《DIVE》Dive 18: More Potions?
Short summary of the last chapter:
Spoiler : Voice completed the entire first level of the dungeon. He learned the heavy armor and climbing skills. He beat the obstacle course, and finally dodged one of Steve’s attacks. He also became a monster tamer. He gained a bear but lost Troy and Rabs.
Also in chapter 11 the head priest said 80,000. Well it should have said 10,000. I blame Davros, the dark god of douche bags.
The next day Voice sent out his animals and went for training in the morning by habit. Steve saw him and approached.
“You know Voice, the training is done.”
Voice forgot that the old man wasn’t here anymore. He quickly decided to get training for his staff. All he had to do was kiss up to the instructor a little.
“My training will never be done. Please will you teach me how to better wield my weapon? I feel inadequate with it. I believe one should be one with his weapon. I know that I should think of it as an extension of myself, but I cannot seem to do it. Please teach me.”
Normally Steve didn’t except any pupils, at least not until they had a decent proficiency in the weapon of their choosing. This boy could obviously wield a staff, but he was by no means trained for it.
Steve – Well he does have obvious potential.
“Alright, when do you want to start?” Steve was interested in how far this boy could go.
“Right now good?” Voice took out his staff.
“Sure, but take off your armor. I want you to get used to the staff as much as possible.”
Voice regretted taking off his armor, but he realized he had to obey every command in order to get the highest rank upgrade when he got the staff skill.
Steve turned towards the assembled trainees. “LISTEN UP! TODAY WE ARE GOING TO PRACTICE STAFF ROUTINES! GET… YOUR… STAVES!!!”
As the members rushed to get their weapons, Steve turned to ask Voice, “So why a staff? I saw that you were doing ok blocking, but you would be better at blocking with a shield.”
Voice thought about it for a minute before answering. “Well I want to maintain a high amount of mobility in my armor.”
Steve nodded and motioned for Voice to get next to the others. Each had a six foot staff, the same as him. They each held the staff in their right hands, about two thirds of the way up. He adopted the same pose.
Steve shouted while getting into a positon similar to doing jumping jacks. “START!” Everyone did the same.
They are actually doing jumping jacks!
Voice smiled in disbelief. He mirrored them. Whenever the students’ hands were at the apex, they would hand off the staff to their other hand.
From rest they brought both hands up above their heads, while putting both feet at should distance apart. They gave the staff to their left hand, then went back to rest position. They brought their hands up and gave the staff to the right hand.
They did one hundred jumping jacks. Steve was calling out every one of them. As he counted higher Voice could feel his strength leaving him.
I battled in a giant suit of heavy armor! Why is this tiring me out!?
Voice’s arms burned by the end of it. He wanted to drop on the ground, but the other students stuck their right hands out holding the staves. Voice forced himself to do the same. He started watching Steve for what to do.
Steve was holding his staff in the middle with his right hand only, his hand was facing the floor. He also had the back of his left hand on top of his right.
He briefly explained for Voice. “What you are going to do is rotate the staff clockwise. Skip your hand once, then hand it off to the top hand. Put your bottom hand facing down again. Rotate, skip, catch it and face your top hand up.”
Voice tried and dropped the staff the first time. Blood rushed to his face in embarrassment. He retrieved it and tried again. This time he managed to get the hang of it. He nodded to Steve and Steve had the group do the same.
They started slow, but quickly gained speed. It was only for about a minute, but Voice’s forearms burned like fire afterwards. Voice hadn’t felt this way since high school.
Why did they make this world feel so real? They could really dial it down.
Next Steve had them do squats with the staves. The squats they did had them put their legs far apart and touch their butts to the ground. When they would go down they would touch the butt of the staves to the ground. They would alternate between hands.
Of course Voice couldn’t do this, but instead of giving up or making a fool of himself, again, he just did what he thought he could. They did dozens of squats. Voice did all of them, but only a handful of them the right way.
Steve looked disapprovingly at Voice, “If you are going to do this I expect you to do it right. NOW, AGAIN!”
Voice continued doing squats until he could no longer stand. The other students were doing other forms of training while Voice rested. Someone brought him a bowl of lily stew. He thanked them and devoured the disgusting stuff.
When he was done Steve had him do several different warm up exercises. Voice did many variations of the squats and staff twirls. He twirled the staff with one hand, two hands, and behind his back. He did this until he could no longer move. At that point it was about two in the afternoon. Voice left his armor at the dojo.
Voice sent a private message to EDI saying he couldn’t go to the dungeon right now. He went to the temple of Mar.
When he got there he saw a long line of people. All of them had some sort of wound.
I guess the plants are working.
He bypassed the line. People were upset at first, but they quickly made way once they realized he was the Blessed of Mar. He went inside and was greeted by the same priest as he always was.
“Hello! Voice! Thank goodness you’re here!” The priest quickly took him to the back of the chapel.
Voice didn’t like being pulled, but he allowed the priest to lead him since he needed Mar to like him.
“We tried re planting the some of the seeds, but we couldn’t extract them as well as you and most died. Can you help us?”
Voice smiled a benevolent smile. “Of course. Send the people away for the day, and show me to the garden.”
The priest motioned to the door a few feet in front of them, and went to the group outside.
Voice entered the garden area. It was in a different area than before. When he opened the door he was amazed. The new herbal garden had several dozen yards of land that was ready to have plants inserted. There was a small fence separating the left and right sides. The right side had a lot of common weeds, the weeds almost went all the way to the back. The left side had about sixty or so green healing herbs.
By the time Voice had finished examining the area the priest returned. Voice was looking at the dirt in the ground to see whether or not it was good for planting the healing herbs. The priest put a hand on Voice’s shoulder causing him to jump a little.
“The Green Healing Herbs may only take a day to grow, but we can’t keep up with the needed supply. Each leaf gives between one and five seeds, but most of them are destroyed in the process of extraction. Can you just help us get some of the seeds out to increase our garden size?” The priest had a slightly expectant tone in his voice.
Voice patted the ground. “I’ll try to do better than that. Let me harvest these plants, I’ll be back later tonight.”
The priest looked worried but consented.
After harvesting all of the plants he went to Susan’s true lab. He started dissecting the healing herbs for the seeds. He grouped seeds from each healing herb together. There were sixty piles when he was done. That did not include the seeds he already had. He did the same with the common weed. He first used some of his stash of healing seeds and common weed seeds to make a potion. The result was a useless potion that did nothing. He poured the potion in the vat.
He then used a healing herb seed and the seed head of the common weed tuft to make a potion. It made an extremely weak healing potion.
Voice smiled, knowing his alchemist’s book was being updated. He got several pouches from Susan. He went back down and started using the seed heads and healing herb seeds to make potions. Each pile had an average of six seeds, so he decided you probably only needed three to make the potion.
He used one seed from three different pile and one seed head to make the potions. He used different piles to observe the power of the seeds. He also used exactly six critical strikes per potion. The potions’ potency was increased by three hundred and sixty percent from the skill alone. With the basic increase of the critical hit, and his bonus to potion making it totaled to a massive average potion power of 223.2 each. It only took him a minute and ten seconds to make each. He spent more time, but after six critical strikes it seemed to stop adding power. The last half of the potions even had 260.
After he had used one from each of the piles he started to combine the piles in different orders. In the end he had 72 potions made, and 144 seeds left. He had hundreds of common weed seed heads left, and dozens of bags common weed seeds.
He determined which potions were the most potent and found which seeds were made to use them. When he found the most powerful 24 plants he separated those seeds.
He got a notice after separating the seeds:
For researching the power levels of many items you have gained the Sense Potency skill.
“Identify Skill: Sense Potency.”
Sense Potency.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
This skill allows the user to sense the approximate power level, or player level, of the target. This skill can only be used on enchanted items, and players or npcs with levels.
Levels in this skill increase the range at which you can use it. Ranks in this skill increase the amount of information on the power level you gain.
To level this skill you must Sense the potency of things.
He automatically went into skill fusion mode. The two skills it fused with were: identify, identify skill, and automated. His skill fusion was too low to fuse it to the possible skills: skill fusion, and deception.
The skills he got were:
Sense Skill Potency.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
This skill allows the user to sense the approximate level of a skill being used. It does not identify the skills effects.
Levels in this skill increase the range at which you can use it. Ranks in this skill increase the amount of information on the skill you gain.
To level this skill you must Sense the potency of skills.
Automatic Sense Potency.
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
You will automatically sense the potency of enchanted items, and player levels.
Levels in this skill increase the range at which you can use it. Ranks in this skill increase the amount of information on the power level you gain.
To level this skill you must Sense the potency of things.
You have learned all of the required skills to obtain the Group Skill: Inspect. Would you like to exchange relevant skills for the Group Skill: Inspect? You can choose to fuse them at a later time. At that time say exchange relevant skills.
You have exchanged all relevant skills for the Group Skill: Inspect. All relevant skills have been taken from your skill list. The total accumulated experience has been added to the Group Skill: Inspect. The total level requirements have all been added to the Group Skill: Inspect.
As you level this skill all parts of it will level up. For instance if you identify enough skills to level up, you will gain the benefits the other skills would have provided at that level. This skill takes more exp to level up to level two than all of the skills that make it up would.
“Identify skill: Inspect.”
You do not have the ability to use Identify Skill. You must obtain the Identify Skill to use it.
Voice didn’t really understand which group skill he created. He couldn’t use identify skill anymore. Something had to have gone wrong with this fucking game! He was about to log out and contact customer support when he realized that identify skill must have been fused to make inspect.
“Inspect: Inspect.”
Current Level: Novice Level 6 Exp 18.00%
This skill allows you to use the benefits from: Identify, Identify Compatible Skills, Identify Skill, Sense Potency, Automatic Sense Potency, and Sense Skill Potency.
You can inspect anything. The higher the level of Inspect the more information you gain on the thing inspected. You must be able to see the thing to inspect it.
To level this skill you must do an action that would be encompassed in one of the skills that were consumed to make this skill.
This skill can be toggled to automatic. If you wish to toggle this skill to automatic say: ‘Toggle skill Inspect to Automatic.’ To toggle skill to manual say: ‘Toggle skill Inspect to Manual.’
He immediately said, “Toggle skill Inspect to Automatic.”
Suddenly everything in the room had a small read dot on it, even he did. He looked at the dot on his chest.
Level: 10
Class: Monster Tamer
Current Title: Bunny Lover
Permanent Title: Blessed of Mar.
It wasn’t a lot of information, but if he could use this on other players he could easily find their weaknesses. Voice’s face went into a wicked smile. He started laughing. In fact he couldn’t stop.
That DH is trying to hide his class! All I need is one look at it to see it!
“AHAHAHAHAHA!” He rolled on the floor for several minutes. He was beyond happy. He looked at several object and gained some exp for the skill. He looked at everything for an instant. That was all he needed. Once he looked at the red dot the info appeared. It wasn’t a lot of info, and it disappeared once he looked away, but it was much better than a few minutes ago!
He looked at the seeds he had left and sorted them into the actual best 24. He was almost completely right with his method though.
He dried 48 potions with his special pan. After fusing the potions his key to alchemy skill had increased to level nine.
He used two dried powders and one healing potion plus three seeds to make the new potions using alchemical fusion.
The new potions healed an unbelievable amount. He had 24 potions that each healed an average of 2000 hp, and the 24 most powerful seeds. He inspected the potions.
Over Potion *LegendaryMaterial QualityLowWork QualityMasterBase Restoration55This potion was created by the amazing alchemist Voice0fReason, who specializes in Green Healing Herbs. This is potion has exceeded the bounds of what most people thought possible with these ingredients. It is an almost unbelievable feat. You have managed to extract all possible power from the Green Healing Herbs without magical or divine assistance.
This potion was made by a master craftsman. This potion gains an unparalleled amount to restorative powers.
Each of these items can be sold as a legendary item.
You have gained the title Master of the Green Herb.
You not only have all knowledge needed to make the best Green Healing Herb potions, you have invented new ways to use that knowledge.
When this title is equipped most alchemists will want to research with you. They will all want your recipe for the potion. Some Novice alchemists will wish to train under you. You may accept up to 2 apprentices at a time. This total counts apprentices from other skills.
You gain 100 fame from earning this title.
Your Alchemy skill has been increase to the next rank.
For increasing the sub-skill alchemy in rank, the Group skill Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy has risen in rank to 15.
When Voice saw this he thought,
WHAT THE FUCK!?!? HOW THE HELL ARE THEY THAT GOOD? Voice collected himself enough to think it over.
Ok, I have a really high critical strike ability. And my bonus from Herbology is increased since my skill fusion. I guess that’s what did it. But DAMN! This is going to give me some fucking POINTS with Mar.
While reading his title he was pleasantly thinking about how nice it was.
Holy shit! Dat title though! I can’t believe my key to alchemy leveled up to fifteen because of that! Oh man! I am SO going to master other plants! And I can sell them as legendary items!? Shit maybe I should keep a few.
He put the rest of the plants into the vats, then he left for the priest. He was giddy the entire time. His day couldn’t possibly get any better. He got to the chapel, and was met by several priests including the Head Priest.
The head priest spoke to Voice. “I was told that you were trying to help up with the potion shortage.” The high priest looked cautiously at Voice. “Did you manage to solve our planting problem?”
Voice shook his head but said, “No but I have the twenty four best seeds.”
The head priest looked aghast at Voice. “Only 24? You took sixty!”
Voice interrupted the man before he said anything worse. “I know, but I can show you how to properly seed the leaves, and these 24 were the most potent.”
The priest looked extremely regretful towards how he acted. Seeing this as an opportunity to get in good with the guy he said,
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I took hundreds of precious items from Mar, and only returned with 48.”
The priest leaned his head to the side in confusion. Voice opened his backpack and produced 20 legendary healing potions. He accidently took out all 24. He acted like it was intentional, and said,
“So I need the biggest vat of purified water you can get me.”
Several priests went to obey the order as the head priest and the welcoming priest came over and asked to see the potions.
Voice relented them.
The two priests gaped at what they saw. The auras of these potions were the same color as the beautiful skin of Mar.
The head priest made a deep bow as he said, “You are truly worthy of Mar’s love.”
Voice thought it was a good idea, so he quoted the priest earlier.
“Blessed be the people, by the most holy Mar. Amen.”
The other priests repeated his chant. When the priests returned they were followed by six men carrying a giant metal cylinder.
The head priest gestured towards the tank.
“I had that made last time you gave us a donation.” He smiled as he said this. “I had a hunch that you might bring us more in the future. This thing can hold up to 100 gallons.” The priest beamed.
Voice quickly processed the healing power of his potions if diluted by that. Each potion filled about a tenth of a gallon give or take. That meant he had 2.4 gallons of healing potions. If they were diluted that’d heal about 480 points per gallon.
That’s still a pretty big amount of healing. I don’t care, as long as I get my reward.
The tank was filled almost to the brim with water. Voice poured his potions in. He immediately told the priests to follow him, he made sure not to wait for a notification.
“I will show you all how to properly take the seeds out of the leaves tomorrow when they have grown. Today I will show you the best places to plant these.”
He spent the next hour showing each of the priests how to look for good planting soil. He also told them that they should start buying some manure since it would make the plants healthier. After the hour was up all 24 of the seeds were planted.
When he was done he saw the head priest talking with someone. He couldn’t really see the woman, but he could tell she was beautiful. The head priest walked over to him, and silently led him inside. The woman had already left. They eventually arrived in the head priest’s office. The priest opened the door, ushered Voice in, and then left. It was a small stone office. It had a desk, three chairs, and a window. The only real décor it had was a bookshelf lined with tomes on the religion of Mar. The beautiful lady was sitting in a chair.
Voice couldn’t see her very well even though he was so close. He thought it out rationally. If he couldn’t see her up close, but somehow knew she was beautiful, she have had some high level magic on her. He decided to go with a gamble. If he lost he might make her mad, but if he won he might gain a little more of the lady’s favor.
He knelt and said, “Blessed be the people, by the most holy Mar. Amen. How may I serve you today, most Holy Mother?”
The woman smiled. He could tell because her aura seemed to fade enough for him to see her. He realized the reason he couldn’t make out her details was because of the pink haze surrounding her body. When it thinned he could see her perfectly.
Mar spoke to Voice. Her voice was like that of a thousand beautiful angels singing out. It was a perfect chorus of melodies.
“Hello there my Blessed One. Rise you need not kneel for me.” She extended a hand to help him up. He took her hand and, head still bowed, kissed it as he would a princess or queen.
Mar blushed slightly. He got a notification that he waved away.
“Please my lady, I could not rise when one so fair may be tainted by the gaze of an unworthy follower.”
She smiled, and suddenly he was in a chair beside her.
“Well now, I didn’t know you had a silver tongue.” She took one of Voice’s hands in her own.
“I need your help. I’ve decided that you are truly one that wishes to help my cause. If you agree you could save thousands of lives. Please say yes.” After a few moments to collect herself she continued.
“I wish for you to be my Champion in the Ether Realm. I’ve seen the things you’ve done for my church, and I have seen how you handle yourself in battle. If you were to be my champion I’m sure you would win. In addition to the boons being the champion of a god grants, I will grant any one wish.”
“Of course I’ll help, my only wish is to gaze upon your divine beauty. If I could have that I would be the happiest man alive.”
Mar’s pink aura turned a deeper shade as she blushed from head to toe.
Is that even possible? (It is if the almighty author decides it)
You have accepted this quest.
Success: Defeating Davros’ Chosen One in a duel to the death in 12 days.
Difficulty: Difficult
Failure: Not defeating Davros’ Chosen One in a duel to the death in 12 days.
Reward: Spending an afternoon with Mar.
Failure leads to decrease intimacy with Mar and all of her followers, as well as her followers’ eventual death.
What shitty rewards. Oh well the head priest guy gave me the same quest and I get really good rewards from that one.
As he thought this Mar disappeared, and the priest came in.
“The great goddess Mar has bid me give you this.” The head priest offered a necklace to Voice.
“Thank you I will gladly accept all gifts from her beautifulness.”
When he was done he went to the dojo. He looked at the pop ups he got earlier, and at the necklace.
He had gained 25 piety and 50 fame from becoming Mar’s Champion.
Many Blessings of Mar (major)
For continued good faith towards the goddess Mar you have been granted her blessing.
At this time you can cast High level priest spells. Mar rewards your faith with a token of her power. You have gained 15 affinity to light.
If you continue to show good faith you rewards will increase.
For having 25 Light affinity you can procure a light fairy in the mage’s guild.
For flattering a goddess you have gained the flattery skill.
“Inspect: Flattery.”
Current Level: Novice Level 1 Exp 0.00%
By using your words to make others look better, you have learned the flattery skill.
Each level in flattery provides a 1% chance that your flattery will be accepted by common folks, furthermore each level grants a .5% chance that your flattery will be accepted by nobles. For every rank you increase your flattery skill you will be able to gain bonus flattery abilities.
To level this skill you must successfully use it to flatter people.
While in battle you may convince enemies not to attack by flattering them.
“Inspect Amulet.”
Amulet of Mar *ArtifactThis amulet was crafted in the Realm of the Gods. This amulet belongs to Mar. Invoking the prayer of Mar while indicating an ally, whose health has reached zero within the last five seconds, will revive that ally with 1 hp, 0 stamina, and 0 mana.
Holy Mother of Jackpots! Even if it’s only one hp, this is amazing! I wonder if Davros would give me something better if I betrayed her. I should find out. Having two godly items would be nice.
Stats WindowNameVoice0fReasonClassMonster TamerHealth200Mana390Stamina290Level10Current TitleMaster Of The Green HerbHealth Regen/Sec2.0Mana Regen/Sec2.2Stamina Regen/Sec4.4Strength29Agility24Wisdom22Intelligence39Endurance44Dexterity25Luck10Vitality29Charisma14Compassion35Leadership36Logic12Piety50Unused Stat Points55Fame490
Skills WindowSkill Fusion Novice Level 3 Exp 00.00%First Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Deception Novice Level 3 Exp 82.50%Flattery Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Critical Strike Novice Level 7 Exp 10.00%Automated Novice Level 7 Exp 00.00%Auto Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 90.00%Alchemical Aid Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Speed Reading Novice Level 9 Exp 00.00%Auto Read Novice Level 20 Exp 40.00%Skill Dissembler Novice Level 1 Exp 00.00%Cooking Novice Level 22 Exp 20.00%Climbing Novice Level 3 Exp 60.00%Heavy Armor Apprentice Level 25 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Key to Self-Sustained Alchemy Novice Level 15 Exp 00.00%Group Skill: Inspect Novice Level 7 Exp 11.43%
Affinities WindowNature10Light25
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