《DIVE》Dive 24: The Next Realm
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice trained with EDI on how to sense people with the stealth ability. He learned the skills Listen and Spot. He fought for half a day. He gained 4 levels, but when the last battle was over he fell into the blackness.
Days until Ether Realm Battle: .5
Ps. I won’t be able to keep doing one a day chapters, but with all of the love I’m getting I think you guys deserve some! ; )
Voice felt a moment of extreme disorientation. He felt like he was about to hurl the wolf meat he had eaten before. He tried opening his eyes, but was blinded by the brilliance of nine shining auras. Each aura was a different color, but each had a power to it he couldn’t fathom.
He heard an evil chuckle. “You might want to turn off your inspect buddy. Our auras were designed to keep pests like you from seeing us.”
Unsure of what to do he decided to toggle off the skill. He could always toggle it back on. When he did he noticed nine people standing in a completely white expanse. Each one stood at least seven feet tall.
From left to right. The first person he easily recognized. She had been enveloped in a bright white aura. With beautiful pink skin, and long white wings encircling her, Voice knew it was Mar. The next person had blue scaly skin, and sat upright on a tail. She looked like a beautiful mermaid. He deep brown hair fell to her waist. Twin jets of water encircled her from fin to head, only to cascade into a spout and land back at her feet. She held a barbed spear, and on her hip hung a net.
The next was a man with light white robes that billowed without any wind. From his back sprouted two sets of large wings. He was completely bald, and under his white robe one could see a lean but muscular body. He had a fan (Japanese style) belted to his hip. He seemed to float several inches above the ground.
His gave continued on. Beside the man was a woman. Her skin was a deep beautiful dark brown. Although one could clearly see her substantial age, you couldn’t say she was diminished by it. Her eyes were slanted like a cats. Voice saw her blink, but instead of up and down her eyelids went left and right. Her hair was made up of several types of snakes, which seemed to play with each other. She had several types of vines winding up her legs to just below her navel. Each vine seemed to carry an identically sized fruit. The fruits were varied, but he did see a tiny watermelon.
Beside the obviously naturalistic woman stood a man(?). Voice couldn’t make out his features. Not because the man was far away, but because the man had no features. He was like a mannequin that had yet to have a face, or any obvious way of telling it apart, made. Even with Voice’s Inspect off, he could see a black spiral (like a black hole) with streaks of eight different colors being sucked into the white center.
To his right was a man. He was entirely nude, but had no reproductive organs. His entire body seemed to be made of steel. He wasn’t overly buff, but he was muscled. He had several weapons attached to his body. Literally attached. His eyes were completely red, and his left hand was actually a short blade.
Beside him was a stone statue. It was definitely a male, or at least very masculine looking. You could see the six-pack, made of rocks. The rocks were constantly shifting, except for the top rock that appeared to represent the head.
Beside him was a beautiful fire. It was in the shape of a beautiful woman, but she constantly flicked and changed her features. The only constant was the general colors of the flame. The outer flames would always be more orange and yellow than the rest. The middle flames would be redder or bluer than the outer flames. The inner flames oscillated between blue and white. In the dead center of the flame goddess was a pale ghostly flame. It didn’t change its position or color.
Beside her was a dark ominous figure. He had dark tendrils encircling him, and wore a pitch black cloak.
Voice didn’t know what exactly was happening, but he guessed that since Mar was here, and there were exactly nine individuals, that these people might be the nine elder gods. He bowed right after that realization. “Thank you Elder Gods! Thank you for gracing me with you presence. To what do I owe such an honor?”
“AHAHA” The dark figure at the right end started laughing. “He’s playing you guys! You can’t see it? AHAHAHAHAHA.”
As the dark figure laughed Mar said, “Rise my Champion. You were here because Davros’ Champion,” She gave a menacing glance towards the laughing figure, “killed you.”
Voice bowed his head. Surely they didn’t count that as a victory? Gotta start preparing to make the best of a bad situation.
“It is true he killed me. I was wondering about that my goddess. Why was I allowed to be killed by him? I would have thought there were rules against that?” He kept his tone as innocent as possible.
Mar gave another angry look at Davros, who now had a contemptuous look on his face. “It is. Part of the agreement was that if you killed his champion, or he harmed you in any way, that the one that had been hampered would be granted some boon from each of the Nine Elder Gods.”
Voice’s eyes went wide. Oh fuck this is going to be good! HELL YEAH!
Mar continued. “You will be examined by each of the gods individually, then they will decide what to give you as a boon. First is me.” She waved her hand and Voice found them sitting in a field of beauty. All manner of flowers and small cute animals were seen in the endless field. The only word Voice could think of to describe it was spring.
“Why do you want to fight Davros? We Elder Gods know you come from another world. What have you to gain from being my champion?” Before Voice could speak she held up a hand. “Please remember that you cannot tell lies in my realm.
Well that puts a bit of a hamper on my plans. Ok, quick think!
“Well if this were my world I would do the same.” She waited for him to continue. “If your followers were people of my world, and the Elder Gods existed in my world, and I had the same powers, I would do the same.”
“So what you mean is that you wish to treat my people as if they lived in your world?”
Caught me on that did you? “Not exactly.” He continued before she could interrupt. “Your followers have too different values and beliefs, live their lives too differently, to be treated the same. You wouldn’t treat a dragon the same as a lizard right?”
Mar gave him a smile. “Ah, but who is the dragon?” She was enveloped in an aura of pink. Voice felt warmth and love coming from it. When she was gone he was back in the white area with eight figures left, and a notice.
Many Blessings of Mar (Complete)
For continued good faith towards the goddess Mar you have been granted her ultimate divine blessing.
At this time you can cast all priest spells. Mar rewards your faith by upgrading the token of her power. You have gained 15 affinity to light.
The aura that Mar has infused into you is outstanding. Your Healer’s Aura now reduces the cost of all light spells by 1/3.
Upgraded Amulet of Mar *ArtifactThis amulet was crafted in the Realm of the Gods. This amulet belongs to Mar. Invoking the prayer of Mar while indicating an ally, whose health has reached zero within the last ten seconds, will revive that ally with 10% of their maximum hp, 0 stamina, and 0 mana.
The water goddess approached him as he looked over his new information. When she touched him they were transported to an underwater castle. The castle had a perfect view of the sea floor. It had large archways, and no doors or walls. They sat in the throne room, which seemed more like a sunken ruin, but pristine.
Voice started holding his breath while frantically trying to find some source of oxygen. As he looked around he hear a sweet giggle behind him.
“Hehehe, you don’t have to worry.” The voice was light and bubbly, but also held a depth of understanding. “I’ve made it so you can breathe silly. Hehehe.”
After she said that Voice quickly swam out of the castle. He shot towards the outside of the castle. The water goddess pouted and transferred herself in front of him. She prepared a water ball to hit him, she was planning on hurting him until he showed an interest in her kingdom. She was planning that, until she saw the look on his face.
He held an enraptured expression. He was actually watching all of the unique (Author note* fish at the bottom of the ocean are freaking hideous) and lovable animals she had made. He watched all of the flora, even the sea vents, and underwater boulders.
“Hehehe. He’s so amazed by my kingdom he would forget about the fact that he was with a goddess. Hehehe.” She was happy he appreciated her work so much. She was content to let him worship her creation forever.
She was actually slightly put off when he turned his attention to her. “I’m sorry,” he said with a solemn expression. “I’ve forgotten about the beauty that is before me when confronted by the infinite majesty of the underwater world.”
Voice’s POV:
As soon as the sea hag told him she made it so he could breather he quickly looked around for anything that would make her like him more. Something he could wax and wane about. He noticed the craftsmanship the underwater castle had been made with. So he figured she would respond the best to some sort of flattery about her realm.
The only water goddess he knew of in his world was, Thalassa. I think she was the female version of Poseidon or something. Well that doesn’t matter. I know she gave birth to all fish, and has a personality as changing as the ocean.
He tried to be sporadic. He didn’t know if it would work but he had no idea how to handle these types. He felt her teleport herself in front of him. He noticed the water ball forming in her hands.
Shit! How do you even make a water ball underwater!? I don’t want to die! … Again!
He looked as possibly fascinated as he could. He heard her say, “Hehehe. He’s so amazed by my kingdom he would forget about the fact that he was with a goddess. Hehehe.” Gods that laugh is annoying.
He looked for a while longer, it wasn’t every day you could see an underwater volcano after all. He turned towards her. He saw that she was starting to throw a fit again, so he quickly said, “I’m sorry,” with a solemn expression. “I’ve forgotten about the beauty that is before me when confronted by the infinite majesty of the underwater world.
She asked in a flat tone, while playing with another water ball, “So why have you grown bored of my realm?”
He started talking rapid pace. “Well I haven’t, obviously one could stay down here for eternity and be grateful, and never bored, but I have to beat Davros’ Champion or else the people up top will suffer, sometimes the hero has to sacrifice everything they would want to do the right thing, even if that is the forever changing uncontrollable beauty of the infinite waters.” He was breathing hard after saying that. He did it all in one breath so she wouldn’t turn angry again.
She seemed somewhat pleased by his answer. He knew this because after saying that several of her ‘unique and lovable’ fish swarmed around him. Rubbing on him and flowing between his legs. She turned herself into a small pure red fish. She swam between his legs. When she touched his left leg he got:
Many Blessings of Undine (Minor)
For pleasing Undine you have been gifted with her blessing.
When submerged in water you gain gills, and can filter water from the water. You may also request for her aid by giving a suitable offering. Your body still cannot withstand the pressure of deep-sea diving, nor can you see underwater. Your underwater swimming speed, and maneuverability have not increased.
He was again transported to the white place. As he expected the man in the white robe approached him. When the man was within ten feet he and Voice were suddenly in the clouds, flying above the clouds.
Now Voice wasn’t exactly scared of heights, but being suddenly transported into the air with nothing below your feet is a little scary.
The man had a light and airy voice. “So tell me, why are you trying to learn wind magic?”
Voice wasn’t even surprised that the wind god knew he was trying to learn. “Well, I just thought that it had the most adaptability out of the all of the types of magic. Light and dark only really do a few things each. Water, Fire, Earth, all of the others, they are only really good in the places with a lot of it.”
I mean probably anyway. It would make sense if magic was more powerful where there was a lot of that element.
“Hoh HO! Good answer! Well then how about this. I don’t know what the others gave you, but here is a special pair of shoes.” The winged man snapped and pointed to Voice’s feet. Voice saw his worn boots dematerialize, only to be replaced by a pair with wings embroidered on them.
“Those have a bit of my power in them. Since you are a Force Mage you should be able to figure out how to channel magic through them. When you do you’ll understand what they’re for. You can keep them or sale them. It’s your choice.”
Winged Shoes of Sylph*ArtifactThis pair of boots was crafted in the Realm of the Gods. The shoes belong to Sylph. Channel wind magic through them to find the effects.
After he read that he felt himself falling. Suddenly he was below the clouds and saw the ground rapidly approaching. He tried increasing the air pushing on his stomach, but that only slowed him a little. He was afraid to push too much in case he was thrown in some other direction.
Voice was only a few miles above the ground, when he suddenly was back in the white room. Mother Nature was the next one to give him a gift.
Vines sprung up from where he was sitting. They quickly covered his entire body in a cocoon. When they receded he saw that he and the nature lady were in a forest.
He sat still, watching Mother Nature. When she didn’t respond he felt he was under some sort of test. He quietly meditated. He heard many distracting sounds, and felt many animals crawling over him, but all he did was quietly calm his mind. After nearly an hour the woman said, “Well you have patience, I’ll give you that.”
His only response was a slight smile. He opened his eyes to see Heather sitting beside him, as well as several other animals. Heather was watching the goddess with a very content expression.
“Since you have shown such devotion towards nature, by both loving my creatures,” she indicated Heather, “and by killing the abominations that are monsters,” She frowned at that,” I have decided. You will be granted a natural boost to your pheromones. When you become more in tuned with nature I may see fit to grant others.”
The vines wrapped themselves around him again.
Many Blessings of Gaia (Minor)
For showing your love of nature to Gaia you have been gifted with her blessing.
You will naturally produce pheromones. You can currently release:
Territorial Pheromone
When used Territorial Pheromones will indicate to others of your species that this area is yours. Others of your species will be alerted to who the territory belongs to. If they wish harm to you they will suffer (minor) psychological impairments.
He was back in the white room. Happy that things were going so quickly. These powers weren’t omnipotent, but combined they could make for some interesting effects. He expected the middle figure next, but was met by the sword of the metal god. Voice had heard a metallic screeching, and suddenly a steel sword was against his throat.
He slit Voice’s throat. As Voice bled out he looked questioningly at the metal god. None of the others came to help though. Voice woke up in the white room again. The metal man was gone. He felt something was wrong with his body. Davros was laughing his ass off. Voice looked down, and saw that his stomach had a layer of metal on it.
Confused he ran his fingers over it. Suddenly he understood why Davros was laughing. His stomach wasn’t covered in metal. He quickly inspected it.
Magical Metal Stomach *ArtifactCreated by the Great Metal God John Smith, this stomach runs on magic. It reduces your mana recovery by 10% (at least 5/ second). The more you allow it to take the more efficient it becomes. This stomach reduces the need to eat, by producing the nutrients your body needs.
The maximum required mana regen is 10/sec. At that point you will no longer need to consume food. If your body develops a need for more, or less, food this number will be adjusted. You will still need water.
You no longer need your large intestine, you may have it removed.
What kind of bullshit? Yeah, fine! I don’t need to eat as much. BUT! WHAT THE FUCK! Don’t just operate on people!
Voice was happy about the perk, but it was kind of like a backhanded compliment. You can’t just force people’s body to change.
I probably weigh a hundred extra pounds!
As he was bemoaning his current situation the God shaped like many boulders came over. The rocks surrounded Voice. They started spinning on their respective axis. The rocks became rock orbs. The orbs began spinning faster, and faster.
The orbs spun so fast they turned into disks. When the rocks were turned into disks they stopped spinning. The many disks were attracted to Voice, and made a large scaled orb around Voice and the earth god.
The god’s voice was deep, and seemed to rumble. His words were slow, and seemed to be drawn out, almost sleepy. “My brother has given you the ability to nullify hunger. Tis a good ability. I shall give you the ability to Sense and use Mana Crystals. They are few, and far between, but if you find one you will able to unlock the full potential of them.”
One of the rocks forming the orb broke off. It started spinning. As it spun it began to glow. It started with a deep red, turning into orange, then yellow. From yellow it went to green, then blue. It stopped at a bright vibrant baby blue. The colors changed as slowly as the earth god spoke. The newly formed Mana Crystal shot at Voice’s heart.
Many Blessings of Gnome (Minor)
Gnome has given you his blessing
When you feel the flow of mana in the earth you may detect a Mana Crystal if it is close enough. In addition you will be able to unlock the full potential of Mana Crystals.
The Mana Crystal seemed to explode when it touched Voice’s body. Pain seared his body. He arched his back as he cried out. He blacked out, only to find himself in Hell.
Well, it was more like a realm made of fire. It looked pretty similar though, you can’t really blame him for mixing them up.
The flame goddess had taken the form of a child. He heard a monotone voice in his mind. “You may make one statement. Depending on it I will give you your boon. You have thirty seconds.”
Voice racked his brain for a good statement. He needed to both flatter this girl, and say something that would be powerful.
He tried to get up, but chains made of flame sprouted from the ground and pinned him down. He took no damage, but he understood what was meant.
He looked around. There was a city almost identical to Rand. The main difference was that everything was made of fire. He decided to take a risk and said the only thing that he could think of that really flattered her.
He took a breath and said, “There is a reason why people that are highly attractive are called hot.”
A small blush came to the girls face. She changed into the form of a woman and gently caressed Voice’s cheek. His body was again wracked by pain. It felt like his skin was melting off, only to be healed and melted again. He tried not screaming, but the pain was too much.
Many Blessings of Salamander (Minor)
Salamander has given you her blessing.
Your body will no longer be negatively affected by hot weather. You can withstand fire up to temperatures of 180 *F (82.22 *C). Magically created flames will cause full damage.
(Author’s Note: If you guys were wondering that is enough to cause third degree burns. Paper burns at 451 *F)
When he was put back into the white room he was laying on the floor panting. He couldn’t handle all of that pain. His vision was cloudy, and he couldn’t concentrate any longer than a second.
The next thing he knew was in complete darkness. “What, what happened?”
A cloaked figure was standing in front of him. The only reason he knew this was that somehow, this figure was darker than the rest of the darkness.
“Hello Voice0fReason.” He heard a voice that was terrible and powerful. He panicked for a second. His mind was completely awake now. He knew who this was.
“I have to give you something. But,” The world became gray. The man lowered his hood for Voice to see. Somehow Davros was beautiful. His face was filled with hate, and rage, and contempt, but it was a beautiful face.
“But, all of my blessings are also curses.” He smiled wickedly. Voice knew Davros would enjoy tormenting him however he could.
Voice took a chance. “Finally, all of the pests are gone.” Davros’ face momentarily faltered. He quickly regained his composure and put on a poker face.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, I wanted to talk to you this entire time. I plan on throwing the match with your chosen given the right conditions.” Davros gave him a shocked, yet happy, smile.
Voice kept talking. “I wanted to see if you could give me something better than Mar. I don’t really fit with all of that pure love bullshit. I want money, power, and a following to rival the gods.” Davros couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This human was here because his chosen had cheated. Although Davros didn’t order it, and in fact punished the cretin for defying the rules, he had still broken the rules.
Then here comes the object of his hate, and he wants to MAKE A DEAL !?
Davros laughed. “AH! AHAHAHAHA! OH AHAHAHAHA!! This is too much! This it too rich! Mar’s Chosen wants to backstab her!? HAHAHA!” After over a solid minute of maniacal laughter Davros steadied himself and managed to say,
“Alright,” Davros sighed, took a deep breathe, and straightened himself. “What do you want to backstab her? And why would you do that? Wouldn’t you get far more from being her little follower? She has been known to give out pretty good boons.”
Voice gave him a wicked smile. “Well, Mar has already given me her complete blessing. As for the rest, well I did tell you that I’d need a better offer than what she is giving.”
Davros looked Voice up and down approvingly. He had changed his mind about this mortal, he might be a good slave after all.
“These are my terms, given that you have no additional terms that is. I want power to equal Mar’s blessing seeing as she might just take it away after I betray her. I also want some divine artifact from you. She gave me one, so you have to give one that does something along the lines of fully healing a dead person. For doing so much good I was going to get an army of priests at my beck and call, not really from her but because I beat you. You must provide me with an equal army. She also had promised to go on a date with me if I win. I want you to give me someone as pretty as she is. If you can’t do that, then just I know a girl that is just as beautiful. I want to own her. I want some sort of blood contract if you have that here. I will make her sign it myself.” Voice gave an evil grin.
Davros was thinking all of this over. The boy had a lot of large demands, but nothing he couldn’t handle. Then Voice dropped the bomb.
“For the final thing. I want to slaughter your current Champion. I don’t want to just kill him. I want you to imprison him, and let me kill him as much as I want. I want you to strip away all the power you gave him, and then I want you to force him to watch you anoint me as your new Champion. I’ll obviously wait until after the battle to ask for payment on this one. And your curse can’t take away my blessing from Mar.”
At first Davros thought this was a trick to kick his chosen without any consequence, but since Voice said he’d wait to cash it in Davros agreed. He would just warn his current Champion after the battle.
“Fine, but as I said all of my blessings come with a curse. I can’t do anything about that. The more power you want the more you must sacrifice. I won’t let you sacrifice innocents like normal since that would tip off Mar.”
Voice nodded his consent. “Oh I can’t wait to see her deflated face! HA! Just you wait Mar, I’m going to defile your entire church! I am allowed to get bonuses for defiling her church after the battle right?”
Davros nodded. He liked this boy. Purely in it for himself. Not only that, he seemed to like to watch people squirm beneath him. As long as he understood who was boss no one would be a better minion.
“Alright,” Davros continued. “I will give you this rin- DON’T TAKE IT YET!” As Davros had created a ring out of darkness Voice greedily grabbed at it. “YOU IMBECILE!” Davros forced himself to calm down. Greedy ones were easy to deal with, but hard to control.
“NOW! If you take this you will be transported back to the Emptiness. This ring will be the answer to most of your requests I think. If you activate it, then it will drain your health. You can target anything dead. For every minute they have been dead you will lose ten hp. For every level above you they are, you will lose twice as much hp.” Davros smiled. “They will be revived as per the Complete Raise Undead spell, but will have only as much free will as you allow. Now I think that satisfies your request for an item, and an army. For the contract, well we don’t have a blood contract. We do have a soul binding contract though. I assume those are similar.” He put the ring on the contract and laid them both on the floor. He gave Voice a look telling him not to take it yet. He chuckled to himself after seeing Voice’s eyes widen in wicked greed.
“Now for this ring to work you will have to have darkness affinity.” Voice looked a little worried. “Ha, don’t worry about it. Accepting this deal will equate to a Dark Contract, or a contract that I personally make with those that have light affinity but no dark affinity. You will gain 100 dark affinity, and they won’t be able to see the contract. Technically speaking the contract isn’t for the ring and soul contract, it is just for you purposely losing the battle. At that time I will grant you any one wish.” Voice started to interrupt him, but he gave a stern look. “Of course if that wish was for my current champion to be imprisoned and tortured for eternity, well then how could I refuse.” With that he vanished.
You have gained the Barter Skill for bartering a good deal from a con man.
For bartering such a good from a con man you have gained several levels in the barter skill.
Current Level: Novice Level 10 Exp 40.00%
This skill allows you to buy things at lower prices when used. You can also sell items at higher prices.
Every level of this skill increases the percentage the price is adjusted by. Typical merchants sell items at 150%, and buy them for 50%. Ranks in this skill provide various bonuses.
You level this skill by bartering.
You have learned all of the required skills to obtain the Group Skill: Con Artist. Would you like to exchange relevant skills for the Group Skill: Con Artist? You can choose to fuse them at a later time. At that time say exchange relevant skills.
He inspected this new skill. It had no compatible skills to fuse.
“Exchange Relevant Skills.”
You have one group skill available. Your skill combinations are:
Con Artist
You have learned all of the required skills to obtain the Group Skill: Con Artist. Would you like to exchange relevant skills for the Group Skill: Con Artist? You can choose to fuse them at a later time. At that time say exchange relevant skills.
You have exchanged all relevant skills for the Group Skill: Con Artist. All relevant skills have been taken from your skill list. The total accumulated experience has been added to the Group Skill: Con Artist. The total level requirements have all been added to the Group Skill: Con Artist.
As you level this skill all parts of it will level up. For instance if you trick enough people to level up, you will gain the benefits the other skills would have provided at that level. This skill takes more exp to level up to level two than all of the skills that make it up would.
“Inspect: Con Artist.”
Con Artist
Current Level: Novice Level 8 Exp 52.66%
This skill allows you to use the benefits from: Deception, Flattery, Barter, and Sleight of Hand.
You are a practiced con man. You can trick people into buying things, or ideas, at absurd prices. For creating the Group Skill: Con Artist, the skill Sleight of Hand has been generated. Sleight of Hand has been automatically added to your Con Artist skill.
The higher the level the more believable your cons are.
To level this skill you must do an action that would be encompassed in one of the skills that were consumed to make this skill.
His deception skill dropped considerably, but since he hadn’t really used barter before, and he got a free skill, he was quite happy. He decided to try this on some of the competition for Evan. He owed Evan a great deal, and since Evan invested so heavily in his smithy recently, he could use the help.
Of course Evan would disapprove if he found out. Since Voice didn’t want a drop in intimacy he would only target ‘bad’ smiths.
Voice picked up the parchment and ring. As he did he saw that he was back in the white room. The featureless man looked at him like a father that just caught his son fighting. Voice was worried. The man(?) was waiting for something. Voice figured he’d equip the ring, and inspected it, while they waited.
Cursed Ring Necrosis *ArtifactThis ring was crafted in the Realm of the Gods. This ring was made by Davros, the god of darkness. Sacrificing health will allow you to summon the dead, provided you have the body of the dead you wish to summon. The cost is ten hp per second that body has been dead, times two for every level the dead body is higher than you.
While this ring is equipped you are cursed. The blessings of all other gods are rendered null. This ring cannot be unequipped. The curse can be lifted by gaining at least 40% of your darkness affinity in the affinity of that god’s element. For instance if you have 50 darkness affinity you will need at least 20 nature affinity to be able to receive the blessings of the nature goddess.
Suddenly the Emptiness, as Davros so aptly called it, turned pitch black. Voice blinked and he could see several stars. He looked all around himself. He was floating in space. The featureless man was right beside him.
The featureless man spoke. His voice sounded empty, it had no emotion or depth. It was neither light, nor heavy, young nor old. “Did you know that I have the ability to view all information of those that enter my realm?” Voice shook his head no, not sure where this was going.
“Well I do. I suppose you also didn’t know I could see you skill levels and experience you had gained from them?”
Voice knew exactly where this was going. He had racked up a few levels in flattery and deception, not to mention his new con skill.
“Well what do you want from me? Yes I flattered and lied to get better rewards.” He knew he couldn’t really lie to this guy, since he probably had something similar to what Mar had.
“I just wanted to know why, and do also include why you lied so much to Davros.”
Voice gave a harsh smile. “He deserved it. I may not be of this realm, but mindless slaughter of innocents is bad anywhere. Just because he is the god of darkness, doesn’t give him the right to act like an asshole.”
The man thought for a moment. “That didn’t stop you from accepting items from him.”
Voice sighed. “Yeah, well I wanted to get as much as possible from him. Look, I don’t intend to lose on purpose. If it is impossible I will fight as hard as I can, then ‘intentionally lose’. That way I can still get my revenge.”
The man moved his left hand. As he did an image of Mar was conjured. “Would she want you to get revenge?”
Voice scoffed. “Well maybe not, but I’m not doing this for her. I think it’s the right thing. I have the power to win, I hope, and I will do it. I only joined her for the boons she gave me. I want something beyond what she can grant me.”
“And what is it that you truly desire?”
“Power. Over everything. I want to be able to rule this realm, at least as far as my own people are concerned. They are coming here in just a few days after all. I want to own everything. Then if someone does something against my morale code, well I’ll kill them until they hit level one. I believe I would be a good ruler of the world. I could fix many things plaguing the citizens, and even increase their life expectancy, and quality. ”
With his mini rant over he took a breath.
“Very well. Have you heard of the hermit that wrote a series of books? I believe his name in the human tongue is Mirror.”
Voice gulped, and nodded his head furiously.
“Well he was my one and only creation in this world. All the other gods created minor gods, sprites, and all sorts of magical beings. I just created him. He created his own realm, separate from the one you normally occupy. Here.” The blessed being threw something at Voice. As he caught it he woke up.
EDI was slouched over him, crying. Heather was lying beside him, in a pitiful position. He groaned, the pain in his body suddenly came back. Not the intense pain of the other realm, but from getting beaten so badly by the wolves. He quickly turned on the toggle of his inspect skill before he forgot.
As he sat up Sol flew out of his chest. Sol was very dim. He couldn’t manage any healing in his state. Voice focused on healing his wounds, just as he did when he first used the ability.
After he healed some of his wounds he saw a box.
You have gained the Force Mage magic Light. You can now use light magic with better efficiency as a Force Mage.
Cool. That was his last thought before he fell back into a deep slumber.
Incase the ending screens are getting a bit long I put them in a spoiler tag.
Spoiler :
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassForce MageHealth290Mana500Stamina290Level19Current TitleMaster Of The Green HerbHealth Regen/Sec2.9Mana Regen/Sec2.2Stamina Regen/Sec4.9Strength37Agility32Wisdom72Intelligence50Endurance49Dexterity31Luck10Vitality29Charisma19Compassion40Leadership36Logic22Piety44Unused Stat Points50Fame540
Skills WindowSkill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 9 Exp 16.67%Automated Novice Level 7 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 20 Exp 50.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 24 Exp 99.99%Climbing Novice Level 3 Exp 60.00%Heavy Armor Apprentice Level 25 Exp 00.00%Deceptive Aura Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 15 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Inspect Novice Level 14 Exp 11.11%Group Skill: Automatic Nursing Novice Level 6 Exp 33.33%Group Skill: Con Artist Novice Level 7 Exp 85.72%Unique Skill: Skill Enhancement NoviceUnique Skill: Mana Affinity Novice
Affinities WindowNature10Light40Darkness100
Idk why but that was a really fun chapter to write. Sux about what Davros did to him lol.
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