《Lucian》The meeting with Elica Tratyd


Five days passed quickly and currently Lucian is in the center point, where the three realms overlap: The Tower. The Tower is a tall building, that goes through the clouds. He came here wearing his fighting clothes, because everyone walks around here in armor or that kind of clothes. The Three realms are like fantasy world and no one here really wears human clothes, unless you want to stick out much. Also there is no electric devices here either, because the devices just don't work here. Doesn't matter what you bring here, it won't work.

He looks at the tall white Tower that doesn't seem to have an end. He sighs and walks into the Tower and straight towards the receptionist. When there, he asks the demoness"Hi! I'm looking for Elica Tratyd."

"Miss Tratyd is waiting for you. I shall now teleport you there per her orders."

"Wai-."says Lucian, put is teleported away.

In the next moment, Lucian lands on a carpet off a room. He looks around and sees it's a bedroom and on the chair there is a beautiful woman with silver hair and ocean blue eyes. She has a very beautiful body and a mature aura around her.

"I take it you are Elica."says Lucian while staring at her, who was wearing a white bath robe.

"Yes. I'm Elica Tratyd."she replies and gets up from her chair and walks near Lucian.

"So why did you want to meet?"asks Lucian.

"To talk, but not here. Follow me into the hot tub."she says and walks away with Lucian following her. They reach into a room with a hot tub in it.

"Aren't you going take your clothes off?"she asks and unities her bath robe rope and lets it wall onto the floor, revealing her naked body. Lucian sees her white angelic markings on her back and thighs.


Lucians clothes disappeared into the darkness and he now too, is naked. He joins her in the hot tub and sits down opposite to her. He puts his hands on the edge to rest and is looking at her face."So talk. How to you even now my last name."

"I know a lot of things about you."she replies to him. "Like what?"asks Lucian

"You're name is Lucian Temul, sixteen years old. Height 170cm, weight 55kg. Have three sisters and a mother. Left home when you became twelve and went juvenal prison for six months when fourteen. Number of lovers is five: two kitsunes, yuki-onna, a wingless demon and a former angel, now a fallen angel because of you. Kill count is 574 with 64 being Hunters."

"I see you have done your research. But it's actually three lovers. The fallen went completely crazy in the end, so I had to sadly kill her and as for the wingless, she cut off contact with me. Now I my turn. Name Elica Tratyd, Age 576. Height 172cm and weight 56kg. You have a father, mother, ten sisters and twelve brothers. Joined The Council when you were 400. Number of lovers is three digit number. Mostly female. Kill count 1327 with 345 being Hunters."Lucian finishes and Elica replies"Pretty good. It seems that it was true you can find information easily."

"You didn't call me here for that, so get to the point."says Lucian with his head leaned back and his eyes closed.

"I guess I should. It's about your mother or mothers I should say."

When he hears it, he opens his eyes and looks at her with cold eyes."Speak."

"Is that how you ask?"she says and Lucian replies to her in cold voice"I didn't ask, I said."

"Scaary..."she continues"Well.. I know who they are and how to get to them, but I won't say it for free."


"What to you want then?"he says

"Weeell."she disappears and appears next to Lucian."I want to know what a one of a kind person can do."she closes on his ear and whispers"in bed."and bites his ear.

He response to it, by moving his hands over her shoulder and starts grouping her right breast.

"So eager."she says and Lucian response"Look who's talking. Already giving me a handjob."

"Mhm. A little foreplay."she response to Lucian, who then lifts her onto his lap, with her front facing his and he says"Not in the mood for lovers thing."

His eyes turn pink and when Elica is surprised when she sees that, but she has no time to think that over, because Lucian is already invading her mouth with his tonge and has inserted his penis into her vagina. So she starts to move her hips, which starts the long long night.

On the next morning, Lucian wakes up in Elicas bed, with her nowhere in sight. "Must've left."he mutters and gets up from the drenched bed. Darkness covers his body and he has clothes on again. He looks around and sees a white letter on the nightstand, which he opens and reads

"Dear Lucian!

By the time you read this letter, I will be long gone. The information I promised now: Your two other mothers are part of the Council and only way to meet them is to be summoned by them. It is up to you to find a way to get summoned. Good luck with that.

-Your Elica*heart*"

Once the letter is read, he burns it to nothing and leaves the room through the door.

After he gets out of the Tower, he looks around and says to himself"Might as well buy something when I'm here."

So he walks into the town near the Tower. This takes him ten minutes and once there he immediately heads towards the blacksmith. As he is walking there, he passes many medieval looking stores with the store signs hanging on the building.

Unlike in human realm, he doesn't catch so many peoples gaze, because the others sense his race and so don't pay much attention to him. That is one of the reason why he likes the three realms more than humans, but he doesn't want to live here either, because he likes the technology and Yokais. Yokais rarely leave their home territory and it's even rarer to see one here.

He finally reaches the blacksmith and enters the place. The entire store is covered with swords on the walls and armor standing in corners.

"Ken! Get your fatass here!"he shouts and a moment later a two meters high man with red skin and three horns on his head.

"The fuck did you say brat?"he says and Lucian replies"Nothing."

"Thats what I thought. So what to you want?"he asks Lucian and he replies"This."while showing a picture on a aged paper.

The demon grabs the paper and while looking at it, he says"Where the fuck did you get this?"

"Secret."he continues"Can you make it?"

"Of course I can, but it will take time. Give me two months."

"Okay. I'll return then."he says and throws a black glass ball to the demon, which he catches. He looks at the baseball sized glass ball and shakes his head."Where the hell does he keep getting all of the good stuff."he says and goes back to the backroom, to start working on the built.

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