《Lucian》The sister


"It's been years, Lucian."was said by a soft female voice behind him. To that, he turned around and looked at the woman in her late twenties with silver hair and light gray eyes. She was 1,74m tall and had breasts and butt. She was wearing formal clothes and had a mature aura around him.

"Yep, Luerci."he replies to her with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Is that how you greet you sister after four years?"

"Yep. I just did."

"And here you go being a smartass again. Soo missed it."the last part is being said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I bet you did."is replied sarcastically too and he continues"So why are you here?"

"Mother wanted somebody to check on you and that somebody is me. Aren't you happy?"

"I'm thrilled."he says and starts walking away back home. Luerci immediately catches up to him and wraps her arm around his. To that Lucian immediately frees himself and takes a defensive stance.

"Don't ever too that again! Ever!"he says, while glaring at her with cold eyes.

"Why over react. I only held your arm."she continues"Could it be that you're afraid of girls."

"Wrong. I hate when succubus gets too close and even more If it's a family."

Seeing that he truly hated that, she said"Okay, okay. I won't do that anymore."

"You better not."he replied and got out of his defensive stance. He started to walk again and Luerci next to him.

"You say you hate succubuses, but aren't you one too?"

"Yes. One third to be exact."he replies with a slight anger in his voice.

"So...what? You hate yourself too?"she asks and Lucian replies"Nope. I just don't think about it. That's it."

"Okay. So where are we going?"

"I'm going home. I don't know where you're going."he says and walks away.


"I'm coming with you. I did save your ass from the police."she says and Lucian replies."Yeah. Thanks for charming the Head with your power. There is no way I can do it too."the last sentence was said sarcastically again.

"Rude brat."

"Annoying hag."

And so they both walk to Lucians apartment on foot.

Once they get there, it's already getting dark outside. They enter his apartment and she says"It's unexpectedly clean. Didn't expect that."

"Yeah, yeah. So what to you want to talk about? You wouldn't just come here to check on me." He says after laying down on the couch and looking at the ceiling. Luerci sits on the couch and says"You slept with Elica Tratyd, didn't you?"

"Why to you care?"replies Lucian to her question. To that, she answers"I care because she was the one to call you and I want to know what she said."

"What she said doesn't concern you. Only me."replied Lucian.

"Your my brother, so it concerns me."she said.

"Half-brother and it doesn't. This only concerns me and me alone."he replied to her with an angry tone.

"And here you go, keeping everything to yourself once again. If a member of the Council invites you to meet with her, then I want to know why. I don't want you to die by doing something stupid. We already lo-."

She stops talking, because Lucian is holding a blood red katana on her throat and with a cold voice he says"Don't you ever dare mention that again or you'll regret it."

"I'm sorry. So please remove the blade."she apologizes to him. Lucian dematerializes his sword and gets from the couch.

"Where are you going?"

"To hunt."he says.

On the next morning, the blond hunter arrived at another crime scene. This time it was in an alleyway in a shady neighbour hood.


"Oh my god....What the fuck is this."she said, when she saw the scene. On one of the building walls, there was two words "made by". Now the words itself aren't the worst part. The worst part is what the words were made out of...human limbs. On that wall, human legs and arms were stuck on the wall, hold by swords and spears. The walls was bloody and cracked around where the weapon was stuck into the wall.

On the ground, there were six limbless bodies and a pool of blood under them.

The girl walks towards the man and asks"What happened here?"

"I have no idea currently. This group was following two fallen angels into this alleyway, but according to the last call we got, a man in black came and killed everyone. One of the Hunters managed to make the call, before he was killed during it."

"I see. Could it be the same one behind the construction site?"she asked a she looked around.

"I'd say Its 90/10 chance, but its hard to tell, because the way of killing is always different. Different weapon and cause. This makes harder to profile him. Only thing that is the same with the construction site is the writing and complete massacre."

"Okay. But I see six bodies here and 22 limbs on the wall. Where are the missing arms?"she asks and he replies"There."and points high up the wall. Two hands hanging from a rope and showing middle finger.

"That's sick...even for a demon."she says while being disgusted.

"I agree with you."he continues"Six of the weapons in the wall are the victims, but the others aren't Hunter weapons."

"So they are the demons weapons then."she says and is replied with a yes by the man.

She looks at her watch and says that she aga to go to school now. So she says her goodbyes and walks to his school. Once she gets there, she changes her shoes and goes to class, to see Lucian there, sitting on the chair with his eyes closed and head leaned back.

'How is he here? He was taken to the police yesterday and should've been charged. Then how?'She thinks, as she doesn't understand. 'I followed him there, to make sure that my bf-s man could take care of him. But when he defeated them, I decided to call the cops. But how is he out. He doesn't seem to come from a wealthy family. So how?' see continues thinking.

As for Lucian, who peacefully is sitting, smiles, when he senses confusion from the blond bitch.

"Morning, Yami."he says to Yami, who came to school today and was about to sit next to him.

"Morning."she replies with a quiet voice.

Soon the lesson begins and during the lesson, Lucian writes something to his notebook and pushes to Yami, who then reads it.

(You have a huge complex about your scar)

She reads it and writes back.

(What to you think)

(I can help you deal with it, If you want)

(You. Like you could)

(I can and you aren't the only one who has had a complex)

(You mean you have one)


(I'll think about it)

They didn't notice, that the teacher noticed them and so walked up to their table and picked up the notebook to read it, but couldn't, because the entire conversation was written in japanese kanji. So he put the notebook back and went back in front of the blackboard.

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