《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 22 Not a Battle Junkie? But an Idiot?


The training arena roughly made up a square box that was 300 meters in every direction and underground. Multiple environments to train an adventurer for fighting in different terrains were installed. There were areas that emulated steep mountains, or plains that had grass waist high and entangled equipment. There were also swampy marshes or sandy dunes like the desert. There was even a pool zone that had water waist deep to over thirty feet deep. The area that Lydia, Farah and Eradin were in right now was the forested area. It was much like the forest that Eradin had lived in for his first days in this world. The forest was full of overgrowth, knocked down and splintered trees, branches in every direction and angle, and many hills that were extremely rocky but also very easy to lose footing on.

Lydia suppressed her strength to that of a level twenty-eight, she readied her stance with her long sword at the front while she reverse grip held her dagger to support her long sword when the need to block arose. Lydia's confidence and pride as an adventurer came from her dexterity and raw speed while imbuing her weapons with the elemental power of lightning which was known to drain mana and have highly destructive piercing power. Perhaps a rapier would've been a better weapon, but Lydia preferred to use a long sword instead, simply because it was an all round type weapon and didn't specialize in any one form of attacking.

As lightning cackled upon Lydia's weapons, Eradin similarly readied his stance. However, this time he was going to wait for Lydia to attack first. A forest area wasn't the best to use a scythe in, but Eradin had mastered using a scythe so that problem would no longer affect him as he would automatically know how to use a scythe to its limits in any terrain or situation. The Cursed Star then appeared with three options since Eradin could now use two curses at once.

[Cursed Star]

[Drain Life 1: When you land a successful attack that has dealt damage and wasn't nullified, put a debuff on the target that drains twenty Hp a second for 15 seconds. Half the damage dealt is returned as health.]

[Physical Stats Reduction 2: Reduce all physical stats by five, stacking up to five times. Duration of ten seconds. Damage refreshes the duration.]

[Mana Absorbtion 1: Every successful attack drains ten mana from the opponent.]

[Drain Life :1] and [Mana Absorbtion : 1] are my best bet. Since every attack is a cursed slash, I am sure her physical stats will reduce. However, I should probably take into account whatever resistances she has. More than likely physical, mental and curse are all included for her since she has such a high level. But that shouldn't be too much of a problem if I know about it.

They finally squared off. Each combatant with intense anger and bloodlust directed at the other. Eradin silently waited, he had his scythe in an underhand arc while putting all of his weight on the left leg to pivot at a moments notice. What he finally realized when fighting the Dukes was that the scythe wasn't a brute strength weapon like a war hammer, it wasn't a piercing weapon like a spear and it didn't focus on slashing like a sword. The proper way to use a scythe was to constantly chain attacks calmly. Continuos attacking that flowed like water so it could easily change direction at a moments notice, that was what made the scythe dangerous. In one second, if the wielder was skilled enough, they would be able to change the trajectory of a scythes attack multiple times. It's unpredictability was the most important aspect, not the brute strength way Eradin had used it in the past.


Lydia grew fed up with the stalemate and slowly advanced, her steps barely heard on the the leaf covered ground of the forest area. A deadly glint could be seen in her eyes, she took note of the glowing gray aura covering the scythes blade and concealed herself as much as possible since her opponent was stupid enough to fight blindfolded. When she was just about to enter into a range where she could strike, Eradin who was so still that he was almost like stone suddenly pivoted toward her and slashed out. The moment Lydia would attempt to enter into the range of his scythe or more accurately his sphere of control or territory, he would lash out in a calm manner that was completely the opposite of how he used to fight. It was far less savage and had more technical aspects to it.

Constantly probing with her attacks, Lydia started to grow confident and felt like she was beginning to understand Eradin's attack patterns, or so she thought. Diving with a movement skill into his sphere of control, Lydia parried the first slash, then the second, and the third, but as she was about to connect an attack upon Eradin's body, the shaft of the scythe came up as the blade was going backwards almost as if suffering from recoil and slammed her against the ribs. The force of the impact successfully caused Lydia to fly out of Eradin's territory that was roughly three meters in every direction. He successfully used Lydia's own momentum against her to keep his attacks continuous and used the shaft end of the scythe to attack, it might not be as much damage, however he now had a way to utilize his weapon in a slashing and blunt manner of combat.

Just as Lydia was about to land on the ground, she regained control of her body and flipped until she was in a crouching postition with her weapons out front defensively. Eradin simply resumed his stance and waited for her to enter within his sphere of control once again.

Lydia was furious, this brat successfully hurt her and it didn't even look like he was trying too hard. Was he really not bluffing when he said that anyone the same level as him is not a match? Do I really have to increase the level of my strength? To what extent? And what is that equipment? It came out of his body and is so hard that my weapons feel like they might chip or crack if I am not careful. Is this the strength of the Primordial First Race?

The pressure in the surrounding area increased. The leaves on the ground swept up into the air, the smallest branches cracked and split while the larger ones swayed. Wind started to gust. Lydia raised her level of power to thirty four. She finally had to admit that no matter how it was obtained, this child had strength far beyond that of a level twenty-eight. Perhaps within the whole continent, at level twenty-eight or maybe even up to level thirty-two, he was invincible. Lydia's pride would not allow her to lose to someone at such a young age and level, she would rather take the shame of using her power to bully the weak. For now, she had to see how far his power could go.

Raising her weapons Lydia once again slowly approached with a renewed cautionary gait. "So whether or not you learned from ancient ruins, you really know how to command such strength. That much I will concede to you, within a few levels of twenty-eight, you really are invincible within the whole continent. I shall see just how far you can go."


Eradin sarcastically retorted while slashing in an overhead arc. "I didn't find this power on Aspect Continent, this is all my strength." This was another half-truth, it was strength that Eradin inherited and didn't find in ancient ruins or even on Aspect Continent.

The talking stopped almost as quickly as it began. A small flurry of wind began to build up around Eradin and Lydia. They were in a constant fight to gaint control over Eradin's "Territory", his [Asura Aura] was fully stacked and with the fast movement of the two, the wind flurry began to increase in speed. If Eradin stopped his continuos attack and had to reset it or if Lydia stopped deflecting and countering, reprecussions would occurr. In the blink of an eye, more than fifty exchanges started and ended, all in a tie, neither person gaining ground. But they weren't idle, slowly Eradin and Lydia were approaching the sandy dunes of the desert area within the training grounds as they moved about in heated combat.

The sandy dunes were as desolate as a real desert, the prospects of training here were to master your footing in a place devoid of solid ground as well as learning to fight with dust and sand blowing into your eyes. Not that it mattered to Eradin, he had his blindfold. Both combatants switched their stances when they entered this area, in a place of loose footing, Eradin dug his feet into the sand in an attempt to prevent himself from slipping, even if it hampered his movement. Lydia was the opposite, she used magic to allow her body to glide across the sand.

No matter how angry Eradin was, he was able to remain calm this time, he remained in complete control of his actions. Gripping his scythe, Eradin feinted retreat for the first time in any of his battles. Lydia jumped at the opportunity, sending her lightning clad weapons directly forwards into Eradins vulnerable chest area. The tip of the dagger wasn't able to penetrate Eradin's armor, but the lightning shocked him.

[Hp: 2072/2153] [Mana: 1700/1750]

Thankfully it was only a dagger and it hadn't penetrated his armor or it would have been far worse. But that flesh wound was worth it as Eradin now had his chance. Rather than retreat anymore, Eradin quickly stabilized himself and at a speed incomprehensible for a level twenty-eight to have, Eradin shot out a hand and gripped Lydia's dagger arm. Sand dunes immediately exploded, an extreme pressure forcefully came out of Eradin's body. Underneath his headband, Eradin's eyes became reptillian slits. The ground began to crack and the image of the Dragon God appeared with it's earth shattering cry.

All of Eradin's muscles swelled to twice their size, his draconic aura had magnified multiple times and also it proved its name as well, Eradin's temper seemed to flare the more he used the skill, it seemed to slightly change him every activation. With Lydia in his grasp, Eradin slammed her into the ground and before she even had the chance to raise her level threshold even more, two long slashes appeared upon her sword arm.

[Mana Drained] [Hp Draining]

[Lydia Cursed: Agility Reduction 2: Reduce Agility stat by 30 points]

Even though his mana was capped and unable to be used, siphoning it from Lydia was just as important. And now Eradin had a heal over time as well, which was a large part of his reasoning when making the split second decision to feint retreat. Taking the opportunity while Lydia was slammed into the ground, Eradin directed all of his [Dragon Gods Aura] on top of her sunken figure and slashed once more with the the Death Gods Scythe.

The attack barely grazed Lydia's skin before power began to emanate from her body, she raised the strength threshold up to level forty.She forced Eradin away while quickly retreating. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine having to use the power of a level forty to suppress a level twenty-eight. This stain upon her pride could no longer be allowed to continually harass her.

"Well I have decided, you shall witness something I haven't shown in years...."

"Hooooh? What might that be? You already disgrace yourself to the point of using power far beyond my own. Just what else can you show me oh terrifying dragon."

"What I shall show you is precisely what earned me the name of dragon."

All traces of pressure dispersed from Lydia. They were underground and yet a black mist appeared to form at Lydia's feet. She began chanting in the ancient language and that black mist coiled around her body like a snake, then it began to shoot out azure lightning in every direction.


All at once, the black mist dispersed and enveloped an area of 100 meters. Blocking all vision within its radius. The lighting constantly shot out and struck Eradin. Although it hurt and was certainly reducing his Hp and Mana, with such a tough body and high regeneration he wasn't worried. And with his senses, despite what Lydia thought, he could still find her without the least bit of effort.

"Child, feel honored, I haven't released this ability in years. No one has ever come out of this unscathed and fit to walk as if nothing happened."

Really? It doesn't seem that bad, every minute I am regenerating all of the lost Hp and mana. And it doesn't seem to hurt.... oh it even leveled up my resistances, how nice, I guess she isn't so conceited after all.

[Lightning Resistance has leveled up to 3/10]

[You have learned the skill [Magic Resistance: 1/10]

Wait? What is this? Does that mean all of the magic I gained resistance from was only the properties themselves but not the magical energy? So I if I was struck by lightning it would increase the elemental resistance specifically but not magic resistance? Hmmm? It's probably because she is so high leveled and attained such a high level of mastery in magic that I gained resistance to it. [Draconic Body] is the most broken piece of shit to ever appear within this world. Hehe.... and I shall make great use of it.

"Hey! Is this lightning supposed to hurt, I don't even feel anything, it actually feels kind of like a tingling massage."

Lydia almost vomited her innards, this magic she mastered decades ago and was her signature move that no one came out of unharmed didn't hurt him. Even worse, it was like a massage..... Just how much lower of a blow could he land.

Wait..... that means he must have [Lightning Resistance] and if he had [Physical Resistance] as well which strengthened his body overall.... just how much of a freak is he! There is no way he obtained all of that from ancient ruins. Does that mean he was telling the truth and it is his innate power?

"So are yousaying that you want me to up the strength of my lightning domain? Don't blame me if you fall unconcscious for a while."

Eradin smiled, he still had thirty or so seconds left with [Rage of the Dragon God], that would help tremendously at the start, but the real battle was when it wore off.

"Farah, give me [Abyssal Blessing] and prepare to heal me when I fall unconscious. Today is a prime time to level up my resistances.

Farah gawked at Eradin, was he so masochistic before.... this damn battle junkie, always looking for a stupid way to advance quickly, most people at his level would already be dead from this domain. Hardly anyone across all of the countries acquired a domain. Whatever.... if he dies then so be it.... but then I die.... you goddamn idiot!

Farah continued grumbling curses as she took our her tome and began to chant in the ancient language. Black light enveloped Eradin further enhancing the black glow that already surrounded him at all times.

[Abyssal Blessing Recieved: 10% Increase to Endurance and Defense]

With roughly twenty seconds left on [Rage of the Dragon God], Lydia increased her strength threshold to forty-two. This was about the absolute maximum that Eradin could fight against, any higher and he would have no chanc of winning. The azure lightning domain also multiplied in strength at the simple increase of two level. The thickness of the strands of lightning almost doubled, the metallic burning smell also noticeably increased. But the most noticeable difference was they became far more numerous and violent. Eradin's Hp began to plummet. But for now with the increased regeneration he had from [Rage of the Dragon God] on top of the already numerous regeneration abilities that he had, the damage would equal itself out.

It when the cool down started that Eradin began to falter. His body was charred and he smelled like burned flesh. Metallic tastes were prevalent, which tasted far better than any of the food any water that he'd consumed thus far. However his Hp was a little more than 50% and his mana pool was all but gone. But it wasn't without its gains.

[Magic Resistance has leveled up to 3/10]

[Lightning Resistance has leveled up to 4/10]

The pain eased, but even so, Eradin was now on his last legs. He was standing, but barely conscious. His whole body was fried and certainly didn't look appealing at all. But he wouldn't be the one to quit, he would persist as long as Lydia persisted, he wouldn't submit, and his regeneration was slowly catching up due to his body slowly taking less and less damage, but then as he was about to pass out, all of the black mist and azure lightning abruptly stopped. Farah rushed over and began to heal Eradin.

[Hp: 367/2153] [Mana: 0/1750]

Lydia slowly walked over to Eradin who was barely remaining consciousness. She had no idea what to think at this moment. All of this exorbitant power shouldn't be possible, it should only be possible if he robbed some ancient ruins of the Primordial First Race, but from what he showed today, it seemed it was his own strength and willpower. It was the likes of which she had never seen before. Many people would have cried in submission or pleaded to have the pain be eased. Eradin on the other hand didn't utter a single groan of pain, and only then did she gain a sliver of insight into his vast well of untapped potential. What did he go through to be able to withstand a domain ability of someone over fourteen levels higher than himself. And because her level was originally far higher than forty-two, at that subdued level, she would be able to fight multiple people in the forties at once.

She could only grimace, her pride was hurt, however, she did know a person with extreme untapped potential when she saw one. Perhaps, just perhaps, she might have been to quick to judge this youth that Farah brought in to obtain an adventurer I.D

"I guess I shall concede for the first time in decades. You win young Eradin Silvermoon. You have earned my respect and an apology. I will not say such things about you or Farah again. Once you are able to stand up, let us go register, someone like you who is loud, boisterous, headstrong, daring, and has an unbridled tongue certainly belongs in the Adventurers Guild, that much is certain."

Eradin could only groan, but he had a slight grin upon his face. It seemed the best way to get around the social aspect of the curses was to talk to people through his actions in a fight. Only then would they understand him.... provided they were a battle junkie as well. Slowly he sat up and let his Hp regenerate. It was time to get his I.D and leave the city in search of a place to farm experience. After all, Eradin only thought of this world as one giant melting pot of experience to allow him to enter the realm of the gods.

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