《Cursed Anti-Hero Against the Gods》Ch 19 Currency, Clothes, and Books Oh My!


The city was teeming with activity. After the Dukes aburptly left, the Elenwith House Airship suddenly left as well. This was a sign that some important event occurred that the Four Calamities had to personally involve themselves with. As was tradition, the city from the slums to the royal quarters were cleaned, everyone from peasant to soldier prepared for the return of their Dukes. They were the only reason that this city on the border wasn't ransacked yet, and as such, many people felt deep loyalty to the Dukes. When the airship finally appeared over the skies, the citizens lined the sidewalks while the city walls and streets were crowded with the four noble families and the army. But when the airship landed in the designated landing area, the people closest to it began to shiver in terror. It didn't matter if they knew what the aura was or not, or how weak it was, this was the aura of a true dragon. Descending from the ship was Eradin. He was simply following the wisdom of the Dukes and looking as intimidating as possible in order to set the tone for his stay in the city and prevent annoyance such as factions trying to subtlely get him under their control. If he appeared strong and dignified from the beginning then there was a good chance that they would leave him alone until he was strong enought to where he didn't need to rely on the four Dukes households.

Eradin looked the same as the Dukes, the only difference was he didn't have a weapon out like the Dukes. He simply had his headband tied around his left wrist. Under the light of the sun Eradin's silver hair shined, his multi-colored eyes pierced into the very souls of the people that were brave or stupid enough to look at them, his tattoos and [Dragon God Aura] further enhancing the intimidating atmosphere. Many of the people, whether from the noble houses, the army, or if they were simply a citizen began to have cold sweats drench their clothes as Eradin descended with Farah at his side like a mistress and the Dukes as escorts. Eradin perfectly fit the persona of a warlord returning home victorious from the battle field. The entire surrounding crowd was silent, the only thing that was clearly audible to all was the sound of some peoples heart beats increasing. Finally to break the silence, a voice called out, an old man slowly approached Eradin and his company.

"Why if it isn't the Sir Dukes and Lady Farah, it is nice to see you all return in good health. Now who is this young noble exuding such a dignified aura that doesn't emulate his young age at all who I have the honor of meeting.?"

Farah bowed and responded in kind, she didn't have a mastery level [Etiquette] for nothing. "Good morning Sir City Lord. This young noble is Eradin Silvermoon, he was the one who solved all the problems involving Agralon Forest. As of now, the beasts that were abnormally aggressive should have become more passive, the demi god that was killed belonged to the Hydra subspecies and with its death and a little thinning of the monsters and beasts within the forest, the problem has been solved. Eradin grew up in the forest, and as such he is not accustomed to a city or even small villages, due to our urging, he has agreed to come stay at the houses of the Dukes and I shall act as his guide until I am no longer needed."


The City Lord understood Farahs implication and the signet ring upon Eradin's finger further shed light. He knew better than most that Farah wouldn't easily submit to someone else, so this child that didn't seem to be a child was actually one of the demi-gods seen within the scryer's visions. The hydra must've been the other demi-god, although how it stepped onto the path of the divine was unknown and would remain a mystery. But he also understood that based upon Farah's words this demi-god youth had been living in the forest his whole life and was extremely unaccustomed to society, hence the reason that the Dukes took Eradin in. They would raise him into someone that wouldn't use his power that transcended those of the mortals against Algon. With any luck, he would be another demi-god bound to Algon, that was something priceless for the country with the fewest demi-gods. This was probably the best case scenario since the Dukes were quite powerful but also honest. They were probably the best faction within the city to raise a demi-god. But for now, the time wasn't right, only a select few knew the true situation. It was for the best that no one knew he was a demi-god for now, at least not until he was strong enought ot protect himself.

"Well then I humbley welcome such a young hero into Elren City. Everyone, let's get this festival started!"

Shouts slowly started to rise up from the crowd, althought they were scared from the aura Eradin was emitting, it seemed that the City Lord knew this youth and he was the hero that solved the problems within Agralon Forest. If given a reason to party, who wouldn't take it? Everyone began to hurredly prepare for a simple festival in the center of the city square. The Dukes walked off with the City Lord and their wives. The Elenwith House Airship ascenended into the air and travelled to the hangar where it belonged. All that was left of the original group was Eradin, Farah and their escort.

Eradin looked around bewildered, ,he had no clue where to go. The architecture was very similar to victorian style housing but it had a larger flare of the medieval times as well. It was clear that science was at an all time low in this world and magic was used to do everything that involved daily necessites. Well to be more precise, magic crystals capable of being crafted to do certain functions. Such as the lights on the sides to the streets. They were almost identical to ordinary city lights from Earth, however, instead of a light bulb, they had a magic crystal that was somehow able to gain energy on its own and emit light.

Farah and the escory squad could only attempt to hold in their laughter, Eradin really was like a child sometimes. To think he would be enamored by the street lights. Just how void of common sense could a person be?

Farah finally walked in front of Eradin, changing his view from the street light to her. "Come on let's go, there are some places I want to take you before the festical starts. We don't have alot of time, so stop day dreaming and looking at street lights, it isn't like they are going to move anywhere anytime soon."

Eradin blinked a couple times, clearly realizing just now that he had been in a trance-like state. "Uh, alright, you lead and I will follow." Shaking his head a couple times, Eradin returned to clarity, he walked beside Farah with the retinue of elves close behind watching for any sign of danger, although there wasn't any in this city, crime was at an all time low while loyalty and faith in the Dukes was at an all time high.


As Eradin walked with Farah, many people avoided them. Eradin's [Dragon God Aura] was still leaking out and even without it, he alone with Farah looked quite intimidating already, there wasn't even a need to have an escort squad behind him. As they walked towards a store that looked like a clothing store. Farah busily explained the currency system. "Eradin, the currency in this world is quite simple. There is Copper, Silver, Gold, White Gold, and Platinum. They are in a ratio of 100:1, so 100 Copper is equal to one Silver and 100 Silver is equal to one Gold. It is that simple. But try to refrain from using larger currency at small shops who won't have the change for you. Don't use Gold at a fruit stand would be a good example. They typically only have silver and copper with the rare gold coin. But when you get to established stores like the clothing shop we are headed to, it is better to use the larger currency because that is what they typically work with. Do you understand?"

"Yes....yes I understand." Eradin was suddenly depressed, he hated shopping for clothes. All he needed was something that fit and didn't look anything aside from normal. But with Farah, normal went out the window. In the shop she made him try on no less than fifty different combinations of clothes. Luckily Eradin managed to make it so the clothes he was originally given were what he bought. So in the end, he bought ten pairs of basically the same thing, that was good enought for Eradin. The totals cost was five gold coins. After purchasing set of clothes, there was little time until the festival was going to take place, but out of the corner of his eye, Eradin saw a store with a book on its sign.

"Farah is that some type of bookstore?"

"Yes, that is a bookstore I have been to before. It contains thousands of books from any topic. Would you like to go there?"

Eradin smiled and shook his head before replying "Yes". Now I have a way to obtain some reliable information. From different fighting forms to geography or magic, even the history of this continent and the races. Entering the bookstore, Eradin was assaulted by a sea of books. He immidiately abandoned Farah and the Elves. Starting off in the history section. There were hundreds of books to choose from, however three caught Eradin's eyes, they were, Complete History of the Aspect War, Aspect Continents Myriad Races and Items and Hidden Legacies. Immediately picking up those three, Eradin moved on to many other sections. He grabbed a few from every area of knowledge. From different books on martial arts and weapons, to aura and stances, skill and trait developing books, professions and crafting, even magic and alchemy. Lastly there was a book on the geography and a book on ancient legends of the continent. All in all, there were fifteen books. The total price coming out to four gold coins as they weren't valuable books and easily copied.

With new clothes and books in his magic bag, Eradin and Farah proceeded to the town festival. They became the attraction of the crowds attention, although they all shied away from Eradin, so in the end, they just sat and quietly enjoyed the atmosphere and street perfomances. Eradin began to intertwine his fingers and was in deep thought. Not being able to come to a decision, Eradin decided to ask Farah.

"So where do we go from here? We are successfully out of the Algaron Forest, but where do we go. On an adventure? Will we just travel the continent? I don't know what to do."

Farah smiled lightly and the flame aura around her silver eye flared. "Well, why don't we just roam around as nomads. I know exactly what you think of this world. You believe that its just one giant source of experience that will lead you to the gods. Well for starters, how about we research legends, search for mythical treasures, find other gods, level up, or just adventure. We don't have to rush, For now we need to get individually stronger and also build up the "Eternal Abyssal Night". I believe we need to set the foundations for this organization by establishing an intelligence network, a source of income, and also gather equipment and talented individuals. We can start off with the Dukes resources as they are a part of this organization, but before long people might wonder what they are up to and why they will buy merchandise they shouldnt need, or basically any other actions that will be ill percieved. Then after that, why don't we get you an adventurers identification pass to which we will then travel the continent as adventurers while the organization builds itself off of the foundations we set. That is the best course of action. If we establish trustworthy connections while travelling, that may lead to more allies and investments of money, manpower and resources into our cause, so it is a win-win as long as the church or anyone who would destroy us doesn't learn of our existence."

Cunning and intelligent, that was what Farah was to Eradin, she could think so deeply and far ahead about such things. He was just going to leave it all to the Dukes and hope for the best. Eradin could only chastise himself for being so dense. "Well, if that is our first step, then why don't we cause a ruckus wherever we go, how about we make Brail our first stop. And if we feel like it, I am sure with your brains and my brawn, we could send the country into chaos which will buy Algon more time."

"Yes that sounds like a great plan, then starting tomorrow, let's build up the foundations of the "Eteranl Abyssal Night", but for now, let's just quietly enjoy the festival."

Ever so slowly the night went on as street performers performed. Many citizens partied while enjoying good food and drink. Merchants, Inns and restraunts made profits due to the masses of people. But in the midst of all that, Eradin and Farah simply planned for the future while enjoying thier surroundings. To others they may seem boring, but just sitting and relaxing for the first time in days felt like bliss to them.

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