《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 23 Adventurer Rank


Rumors within the Adventurers Guild began to spread the moment that Eradin left for his proctored combat to determine his rank. Almost everyone was certain that he would be placed at F Rank with how under equipped he appeared. In the corner of the guild, small bets of copper and silver coins were being placed to see where Eradin would rank. There were some priests who prayed for him and some people that felt pity. That was how dangerous it is to be proctered by Lydia. There were even those that would rather have "Special Training" with the Guildmaster than have to fight Lydia or listen to her scathing toungue assessing their skills and combat proficiency, and the "Special Training" was so terrifying that some adventurers would think that heading to the underworld is a vacation so there was certainly much to be said about Lydia's personality.

Just as Farah, Lydia and Eradin were heading up from the training area, over forty-five bets were already placed with high amounts of silver and copper coins. For the most part, everyones guesses flucuated from D to F with the majority being E and F Rank. Many of the resident adventurers were all waiting specifically to here the final verdict since it was also rare when Lydia proctored someone, even if she placed them ranks lower than they deserved or did get the rank they deserve, most of the people who were proctored by her ended up as a quite successful adventurer.

The moment of truth then came, silence ensued when Eradin appeared with Lydia and Farah. The sight of Eradin actually wasn't half bad in some people eyes. He only smelled partially like burnt flesh. His hair was disheveled and a black burn mark was apparent on his right cheek. Although that was only because they didn't see all the bruises and burnt spots hidden underneath his armor, but, regeneration at level three also helped alongside Farah's healing. Originally they were far worse, but as of now Eradin seemed to look like he functioned properly, which was far more than most could hope for against Lydia. No one ever died, but some had to be carried out on magic boards that were enchanted to float.

Everyone stared at Lydia who was actually showing a slight smile for once. She returned behind her desk and grabbed the necessary registration paperwork. Even more terrifying, she was humming, it was almost inaudible, but some people managed to hear it. Just what happened within the training arena.

Taking a quill and ink bottle, Lydia filled out the required portions that she needed to fill out as the receptionist and then she slid the paperwork towards Eradin. "Alright, this is a bunch of jibberish that states you will not attempt to betray the Adventurer Guild. You have to pay a tax every three months based on your rank, and you also need to take a minimum of one job appropriate for your rank once a month, but you can take jobs one level below your rank or any amount of levels higher depending on who is in your party. Since Farah is A Rank, even if you were F Rank, you would still be able to go on A Rank missions, but since you wouldn't participate at all as an F Rank, you wouldn't get much of a reward or money, the experience of higher level monsters would be enough of a reward, however such acts are not widely recommeneded as it would tarnish your ability to fight since all of your skills and traits would be lower than your actual level, leading to a serious disadvantage.All you need to do is prick your finger and sign your name with your blood to seal the contract, and I should warn you, don't break contract magic, the punishments won't kill you like a blood contract, but a paper contracts punishment is still nothing to scoff at."


If Lydia could see Eradin's eyes right now, they would appear to look very sarcastic. Eradin already learned from Farah about contract magic. If a demi-god broke a paper contract, they would easily be able to endure the punsihment without batting an eyelid, of course this was assuming they had a sufficient level which Eradin didn't have. However, he wasn't to worried as he wouldn't be bound by this contract forever.

Under the gazes of everyone in the guild, Eradin pricked his finger and signed his name with his own blood. Little did he know that demi-god blood was actually quite precious and one drop could be used to increase the potency of any craft or elixir. However, it wasn't given out freely. High level demi-gods didn't drain themselves of their blood everyday for whichever country they belonged to. It was actually quite rare for them to even give out a single drop of blood, typically only to someone who would craft them something that would personally be used by the demi-god, or it was given to the people they trusted the most.

The contract lit up and successfully completed. It split into two copies, one for the Adventurers Guild and one for Eradin. He stored it into his spatial bag and when he looked up, all of the adventurers were gasping at him. Right in front of his face, Lydia was holding a badge that identified a B Rank adventurer. He was only a level twenty-eight and recieved a B Rank badge, this was unprecedented. Although it wasn't influenced much by level, it still held some degree of importance. A level fifty would certainly not have an SS Rank as they had no way of fighting against a calamity level beast. Some parties rarely achieved A Rank at forty like Farah did, but they all started at quite low ranks originally and had to climb up. To start at B Rank this early meant going right to the quests that payed well, which was from high level C Rank quests and up. It truly was a privelidge to be jealous of, Eradin even felt bloodlust from other adventurers similar to his level that were only D Rank.

One such adventurer actually decided to speak out against it.

"Oi, Lydia! Why did you give him special treatment? Aren't we all supposed to be one big family here that doesn't play favorites? Or did you finally succumb to some bribe from a noble house?"

Silence, utter silence. Everyone began to plead for the stupid boys life in their heart with many prayers. Lydia sent a piercing gaze at the D Rank adventurer known as Parker and gave an extremely dangerous smile. Not at all like the one she was slightly showing when she left the training room with Eradin. The tempreature in the room actually seemed to physically drop whenever her stare locked on to someone with anger and disgust.


So what did Lydia resort to? She reverted back to her old habit in a split second and verbally lashed out with scathing words that trampled on not just Parkers but everyones pride in the vicinity.

"Well oh stupid and ignorant boy. If you were proctored by me when I suppressed my strength to your level and you were able to completly and utterly wipe the floor with me even as I raised my level to that of a level thirty eight and even then still be invincible against me. Wouldn't you want at least C Rank. However if you were to say, withstand my lightning domain at the strength of a level forty-two for over a minute while remaining a level twenty-eight and successfully stay conscious, why then..... wouldn't you want to have B Rank instead. I'll tell you what, you are level thirty, but I will give you a chance right now, if you can withstand even five seconds of my lightning domain at the level of thirty-six, then I will promote you to C Rank under the pretense of survivng something that you shouldn't be able to with sheer tenactiy and willpower.

All that could be heard was everyones heart rates increasing. Just what kind of monster was this child that showed up. In less than an hour he managed to get B Rank from Lydia who only gave D Rank most of the time and he even was invincible in a range of roughly ten levels. How dangerous would he be if given the chance to level up into the hundreds.... no doubt it would be terrifying. But that wasn't even the worst of it, he could withstand a domain with his vitality and body alone. Not many people could boast about taking on a domain alone when the effects were meant to be used against multiple people. Having all that power concentrated on annihilating one body was simply terrifying. In everyones eyes, Eradin gave off an extremely dangerous feeling that couldn't be quelled.

Eradin simply ignored everyone else as he stored the I.D. into his spatial bag. What other people were thinking was of no concern to him, he only cared about anything that affected him or his assets directly, no matter if those assets were living beings like Farah or his new company that was soon to be born. Now it was time for the most important task of the day, the Celestial Mountain Range. Since Eradin and Farah were going there anyways, there must be some quests that involved that area.

Ignoring all of the jealous stares, Eradin focused solely on trying to chat with Lydia. "Farah and I are heading to the Celestial Mountain Range, do you have any quests or useful information within that central area?"

Lydia ruffled through a stack of papers and handed then to Eradin. "These are subjugation requests for some of the beasts and monsters in that general area. I'd recommend more than just you and Farah taking on the Boss and Raid Ranks though. There have been rumours of a Legend Rank as of late. Ahhh... here is one more, a request to gather New Moon Flowers. They only bloom under the new moon and have a range of uses in the field of alchemy. I would avoid heading into the higher elevations of the mountain range as they average level forty-five and higher, but what do I know, when you hit level thirty five, you are probably going to venture up there anyways."

"Thank you, Farah and I will be fine even if we encounter Boss or Raid Rank, we can always run away. Now if you'll excuse us we need to be on our way. Thank you for your time."

Farah lead Eradin out of the Adventurers Guild, she had an annoyed look and Eradin immediately realized he must've done something that angered her. But he still took the risk to ask.

"Are you mad at me, did I anger you in any way?"

"Anger me? ANGER ME! You are a blundering idiot, did you forget while fighting Lydia that our lives are bound together! I don't want to follow you into death so soon! Be more careful you masochistic battle junkie that has no commone sense!"


And the trip to the Celestial Mountain Range already started off on a bad note for Eradin. He was already in trouble with Farah, if he wasn't careful, he might get hit or zapped by her magic which was terrifying, who knew what she would do when angered as she became very irrational."

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