《Lucian》The arrest


Lucian woke up at two o'clock in middle of the night, because of a dream he had about his past. It was a dream about the worst thing that had happened up to now and something that always haunted him. So to get his mind off from that dream, he decided to clean his apartment for the first time in weeks.

He started with collecting all the trash around the house into giant trash bag. While doing that, he listened to music on his phone and after finishing collecting all the trash into two giant trash bags, one hour had already passed. He tied the opening together and put the bags near the door.

Now it was time for the dishes and because he didn't have a dishwasher, he had to clean all dishes by hand. This took him half an hour, because the food was really stuck on some of the plates, that had been in the sink for some time.

Finally it was time to clean everything else. He started with his kitchen. From there onto his bedroom. Then bathroom, living room and finally a guest room, which he has never used.

Once everything was done, it was already six thirty. So he took the bags and left the apartment to take out the trash. Reaching the trash containers, he drew his trash into the same one in which he drew yesterdays ''Trash". As he was about to return, he saw Yami entering the complex, wearing black running clothes and having her hood up. She noticed him and so Lucian waved at him and walked towards her.

"Having a morning run I see."he said and reached next to her.

"Mhm. Why are you taking out trash this early?"she asks him

"House cleaning."he replies to her

"Why so early in the morning?"she asks curiously, because it's the first time she has heard somebody cleaning his house, when most of the people still are sleeping.

"Couldn't sleep."he replies to her.

"I see."she continues"Also mother appreciates the thing you did yesterday."

"You mean taking out the trash."he says with a slight smile on his face. To this Yami giggles and nods with smile.

It feels like they have a moment between them, but it's all ruined by a sudden strong gust of wind, which makes both of their hair move the same direction as the wind. This of course reveals her scar. When she notices that Lucian saw that, she quickly covers her face with her hands and runs away. Before he could say anything, she is already gone from his sight.


"Fuck."he cursed as he looked around. 'This wind wasn't natural....It was probably her.'he thinks "huuuh"

There was no point for him staying here anymore, so he went back to the apartment. 'Her smile was pretty beautiful.'he thought to himself as he went up stairs to his room.

When he finally got back to his apartment, he changed his clothes to the ones he usually wears and threw his home clothes over the chair back. In the kitchen, he made cereal and ate it while watching TV in the living room.

After finishing eating, he washed the dishes and went back to watch the TV. When it was time to start moving, he left the apartment and locked the door behind him. While walking down the stairs, he ran into Sakura and so they both greeted each other. They both walk down the stairs and she says"I want to thank you again for what you did tomorrow?"

"It's fine. It's fine. He pissed me off anyways, so no need to thank me."Lucian replies to her. They both quietly reach down the stairs and go their own way from there.

Like always he starts listening to music and smoking, while walking towards the school.

Before reaching the school, he finishes his cigarette and drops the bud on the ground, stomping on it after that.

He reaches the school ground and enters the building. He goes up the stairs to his math class and enters through the opened door. Only five people are here now.

He sits on his seat at the back and starts playing on his phone to kill time until the start of the lesson.

The student started to come and most were talking in their groups. Lucian was just playing and giving zero shit, that he didn't have no one to talk to.

While he was busy playing, a girl with blue eyes and blond hair entered the class. She could be considered a top class beauty and so naturally she caught the gaze of all the boys, except Lucian, who only glanced at her for a second and continued his playing. Lucian wasn't caught in her beauty, because for two simple reason: he doesn't care about humans much and second is that the girl here would be considered average If compared to the three races.

The girl went to her group of friends. The group seemed to be the "popular girls"group, because everyone in the group was pretty in human standards.


Finally the bell ringed and the teacher entered the classroom. He started taking attendance and when his name was called, he said"Here." "Mhm. Take off your hood."he told him and so Lucian did. Once he had finished checking attendance, only Yami wasn't here.

'Probably because I saw her scar."thought Lucian to himself.

The slow school day was finally over and so he left the school ground to go home on the way, a group of guys stopped in front of him and so Lucian with an annoyed voice said"Lets get it over with." He dropped his bag on the ground and before anyone could react, he already jumped into one the guys face with his knee, breaking the persons jaw. Immediately he grabbed a guys head and slammed him on the ground with him. He got up and said"Still wanna go on?"

"Get him. Boss wants this bitch dealt with."says the one who looks like boss.

So three guys immediately dash at him and Lucian waits for the right moment. Before they reach him, he roundhouse kicks a guy in the chest, breaking few of his rips and for the other two, he grabbed ones head and like nothing, he threw him at the other guy. Both of them passed out on impact with the ground.

Now the only person left was the blue haired guy, who tried to run away, but hit the ground immediately. Feeling a shape pain in his leg, he saw a knife sticking out of there.

"Fuuuuck."he screamed out.

Lucian got to him and put his foot on his face and started to slowly crush his head.

"Who's the fuck who ordered you."

"I-i-it's James Smith."

"Blond fuckboy haircut, blue eyes?"


"Smart man."he said and knocked the guy out. So the dumbass really sent somebody to "teach him a lesson"

Luckily not a lot of people walk by here at this hour, but Lucian wasn't so lucky currently. The blond haired, blue eyes girl was standing a little away from him and was staring at him.

"What? Move along!"he said while staring at her.

"Why did you hurt them?"

"I don't have to answer to this and stop the shitty act. I can see you don't care."said Lucian, who quickly saw through her act.

"You're right I don't care about them, but I will still call the cops. Because you're a criminal."she said and took out her phone. She dialed a number and made the call.

"Do what you want. I don't give a shit."he said and leaned against the wall. There wasn't any reason to walk away, because she knows his name and so there isn't no point.

So he waited and few minutes later the police and the ambulance arrived. One of the officers approached him and asked"Are you the one who did this?"

"Yep." He continues"I know the drill, so lets get going."

And so he was taken to the police station and was taken into an interrogation room. The room was the usual with the two way mirror and the metal chairs and a desk. He waited there some time, handcuffed, until someone finally entered. The person seemed to be in his forties.

"Lucian Telum, 16. Been arrested before for assault and battery, served six months in juvenile prison. Now your being charged with assault and battery and attempted murder. So tell me your side of the story here."

Lucian doesn't say a word as his eyes are closed and his head leaned back.

"I said tell me your side of the story!"he said with a more commanding tone, but Lucian didn't say word.

"Keeping your mouth shut doesn't help you, you know."says the man and to that Lucian replies."It helps."

Before the man could say anymore, the door was opened and the head of this station said."Officer Oak, you can leave now."

"But.." "leave."he is ordered and so he leaves the room. The head comes in and says"You're free to go. What you did was a self defence."he unlock his cuffs and escorts him out of the station.

Once he is outside, somebody behind him says"It's been years Lucian."

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