《Lucian》The annoying man


Two days past quickly and Lucian was finally back in human realm and currently going to his apartment. While walking he is smoking and listening to music.

For the past two days he thought how to get to the Council and came up with two choices: kill so many people of the three races, that he would be branded as a dangerous criminal or kill over a hundred Hunters in a small time span. So basically without a choice, he chose the Hunters. Now he needed to make plans on how to kill hundred Hunters fast. First plan would be attacking their HQ, but that's a no go for two reasons: one he doesn't know their HQ location and two is that it would be a suicide mission. He probably won't die, but he would be captured after he has exhausted all of his strength after fighting thousands of Hunters.

Now came the second problem: the town where he lived was not very big and this meant that the number of Hunters wouldn't be big here either. He doesn't even know If there is even a hundred Hunters here.

There would be a way to get more Hunters to come here, but he didn't want to do that. Well he wasn't in a hurry getting a meeting with the Council, because his supposed parents would be still there after a hundred years.

While he was thinking about it, he had reached home without noticing. "Finally home."he said and went up the stairs to his apartment.

He got in front of his door and entered. Closing the door behind him, he took off his clothes and went to take bath. Entering the bath and sitting down with his hands resting on the edge, the warn water covered everything below head. He closes his eyes and leans his back on the edge of the bath.

"Thankfully there isn't school tomorrow."he says to himself while relaxing.

After some time, he gets out of the bath and after drying his body, he leaves the bathroom and goes straight to bed, to sleep. On the cozy bed, he slowly falls asleep.

Next morning he is suddenly woken up by a loud banging from a floor below. So he gets up from his bed and puts on his pants, which were lying on the floor and on the way he pick up a t-shirt. He leaves his apartment and walks down a floor while putting on his shirt. While walking he hears a man screaming to let him in and once on the ninth floor, he sees a man in his forties banging a metal door and yelling to let him inside.


"Shut the fuck up already. You're too loud."says Lucian behind the man.

"Stay out of this bitch."he continues banging the door and yelling"Open the door woman! Now!"

"Enough of this. You're annoying."he says and grabs his head behind him and locks his arm with his other arm. He pulls him near the railing and says"Now. You shut the fuck up already and leave." "Let me go you fucking bi-aaah."he screams as Lucian tightens his lock on his arms."Who the fuck allowed you to speak."and he tightens once again. The mans face is ugly from the and wants to scream, but can't for some reason."The other choice is that I will smash your face at this railing here a dozen times."

"Ffffuuuck yyyou."comes out the mans mouth and so Lucian decides to smash his face, but the action is cancelled, when he hears a voice of a woman"What is going on here?"

Both of them look at the japanese woman is her forties. She has black hair and eyes. Her height is short. Next to her is Yami wearing hoodie with her hood up.

"This guy here was banging on the door and yelling. So I told him nicely to be quiet, but he insulted me." The man interrupts him"Nicely."with a snickering tone.

"Anyways he attacked me when I told him again and I countered him."he says while tightening his grip.

"I see."says the woman.

"Well I want continue my sleep, so I'm out."he says and lets go off the man who walls on the floor. The man rubs his wrists and Lucian walks past the two and goes up the stairs. Once he gets up to his apartment, he takes off his clothes and goes to sleep again.

After Lucian left, the woman and Yami looked at the man on the ground. He was rubbing his wrist and saying"That bitch will regret it."

"No you won't Trevor. What have you became to be beaten by a such young girl."says the woman and Yami corrects her."Mom. He was a boy not a girl."

"Really?" "Yes. Put that doesn't matter now."says Yami to her mother.

"Now then.. Trevor why are you here? We broke up a month ago."


"Because I want you back! I miss you!"he tells out loud. "Keep it down."she says.

"Come on Sakura...Give me another chance!"he says with a whining voice.

"No.. you cheated on me. So no. Leave already!"she says with a confident tone.

"I won't leave before you take me back!" He yells and is kneeling in front of Sakura while begging.

"Seriously. Shut the fuck up already."is said by Lucian, who was woken up once again. He goes past the two and grabs the mans collar and starts dragging him.

"Seriously. If you don't understand nicely, then I have to make you understand."he says and starts walking down the stairs, leaving the two woman in front of their door, with stupid face.

"What is he doing?"asks Sakura and Yami answers"I don't know. But at least you got rid of Trevor."

"I guess so..."she says and goes to the railing a moment later, she motions Yami to come next to her, which she does. Then they both see Lucian dragging the man on the ground towards the small green metal trash container. When there he opens the lid and throws Trevor in there. He slams the lid down and starts walking back.

"Did he just???"

"Yes mom."replies Yami.

They start to hear Lucians complaining behind them soon"I just wanted to sleep. But nooo. There just has to be a twat ruining. Hah."

Lucian gets on the ninth floor and when there, Sakura says"Thank you for your help."

"It's fine. No problem."he says and starts walking up the stairs onto the tenth floor.

"Lets go mom."says Yami and Sakura replies"Okay. Lets go."

They go to their apartment and Yami goes straight into her room. In her room, she has a closet, a double bed, a desk with chair under it and a laptop on it, on the wall, there is 32" TV.

"She lays down on her bed and thinks'Maybe Lucian isn't a bad person. He just now helped her mother her rid of Trevor, who is really hard to get rid of. She also happen to hear what he said, when he was in front of the music class last week. After that the girl started to use her real name and not that horrible nickname. But there was only one thing she couldn't understand: Why was he so nice towards her? He always started the conversation, even If it was a short one. He also is the first person to only use her real name, when talking to her.'

She wondered that for a while and before she noticed it was already dinner time, so she went to the kitchen to eat her dinner with her mom. While eating, she asked"Did you knew that boy before?"

"Classmate."she answers

"Does he.."

"No he doesn't. It's opposite to that."replies Yami. She understood what her mother was about to ask, so she answered before she could finish asking.

"Well. That's nice. He seems to be a good person but with extreme methods."her mother says.

"How to you know that Lucian is a good person? You only have met him once."

"So his name is Lucian. It's a beautiful name...And the answer for you question is that I can tell from his eyes."

Yami just nods and finishes eating. After dinner, she goes to the bathroom to wash herself. She takes off her clothes to reveal her well trained body with six pack. Even though her body is well trained, she doesn't have a lot of muscle mass, because of her training. She walks into the shower, to wash herself and she pulls her hair back while washing. This reveals her scar that she hates on her face. The scars is a long one which starts on her forehead above her left eyebrow and goes to her cheek with a slight curve.

After she finishes her shower, she goes to her room, where she falls asleep quickly.

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