《Lucian》Transfer student Lucian


Cold rain was falling from the dark clouds, which covered the night sky. The wind was calm and cold.

In an alleyway, a person wearing a ragged black suit was running away while he occasionally looked behind him. He kept running and running as he kept looking back.

He looked behind him again and only saw buildings walls and fire exits.

He slowed his pace down, until he stopped and put his hands on his legs while breathing heavily. He was tired, because he had ran for a long time and he had finally lost his chaser.

"I think I lost him."he says to himself

Suddenly he hears a footsteps.

"Sharp-shot"he says and a black recurve bow forms in his left hand. Once the bow is formed, he pulls the string, which creates a black arrow and he aims it at the direction, where the sound came from.

The foot-steps get closer and closer, then a homeless guy comes out behind the corner of a building, who immediately after seeing the bow wielding man, runs back.

The man exhaled and lowers his bow, when suddenly, a sword is swinged at him from behind and it slices into his body from shoulder to his heart. Red blood starts flowing out of his wound and he falls onto his knees and the sword is the only thing, keeping him from hitting the floor.

Behind him, the one holding the sword, was a person dressed in black clothing. The persons face was covered with a completely black mask, without any holes in it. The person said with a cold voice"The hunter has become the hunted."

He pulled the sword with a jagged edge of his body, while pushing the body with his foot. The jagged red blade ripped flesh as it was pulled and once it was completely out, the body fell on the wet ground and his blood got mixed with the rain water.

The figures sword disappears and the figure takes the dead guys bow and it too disappears like his sword.

The figure then disappears into the darkness of the night, without looking back to the man, he had just killed.


Early in the morning, the sun shined brightly in the sky and the birds were chirping happily outside.

In an apartment, a boy with a very girly looking face is sleeping, until his alarm clock goes off.

The loud sound of the black alarm clock, wakes him. He picks the clock with his left hand while saying"Shut up" and throws it against the wall, breaking the clock and leaving a hole in the wall.


He slowly gets up from his bed and walks to the bathroom with slow steps and while yawning.

He gets there and starts brushing his teeth, while looking at the mirror. There he sees his girly face with long thin eyelashes and beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

After brushing his teeth, he goes to shower and takes a hot shower for five minutes and then gets out of the shower.

Water is running down his smooth and beez skin. His entire right arm is covered with red demonic markings starting from his finger tips and ending on his shoulder. There are also more smaller red marking on his legs, chest and one on the right side of his head, under his hair. On his left hand, there are five magic circles with runes written in them spread around his arm.

Around his neck is a necklace with a red demon claw in the middle, a black feather on the right and a white feather on the left side of the claw.

He dries his body and goes to bedroom, to but on some clothes. He put on black sneakers, black jeans, black shirt and a dark gray hoodie. He tied his long dark gray hair into a ponytail and put on a pair of black gloves, because he has to hide his markings in school.

He picks up his back-bag and throws it onto his right shoulder. He pulls the zip of his hoodie up half way and pulls the hood up. Putting on his earphones, he starts his playlist and puts his phone in his pocket.

After leaving his apartment, he locks the door behind him and leaves the apartment complex.

Walking on the street, he takes out a cigarette and starts smoking while walking. He drags his cigarette and blows the gray smoke out of his mouth. Looking in the sky, he says to himself"Too sunny."

After he finishes his cigarette, he throws it on the ground and stomps on it. He puts his hands in his hoodie pocket and walks keeps walking towards his new school.

He reaches the school, which is on top of a small hill and is the highest point in this town. He stands in front of the school gate and looks at the three story high building. The walls are white and there are shit ton of windows on each floor.

Bunch of students pass him and some look back at him more than a second, because of his looks.

He scratches the back of his head and walks into the school building, while taking off his earphones. Once he has entered, he looks around, until he sees a woman, who looks like a teacher. Walking up to the old woman with gray hair, he ask"Could you tell me the way to principals office?"


She looks at him and answers"Go to 3th floor and look for room number 324."

"Thank you."he replies and walks towards the stairs. While walking up the stone stairs, he catches few peoples gazes, but he is so used to it and because of that he doesn't give a shit about people looking at him for a few seconds. But If someone were to stare at him for too long, he will get annoyed.

After a minute he gets up to the 3th floor. It took him so long, because there were a lot of students on the stairs.

He looks on both way, thinking which way to go, but decides to ask the way, because he is too lazy to start wonder around. So he asks from the passing girl"Hey! Which way is principals office?"she points to his left and keeps walking, without saying a word.

He looks at the girl, who was taller than him for a second and then proceeds to walk towards the direction. While walking, he mutters to himself in a demon language"Great. Three fucking years of boredom."

He hoped that he doesn't have to go to school again, but his mother made him. If he had decided not to go, his mother would've started to annoy the fuck out of him and he definitely didn't want that. So he didn't have any options.

Reaching the door, with a number 324 on it and under the number, was written "Principals office"

He knocked twice and entered room, while pulling off his hood.

The office had two long bookshelves on both sides which were filled with different kinds of books. On all for corners, there were dragon trees planted in a dark brown pot. There was also two black couches on his right and left. The director's table was near the window and the director herself sat on a black chair with armrests and was typing in her computer, when he entered. She has a long light brown hair and hazel eyes. Her face is beautiful and her eyebrows long and thin. She wears glasses with thin red frame and has a mature aura around her.

She stopped her work and asks"How can I help you?"

"Yeah. I'm the transfer student Lucian."he replies.

"Good to see that you made it. Your homeroom class is number 204 and homeroom teacher is Carla Smith. Let me call her here."she says and Lucian does a slight nod.

After few minutes, a woman who seems to be in her late forties enters the room. She has short blond hair and green eyes. Her face is average and is wearing cliché teacher clothes.

"You called miss Natasha?"she asks

"Yes. This is Lucian Temul, the transfer student. Could you show him to your classroom."

"Sure."she answers and turns to Lucian"Hello Lucian. I'm Carla Smith, your homeroom teacher. Nice to meet you." "Likewise"he replies.

She nods and tells him to follow her. They both leave the office, leaving principal Natasha alone to think.'He looked pretty cute for a boy'

As for Lucian and Carla, they had reach the class. The lessons had began and so there were no students in the hallway. They were both standing in front of the door and Carla said"Be sure to introduce yourself nicely."

"Sure."he answered with an uncaring voice.

Carla entered the class first and Lucian stayed behind, until he was called in by her.

"Class. We have a transfer student today. Would you please introduce yourself."

"Lucian Telum, sixteen, no hobbies. Thats all." He introduced himself like that in front of the class. While he is standing there, he quickly looked over the class and quickly figured out the groups:Cool kids, sluts, nerds, regulars and the one who is bullied. The bullied was the easiest, because she sits in a last row and no one else is sitting near her.

"Thank you for your introduction. You can sit on a empty seat."

"Ok."he replies and sits next to the girl in the back. The girl was the one who showed him directions before. She had long black hair, which covered left half of her face. Her right eye is black, so her left might be the same colour.

Immediately after he sat down, people start whispering and most of them said"She sat down next to the scar girl." or something like that.

Basically what he understand that the girl next to her has a scar and some dumbasses think that he is a girl. 'Great' he thinks"Now I habe to deal with dumbasses, who taught I was a girl... It's so annoying to deal with."

"Now then. Lets begin our lesson."says Carla.

As for Lucian, he is already sick of school

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