《DIVE》Dive 19: Staff Skills
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice started training with his staff, and only got to do warm ups with it. He also made some super potions for the temple of Mar. He became Mar’s Champion, and thought about how to become Davros’.
Chapter 19 very minor spoilers
Spoiler : Also, I got the idea for the staff spinning from this guy. Check him out. Like his stuff if you think he’s cool. I thought he was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDKU-D4tq3
For the rest of the night Voice practiced on his staff skills. Well… he actually just did more warm ups. Steve didn’t teach him anything. He just had him do jumping jacks, hand twirls, and squats. Voice alternated between these exercises for the entire night. By the time he left he could barely even walk. He didn’t even bother to don his heavy armor.
The heavy armor training didn’t even tire me out this much! These are just exercises, why are they so exhaustive?
The next morning he went to the library. He checked out some books on staff fighting techniques.
Steve might not teach me, but I’ll be damned if I don’t learn how to fight. I don’t fucking care if I ‘need the basics first’.
Voice was getting worried that he might not be able to defeat Davros’ champion.
Although it won’t matter if I become his champion.
Lydia greeted him when he came in. Voice would check out books in the morning, and read them over the day. She had no idea how he could read so much while doing all of his training. Susan was telling he all about it. Susan was very happy to know someone like Voice. She would always wax and wane about all of Voice’s good points. She was especially excited that he had donated all of his master quality potions to the church of Mar. She was a very deep adherent of Mar. She believed in absolute love for all creatures equally.
Voice had planned to get some more spells, for free preferably, from the priests after this. He asked Lydia,
“So why do magic books disappear after you read them?”
Lydia straightened in her chair. “Well normal books, like novels or skill books, just show you the information. In the case of skills they just detail how to perform the skill. Spell books directly go into your body opening a pathway to the Ether Realm. When you take the magic in the book into yourself, you are taking a bit of the Ether Realm into yourself. That’s all I know. You should ask a mage for more information; they’d probably know more.”
Voice didn’t care that much. He decided to return inside the book ‘General knowledge of the unknowable’ since he was only allowed to renew it once, and it had already passed the first two week span.
He wanted to go after training. He might not like the training, but he knew there was some purpose behind it. He also decided to get some free healing books before going in. He had less people this time, and didn’t want to be overwhelmed.
After checking out the books he recalled Boris and Heather. He had gained a few wolf pelts, and a monkey tail. He told them told them to gather as many vegetables from the plains and near the forest as possible.
Voice dumped the loot on Evan as per usual. Evan’s smithy had started to look much nicer from the time Voice got here.
It probably has to do with me giving him my pelts all the time. Well if I can get better free stuff in the long run I’m ok with it.
He decided on a game plan for getting the free books.
He took his pot from Susan’s, and all of the wolf meat he had gathered from his pets’ training. When he arrived at the chapel he saw that there was almost no line. He went up to Priest number one, the one that always greets him.
“Hello there priest! Mar must have blessed the chapel for it to quickly heal the people of this town. Just yesterday the line to request healing was long enough to wrap around the city.”
The priest gave a deep bow to Voice which caught him a little off guard.
“Yes, it is thanks to Mar’s blessings and your potions that the city is healed.”
Voice nodded his head then asked, “I need more healing spells if I am to defeat Davros’ Chosen. I do not have enough money to buy any, so I was wondering what I could do in order to earn them.”
The priest thought for a moment. “Well, Mar does except devotion for the books. If you do things that would normally bring you closer to Mar you earn piety. You can exchange that piety for things from the church if you wish. Of course the more pious you are the more you can exchange for. There are five ranks of spells. You can currently cast the first four. Of course the higher level priest spell you wish to cast the higher piety you have to have.”
Shit, so I have to have a minimum piety level. If I cash it in I can get a more powerful spell, but not be able to cast it.
The priest continued. “Every rank in spell costs three times as much as the last. The Novice rank only costs three piety. You need at least ten piety to cast Novice spells. Every rank above that requires three times as much. At this point you can buy twenty points worth if you wish to cast Apprentice level spells.”
Voice nodded. He already had a way to increase his piety so that wasn’t a problem. “Let me see your selection of Apprentice and Novice books please.”
The priest slightly bowed his head while he led Voice to the same book shelf as last time. As the priest took books from it didn’t seem to lose any.
The two novice books the priest held out were: the HoT (Heal over Time), and the healing rate buff.
The apprentice books the priest held out were: Quick Heal, Large Heal, Lasting Heal, Deep Heal, Hp Buff, and Damage Reduction.
Quick Heal
Heals the target’s health by ((10 + .5*light affinity) * Aura).
The base spell cost for this spell is 25 mana.
The healer must touch the target for this spell to be effective. You must know Healing Hands to learn this spell.
Large Heal
Heals the target’s health by ((40 + light affinity) * Aura).
The base spell cost for this spell is 60 mana.
The healer must touch the target for this spell to be effective. You must know Healing Hands to learn this spell.
Heal Over Time
Heals the target’s health by ((40 + light affinity) * Aura) over the course of five seconds.
The base spell cost for this spell is 35 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective.
Deep Heal
Heals the target’s health by ((60 + light affinity) * Aura) over the course of five seconds.
The base spell cost for this spell is 50 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective. You must know Heal Over Time to learn this spell.
Lasting Heal
Heals the target’s health by ((100 + light affinity) * Aura) over the course of ten seconds.
The base spell cost for this spell is 50 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective. You must know Heal Over Time to learn this spell.
Healing Rate Buff
Increases the target’s healing rate by ((10 + light affinity) * Aura) percent for five seconds.
The base spell cost for this spell is 40 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective.
HP Buff
Increases the target’s health by ((50 + light affinity) * Aura) for one minute.
The base spell cost for this spell is 100 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective. You must know Healing Rate Buff to learn this spell.
Damage Resistance
Decrease all direct damage to the target by ((10 + light affinity) * Aura) for one minute.
The base spell cost for this spell is 200 mana.
The healer must indicate a target within five feet for this spell to be effective. You must know Healing Rate Buff to learn this spell.
Voice was quite intrigued by the different spells here. He realized they had a skill tree system for the magic.
That means they probably have something really good at the end.
He instantly decided to by the HoT and Healing Rate spells, since they seemed to be required for two thirds of the healing spells. He had 47 piety left thanks to his discount on the books. He could still use 17 more to get new spells to cast. Each apprentice spell would cost about 4.5 piety. If he bought four of them he would need to gain one piety to use them. So he needed a total piety increase of at least 27 to buy all of them.
He bought three for now. Quick heal, Hp buff, and Damage Resistance.
He started to auto read them while he asked the priest to help him set up for cooking outside of the chapel.
First he asked them to get someone talented in fire and wind. He also asked for bread and cheese. He made sure to specify that the fire be big enough for his pot and his pan. The priest was confused but complied. The fire pit was set up with the help of some nearby guards. Basically all of the guards were devout believers of Mar.
When the fire pit was done Voice asked for some water, a chunk of salt, a table, and a chair, then started cooking. He separated the many pounds of wolf meat into three piles. He looked at his inventory and noticed that there were 43 carrots, 30 radishes, about three dozen apples, two beehives, and a large deer. He was really grateful the deer went into his inventory as a pelt and deer meat. He later asked who got what. Heather got the carrots and radishes, and Boris got the apples, deer, and beehives. He had made sure to tell Boris to give all of the items to Heather so they would go straight to Voice’s inventory.
Voice started cutting the wolf meat. As soon as the water was boiling he put in the salt. After a few seconds he threw in the wolf meat. He quickly cut up several carrots and radishes. He threw them in as he cut them. He made sure to keep the pot a little high off the fire to not overcook it.
A mage arrived when the smell just started drifting in the air. He wore billowing purple robes. He had short brown hair, and striking blue eyes.
“Yes? I was told by a priest you needed me for something? What’s wrong?” The mage looked around worriedly. Obviously the priest didn’t tell him Voice’s idea.
“Nothing is wrong sir mage. I apologize for making you worry. I wished to know how devout you are.”
The mage’s face went from confusion, to anger. Finally it ended on an exasperated look.
“Look, I heard that the Chosen of Mar needed my help. I came over, but my time is not to be spent idly.”
Voice smiled. He was filling his six bowls with the stew he made. “I am doing charity in the name of Mar. I need your help. It might seem inconsequential to you, but what I ask can only be done by someone of your power. Please help Mar help the people.”
The mage finally relented with a defeated look. “Alright what do you need?”
“I need you to keep the temperature of the stew in these bowls the way it is. I also need you to make the smell of this stew waft as far away as possible. I want the whole city to smell it.”
The mage looked like he was about to walk off, so Voice put a hand on his arm.
Voice continued. “Look, if you think this is a waste of your time I will serve you for an entire month. Starting from fifteen days from now. I have things I have to do for Mar and someone else before that.”
The mage thought this over and agreed. A slave for a month was a good trade for a bit of his time.
Voice asked the priests for more bowls and eating utensils. He also asked for plates. He just finished his second pot of stew when they returned with enough tableware to feed a small army. As he started his third bowl a peasant approached.
The pitiful dirty peasant asked, “Sir, what is it you are doing?”
Voice replied by smiling while still making the stew. “Well my good sir, I am making food to give those that donate what they can to Mar. Perhaps you’d like a taste?”
The peasant took a bite of the food Voice offered him. He quickly devoured the entire bowl.
Voice took the bowl back and asked the priests to wash it and the spoon. “That one was free. Next time you must make a donation inside the church.”
The peasant nodded and ran off.
He’s probably telling all of his dirty peasant friends about my cooking!
The man may have disgusted Voice personally, but he had to start getting the ball rolling on this whole thing. His plan was to get enough people to donate to the church to raise his piety stat. He didn’t know if it would work, but it would definitely get him more cooking skill. The priests would probably also like him more.
After he had finished his third pot of stew the peasant had returned with three others. They went into the church, and several seconds later returned. Voice nodded to the priest. The priest gave each one of them one bowl of stew.
They ate it. The stew was delicious to say the least. The pot and pan had stackable cooking bonuses, meaning that any % bonus from the cooking skill was also effected by the enchantment. At level 22 cooking skill, Voice’s food was 3.15 times better than normal.
As the three finished their bowls with content expressions others started arriving. That was the main reason for the mage. People would be curious as to where the delicious smell was coming from. They would gather and start a small crowd. Then people would keep coming to see what the smell was, but would also come to see what the crowd was about.
As others came Voice gave them the same instructions as the first peasant. Donate for good food. One man out of the five there did. When he tasted the food he made his friends try it too. They all thought it was delicious and ate his entire bowl with him only getting a bite. All five went in to donate to get a bowl. Voice started cutting slivers of the meat and frying it on the pan. He added a few sliced carrots to the mix. When the meat was done he toasted the bread and cheese in the grease.
It might sound bad, but it brought a perfect flavor to the bread. Somewhere down the line a priest had brought him eggs. He decided to fry those too. He made a few egg, cheese, and wolf meat sandwiches. He didn’t gain fame from it this time though.
He spent time equally between frying the food and cooking the stew. After only thirty minutes of cooking he could no longer keep up with the demand. There was a large line of people giving donations. They would wait until he filled the bowls, then let that many people in to donate.
Word quickly spread around the city to the charity event. EDI heard about it and found her way there. She was amazed at the way Voice was constantly trying to improve people’s lives. First with donating mass amounts of potions, then he became the talk of the town by becoming Mar’s Chosen. Now he was donating food he painstakingly farmed in the forest. He wasn’t even killing animals for the meat, just monsters that respawned. He was truly a kind hearted man.
EDI decided to work on her fear of others. If Voice could see past the label of npc, then she could learn to accept other humans and join forces with them. She opted out of joining the line. She had seen Heather and Voice’s bear out leveling every day. She decided to go out and do some leveling herself. She was determined to help Voice, so she couldn’t be weak.
Voice continued to cook oblivious to EDI’s presence. He was quickly exhausting his piles of meat, but he had an enormous surplus of vegetables. He sent an order in the form of a message to his pet and monster. He told them to get more wolf meat. He noticed the meat occasionally jumped in quality.
He had no hope of completing all of the orders anymore. By the time he ran out of vegetables he was making only grilled wolf meat and cheese sandwiches, and making wolf stew with apple slices in it. It would probably not taste very good, but since he had the huge bonus to taste it turned out slightly better than edible. They were good but lacked variety. It was already past noon. He had been making food for several hours.
Since the priests accepted the donations after Voice was ready to give out the next batch of food, he got up and started packing.
He looked towards everyone in line. He gave an overly humble bow to the. “Good people! I am loathe to say, but I must depart! Mar, may her name be praised, has tasked me with defeating Davros’ Champion! I must train! TRAIN. TRAIN! I’m sorry that you all waited here for so long. Give the priest you names, I will come to cook again in a two days at sunrise!”
The people let out sighs of discontent, but they understood why he had to go. After all if Davros had his way all the people here would be killed. So they let Voice go about his training with high expectations of the future.
As the crowd was giving their names to the priest Voice took his bowls and spoons, they looked different than the ones the priests used, and washed them with the pot and pan.
After washing them he recalled Heather and Boris to see how effective the hunting was. While he was waiting he checked how much piety he had gained.
You have gained 15 piety for raising so many funds for the church of Mar.
You have gained 5 compassion for raising so many funds for the church of Mar to use for the poor.
You have leveled up the Deception skill to level 9 for deceiving so many as to the reason you are giving food.
He also had been checking his cooking as the day wore on. It quickly got to novice 24, but stopped after it got to 99.99%.
I probably need to do some training or something like with the heavy armor.
He went back inside and bought a fourth apprentice spell. He bought Deep heal.
If all the spells are on a skill tree I should have at least one of each apprentice level.
He went to the training hall next door and did warm ups until they got there. When he arrived there he had finished reading the HoT spell.
He had been doing the warm ups for about twenty minutes when they arrived. He talked with them a bit while resting. They looked a bit word down. They each had several cuts and bloody bits on their bodies. Heather’s entire face was coated in a thick red paste.
He was breathing heavily since he was exerting himself to the max. As he had been training his agility had increased by one.
“So *breathes* what happened *deep breath*. So what happened when you guys went out hunting?” Voice was actually a little concerned, not that he’d admit it. These two had proved today that they could hunt for him without worry. He quickly healed them while Heather told the story.
“We started gathering the vegetables and stuff like you asked. Boris went into the forest to get what he thought was tasty. When you told us to kill more wolves Boris looked really happy for some reason. I was pretty happy too actually. Wolf meat is delicious. Anyway we first attacked a pack of five wolves. They put up a good fight, but every time they tried to attack Boris I would rip one of their throats.”
Voice was actually impressed by the team work the two had shown. “So you guys killed a lot huh? I noticed the quality of the meat jump a few times. Why was that?”
By this time he had finished healing them both. He went and got some water for his pot. He heated it and began scrubbing the two with his shirt.
These two deserve something nice. You know to keep up morale! Wait did I just say that to myself? He questioned why that happened, but since no one would know he just decided to forget it.
She answered while being bathed. “Well we eventually decided that the wolves we fought were too weak. They all had levels around 5, so we went a little deeper into the forest to get higher leveled ones. We found that after a certain range the levels began to be around 10. When Boris got to level ten we decided to go to level 15. We had a bit of trouble there so didn’t go further.”
Voice decided that the next day he would go hunting with them. After he had washed both of them he told them that they were free to do whatever. As long as they didn’t get bloody again.
He started doing the warm ups again. He added in one that was still the staff spinning, but with his left hand. At first it was quite difficult, but within a matter of minutes he was able to maintain a decent imitation of when his right hand was on bottom. Voice continued to do the warm ups for another hour. After that time had passed he got a notice saying the book ‘Healing Rate Buff’ had finished.
I’m learning the healing spells a lot quicker now. Voice thought. He mumbled to himself, “I guess you learn the first magic of a type you learn the others a lot quicker.”
You are the first player to have reasoned out the learning curve for magic. For being the first player to have figured this out you have gained 2 intelligence.
Once he stopped to look at the notice Steve came over.
“Alright Voice, I see you doing the exercises. You’ve gotten pretty good at them. Usually it takes newbies a long time to get used to it. I heard that only the other-worlders could learn new skills that fast.”
Voice didn’t know if he was learning fast or not, but he was certainly gaining a nice amount of stats. Just in the last hour he had gained 2 endurance and 3 more agility.
Steve took him to the side and showed him the next step in his training.
“This is the second staff spin you are going to do.”
Steve held his staff on his right side with his right hand facing up. His pinky faced forward. Like this he started to move the staff in an upwards arc to the left. When the staff made it a little past his left shoulder he made a semi-circle with it, his hand was now facing down. His pinky was still leading as he made an upwards arc that ended at the right side of his body next to his right shoulder. He made another semi-circle and repeated the process a few times. His body was swaying the entire time.
The weird part was that he moved his abdomen more than his arm. The arm was basically just turning and guiding the staff. Voice watched all of this with apt attention. He made sure to get every detail.
Once Steve had done that a few times he looked at Voice. “Do that until you get tired. Then come see me again.”
Voice did as he was told. He copied Steve’s posture and movements. For five minutes he continued this. Once his arm started to feel like lead he switched arms. He did that arm for five minutes as well. He repeated this cycle with decreased reps each time. Eventually his arms felt like they would fall off. He placed his staff on the floor so he didn’t have to hold it.
He went to Steve. “Master, I’ve done the spinning.”
Steve was occasionally sneaking glances at the boy. He was impressed by the sheer force of will he possessed.
“Start with the first spin. After doing that a few times, take the staff in your right hand. You will have your palm up, and your thumb will lead the way to the right. Then spin the staff so your palm does a 360 turn. Once the staff is facing upright you hand off the other hand behind your back. With the pink forward do another semi-circle, then bring the staff in front of you. Do the first spin I taught you a few times then repeat.”
Voice did as he was told. It took him half a dozen tries to get it right. He couldn’t do it quickly, but at least he could do it. After fifteen minutes of this he went back to his exercises. He did as many reps of each as he could.
Over the course of the night Steve had him learn several different spins and moves. One such move was putting the staff in front of you with both hands palm down. You then circle the staff and twist one wrist. The end result was the staff being under one arm, with whichever arm it was under in front. You then did the same thing resulting in it being under the left arm. All in all it looked like a two handed version of the last technique.
Voice had learned all of the magic of the books he bought. Thirty minutes before Voice usually went home Steve had him practice a ‘sample spar’ with another student. Steve walked him through what he needed to do.
“First you have the opponent. The opponent would attack high, then low, left side, right side, thrust, head sweep, leg sweep, spin attack, and end with three quick thrusts.”
He slowly showed Voice each step. He went over the entire move set four times before he thought Voice was ready. Of course Voice was using Sense in order to know where to block from. The weapons master Steve thought a little bit better of Voice when he didn’t have to point out where to block from.
Voice bowed to his opponent and began. The opponent, Zander, held his staff with both hands in the middle. Voice did the same. Zander was an older boy. Probably sixteen or seventeen. He was probably one of the best students here. He was very toned; he could even have passed for a fitness nut back in Voice’s world.
Zander attacked. First he swung the tip of his staff at Voice’s head in a downward arc. Voice blocked this by sliding his hands into a wider position and putting his staff sufficiently in front of his face. Zander then took the butt of his staff and brought it up in an arc towards the fork in Voice’s legs. Voice quickly lowered his staff down to block it. He was slightly jarred from the impact though.
The next second Zander’s staff was headed for his left rib cage, using a vertical slash. Voice moved the part of his staff pointing left to point up, successfully blocking the attack. Zander brought the staff over his head in a circling motion and suddenly struck Voice’s right rib cage.
With a loud THWACK, Voice went to the floor. His eyes were swirling, but he managed to stay conscious.
FUUUUUUUUUUUCK! Someone REALLY needs to tone down that mother fucking PAIN SENSER!
The main problem with training weapons, or actually fighting, in DIVE was that the pain felt so real. Not many people would want to play a game where they could actually feel dying.
Voice quickly healed himself. Gasping he looked at his opponent. Zander had a wicked smile on his face.
I’ve been learning for like two seconds Ass! Like to bully the weak?
Voice decided to mark this man for the future. He might need a good beating.
Voice got back up and returned to the first position. Zander repeated the strikes again. Voice repeated his earlier actions, this time however he made sure to block the right side strike. Zander looked miffed at this. Voice smiled angrily.
Serves you right, Bioooootch!
Zander thrust his staff at Voice’s abdomen. Voice blocked by moving his staff in a single circle. He twirled his staff in such a manner as to push Zander’s staff above his head. Zander was showing his anger now. He moved his staff to do a vertical sweep at Voice’s head. Voice couldn’t keep up with the movement, and was forced to use Sense. Without thinking about it he moved his staff up to a vertical position to the right of his head.
Before contact was even made Zander was moving in to the leg sweep. Voice was frantic at this point. He moved his staff to the opposite side of his body since that is where he thought the swing would come from.
He was correct, and only got slightly jarred from the massive strength of the blow. Zander smiled as he started doing the side spin Voice learned as the second spin. The only difference between Zander’s spin and Voice’s was the massive speed Zander spun at.
Voice didn’t even try to block it like he was supposed to. He was meant to do the double handed front spin. Instead he watched Zander’s attack. After a few seconds that felt like hours, he noticed that Zander had a slight millisecond delay when he went from the top left arcing down to the bottom left.
Voice started spinning his staff from side to side with both hands while backing up. Zander followed him. After two more cycles Voice inserted his staff in the hitch in Zander’s spin. Zander’s staff flew out of his hands.
Voice smiled arrogantly. “You should hold on to your weapons better. Losing a weapon in battle could cost you your life, you know?”
Zander threw an angry glare towards Voice. Voice chuckled to rile him up more. Voice knew Zander was a much better staff master; but if you could find even one hitch in a pattern you could destroy the entire thing.
Zander stalked over to his staff and got back into position. Everyone in the training hall was dead silent as they watched this newbie dig his own grave.
Zander started doing the motions way too fast for Voice to keep up with. Voice’s stamina had healed up a bit while Zander sulked. Even though Voice couldn’t keep up with Zander’s moves, he could use Sense to barely block them. He made sure to smile the entire time.
Voice had enough mana, with his mana regen, to hold off eight attacks in a row. Unfortunately there were nine attacks, not to mention that the last attack was really three. Voice tried to know Zander’s staff out of his hands again, but Zander had learned his lesson and kept far tighter control over his staff this time. Voice tried to block the three thrusts at the end. He managed to block the first one, aimed at his chest. The second one slipped past his defense, hitting him the stomach. The air was knocked out of him. Zander knew he had won, but felt he needed to drive the point home. He put all his strength into his arms and did the final thrust of the three. It was aimed for Voice’s face.
Steve saw fit to interfere seeing what Zander was going to do. He threw a chained sickle he had prepared beforehand, in case of something like this. The chain wrapped neatly around Zander’s staff, stopping it inches from his face.
By this point both boys were panting. Voice had the sheen of sweat around his entire body. Zander was sweating, but just a bit on his forehead. Voice collapsed when the chain wrapped around Zander’s staff.
Steve called to Zander. “So this is how you prove to me you are ready for the weapons mastery test? You have been nagging me about how much you have prepared for it. You seem to forget that a weapons master should have just as much control over his mental self as his physical self. If either are not perfect you might as well be a fairy wielding a club!”
Zander’s glare towards Voice seemed like it would kill Voice at any second.
Voice decided to quietly goad him a little more, and so whispered, “Hey, it’s not my fault you can’t beat a newb without raging.”
Zander looked VERY angry. Suddenly the anger vanished from him, and he smiled. He turned around and left, the sudden change in demeanor sent chills down Voice’s spine.
Steve looked at Voice disapprovingly. “You shouldn’t goad someone so young.”
Voice was only a little bit older than the boy, but he understood. He bowed to Steve and left.
He was dead tired. At the end of his fight he had gotten two notifications.
You suffering from exhaustion. All stats are decreased by 50%. You mind will seem to slow down until you rest.
You are famished. You will not recover stamina or health until you eat.
Even in his horrid state he had a brilliant idea. The system asked him several times if he was sure. Something about an ‘unstable state of mind’. He kept hitting yes until it worked.
As soon as he got to Susan’s he went to sleep. He didn’t even see that Heather and Boris were in his room. His last thought before falling asleep was wanting to beat the snot out of that kid.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassMonster TamerHealth200Mana410Stamina290Level10Current TitleMaster Of The Green HerbHealth Regen/Sec2.0Mana Regen/Sec7.7Stamina Regen/Sec4.6Strength29Agility28Wisdom77Intelligence41Endurance46Dexterity25Luck10Vitality29Charisma14Compassion40Leadership36Logic12Piety44Unused Stat Points0Fame540
Skills WindowSkill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%First Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Deception Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Flattery Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 7 Exp 10.00%Automated Novice Level 7 Exp 00.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 20 Exp 40.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 24 Exp 99.99%Climbing Novice Level 3 Exp 60.00%Heavy Armor Apprentice Level 25 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 15 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Inspect Novice Level 7 Exp 11.43%
Affinities WindowNature10Light25
- In Serial70 Chapters
The Court of Souls?
What do we talk about tonight?~“How about a story?”~Fine by me. Which story? Hopefully a good one.~“There was once a lonely child in a world filled with myths, gods and demons. Only power counted there and the weak were worse than cattle. A world where survival of the fittest ruled.”~Was it strong then?~“No, but the child had a power. One that made him stand between light and darkness. Nothing could escape him, so he was shunned by his people.”~ What did he do? Did he fight his fate? Did he hide his power? What was it?~“Oh, he fought. He fought a lot. And no thing could escape his power. It was something that everyone had to live with.”~So he became a hero and changed the world?~»…”~Tell me.~“Nooo, that’s not how the story goes. This isn’t a story of a noble man, doing good amidst a sea of monsters. This is a story of a demon who was… kinder than the rest.”~A kind demon? How boring.~“I think it would be better if I tell the story, so you can judge for yourself.”~So tell the story!
8 535 - In Serial15 Chapters
Percy Jackson: Why Does Rebirth Have To Be So Confusing?
What if Odysseus was reborn as Perseus Jackson? What if he didn't get his memories back until he bathed in the River Styx? How would Percy's life change with memories of his past life affecting him? How would this change the fate of the world with the Giant war approaching? Read to find out! Gift for 1967HogwartsGoddess for blessing us with her AMAZING fic 'Falling For You.' It is very awesome. I swear it's from heaven. Or Olympus. (Hehe) Also a gift for the lovely IzzyMRDB, who's fics are amazing, and extremely well written. Reading your fics actually gave me the inspiration to write this. I read them and thought, I wanna be an amazing author like this! And so I started writing! You have my eternal thanks.
8 284 - In Serial10 Chapters
Battlegrounds Of Celestial Beings
"What? What the hell is this? Where the hell am I?"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They were supposed to be living a life without worry, life that every single person in the world were willing to die for, but, in the next moment, all of it vanished. The money that everyone envied became nothing but a trash that should be disposed off, the influence that they have became a history that they reminisced for. What replaced it is a dark and gloomy place. A place where danger lurks everywhere. They, who were used to live a life of luxury, were thrown into a place where lives didn't matter, and only the strongest, survives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your eyes, they are monsters. But in their eyes, you are nothing but an ant. STRUGGLE, FIGHT AND SURVIVE.
8 319 - In Serial11 Chapters
Glacierwaif Act 1: Homefront
Runt is a PT:DRVG (Pigmy Troll: Domestically Raised, Vat Grown) Trooper for a corporation known as Megacorp, in the Dastardly Dark Empire of Evil Bas...erm, Baddies.The world he lives in is locked in a proxy war between the aforementioned nation and a nation known as the United Nations of Good Guys and Heroes. His purpose is simple: Protect the lives and property of all those who live in his nation. This first act focuses on his transfer to a new platoon and his exploration of Megacorp and its residents.
8 136 - In Serial13 Chapters
ninjago smut but its just kai
y'all already know- Greenflamers Please Fuck Off this is not for you !!!!!- I'm part of the small section of the smut community that can use proper grammar ;)- This will only be Kai until unlikely further notice thanks for coming to my TED talk- Just a warning that these are going to be dramatically unfinished sozzers- An asterisk in the title means it's a smut- The title is a lie there's stuff other than smut in here smfh--1k // 11/11/19----5k // 16/03/20----10k // 21/05/20----15k // 13/07/20----30k // 13/02/21----40k // 01/07/21----50k // 26/09/21----69k // 12/03/22----80k // 17/05/22----90k // 13/07/22----100k // 27/08/22----#1 in #kaismith // 10/04/20----#1 in #ninjagokai // 28/08/22----#1 in #ninjagofanfic // 23/02/22----#1 in #ninjagomastersofspinjitzu // 19/08/20----#1 in #legoninjago // 12/22/20----#1 in #ninjagosmut // 03/03/22----#4 in #lego // 27/08/21----#13 in #ninjagofanfiction // 17/03/21----#23 in #ninjago // 31/03/21----#30 in #lemons // 29/08/20--
8 142 - In Serial10 Chapters
Why don't we smut and imagines
Idk what I'm doing but there's smut so...
8 175