《DIVE》Dive 23: The Battle Draws Near
Wow our story managed to get over 50 favorites. That’s pretty amazing! I didn’t even think this story would go over well with the readers. In all honesty I planned to drop it after a few chapters. I wanted to get some critiques on my writing style to make an actual story. That is why the story started so rough. I’ve never actually posted anything I wrote. Since I know so many people like it though, I’m not going to quit it any time in the foreseeable future. Barring death. I might quit it if I die. Hm, maybe. Anyway, on to the chapter!
Alright readers, let’s talk about Brenton a little bit. He is admittedly not a very nice person. We have thus far been gifted with brief glimpses of his past. They haven’t really done justice as to why Brenton is quite like he is. Sure he has some rough times, but you would think with his nice personality that he would try to steer himself away from being so douchey. Let’s start off this chapter with a brief look at his parents’ past.
Brenton’s Dad’s POV:
His father was from a middle income family. His parents had died when he was young. His older sister had to take care of him until he grew old enough to care for himself. His sister was ten years his senior. She had started some tech company when she was only seventeen. She had graduated high school two years early, was two semesters away from getting an undergrad in computer sciences, and electronics engineering. That’s right she was doing two majors at once.
Her brother was really proud of her. She seemed like she could do anything. He wanted his future wife to be someone like her. At the age of only nineteen she had sold her company to a larger computer company. She netted a grand total of 4.1 million dollars. That might not be enough to live a luxurious lifestyle forever, but it wasn’t a bad start. She used that money to hire a few other technicians and started working on something way over his head.
Anyway, Brenton’s dad graduated a year late from high school. He would have been very displeased with that if he hadn’t met his future wife that year. She had skipped a year, so they had an age difference of two years. He saw how she was always nice to everyone. She would work hard, and never became conceited about herself. It was just like how his sister was.
He tried wooing her the entire year. Of course he kept his grades up this time, if he didn’t she wouldn’t have looked his way.
He took her to expensive restaurants, bought her many luxurious things, and did just about everything money could buy. Of course the money was all his sisters, but she had always said “What’s mine is yours.” So he didn’t really think twice about spending money on her.
She liked the attention, but didn’t really think too highly about him spending other’s money. She told him if he wanted to really date her he had to get a job and pay for their dates himself. Of course she didn’t mind paying half, but she wanted to spend their money not someone else’s.
He looked for a job. Luckily it was summer by that point, so it wasn’t hard to find one. He tried various jobs, but none of them seemed to fit. Eventually his sister brought up the fact that she needed someone to do office type work for her company. Scumbag Brenton’s father jumped at the opportunity. He would get paid several times what a part time job offered, and to top it off it was close to home.
After working there for a few years he proposed to Brenton’s mom. Brenton’s mom said yes. They moved into a good neighborhood, got a nice house, and had a son.
Eventually though he got tired of working for his sister. He had been at that job for eight years, he felt it was time to get a better job. Everything always came so easily for him, so why did he have to constantly have to listen to his sister’s nagging about ‘unacceptable decrease in work ethics’? She was no longer the sister he knew. He was going to sell her secrets to a rival company, and become someone important to them. When he told his wife she refused to let him quit. She said that if he did she would divorce him. Eventually she dropped the bomb. His sister had intentionally dropped the hint for him to come to her company.
No one else wanted him. The reason it was so hard to find a job was that he was a bad worker. They had a big argument in the street in front of a small crowd that included their five year old son. He left and never returned.
Lily’s POV:
Lily was Brenton’s mom’s name. She had always been a bright child. She had a loving family, but was an only child. Her family was extremely religious. Not like the West Burrows Christian type (look them up dudes, not their real name though), more like the keep God in your heart and love your neighbor type.
She was raised with these strict religious values her whole life. When she told her parents that she didn’t think she was a Christian they cried, but accepted that she would have to find her own way to God. They were very understanding, always believing in the best of people. That was probably where she got it.
She would always try to study hard and be nice to everyone. She wanted to spread love to the world. She might not be religious, but she wanted to prove those with religious backgrounds didn’t turn out horrible. (At this point in the future religions has a pretty bad stigma associated with it)
When she was in senior year of high school, this boy kept confronting her. He wanted to go out with her, but she didn’t really want to be with anyone romantically. His constant perseverance eventually persuaded her to give him a chance.
She thought it was cute how he would try to win her affection. She always told him that she didn’t want the jewelry, and the expensive dates, but he never seemed to understand that. She could see that he was a good person, so at the end of the year she said that if he could earn the money himself she would date him.
He tried for the entire summer to get a job. It never worked out for more than a few days. She saw that he lacked any motivation to do actual work. During the time he tried to woo her he had introduced her to his sister.
They hit it off quite well. While his sister was far more advanced in the field of all things electronics, but Lily was very learned when it came to biology. They might not have interests that coincided, but they understood the intelligence the other held.
Eventually Lily let it slip about Brenton’s dad’s job hunt. His sister and Lily made a plan after talking it out. His sister would hire him, and make it seem like a coincidence. It was a beautiful success. It seemed like everything in Lily’s life was perfect. They got a good home, and had a beautiful baby boy.
Eventually she started to notice changes in her husband’s behavior. He would stay out late when work was over, and he never paid attention to her or their child. She tried to fix their relationship, but it was all for naught. She even joined her sister-in-law’s company (as an unofficial research assistant) to try to produce AI, thinking if they worked at the same company it would bring them closer.
The company actually had a daycare program. The company had studied the potential of a daycare program for a few years, and it was determined that productivity would increase by at least 15%. It in fact increased by 28%. Lily’s sister-in-law always had an eye for good investments. Lily didn’t need to use it, but it was felt good working for a company that held parents in such a position.
When he told her he was going to sell the company out she was shocked. She didn’t think that he would go that far, ever. She gave him an ultimatum, if he did it then they were over. He got heated after that. The argument ended when Lily accidentally let it slip about how he got the job.
He left, she called her sister-in-law immediately, and told her everything. She never heard from her husband again.
At work they were close to a breakthrough in creating AI. The government even took an interest in the tech and bought what they had. The company made a lot of money, and continued to develop a lot of techs based around what they sold. Unfortunately the government did a lot of tests and proved it was impossible to create true AI. They still had a ten year contract with them though. The government would take all tech made by the companies they bought from for ten years. That was the agreement for selling.
At this point the US government was buying a lot of tech from companies that seemed to have a high potential. Her company still continued on in the AI research. The government gave the ok so it was all legal. They made a lot of interesting techs, a few even became somewhat known to the public. But the main goal of the company had been development of AI. With it they could do just about anything, from regulating bio domes for thousands of years, to things as miniscule as predicting battle outcomes in war sims.
Over the next few years she had to stop the research. She had a lot of personal problems to deal with. She even had to take out a loan once to bail her son out of jail. The guy she had been dating tried to force her to have sex. Unfortunately he had been powerful, and got Voice arrested. Lily’s sister-in-law offered to pay it off, but Lily didn’t fell right about letting other’s take care of her problems.
Eventually she did get it paid off, and Lily and Brenton moved. She started working with her sister-in-law again on the development of AI. The government had tried several times to make it, but it was all for nothing. So her sister’s company bought full rights to it.
Eventually she moved to the town where her sister lived. For some reason her sister didn’t like to be around Brenton. Lily felt sad, but he had stopped caring about the world, and she understood that being around someone like that was hard. When DI announced the release of the DIVE pods to the public she arranged for one to go to her son.
Sure rigging a global contest wasn’t fair, but she thought her son would finally come out of his shell. He had slowly come to care less and less about anyone but her. She loved him dearly, but because of she wanted him to have other friends. It took him a long time to even warm up to his aunt.
She had wanted to keep quiet about being in the company, so she asked to never be named. Even her relationship with her sister was completely held secret. With all the secrecy she had no real fear of people finding out her little request.
After getting him a DIVE pod, Lily went to watch the company’s latest AI experiment. She would only be gone for a month, but her friend Rachel was specifically watching Brenton while he played the game. Rachel had developed some sort of older sister type complex with Brenton. Even though she never met him. Lily had met Rachel a long time ago. Rachel was actually a good friend of her sister’s.
The developers in charge of updates each had a person they had to watch over. Rachel happened to be in charge of watching over her son. The contestants were chosen about a month before the news release. That gave the programmers in charge of the group enough time to create a city based on the personality traits the group showed.
Rachel had investigate her contestant like she was supposed to. She eventually became protective of him (again she never met him). She had apparently found some information even Lily didn’t know, but that was personal and Lily wouldn’t ask about it except from her son. She believed that if he kept it hidden it was for a reason. She also knew that DI had to have all the information on the winners. She didn’t like it, but mixing her personal feelings in wouldn’t help anything. She knew things like he used to get in trouble a lot in school, but he would always have a good reason for it. She never tried to dig any deeper if he said it wasn’t his fault.
Lily had made Brenton’s life as good as possible. The thing she cared about most in the world was her family. Her parents had died when Brenton was two, so he was her only family left. There was a freak car accident. They were killed instantly. At the time Brenton’s father was still a good man, he comforted her for a long while.
Alright now that we have a bit of background information about his parents let’s talk expand a little bit on why he turned out the way we have seen him.
Brenton’s POV:
Brenton was a pretty happy upbeat child. His mom would always take care of him, and his dad. Well his dad didn’t really count. He would go playing with his mom whenever he could. He have meals with her, she would give him baths, it was a good life.
After his biological father left he was confused. He didn’t know why they weren’t happy. All he knew was that his dad had left and made his mom cry. Up until that point he had loved both his parents, but he had always been a momma’s boy.
After his dad left he became slightly more withdrawn. He would still play with the other kids in school, and he was still upbeat, but it was never quite the same. When he entered middle school he started to notice something. The people around him would always try to get others in trouble instead of fessing up. They would shift the blame as much as possible. He was even labeled a trouble maker, because he never shifted the blame.
His mother would always understand why he had actually gotten in trouble. He tried to get others to be honest, but that backfired. The people around him started to distance themselves from him. He hated it when he saw people lying to those in power, especially if it was over something as stupid as getting punished.
If you did something wrong you should get punished. Those were the rules. He tried to believe people, but almost every time he helped someone it turned around and bit him in the butt. Like how he tried to get a boy’s pet lizard back from a bully that stole it. The bully that had the lizard told on Brenton, and the boy Brenton helped denied knowledge of it. One time he tried to help a girl that said she had an abusive family by giving her money. She ran away with an older guy and he was left with the consequences. Brenton gave money to homeless people often, but he would see several of them coming out of the beer store. The ones that didn’t he would still give money to, but the number of times he gave dwindled as he trusted people less and less. He eventually stopped helping people altogether.
He decided people weren’t worth it. He had basically given up on thinking people would ever be honest, or kind, or even just decent. When he had completely given up on people he fell in love with this girl in freshman year of college. She was kind, pretty, and always seemed so upbeat and honest. He tried to change himself to fit her tastes, but she didn’t even want him.
In his broken hearted state he became what she thought of as perfect. When he turned her down he got an insane rush. After that he got slightly addicted to the feeling of making new personas for himself. He hung out with many types of people, and became ‘friends’ with them all. After a while he would drop them, and the best part was they always thought it was their fault.
By the time his second year in college started, he could read a person almost perfectly after just a few hangouts. He even took some psychology courses to broaden his understanding of humanity in general. His addiction slowly changed from developing new personalities to fit people, into convincing people about absurd lies.
The best one was that he convinced a foreign dignitary that he was a European prince on the run. Sure he might have gotten into a lot of trouble if he was found out, but that was why he made sure not to be found out.
His addiction slowly died down as it became mundane. He no longer felt the thrill of convincing others he was perfect. Of course his mother was different. He would always be honest with her. She never asked questions too detailed about his life, so he felt like she was ok with how he lived it. His only real weakness in all of this was that he was weak to very direct honesty, and he still couldn’t force himself to turn away if he someone getting abused in front of him.
He heard of the new game called DIVE. It was supposed to be the world’s ‘first’ virtual reality device. The world already had some VR machines, but nothing like what DI promised. The other companies promised sight, sound, and sometimes taste, but never a fully immersive experience.
He was super excited to get one. He even applied for one of the five spots to get a free one. He would love it if his mom didn’t even have to pay for him to play. He would become the most respected person in the game, then he would control it. As soon as he decided on joining the growing horde of people trying to get a free DIVE pod, he was already creating a way to conquer the game.
Back to the game:
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice entered a dream realm and learned to feel the magic in the air. He changed his class to Force Mage, and gained a bunch of skills.
Days until Ether Realm Battle: 1.5
Voice was training with EDI in the woods until nighttime. He had gotten Heather and told her to hunt only within a few meters of where they were. Sol was to go with her until the second part of Voice’s training.
The training had two steps to it. The first half of the time he spent trying to see her while she snuck about. She would be stealthier and stealthier, until she finally used her stealth ability. From this Voice managed to gain the Spot and Listen skills. Oddly enough they fused to his Inspect skill.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%
This skill allows you to see hidden things. You can also pick things out of a crowd more easily.
Every level of this skill increases the amount of information your spot gives you. Every rank increases the level of your vision while you concentrate. Apprentice rank will make the user at least have eyesight of 20/20. If the user has equal to or better than that it will increase the sight by 3 feet. Every rank after Apprentice grants and additional 3 feet of sight, up to 20/10 vision.
You level this skill by spotting hidden things, or finding things in a crowd. The harder the object is to find the more exp you get from finding it. If you have already found the object you gain no exp.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%
This skill allows you to hear quiet things. You can also pick sounds out of a group more easily.
Every level of this skill increases your ability to hear sounds, and distinguish them. Every rank increases the distance you can hear from while concentrating.
You level this skill by listening to quiet noises, and distinguishing them.
With the automatic level seven given to the Group Skill he became able to pick up EDI’s trail a lot easier. Her ability still far outweighed his. He could not manage to find her if she were in stealth mode, and trying to stay silent.
With the hours of training he managed to level up Inspect to level 8. The best part about it was if he tried to spot something Inspect would inspect everything near where he was looking.
After leveling up his Inspect he decided that they would take a short ten minute break. He finally remembered to toggle it on after reading the entire description again. He was instantly bombarded by white boxes pointing with white lines to different objects. The information it said gave: the name of the object, below that was the level of potency of the object, below that was the magic class and a generalization of the power level of the mana inside the object. I.E. small, medium, large, or huge. The only thing that said huge was a necklace EDI had barely visible.
Voice wanted to ask her about it, but thought better. If she stopped helping him he would have no way to win against that black robed bastard.
Voice rested while he tried inspecting everything in a twenty foot area around him. While focusing on the air around him he was even able to tell the exact direction it was blowing, even if it wasn’t touching him. He didn’t know how he could use that, but he was sure that he could.
About halfway through his rest he was finally able to ignore most of the descriptions of things without actually turning the skill off. If he concentrated on the boxes getting smaller they would, until he made them bigger again.
He was trying to get all the information about everything when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
EDI said, “It’s been ten minutes. You said you wanted to start the next part of the training.” She said this quietly, she seemed a bit shy to Voice. He had no clue as to why. He wasn’t really watching her, so he didn’t pick up on any signs.
The next part of his training was a more exciting for him. He and EDI had a mock battle. He instructed Sol to heal them when his bandages ran out. His nursing skill, and inspect were slowly rising without any work on his part. He was pretty happy about that. Of course he turned down the size of the inspections too super small while sparing.
The spar started after Voice had grabbed his staff. It started as many spars do, with the participants circling each other. EDI was the first one to attack. She lunged at Voice with her left Sai. Voice was watching her and noticed her left foot dig slightly into the ground.
He put his staff up to defend against her attack that he felt was coming from the left. She had indeed struck at him with her left Sai, but noticing his defense twirled in a circle and attacked with her right. Voice couldn’t keep up with her twirl and was hit. His Hp dropped instantly to a 5%.
“EDI,” He coughed a bit as blood escaped from his mouth. “What level” cough, “what level are you?”
EDI shrugged innocently. “I just made it to level thirty today.”
Fuck. Fuckity Fuck Fuck. If she is only that level, I bet that guy Davros got is much higher. Even assuming he is a player he would have had much more time to level up than EDI. But level doesn’t really matter does it? You can still get skills up with a little bit of work. Then again I haven’t gotten any skills up lately, so maybe I really should think about power leveling. But if I did that I might miss out on some good skills! SHIT! This was supposed to be a fun rpg, not a damn strategy game. I guess I’ll just try to level up my class. That would probably have the best results. But I still need to find out what I need to get to make a guild.
He sent a brief private message to Susan asking her what someone needed to start a guild.
All of transpired in the ten seconds it took for the bandages to heal him. EDI held out a hand to him. “I’m sorry about that, I used a regular attack. I didn’t realize your hp was low. At least you have the heavy armor though.” He inspected his chainmail.
Chain Iron ArmorMaterial QualityLowWork QualityExpertDefense25Durability63/80Weight25 lbsThis item is extremely defensive. You lose almost no mobility since you are slightly accustomed to wearing heavy armor.
This armor was made by an expert craftsman. This armor gains plus five defense and twenty five durability.
“Wow EDI. You managed to knock off 17 durability in one attack.” EDI looked at the ground and mumbled something. Voice didn’t want her to quit sparring so he said, “Don’t worry about it. Armor was meant to be attacked like that.” He lifted her chin up and gave her his best smile. “I’ll just get it fixed up when we are done.”
EDI quickly got back to her stance. Voice did the same. It was decided that landing blows would be very unfortunate for Voice, so they would stop just before that. He didn’t know how, but she managed to take off over 200 hp in one attack. Now that might be normal for a level thirty, but he could only hit for twenty or thirty hp per shot.
This time Voice was the first one to attack. He held his staff from his right shoulder to his left hip. He swung the butt of his staff toward her knees. Seeing this EDI blocked with her right Sai. As her Sai descended Voice put all of his force into the top of his staff.
The tip of his staff swung towards her left shoulder. EDI easily caught it with her left Sai. She twisted her Sai and held the staff for several seconds. After a brief tug-of-war with EDI, Voice managed to get his staff free. He backed up several steps quickly. He grabbed one end of his staff with tight grip. He swung the other end at EDI.
She jumped in the air, but Voice caught her left leg as he turned his staff around to go the opposite direction. EDI crashed into the ground.
She got up angrily. “HEY! I thought we weren’t going to hit each other!” Voice’s skill was already bandaging her up.
Voice put his hands in the air. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t actually think it would hit you.” EDI was still mad at him, but it was a simple mistake. She decided to forgive him for now.
They got back to training after she had been bandaged up. They circled each other again. They exchanged blows without hitting each other. Voice would mostly ‘hit’ EDI while doing feints and tricks. EDI would ‘hit’ Voice whenever he had a failed attempt at a trick. In the end Voice was still covered in bruises even though the contact with EDI’s Sais was light.
The bandages quickly got used up. Sol was responsible for their wounds after that. By the end of the sparring Sol was almost completely out of magic. Its bright luminescence made into a dull glow. Voice had gained two endurance and one strength through the sparring session.
His agility and dexterity also had a small increase. They each gained one level. After Voice was satisfied with his gains he asked EDI,
“So, do you want to go hunting with Heather, Sol, and me? I’m going to go hunt until it’s time to go to the battle with Davros’ chosen.”
EDI hurriedly agreed. Voice had Heather run back to the city to drop off the pelts she had gotten from the hunting, and to get the pot and pan so Voice could cook the meat.
Voice invited EDI to a party, of course she accepted. EDI and Voice went into the forest and killed three wolves and a bear before Heather returned. Then entire next day Voice spent hunting monsters in the forest with EDI, Heather, and Sol. Although Sol only healed, and provided light at night.
The first group of monsters the fought was a group of four level 18 wolves. EDI took two, Heather took one, and Voice took one. Heather and EDI made short work of their wolves, but Voice was having a bit of trouble with his wolf. The monster had several new attacks, and was a lot faster and stronger than most of the wolves he had been used to hunting. Voice got a few cuts, but nothing major thanks to his armor, and his Sense ability.
After his second battle he no longer had any problems figuring out where the wolves would strike. His only real problem was keeping up with them. Heather and EDI didn’t seem to have any problems in that regard, but Voice was always just a second too slow unless he used Sense. He managed to dodge and block the strikes of the wolves after the first one, but it was very hard for him to land any hits of his own.
The only point where they had any actual danger was when two groups of four wolves each targeted them at the same time. It was about halfway through the second day. Which meant there was only about 12 in game hours before the final showdown.
They were resting after a hard fought battle. They had just finished restoring their hp and stamina when EDI heard a twig snap. She alerted Voice, who in turn alerted Heather. They lined up back to back in a triangle. They were surrounded on all sides by wolves. There were eight total. Sometimes Heather or EDI would try to attack, but the wolves would retaliate by attacking the aggressor from her left and right flanks.
These were all level 20 wolves. Except one. It was bigger and more intimidating than the others. Voice inspected it. It was level 25.
Shit. That’s almost as high as EDI. I’m level 19, and Heather is level 22. If we can hold off the other seven wolves maybe EDI can get the alpha.
Voice sent a pm to both parties, and began to attract attention away from EDI. He ran straight for the wolf in front of him and to his left. The wolf that was in front of him and to his right jumped at him, now flying towards Voice’s back. Heather did the same thing, but to the wolf in front of EDI.
The entire group went into a frenzy and started attacking. Voice was using Sense every time it wore out, just to be able to avoid most of the damage. His health was still draining fast. What Voice found out was that the skill only told you the placement that had the highest chance to negate the most damage. He always took a little bit. Luckily his armor was holding quite well. One wolf jumped at EDI, only to have a Sai embedded in its eye socket. As she threw her Sai she stepped back a step. The moment it passed between her and the Alpha she used stealth.
She picked up a rock and threw it up wind. The wind was blowing from the Alpha to her. The wolf looked in that direction, that was all the invitation EDI needed. She jumped onto the wolf’s back, and relentlessly pummeled the back of its head with her Sai. The wolf bucked and tried to bite or throw her off, but her legs were gripped so tight they were causing he pain.
After a few more, well placed, neck thrusts the Alpha was dead. Good thing too, because Voice was curled up in a ball getting attacked by two wolves. Meanwhile Heather had two wolf bodies lying near her, and was fighting two more. Sol was out of commission since he didn’t get to fully heal his magic. In the nighttime his magic regen was basically nil. Because of a lack of healing Heather was bloodied and bruised, her left forepaw was limp in the air. She did not touch it to the ground for the pain it would cause.
EDI decided to aid Voice first. He seemed to be in the most immediate danger. She quickly grabbed her Sai out of the eye of the monster she killed, and attacked the two ganging up on Voice. She ran to where the three were, and as soon as she got close enough, plunged both Sai into the eyes of one of the assailants.
Ripping them out she turned to attack the other wolf. Only to see Voice standing up with a wicked grin. Thinking better of it she went to help Heather. Heather only had one more wolf to kill, but was breathing extremely heavily, and seemed very slow.
EDI made it just as the wolf clamped its jaws around her neck. Heather looked helplessly past EDI. Time seemed to stop for a moment as she felt something rush past her. The next thing she knew the wolf was dead, and Voice was lying unconscious on the ground.
Voice was getting beaten by two wolves. After a short bout the other wolves all banded together to kill Heather. He was blocking and dodging as best he could, but he was getting pushed back by the two beasts. Eventually he ran out of stamina, and tripped on a rock. He instinctively curled into a ball as he fell. The two wolves took turns to attack him. The only thing saving his life was his armor.
He heard a deep howl, and suddenly one of the wolves was blown off of him. He took the opportunity to kick the other wolf away. He stood up with a savage smile. The wolf jumped at him, only to be tossed head first into the ground behind him. Voice turned around to attack, when he saw it. Heather was about to get her head ripped off by one of the wolves. EDI wouldn’t have time to get there. Heather was staring at him with eyes that pleaded for him to help.
He lost all control of his body. He entered Battle Rage without thinking about it. Seeing Heather in danger had been too much. He might not seem to care about her, but she had at least been around basically the entire time he had been playing the game. They had some amount of connection at least.
Voice ran towards the wolf killing Heather. Time seemed to slow down as he did. He instinctively used Sense. He planted his staff where it told him, and felt blood spurt on his feet. Ignoring it he kept running towards Heather. He made it just before the wolf completely clasped its jaws around her.
He struck the wolf in the base of the neck so hard it shattered his staff. The wolf fell over, dead. Voice was relieved that he saved Heather. He let the Battle Rage go, and fell to the ground.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassForce MageHealth290Mana500Stamina290Level19Current TitleMaster Of The Green HerbHealth Regen/Sec2.9Mana Regen/Sec7.2Stamina Regen/Sec4.9Strength37Agility32Wisdom72Intelligence50Endurance49Dexterity31Luck10Vitality29Charisma19Compassion40Leadership36Logic22Piety44Unused Stat Points50Fame540
Skills WindowSkill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%Deception Novice Level 9 Exp 33.33%Flattery Novice Level 2 Exp 00.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 9 Exp 16.67%Automated Novice Level 7 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 20 Exp 50.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 24 Exp 99.99%Climbing Novice Level 3 Exp 60.00%Heavy Armor Apprentice Level 25 Exp 00.00%Deceptive Aura Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 15 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Inspect Novice Level 8 Exp 25.00%Group Skill: Automatic Nursing Novice Level 6 Exp 33.33%Unique Skill: Skill Enhancement NoviceUnique Skill: Mana Affinity Novice
Affinities WindowNature10Light25
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8 206 - In Serial29 Chapters
Gremlin's Greed
When the power of one's magic is directly linked to how strong they believe they are, fools are kings. Jasper, a foul mouthed gremlin with a penchant for eating rats, has a serious problem. His only friend, Ethan, is dying, and the only cure is an artifact with enough power to make a god. Joined by a young pirate woman who has never used magic before and a mysterious woman that seems to know their future before it happens, they set out to save Ethan's life. His chances of survival don't look good. With every day that goes by, Ethan grows weaker. They set off to the Ashen Lands, where even the self-proclaimed gods fear to tread. Luckily, Jasper isn't a god - he's a gremlin, and he's completely and utterly insane. He's going to save Ethan's life, no matter what it costs him. Minutes to Madness is a lighthearted fantasy novel speckled with comedy while retaining the serious undertone of a race against time. The entire novel can be read on my patreon or on Amazon. READ OTHER WORKS BY ACTUS: My Best Friend is an Eldritch Horror Morcster Chef
8 194 - In Serial21 Chapters
The Overwoods. (ROYALROAD POSTING: I to IX+XX)
Union of Stars' agent Christopher Midnight tells the story of living in the Philippines- now mostly destroyed and known as the Overwoods. Between serial murderers, experiments, deliverance, and the redemption of the purest heart manipulated on multiple occasions, Midnight's entire team of talented and superpowered individuals struggle to bring light to a world drowning in darkness.
8 230 - In Serial9 Chapters
From the Dark, Comes Life
All I ever wanted was what normal people wanted. A simple life, money to supply my and her needs, and children to watch grow old with us. However, life has this way of making a joke out of your dreams, your desires, and honestly, your personal opinion. It was at the height of my career that my life went from all wins to back to back losses. At first, I was optimistic. I felt that I could overcome this. This wasn't something that could keep her down. She was stronger than this. We were stronger than some disease. At some point, it even look like she was going to make a strong recover. We already bought tickets and were planning our next step in life. Talking about kids, that blue house and white picket fence. Ho... Instead, I stood in front of a freshly dug grave. I stared at the casket that was being lowered into the muddy ground. I did not say my last goodbyes. How could I when everything she was, she had become, she was going to be was in my face like a fresh slap. Our house, my work office, the blackness behind my eyelids. It was a fresh reminder.. Then, I got this fresh start.. This crazy bish summoned me.. Summoned me from a world where I had went down the wrong path. To a world where there was no right and wrong for me. There was no peers I had to look into the eye and see pity. There was no more of walking to her grave and telling her what I had become after she was gone. It was simply just us in my heart. The way she look when she at her worse, the strong vigor she held in her soul. Comforting me while I was attempting to comfort her... Ha, this new world.. I wondered.. is this not a fresh start? Should I care about what will or wouldn't happen? As long as I can recreate what I lost? Should I care about what I shall become? Let's find out how far I can fall in the pursuit of what I desire...
8 231 - In Serial34 Chapters
The Ripper
Let's get one thing straight I'm no hero nor villain, I do what I want when I want. Eric Lycan is a 29 year old man who was born with extraordinary abilities. These abilities caused him to have a horrible childhood with so many people after him, key amongst them being the government. After years of running Eric is tired of it all and decides it is time he stops running, it is time he fought back after all he has nothing left to loose. Book 1 in the Next Gen Superverse
8 146 - In Serial61 Chapters
Natasha x y/n
y/n has a traumatic past, but is hoping to leave it behind. she falls head over heals for a fellow avenger.
8 307