《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 20 Abyssal Enterprises


The night quietly passed by. Everyone partied all night, so the next morning the city was especially quiet. One of the few active people was Eradin simply because he avoided all of the food and drink for fear of vomiting. He was currently within the Elenwith Estate, it was just a large mansion grown from a tree sapling through the help of spirits and magic. The entire mansion was a living entity to say the least. Within the room assigned to him, Eradin was engrossed within his novels that Farah purchased. Currently he was reading up on the Aspect War.

The Aspect War was a time of great turmoil for the entire continent. WIthin this time period, four deity level beings appeared for the very first time in the history of the continent. They were the Dragon King, Evil Emperor, Death Sovereign, and the War Amazon. So mighty was their strenghth, it nearly surpassed the Ten Creator Gods. In order to save the continent, the Ten Creator Gods called upon every country to send all able bodied memebers to war. Not against each other, but instead against what we now call the Taboo Ones, for no one dares to say their names aloud lest they die of horrible luck. This is the continents darkest time and the world itself came very close to eternal damnation.

During the final battle, countless soldiers died, but many more were permanently crippled or scarred for the rest of their lives, whether mentally or physically. Thousands died simply from the aura of the Dragon King. Souls were turned to nothingness by the Death Sovereign. People turned on one another or disappeared into an unknown space to never be seen again through the Evil Emperors vile magic which is still unknown even to this day. And the War Amazon, she was the worst of them all. She lusted for combat, the most damage was caused by here rampaging throughout the battle. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers were maimed for the rest of their lives from the reaping of her weapon.

Then finally salvation arrived. The Ten Creator Gods themselves descended into our lowly mortal plane. Through our conjoined efforts, the four deities were sealed were forced onto the defensive. The Ten Creators Gods occupied almost all of their attention. Had they not, far more mortals would've died that day. After what seemed like days of fighting, the four deities were finally cornered and sealed. Faith in the Church went to an all time high and Aspect Continent became a free land once again no longer under threat of absolute destrcution. We shall never forget those who served in the line of duty and marched to a certain death. We shall never forget what is now called the Aspect War.

What a load of complete and utter garabage. Just how stupid does someone need to be to write such bullshit. "We shall never forget..." Never forget what! None of you knew anything worth remembering from the start! Eradin was quite annoyed. His face contorting into a scowl, his hand threatening to shred the book in two. Of all of the novels, this was the once he had been looking forward to the most, a detailed account about the Aspect War. But there was nothing within it, just the same cliche line of how the continent almost ended and the Ten Creator Gods saved them all. It was basically that one sentence rewritten many different ways.

Just as he was about to rip the novel to shreds, a knock resounded through the door. Farah entered the room and simply sighed at seeing Eradin about to rip a book to shreds. "Even if it is wrong, the rest of the world believes it to be true, so just live with it for now. Instead, come to the coucil chambers with me. It is time to kick this new faction off properly, we need to strategize for the future. As the leader, you need to be present whether you want to participate or not."


Eradin put down the book and sulked, the worst feeling was whenever Farah said something logical and ruined his mood. That was just the worst, why couldn't he just rip the book that pissed him off even a little. Farah was ruining all of the joy of getting angry. "Fine then let's go."

They exited Eradin's temporary living space and walked through the many corridors. Eventually what appeared to be a cast iron door with ancient runic symbols engraved within entered Eradin's line of sight. In the direct center there was a small hole about the size of his signet ring. Then all doubts were washed away, Farah raised her family ring and pressed it into the little hole. The door hummed with magic power and opened. Inside was a round table. The four Dukes were gathered around it and talking in a serious manner, so much so they hadn't noticed Eradin and Farah arrive.

"Father we have arrived. Let's get down to business quickly and not waste any time, the sooner we all come to a consensus the better."

Duke Elenwith looked up and managed a half smile, he was currently in a bind. The Dukes were starved for ideas about how to support an underground organization. In the end, they were still battle maniacs, most financial or social aspects of their lives were left to those trained in such fields or their wives. "Hurry up and sit down then, let us continue where we left off. Eradin, do you have any ideas as to how "Eternal Abyssal Night" will keep itself afloat financially, are their any special things we need to address as of now? Now is the time while things can easily be changed. Once we get the gears turning, it will be much harder to change our course of action.But right now, we are currently starved for ideas."

Eradin creased his eyebrows and unfocused his eyes while pondering. There wasn't much he could think of because there wasn't much he knew about the world or it's economic system aside from currency. For all he knew there wasn't anything like taxes or factories to mass produce goods. Everything was simply done with magic, just like the city street lights. The street lights..... "I got it!"

Eradin almost screamed in joy, the street lights reminded him of how low this worlds level of science was, if it even existed at all. "Do any of you know of the terminology called science?"

Eradin only recieved blank looks from everyone, they all wondered if he had hit his head or finally went insane. But Eradin didn't care about their looks and continued. "Science is the study of the world and its laws. There is many different fields. One such field is the study of biology, also known as the study of life itself. There in lies our way to make profit. If you all aren't familiar with science then that means it is nonexistent here. One field within biology is pharmaceuticals. In other words medicine. Now this isn't medicine like potions which simply restore life. These are much different!" I shall introduce you to the world of pills, vaccinations, and antidotes."

Eradin went on to explain the concepts of medicine, vaccines and antidotes. Then he talked about the belief that anything can be negated. If there was a poisonous substance, then there was something capable of stopping its poison. The law of conservation of mass and energy, Physics, Chemistry, Math, any subject that could be related science and Eradin could remember was brought up, even if he couldn't remember much, he was still able to get the basic concepts across.


As for Farah and the Dukes, they had no idea where Eradin came up with such a crazy idea. This was fine, but how were they supposed to fund something like this without other people wondering what they were up to. Duke Elenwith still shook his head in frustration, "How are we supposed to turn that into money?"

"Well that is the easy part. We create a company, it shall be called "Abyssal Enterprises". The four noble houses will invest money into the creation of this company, then with the proper people, you can research into medicines to help the everyday population. Once we expand upon this, different fields of research can be employed, for example, once we get a steady income from the pharmaceuticals department, we could do research on anything from anatomy to magic tools, anyting that can be sold to the average person and would aid them in a way the amgic used already isn't able to. The quickest way to make money is mass production of pills that would aid in people everyday health. Haven't you ever had days where you are sore, or your head aches, its a high price to get someone to use recovery magic for something so simple I bet. And yet that is all due to your body giving off little signals that can be interpeted as the feeling of pain, So what if we made a pill that can block those signals and thus ease the pain. I have no doubt that many people would buy this. Or what if they don't have enough blood in the body, then make a pill they can take once a day that naturally speeds up the bodies ability to make blood. There is a cure for any ailment, disease, or even poison. It simply has to be discovered. Unlike the potions and elixirs of the alchemist guild which are only temporary and have their roots in magic. Medicine isn't magic, it is finding the right materials to counteract whatever the problem is. The only danger is making sure the strength of the pill isn't so strong the body can't handle it and instead it kills you like poison. This is only the beginning, we could make a business empire that spans across many fields of research. We would be the richest on the continent and have no need to worry about money."

Duke Elenwith finally caught on and understood what Eradin was trying to convey. The races all lived in this world for thousands of years, and yet no one took any time to attempt to understand how it worked. The concept of science not only would allow for the money to flow in, but it also could be a weapon of mass destruction. If research was done on what caused mass plagues and diseases and Algon's people were immune to it, that would be a huge advantage. If they were able to understand what the plague was, where it came from, how it was transported and how to negate it's effects or bolster them. Then potentially, Algon would remain unharmed while the countries who sought to destroy them would suffer. But this concept could be applied to any field of research. From how to kill more effieciently to consumer goods that aided with daily necessities. The possibilities were endless. The only limit was your will power.

"Then what other fields could be researched and give an advantage? I would assume there is a way to implicate technology into this as well right? Because from what you are saying, what I understand is this. Whoever is more advanced technologically will have the advantage in any situation it is applicable. So instead of relying on magic for everything like the rest of the world, we are to not only continue research into magic, but also into the world itself and invent things with no connection to magic?"

Eradin grinned broadly for the first time in days. Atleast one of the Dukes were beginning to realize how important this was.

"Yes that is precisely what I mean. We could eliminate using magic for useless daily necessities by replacing them with inventions that do the same thing. Or even better, we could mix technology and magic. But think about it, if everyone has magic in this world, then why shouldn't we prepare a hidden card. Create weapons that don't rely on magic. Create vehicles that don't rely on magic to fly. If we were able to advance technology and magic at the same time, then we could create something so complex that the other countries would need to take extreme measures to fight against. That is how we will fight the other countries when the time comes, we need to increase our understanding of the world and magic to the limits of their capabilites. So if there was a situation where magic couldn't be used, our superior technology would allow us to win and if magic could be used but our technology couldn't, then our understanding would be beyond that of any foes so we still win. The best case scenario, magic and technology in perfect synergy where there are hardly any flaws. The only way to do that is to learn and srudy. Knowledge is a great weapon if properly made use of."

The other Dukes and Farah finally began to understand, they didn't have to be ready in one day, as long as Algon remained the country everyone wanted to plunder, then no one would make reckless attempts to invade as the other countries wouldn't allow it. This would allow Algon to finally begin to tap into their resources and advantages while creating hidden weapons that would be unveiled upon the day they were invaded. It was a plan years in the making, but Algon certainly had a few years before anything serious would happen....hopefully.

"Well then let's begin mapping out our plans. It doesn't matter if we fail at first. One of my favorite saying is this, "If you want to succeed, fail one hundred times first and learn from those failures", now then we have all day so let's not wait any longer."

Eradin took the initiative first, the first step to being a true leader was successfully taken. Now with a vison, all it had to do was come to life and allow the next step to be taken on the path to the strength that would shock the world. Along with the Dukes and Farah, many plans were now to be put into action. Hiring personnel, build a company headquarters, begin the research. There were many things to do, but Eradin had prior other concerns and left it to the Dukes to bring his vision to life. What he had in mind was to acquire an Adventurers Pass and to see the guilds.

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