rhinoboar charged at him. Hiro quickly stepped in and stood between the two. Hiro held out his hands. When the rhinoboar got close enough Hiro grabbed its horn with both his hands and jumped on the rhinoboar’s back.

As Leo sank his teeth into the rhinoboar he had pinned to the ground Hiro grabbed the other around its neck and horn and drove it to the ground. While on the ground Hiro quickly mounted the beast and began to rain down punches on it head. Punch after punch until the rhinoboar no longer moved.

You gained 5 martial arts skill points

You gained 5 weapon skill points

Hiro looked over the beasts with his scavenger skill and noticed that the tails and the horns were lit up. He quickly cut them off and placed them in his bag. Next, he skinned the beasts and placed all of the carcasses except one into his bag.

You gained 8 pieces of medium leather and 4 medium hides.

The remaining carcass he allowed Leo to eat. They rested for a few moments and then Hiro checked Leo’s wound.

“There is nothing there. It’s as if it never happened” said Hiro.

“It closed completely as soon as I ate the rhinoboar” replied Leo.

“So maybe your regenerative ability is linked to eating. That is something to keep in mind.”

Hiro jumped on Leo’s back and they returned to the mining camp.

At the mining camp the villagers and soldiers had already built the forge. “These guys work fast” Hiro thought to himself. He ran over and took out the medium leathers and gave them to the villagers.

“This is great with these, we can build the bellows. Now we need some wood and iron to build the mining carts as well as some coal to heat the forge.”

“Ok you guys get the bellows built and start cooking these” Said Hiro while he removed 2 of the rhinoboars from his bag.

“You killed these?”

“Sure did. Why?”

“These are babies. The parents will be looking for them and the parents are very dangerous beasts” said one of the soldiers.

“Oh no! I will remain here and you soldiers take these 2 pickaxes and go into the mine and get the materials we need. I will stay ou here and stand guard in case the rhinoboar parents come looking for trouble.”

“Yes sir!” the soldier replied as they grabbed the pickaxes and ran into the mine.

“Hiro walked over to the fire that the group had made to cook the food. He took out some of his seasoning flowers and placed them inside of the carcasses. Then he took some pieces of wood and built a built a rotisserie large enough to hold the two rhinoboars out of some thick pieces of wood. Hiro took his skinning knife and cut the stomachs of both rhinoboars out along with their intestines. Then he took the sticks from the rotisseries and ran them through the mouths of the rhinoboars all the way through them. Finally, he placed them onto the rotisseries and let them cook.

While he was doing this the villagers had near completed making the bellows. Once they finished they came over and sat with Hiro who was rotating the meat letting it cook thoroughly on both sides.

“That smells fantastic!” said one of the villagers.

“Thank you. I’ve been cooking for myself in the wilderness for a while now. It really comes in handy from time to time.”

They laughed and talked for about an hour while the food cooked. As they finished they heard a noise coming from inside of the cave. Hiro stood up along with Leo. Hiro felt the energy and knew it was the 2 soldiers he had sent into the cave returning. They both were covered in black soot.

“We got what you asked for, iron ore and coal” the soldiers said as the dropped to large bags down on the ground each one filled completely with iron ore and coal.

“Great job!”

“Thank you sir!”

“Food is finished!” yelled Hiro.

Your cooking skill is now at novice level 1.

Your can now distinguish between materials that will go well together. When you have a material in your hand other compatible materials will emit a slight glow.

The group hastily sat down around the cooked meat. Hiro took out his knife and cut pieces of the rhinoboars off for each person. When he had finished, the group had dismantled one of the beasts completely.

“Leo, you hungry?” Hiro asked.

“Yes, but I wanted to let them eat as they were working really hard today.”

“That’s very nice of you but this whole rhinoboar is for you.”

“BLEH!!! No thanks, I don’t like cooked food as much as raw meat. Give me one of the ones you still have in your bag.”

“HAHAHAHA! You may be my partner but you still are a wild animal” Hiro laughed to himself. He grabbed one of the whole carcasses out of his bag and put it down in front of Leo. Leo devoured it quickly. When they finished eating, the group thanked Hiro for the great meal and they all opened their bags and pulled out tents to sleep in. Hiro who did not possess a tent curled up on Leo’s fur.

“I got a lot of weapon and martial arts skill points today. I guess tomorrow as part of my training I should use them to increase my skills. I better get some sleep because the parents of those rhinoboars may come tomorrow.”

Hiro looked up at the stars. “I wonder what Foria is doing now. I really wish I was there with her right now. Hiro began to day dream about the night he spent with her. He could smell the soft scent of the oil she had rubbed onto his body. Hiro licked his lips as he could taste her lips. Hiro began to breathe heavily.

“Calm down! You’ll see her soon. Jeez give it a rest!” said Leo.

“You could hear what I was thinking?”

“Yes every bit of it. I don’t want to think about Foria like that so please dream about her when I’m not around.” Leo said gruffly.

Hiro laughed loudly in his head and then replied, “You’ve got it Leo.”

Hiro lay back on Leo’s warm fur and his breathing slowed as his body relaxed. Then he quickly fell fast asleep.


That is the end of chapter 21. Thank you for reading. Please rate my story and leave any comment whether you like the story or not. I will respond to any comments that are written. I really want to make this story great. I'm looking forward to hopefully getting in the top 50 fan fics on the site.

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