《Re: Reincarnation: EVOLUTION》Chapter 3: Pinwheel.


Right now, I am in front of a human hearth. It is still beating coz I just got here. The heart chamber’s walls were tough, but the most difficult task is ahead of me. That is to deal with the huge muscle in front of me.

You might think ‘What’s the big deal?’ ‘It is just a muscle just a piece of meat!’…Well if you think that then you are obviously bad at the biology. The heart is pumping your blood trough your entire life! When human body is burned the last part that is left are not bones but heart! That’s one heck of a muscle! Even if you think ‘Why a knife can pierce the heart then?’, then all I can say ‘Don’t compere metal with human muscle!!!’.

Also I’m a fucking worm right now so give me a break!!!!

….That’s enough ranting! It’s time to get to work!

“Gastrointestinal perforation!”-When I preformed the skill I thought that I would need to use it at least a few couple of times.-“What tha heck!!!”

What was I ranting before then!

After just one time there was a huge hole in the heart…..This skill is fucking awesome!

Well time to eat! If you think that I already ate this fuckers flesh then you are wrong…Do not ask me why ask the author.

Congratulations! By destroying the heart of the host you have gained 3 levels!


You have reached a designated amount of evolution exp. Would you like to evolve or jump to another evolutionary branch?

Already?! Fuck yess!! Good buy worm life!!!!

Direct evolutions: Furiks HE; Macas; Noert.

Available evolution branches: Fungi; Invertebrates; Reptilia.

Again with the shroms! And invertebrates? Thanks but no thanks. I would like to have a spine.

Reptilia it is!

Available evolutions of the reptilia branch: Silvanerpeton; Paleothyris; Hylonomus

Explanation purisu!


Silvanerpeton is an extinct genus of early reptiliomorph found in East Kirkton Quarry of West Lothian, Scotland, in a sequence from the Brigantian substage of the Viséan (Lower Carboniferous). The find is important, as the quarry represents terrestrial deposits from Romer's gap, a period poor in fossils where the higher groups labyrinthodonts evolved. Based on a remarkably well preserved humerus and other traits, the animal is believed to have been an advanced reptile-like amphibian, close to the origin of amniotes.


In life, Silvanerpeton was about 40 cm (1 ft) long. Some paleontologist’s think it was semi-aquatic as an adult, others believe only young Silvanerpeton were aquatic and the adults were fully terrestrial.


Paleothyris was a small, agile, anapsid reptile which lived in the Middle Pennsylvanian epoch in Nova Scotia (approximately 312 to 304 million years ago). Paleothyris had sharp teeth and large eyes, meaning that it was a nocturnal hunter. It was about a foot long. It probably fed on insects and other smaller animals found on the floor of its forest home. Paleothyris was an early sauropsid, yet it still had some features that were more primitive, more labyrinthodont-like than reptile-like, especially its skull, which lacked fenestrae, holes found in the skulls of most modern reptiles and mammals.


Hylonomus is an extinct genus of reptile that lived 312 million years ago during the Late Carboniferous period. It is the earliest unquestionable reptile (Westlothiana is older, but in fact it may have been an amphibian, and Casineria is rather fragmentary). The only species is the type species Hylonomous lyelli.

Hylonomus was 20 centimetres (8 in) long (including the tail) and probably would have looked rather similar to modern lizards. It had small sharp teeth and likely ate small invertebrates such as millipedes or early insects.

I guess I will chose Hylonomus.

Initializing evolution……

Installing Evolution system patch 7.02

Installation complete.

Reached 3-rd evolution stage. Please chose bonus feature.

Extradimensional storage (Inventory);

Direct equip;

Extradimensional prison;

All language comprehension;

Crafting menu.

Wow! Those are awesome! Except the ‘Direct equip’ feature, I don’t know what is that.

‘Direct equip’ feature allows you to equip equipment directly from the inventory.

Will I get to choose again in the future?


I see…2,3 and 4 options are out of the question right now. Direct equip because I don’t have a inventory yet, Extradimensional prison I don’t need it right now and a crafting menu because I will evolve in a freaking 20 centimeters long lizard!

I cannot wear any equipment and I do not need any potions right now.

That leaves inventory and all language comprehension.

Well as I said, I will evolve in a small lizard right now so I do not really see any need for a language comprehension on the other hand extradimensional storage will be useful always.


Inventory it is!


Evolution complete…..

Please use skill ‘Hatching’ to escape the hosts body before suffocation.

……….Say it faster!!!!!!!!!!!


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!”- My disciple is screaming!-“My….Heart…..”

This idiot! Didn’t I warn him about the risks of swallowing a Furiks egg? Its one of the most dangerous parasites in this region!

“M-Master what wrong with him?”- My other disciple is asking me looking worried.-“Did he swallow one of the poison pills from the laboratory?”

“No this idiot a Furiks egg.”

As soon as I said it he looked relieved. Why? Well he is an apprentice alchemist who is looking to specialize in the poisons. Why he isn’t worried about his friend? Because he is an alchemist! And human body is one of the best alchemic ingredients! He probably is looking forward on experiments he could do on this corpse…Too bad for him! As I will be taking it!

“Sir. Please take this corpse from the cafeteria.”- One of the guards asking is asking me.-“Other students do not have such tolerance as alchemists and necromant’s and they aren’t able to eat besides it.”

Oh! Right! Right!

“Yes. I will be taking it to the labarato….”-I couldn’t finish the sentence as the chest of the corpse burst open.

All of the students and teachers and also guards are looking shocked at it.

In the hole that was a human chest I see a small lizard that is looking around restlessly.

This is….

“Catch this thing fast!!!”


“Shit shit shit!!!!”

Right now I am running in some kind of cafeteria from a bunch of people.

Why you ask?

Because when I hatched from a corpse’s chest like some kind of grey alien monster, I was surrounded by a bunch of unknown people, And one of them ( an elderly guy with a long beard and glasses) was looking at me. His eyes gave the creeps because that wasn’t a shocked look but a look of the hungry beast! But not just a look of the hungry beast! It was a look of the worst kind of a hungry beast! A look of the scientist that found something interesting and unknown! A look that told me that he will dissect me alive!

Then he shouted something. I don’t know what he shouted but I think it was something like ‘Catch that thing!’. I have-to get away from him as fast as I can!


What should I dooo???!!!!

Suggestion. Upgrade your stats so you could increase chances of survival.

Good idea! I should do that while I’m running! Show ne the stats menu!


Race: Hylonomus (Evos) Locked

Titles: Ego legionem; Knight Slayer.

Main attribute: None Secondary attribute: None

Level: 7 Evolution stage 3 evolution XP: 0/40/44

Strength 0.1 Intellect 15

Agility 1 Endurance 1.5 Locked (Locked) Locked (Locked)

Locked (Locked) Locked (Locked)

Stat points 30 Skill points 6

What is the average strength of human!?

Average strength of non combat ready human is 4-6 points.

That’s a relief! Add 20 to strength, 5 to endurance and agility fast!

At that point, I look back and see a human approaching me.

“Come!”-I grin in my mind.


My name is Richard Poskins. I am a world famous zoologist. I have traveled 5 continents. And now I am a teacher in Roosters empires royal academy.

Today was a boring day, well as always. Until one of the students died in the academy and his chest burst out, with a lizard sticking out of it.

This is a first time I saw such specimen. And now we are chasing it in the cafeteria.

I must catch it before the alchemists! Or its fate will be will be sealed!

“I got it!!”- As soon as one of the students shouted it the lizard jumped.

However, it did not jump away, it jumped straight at the student chasing it.

In the next moment the student flew. The lizard struck him with a pinwheel and sent him flying…..

““““““““What the fuck!!!””””””””-The screams filled the cafeteria.

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