《Lucian》School is still boring


The chemistry lesson went by quickly because the teacher did some experiments which were interesting in their own way. After the lesson ended it was language classes. Everyone had to chose between the four before when coming to this school. A student could choose between: german, spanish, french and chinese. Lucian chose spanish, because he already could speak it to an extent.

The classroom was on the first floor and it took Lucian a little time to find it. When he finally found it, he entered the class through the open doorway and immediately after entering he captured most of the students eyes. Only 1/3 of this class was from mine and the others are probably from the other class. They looked at him as he passed them and sat down at the backseat.

He took his phone out and started browsing it, while the others were talking with each other. One of the conversation went like this.

"So she is the new student in your class. She looks pretty cute."

"He not she. He's a boy."


"Really really."


"Yep."she continues"Also don't tell boys. They don't know that he is a boy. So let them believe that he is a girl for a while."

"That's kinda evil."

"Mhm and also it will be pretty funny, when countless boys find out that they had a crush on a boy."

"I guess you are right."

After Lucian heard that conversation between the two teenage girls, he just sighted and continued reading.

When the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom, he put away his phone and looked at the teacher. It was a young man in his twenties with a handsome face.

'Teacher who girls want.'he named him in his mind after quickly observing the girls expression when they looked at their teacher.


Teacher looked at Lucian and asked"Are you the transfer student?" "Yes."he replied. The teacher nods and starts his lesson.

The entire lesson he was teaching how to pronounce numbers and asked us random numbers in english and we hed to say it in spanish. This was too easy for Lucian.

When the lesson ended with a bell, it was time for a lunch. Lucian went to the cafeteria and saw a huge line after getting there. And of course some people cut in.

"This is gonna take a while."he said to himself.

After ten minutes waiting in line, he finally got his food which was: three potatoes and two fish stick. For the drink he took a watered down apple juice. With his food on the tray, he walked over to an empty table and sat down on the bench. He started to eat his tasteless school food and while eating, someone sat on the opposite bench of the table.

Lucian looked at him for a second and knew immediately his intentions. Lucian didn't say anything and continued to eat his lunch silently.

The guy had blond hair, blue eyes and a very handsome face. He had a fuckboy haircut and was wearing some kind of designer clothes.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"the guy suddenly asked Lucian.

"No."he replied after chewing and swallowing his food.

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked with a happy voice.


"Why not? I have looks and brain." He boasts

"Only thing you have is a massive ego and small dick."he says with an annoyed voice. Lucian hates being bothered with useless stuff, while he eats. He likes his meals peaceful. Both kinds of Meals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

"Huh?"comes out of the boys mouth. He couldn't believe that a girl talked to him like that. This pissed him off.


So he slammed his hands on the table with a bang and with a loud voice he yelled"What did you say bitch?!" This attracted some attention and people were looking at us.

"Showing your true colours. Good."he said with an amused voice. He sips his juice while he is staring at the boy with cold eyes. 'It looks like I pressed the right buttons.'thinks Lucian, while having an amused face.

"You bitch."says the boy with an angry voice.

Lucian just smiles coldly with a half full glass in his hand.

"Angry?"he asks mockingly.

The boy was even more pissed now, because he saw Lucian enjoying this situation.

"You regret it."The boy says and gets up. When he about to leave, Lucian says"Soooo afraid."

This pisses the boy even more off, because Lucian didn't even take him seriously.

After the boy had left the cafeteria, with dozens of eyes following him. As for Lucian, he just sat there, taking a sip from his glass and smiled evilly."Let's hope his threat is real. Then it will be fun."he says to himself in english and few people who were closed to him, were surprised by his words, but didn't say anything.

After few minutes Lucian finished eating and left the cafeteria to go to todays final lesson: biology.

Arriving in the class, he sat at the backseat next to the window. He stared out of the window looking at the cloudless blue sky.

"You usually sit here, Yami?"he asked Yami, who was looking at him.

"Yes. I guess I'll find a new spot."she said.

"You can sit here If you want or you don't want to."he said while he looked at her reflection on the window.

She doesn't say anything and just sits down quietly and takes out her textbook and notebook with her pen.

"Yami. Ever wondered why you are bullied?"he asks

"There is no need to wonder about it."she replies with an angry voice.

"You should. The main reason isn't your scar but something else."he turns around to look at her and continues"Want to know the real reason?"

"What to you know?!"she says with an angry voice.

"Too much. Too much for my own bad."he says and then goes to sleep, while resting his head on his hands, which were resting on the table.

"Damn."mutters Yami, while writing notes.

After the lessons were over, Lucian went to the school library to get the textbooks needed and put them to his bag. He then left the school and walked towards his home. While walking he started to smoke while listening to music.

When he finally gets home, he drops his bag, takes off his clothes and leaves them on the floor and he just goes to bed, because he has only slept for three hours today and he stuff to do at night, so he needs to rest.

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