《Lucian》The Devil bar


Lucian wakes up a few hours later from his sleep and gets out of the bed. He picks up the clothes he dropped on the floor before and puts them on. He pulls his hood up and leaves the hoodie halfway unzipped, like he always does. He leaves his apartment and locks the door behind him. The sun has set and the moon is slowly rising. There were still a lot of people outside driving with their cars or walking on the sidewalk. A cold night wind blows into his face, while he is looking around. He then looks down, to see no one there.

Leaping over the stone railing, he falls over twenty five meters and lands on the ground without making a sound. He lights up his cigarette and casually walks away from the area, while dragging his cigarette.

After walking over thirty minutes, he reaches in front of a bar called "Devil Bar". He throws away his half smoked cigarette and walks into the bar. Immediately after entering he sees a ton of people there from different races:demons, angels, fallen angels and even few humans. Humans probably think that everyone is a human here.

The bar itself has two floors: the first floor is bar and the second floor is for employees. This place known for it's pretty lax rules and it even had a fight club few months ago, but it was shut down, because getting rid of all the bodies turned pretty annoying. Lucian may have been responsible for most of the dead bodies. May have.

Lucian walks straight to the counter and the bartender gives him immediately a drink. Lucian takes a sip, while the bartender says"Haven't seen you recently. What have you been up to, Lucian."

"A lot of shit."he continues"Mostly I was hunting hunters but now I have to attend school, which is fucking boring." He finishes his class and puts it on the counter, which is refilled then.


"Why are you attending school? It's a useless place for you. According to your words."says the demoness bartender with red hair and black eyes. She has a nice busty body with a nice butt. She is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a regular black t-shirt. She is barefooted, because she feels most comfortable like that, when she is indoors.

"Mother."he replies and she understands immediately what is probably going on.

"Why won't you already make up with her already. It has been over four years now."she asks.

"You know why."he continues"She fucking.."he stops his sentence, because some drunk fuck had put his hand around Lucian and starts flirting with him.

"Wanna have some fun girl?"he says. His breath smells like alcohol and something other. But mostly alcohol.

Lucian without saying a word, grabs his head and slams it at the counter and then throws him onto the floor. A huge blood stain is on the counter, where the guys head was slammed and blood was slowly flowing out of the guys head, straight onto the wooden floor. From the floor, it flowed into the tiny gaps between the floorboards.

Most of the people watched the guy for a second and then went on with their business, because this kind of stuff was regular in this place.

"Ooh. You upgraded your counter."says Lucian.

"Yep. Because you keep slamming mens heads at it, so I ordered one made out of Devil Wood. Shit was expensive tho."she says while completely ignoring the probably dead guy on the floor. She walks over a blackboard and draws a fourth line there next to the other three lines.

"49th victim."she says to herself and walks back to her counter. "Jess. Clean up the mess."she says to one of the employees, who then drags the body up the stairs and into one of the rooms. She comes back and says"I put it into Alaisha's room. She likes them dead." "Good."replies the demoness with a smile and slaps Jess's ass.


This place didn't need to worry about cops, because every human who left the building, would lose his/her memories of any illegal thing that happened here and there is no cell reception here either, so no cops. But most of the humans here are criminals themselves. As for the non-humans, they won't contact the police. Instead they solve the problem their own way. If you get what I mean.

The demoness turns towards Lucian and says"Where were we."

"You were going to talk about rumors."says Lucian, trying to change the topic.

"Aah yeah."she replies, understanding he doesn't want to talk about his mother. She continues"I heard that Hunters have started to hunt imps in a large amount to collect their cores."

"Why? Imps cores are fucking useless, unless you want a snack."says Lucian while he finishes his glass, which then filled by the demoness immediately.

"Don't know why, but I know that all the imps in Stolros were killed."she said with a slightly worried voice.

"Seriously?"asks Lucian with a surprised voice. The demoness nods and Lucian says"Damn. A million imps."

"Yep. Only corpses are left. A friend of mine went there and said it was fucking horrible sight."she said.

"What the fuck are they going to with over a million imp cores."Ask Lucian.

"Don't know."she replies to him.

"Well whatever for now. Any more rumors?"

"Few angels were killed outside of the town and I heard that the Succubus Queen joined The Council." Lucian narrowed his eyebrows, when he heard the word 'Succubus'. Seeing this, she says"Right. You don't like them."

"Mhm. For a good reason."he continues"What the fuck is she gonna do in the Council anyways. Fuck every member or something? That's all she can do anyways."he says and gets up from the chair, he was sitting and throws a twenty on the counter.

As he is walking away, a demon walks in front of him, but Lucian just grabs the demons head and drags it with him while the demon is struggling and trying to free himself. Before he exits the bar, he smashes the guys head against the wall, making the demons head into a mush.

Walking outside, he closes the door and the demoness inside says"That's the 50th. So now somebody clean that prick off from my floor and wall."

Outside, he takes out his cigarette pack, only to see it empty. So he throws it away and walks home, his hands in his hoodies pocket and his hood up.

When he gets back and is walking up the stairs, he runs into Yami, who is carrying trash bags.

"So you live here too?"says Lucian with an amused look.

"Mhm."she replies and walks down the stairs.

"Want me to accompany you. As a man I can't let a young girl go alone."

"No."she replies and keeps walking downstairs.

Lucian just smile and walks up the stairs.

"What a fun girl. I like her."says Lucian to himself.

Once he gets into his room, he undressed himself and goes to bathroom to take a long hot relaxing bath. Once he has soaked there enough he dries himself and goes to sleep.

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