《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 21 Adventurer I.D.


Within the meeting room Eradin was creating the general outline of the company with the aid of the Dukes and Farah. So far the timeline was set at an estimate of five years to get the field of pharmacology up and running. In those five years, many conditions had to be met. They included collecting talented individuals, supply of materials, creating the actual "Abyssal Enterprises" headquarters, advertisement, where they would sell the created products, transportation of goods, and creating a stable source of income so investment of the Dukes was no longer needed. It was an arduos task and many problems would more than likely arise, but should they successfully be fulfilled, the benefits would be extroadinary.

"Well the first thing we need to do is figure out what would make a pill that can ease the aches and pain of your everday worker with preferably no side effects or there is no point to making a field of pharmacology. Are there any plants, beasts or monsters, or anything at all with effects that treat pain?" asked Eradin with a furrowed look.

After his question it was virtually silent, the only noise that could be heard was Duke Elenwith's finger tapping the table. There were places to obtain such materials, but in a vast quantity, that was a different story. The more dangerous the environment, the more potent the materials, that was a given in this world that was governed by the leveling system. However, ratio of obtainability versus potency had to be taken into account as well. What was the point of creating a product that was ineffective. There was only only one such place within the country of Algon that met such requirements. It was known as the Celestial Mountain Range.

Duke Elenwith finally stopped his tapping and looked to Eradin with a slight smile, it was the only option but it would take multiple parties to obtain what he was thinking of in large quantities because high level people didn't go to low level areas unless special circumstances arose. "The Celestieal Mountain Range is our best bet, we can find what we are looking for there."

"And what might be there, or rather what is the Celestial Mountain Range?" Eradin asked with a slightly demanding tone, time was of the essence with him, everything he had to do needed to be done as efficiently as possible, the longer it took him to level up would mean more problems would arise which wouldn't occurr if he had a high enough level.

Duke Elenwith glared at him a bit, he knew Eradin was rushing so he deliberatley waited a minute before responding. "The Celestial Mountain Range is one of the largest in the whole continent and said to luminously glow under the moon, hence the name celestial. The higher up the mountain you go, or the deeper inside of it you go, the higher the level of the beasts. The highest level that has ever been seen was one around level 63. Ideally this would be the next place for you to level up because you fight so many levels above yourself. But, there are also medicinal plants known as Kilsker Flowers. The nectar they produce is known to numb pain. That isn't the only thing though. There are also beasts and monsters who possess high regenerative properties since it is a higher level area used to make healing potions. If we can mix materials the materials they provide into one pill or make two seperate pills, then that could make a fortune. Since from how you explained it, a pills effect should last for hours at a lesser potency where as potions and elixirs are very quick with a high potency. If pills could be made that allow the average person to possess the trait of at least [Regeneration: 1], so much money could be saved from buying potions or hiring healers who charge high prices and it would change the tides of war."


Eradin contemplated this, if what he learned was true then the economy would shift, at least in Algon. Healers would be forced to charge lower prices or only accept patients in dire need, and the Alchemist Guild would need to change how they worked. It would probably be best to force them into dire situations where at least in Elren City they would fall under the control of "Abyssal Enterprise" by making a business deal with the company.

"I think this is the proper course of action. I'd suggest that we create the actual headquarters underground in a hidden location to prevent any problems. Then we should open a small shop in the city once there is merchandise. Find anyone who is confident and can invent a pill. Bind them to our faction as well. Farah and I will head to the Celestial Mountain Range and obtain the required materials while levelling. If you all can set the foundations and create a functional headquarters with the staff, then we will be able to start research and eventual production immediately upon our return."

On that note, Eradin stood up and left with Farah in the lead. He had another task at hand before leaving for the Celestial Mountain Range. Most importantly what Eradin wanted to do was obtain an Adventurer I.D. With it he would be able to enter the other countries for the most part because he wasn't bound to them under a technicality of being an adventurer. However, he had no plans to join any country, if he had to in name only then it would be Algon.

Eradin and Farah left the meeting chambers of the Dukes. Leaving the premises all together, they made their way through the city towards the Adventurers Guild. The afternoon sun was shining sparsly through the clouds and it threatened to rain at any moment. Most of the street side stalls began to pack up and people began to either shop inside or go home under the looming black clouds. After roughly ten minutes of casual strolling and idle chatter the guild came into view. Outside of it were many people that belonged to many kinds of races and classes ranging from as low as level ten to over level seventy. As they approached Eradin unconsciously began to release his [Dragon Gods Aura] causing people to move away, the only ones who didn't were those almost double Eradin's level or even higher who instead elected to stare at him with questioning looks to which Eradin simply ignored them.

"So Farah, how do I obtain an Adventurer I.D? Is it easy, hard, or different for everyone?"

Brushing her hair to the side and adjusting herself under the looks of everyone in the surrounding area, Farah also elected to ignore them and focus solely on talking with Eradin and leading him inside the precipice. "It is different for everyone. For you it will be very hard in everyone elses points of view, but I have no doubt that you will at the bare minimum recieve the rank of C as it isn't about your level or quality of your equipment, or even how prestigious your reputation. Althought those are factored, they don't have anywhere near as much weight in the final decision compared to the level of skill you can show your proctor. It will be a one versus one fight with a high level representative of the guild who decides where you are placed. The Adventurers Guild is supposed to be just one big family where a level one is treated the same as a level 100."

As they entered the building, many of the different parties all stopped their conversations, feeling the aura emitted from Eradin and seeing how dangerous he and Farah looked together played a big part in the sudden silence. After all, two level twenty eights showing such strength without even doing anything was unprecedented. Some of the level forties even slowly put their hands on the weapons at their sides. Farah lead Eradin to the reception desk. Behind the old oaken desk was a women who looked to be in her mid thirties. Above her head for Eradin was [???] for level and she had a piercing glare that wasn't in any way inferior to Eradin's. However, Eradin had put his head band back on to avoid people staring at him any more than they already were.


The reception lady was Lydia, she was secretly the Vice-Guildmaster of this branch in Elren City which was why none of the older and highest leveled adventurers messed with her, after many years of being here, even if she hadn't told them they knew that she was the second in command. Eradin barely heard someone speak the saying in this branch, "May there be pity upon the one that angers Lydia the Dragon" for when she was mad, it was equated to a dragons wrath. But who knew, she was only staring at Eradin with a dangerous look.

Eradin didn't speak since Lydia was suspicious of him the moment he entered the building, that much was obvious based on the faintest hint of bloodlust he felt from her even though she hid it well under her monotone smile. But if he was actually using his eyes to see instead of his senses, Eradin would see that her eyes were colder than anything he had ever seen, and they weren't looking at him, but rather they were looking throug him as if she saw his very soul.

Noticing the pressure Eradin was emitting every secong increased when he locked his attention onto Lydia, Farah hurriedly began introductions before something disastrous occurred. "Lydia, this is Eradin, he would like to apply for an Adventurers I.D. If that is alright with you, can he please register. I know for a fact that he should at the very least be C Rank. I will recommend him as an A Rank and vouch for his skills, he is not suspicious but just has a natural intimidating atmosphere about him."

Lydia continued to stare at Eradin, seemingly peering into his very soul, she never took her eyes off of him for a moment as she responded in her equally monotone voice. "Is that so, well then, I shall appraise him, then because I haven't stretched in a while, I think I will proctor him myself."

"May the Gods have mercy on him."

"Poor Kid"

"He is an unlucky bastard."

When everyone around heard Lydia they all felt pity for Eradin, anyone proctored by her always recieved multiple ranks lower than they deserved because she was extremely harsh. Your rank also affected what requests you could take which was even worse if you were supposed to be a B Rank and instead were placed at D Rank by her. There hadn't been anyone in years who Lydia ever placed higher than C Rank. Even the Guildmaster was more lenient when he proctored.

Farah's face blanched and became pale. She was remembering what happened when she tried to appraise Eradin. Farah knew she needed to act quickly before suspicion aroused at the sight of what would happen. "Lydia, please listen to me for a minute. I have been here for years, if you really want to appraise him, then let us do it in a different room, away from anyone that would see even a little of what is to come."

What was this request? That is unusual? What makes him so special that he gets treated any different than the others? These thoughts were prevalent in Lydia's mind. However, she had known Farah for many years, deciding to place her trust in her since this was the first time Farah ever requested anything of her, she authoritively and forcefully said "Follow me then." with not a hint of the monotone voice from before.

Farah and Eradin followed Lydia into a back corridor. They headed down multiple flights of stairs and entered into the training arena. Lydia sealed the door and with a flash of white light, she was clad in leather and chainmail with a long sword and a dagger strapped to her waist. She took out an appraisal orb and held it in front of Eradin. "Place your hand upon it."

This appraisal orb was more than twice the size of the one that originally shattered. Eradin took his right hand and hovered it above the appraisal orb, the closer he put his hand to it, the brighter it lit up, finally he touched it.

[Skill Gained: Appraisal Resistance: MAX]

The appraisal orb that was more than twice as strong as the previous lit up and showed the messages [Name: Eradin Silvermoon] [Age: 16]. Then just as what happened previously, the appraisal orb completely shattered. Its shards went flying in every direction but luckily it didn't hurt them. All over the arena ground little shards of glowing glass were now apparent. Farah only sighed, and Eradin only looked slightly confused with his mouth hanging slightly open, however, he wasn't to surprised considering the abnormality that his existence was, with the body of a True God, he probably would only be affected by an appraisal skill of a god until the day his strength was on par with theirs.

Lydia was stupefied, never in the history of the continent had anything like this happened before. Even demi-gods had to adhere to being appraised when needed, and yet this sixteen year old youth simply shattered the appraisal orb. That was an extremely terrifying thought, he could keep any information about his skills and traits hidden, he could even lie about them and no one would know about it. To truly not know anything about a person's skills was perhaps one of the most dangerous things in the world. This is even more so if they reached high levels as every country had dossiers on all the notable powerhouse of each country including their own, whether they were a demi-god or not.

"How..how can this be, no one has ever avoided appraisal by an appraisal orb, even if it didn't work, one that was larger and had more magical power would be used. Just how did you do it? This could change our countries fighting strength. If no one could appraise us then we would always have the upper hand. The other countries would be forced into a cautious and easily predictable course of action since they would never know our true fighting strength. Please tell me, how do you do it?"

Eradin shrugged his shoulders and responded with a dry voice that was almost a mimicry of Lydia's voice earlier. "I don't know how I did it. I am just an abnormal freak so pay no heed to it, only I am capable of it and it can't be transfered to someone else either."

Lydia's eyes narrowed, she didn't necessarily believe him, there was no way such an overpowered skill of this sort was unique to one person, there absolutely couldn't be, he had to have found some ancient manual from the very first race on the continent and monopolized it for himself. They were mysterious civilization and any ruins of theirs that was discovered, no matter if nothing was within it would be carefully excavated. The greatest testament to her reason for thinking this was because Eradin emitted strength that seemed stronger than a normal level twenty-eight so it was quite possible all of this came from ruins of the first race. He also had a vibe that put her on edge, as if the moment she turned her head away from Eradin, he attempt to stab her in the back.

"Well then, is your strength also unique to you? I highly doubt it, I think that I should beat you into the ground for attempting to lie and thoroughly figure out what it is your hiding. I'm sure Farah mentioned that the Adventurers Guild is one big happy family where there are no secrets, everyone knows all the strengths and weaknesses of eachother. I will not allow you to join us until you start spitting out what it is that makes you think you are special, as far as I am concerned you just got lucky and obtained some inheritance from the Primordial First Race of Aspect Continent. That is nothing to be proud of as you didn't rely on your own strength but someone elses." Said Lydia viciously in a voice filled with sarcasm.

Right as Farah was about to interject, Eradin looked at her and she understood the look in his eyes. He would handle this in his own way, probably the same way he dealt with her father. Eradin then looked at Lydia in anger, she was trampling on his pride of being the inheritor of his technical parents since he wasn't born into this world through the "Normal Way". Eradin then let his fused body equipment come forth from his body, all of his clothes that were previously being worn shredded and fell to the ground.

Looks like I will need to stockpile many sets of clothes when I have the money. That is going to be annoying, there is no doubt about it. But enough of that, I gotta kick this ladies ass into next week and teach her not to assume things just because she has multiple times my strength. If I had to guess, she is on par with the Dukes.

Eradin clicked his tongue in disgust at Lydia, then he raised his scythe and pointed it to Lydia while sarcastically sending out a challenge. "How about we find out if my strength is my own or from some random ruins that you seems to worship. You are the hardest proctor to please right? Well I will put all the people who you proctored in the past, present and future to shame. If you think that I will submit just because I am far below you in level, then you are quite misinformed about my personality which you simply assumed that you understood inside and out after meeting me for not even an hour. I'm not a crying little child that will do anything and everything you want me too like the rest of those adventurers who shiver at your name. Sorry Ms. Lydia the Terrifyingly Annoying Dragon, you won't break me even if I die. You aren't even anything compared to a real True Dragon, their existence is far more majestic than you can imagine. To be called a dragon in a title is simply an insult to the real thing, you are certainly no dragon, you wouldn't even be a shitty cockroach beneath their feet eating their leftover scraps. And as far as making me tell you anything after you beat me into the ground? Not even a god could make me submit if I didn't want to, so what makes you think that you have that right, you are definately not a god. However, you do act like them, stuck up and arrogant becuase you think you are strong, I guarantee that if we were the same level, you wouldn't beat me even once."

Lydia placed her hands on her dagger and long sword. Her bloodlust was clearly sensible now, no one had insulted her in such a manner in decades. No one ever had the gall to even dare trying to for fear of their life. And yet, here was a sixteen year old child that was only level twenty eight and wanted to fight her, he even dared step all over her pride as someone with great strength that would make armies tremble in terror. That was inexcusible, she would beat him to the ground, extract all his secrets, take his equipment and destroy it, then release him out of the arena naked and as an F Rank adventurer, that would teach him to have respect for his elders. As for Farah, she was disappointed in her for getting involved with such a shameless piece of trash. She would teach her a lesson afterwords, possibly demote her rank and then send her back to her father for a well deserved reprimand.

With an evil glint in her eyes and a voice so cold and sharp that it could cut stone Lydia accepted. "Fine then, as you wish, I shall teach you a lesson about respecting elders. As for you Farah, I am deeply disappointed in you, to think you'd get involved with this sort of person that I always advised you to avoid. I can tell from your appearance you changed a great deal, probably for the worse because of this trash. I will send you to your father after this for a well deserved punishment so you never make such a mistake again. Now then, I will suppress my level to yours, it is only fair. Now you can't say I bullied a child."

Farah was angry but didn't say anything. Eradin hadn't increased in level but ever since his sparring sessions with the Dukes, he had grown a great deal in the technicalities of combat. She would let Lydia learn from this transgression. And when things got too bad, she could always call her father to deal with the problem, but as of now, she for once wanted to just let Eradin loose to wreak havoc on this old woman who was caught up in her self-righteous prideful manner.

Eradin on the other hand completely focused on Lydia's words. Since he had the body of the Dragon God, he no doubt had his own "Reverse Scale". That bottom line was his promise to the Sealed Gods and Farah. He would enter his terrifying divine anger if he felt he couldn't uphold his promise. The other part of it was Farah. She had become his, and if anyone was to cause her pain he would teach them a lesson in anger. But if someone mortally wounded her, killed her, or attempted to and was almost successful, then he would also become extremely irate to the point the restriciton of being in a extreme life and death situation would possibly be removed and he would unleash his absolute anger. Farah became the seal to his contained anger, but she was also the key to unlock it as well. And right now....Eradin wasn't on the brink, but he was irate to the point that he wanted to shatter every bone in Lydia's body on the chance that she "Might" do what she said she would do to Farah. WIth his violent thoughts, the pressure emitted from [Dragons God Aura] increased multiple times. Eradin entered his stance and simply waited for Lydia to suppress her strength.

She shall learn very quickly not to touch what is mine. A dragons treasures should not be touched. Just try to do it and you are in for a world of torture and suffering. All your bones shall be shattered you spiteful woman who is acting high and mighty when you are really just an immature brat. Let me show you a world of pain far worse than what you would do to Farah. Far worse.....

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