《Lucian》School is boring


The first lesson was math, which was easy for Lucian, since he only got A-s in every subject all the way up to 9th grade.

So he mostly just looked at the blackboard and wrote down few things in his notebook. He also drew a feather, because he got bored.

The lesson ended with the bell and Carla left the class room. There were some, who seemed to want to go talk to Lucian, but didn't want to go near the black haired girl next to him. Or something like that, he thought. He can't exactly know what others think, because he doesn't have that kind of power. He can only guess by observing them.

When Lucians eyes met with another guy, who was looking at him, the guy immediately blushed and turned away his head.

'Oi. Don't blush.' he thought as he saw that. "Fucking great." He muttered in a demon language.

He took out his and saw that he had a message. So he looked at it and after reading through the short message, he immediately blocked the number. 'New number again'he thought after he had blocked the number.

Even though the phone number was different every time, he knew immediately who the sender was, because of the way she writes her messages.

"So what's your name?"he asks the girl next to him.

"Yami."is replied with a quiet voice.

"Dark in japanese...huh"he says to himself, while looking at the blackboard with a bored look."Beautiful name."he continues.

As for Yami, she doesn't know how to react to it and that's why she doesn't responded. Besides her mother, no one has never said that anything is beautiful about her and because of that, she was slightly surprised. She has been always bullied because of scar on her face. She had even moved to another town, hoping, that nobody from her old school would come here, but she was wrong. The main person who bullied her, Crystal, had come to this school too and immediately spread the story around about her scar in this school. And after few days, nobody talked to her and now she was alone.

Even though she was slightly surprised by his words, she didn't believe him, because he may be someone who acts friendly and nice to you. And when you open up to him, he stabs you into your back and starts bullying you too. She may be wrong, but because she has been bullied for so long, she has come not to believe, what others say, except her mother.


Because she doesn't want to be seen as rude by the new student, she responds with a quiet voice"Thanks"

The bell rings and a teacher walks in. The teacher is a fat man whos belly is over his pants. He's also bald.

"Okay class. Continue reading where you stopped previous lesson."

He proceeds to sit down and Lucian can hear the desk chair sinking. The teacher doesn't even bother checking attendance or anything. He just sits on the chair and is doing something behind the computer.

'Lazy fatass'is what Lucian named him in his head. He also thought, that he should go get his textbooks later from the schools library.

For now he looked at Yami's book, to see what they are reading. He read for few seconds and then put his head on the table and said'They are reading a fucking fantasy book. Great'he thought himself.'It has been years since I read the Bible.'

The Bible was considered as a fantasy book among Angels, Fallen angels and Demons because most of it is a totally made up. And most important point is that this world god even says that it's completely made up.

Because Lucian has nothing to do, he decides to just rest his head on the table for the next forty three minutes.

Few student's looked at him, when they saw him sleeping and one boy whispered to another"Her sleeping face is pretty cute." Luckily for that guy, Lucian didn't hear him. If he had, then that guy would have hospital visit.

Lucian woke up, when the bell rang again. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the timetable, to see that the next lesson is P.E. Of course he didn't have any training clothes with him, so he probably can't take part of the lesson.

The sport hall is probably on the first floor, so he took his bag and went after the others, because they obviously need to go there. He walked down the stairs after the others.

While walking he passes a lot of humans, until he senses a fallen angel, while walking by a group of girls.

He grins as he thinks'There are others beside humans here. This may turn out to be fun'

"So where is the sport hall."he asks one of his female classmates, because he knows If he were to ask about it from a guy, then he would start over-thinking without any reason. He knows it from experience.


"Follow me. I'll show you."the girl answer back to him. He does so and soon they arrive in front of the door and she says"First we need to change. Come." She pulls his arm, put Lucian doesn't move and he says"Yeah. I won't go there."


"I'm a guy."

"Don't joke."she says with a small laugh.

"I'm a man. I can show you If you wish." He says.

Her face looks blank now and says with a slow voice"I see." And she goes to the dressing room.

"I should distance myself from this door."he said to himself and walked away few meters.

After the girl entered the dressing room, one of her friend with dyed red hair asked"What's wrong Sarah?" "It turns out Lucian is guy, not a girl."

"What?"every girl in the dressing room says at the same time.

"You're kidding. No boy can't have so cute face."

"I'm not kidding. She.. I mean he said it himself."

"Wow. Didn't see that coming."

One of the girls starts to giggle and when asked why she is giggling, she says"Think how funny it would be, when boys find out. It seemed that Dave already has a crush on him."

"That would be funny."

The girls started laughing and their laughter could be heard even outside of the dressing room.

As Lucian was standing away from the room and looking at the school map, he asked Yami, who was walking by"Is P.E together or separate, Yami?"

"Together."she answers with her usual quiet voice.

"Okay. Want to go together there? It's faster that way." He says, while turns around to face her. She simply nods and they start to walk together.

Yami can't understand why he acts so friendly with her and it makes her a little uncomfortable.

They reach the sport hall and enter it. On the halls floor, there is a basketball field painted and baskets on both side of the hall. The ceiling is pretty high and white with long lamps attached to it.

For now he sat down on the bench and waited for the teacher, so he could excuse himself from the lesson, because he has no clothes with him.

More and more students from his class start getting here. While Lucian was looking at the ceiling, with his head against the wall, a girl sat down next to him and asked"Is it true that you are a boy?"



"Mhm."he answers again without saying a word.

"Then to you use anything to look so cute?"

His eye twitches a little, because he was called cute.

As the girl is looking at him, she notices a part of Lucians red demon marking under his hair.

"Is that a..."

"Secret"he finishes her as he gets up and walks over to the gym teacher. He tells him that he doesn't have any training clothes, because he just transferred and didn't have the timetable before. The teacher tells him to sit on a bench and just look at others. Lucian does so and sits down on a bench as the others are lined up and the teacher is checking attendance.

Teacher tells them to run ten laps in the hall and so the students start to run. While they are running, he observes the girls and quickly determined that one of the has fake tits.

'Sixteen and already fake tits. Fucked up generation indeed.'he thinks as he observed them. He just sighs and leans his head against the wall, while looking at the ceiling and thinking.

They finish running after few minutes and the teacher tells them that they are playing dodgeball. They make their teams and Yami ID the one picked last.

The game is started with a whistle and immediately Yami is thrown out. She walks off the field and sits onto the bench next to her.

"You let yourself thrown out."he says in japanese and she replies in japanese"I'm bad at physical stuff." "Lie."he says. "Think whatever you want."she replies.

He just smiled while staring at the ceiling.

While he is staring, he feels the ball coming st him, so he slaps the ball away before it hit him.

This surprises few people that he did it without looking, but they return to their game almost immediately.

Soon a second round begins and once again Yami is thrown out first. Even though she could cath it or easily dodge it, but she just stands there and waits to be get hit. 'So she doesn't like P.E or something to do with other classmates. Which is it.'he wonders.

Before he even noticed, the lesson had ended and the next lesson was chemistry.

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